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1.Compare and contrast the different chromosomal aberrations.

Chromosomal Aberrations.

Deletion A deletion in genetics is a

mutation (a genetic
aberration) in which a portion
of a chromosome or a DNA
sequence is omitted during
DNA replication. Deletions
are also known as gene
deletions, deficiencies, or
deletion mutations (sign: ). A
base or an entire chromosome
can have any number of
nucleotides removed from it.

Duplication A chromosomal segment

acquires a copy at its original
place on the chromosome,
which results in a duplication.
Duplications can be made in
the original (direct) direction
or inverted orientation. Other
structural chromosomal
defects don't cause any
genetic material to be gained
or lost.
Inversion Inversions. When a
chromosome splits in two, the
resultant fragment of DNA is
reversed and reinserted into
the chromosome, causing an
inversion. The chromosomal
breaks may or may not result
in the loss of genetic material.

Translocation A translocation, as related

to genetics, occurs when a
chromosome breaks and the
(typically two) fragmented
pieces re-attach to different
chromosomes. The
detection of chromosomal
translocations can be
important for the diagnosis
of certain genetic diseases
and disorders.

2.Can you prevent chromosomal aberration? Explain our answer.

- By taking care of their own dietary requirements, minimizing exposure to risky drugs,
and seeing a doctor before getting pregnant, parents can lessen the chance of
chromosomal abnormalities in their children. Healthy eating, quitting smoking and
drinking alcohol, and taking prenatal vitamins before getting pregnant are all examples of
general risk reduction techniques. Pregnancies with a mother above the age of 35 are
more likely to result in chromosomal abnormalities. A healthcare professional could
suggest genetic counseling to go through alternatives, including assisted reproductive
technologies, if a chromosomal issue has been found in the family.
3.Is chromosomal aberration a valid excuse for abortion?
- Abortion is a possibility for people for a variety of reasons, including when a problem is
found during prenatal testing. If your baby has a chromosomal problem as determined by
an ultrasound or other tests, you may be thinking about your choices, including ending
the pregnancy.

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