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Escuela: Complejo Regional Nororiental

Preparatoria Tlatlauquitepec
Trabajo grupal
Grado, grupo, turno: Sexto semestre,
grupo B, turno matutino
Docente: Rosa Cruz Leon
Materia: Lengua extranjera VI
Adventure in the cave

It was a warm summer day in a small town located in the countryside. The sun was shining brightly and a gentle breeze was blowing through the
trees. The main characters of this story were three friends, John, Sarah, and Michael, who decided to spend the day exploring the nearby

John, Sarah, and Michael set off on their adventure early in the morning, each one excited about the possibilities of what they might find in the
woods. As they walked, they saw many different animals and plants that they had never seen before. They also heard strange noises coming
from deep within the forest. Suddenly, they came across a mysterious cave.

John suggested that they should go inside and explore, but Sarah was hesitant because she had heard stories about the dangers that lurked
inside. However, Michael was eager to see what was inside, so he convinced Sarah to come with them. As they entered the cave, they noticed
that it was dark and damp. They couldn't see much, but they could hear the sound of dripping water echoing through the cave.

As they walked deeper into the cave, they suddenly heard a loud noise. They froze in place, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, they saw a flash of
light, and they realized that they had stumbled upon a hidden treasure trove. They were shocked and couldn't believe their luck. They quickly
gathered as much treasure as they could carry and ran out of the cave as fast as they could .

As they made their way back to town, they were filled with excitement and joy . They couldn't wait to show off their findings to their friends and
family. However, when they reached town, they were disappointed to find that the treasure was worth very little. They had been so caught up in the
excitement of finding it that they had not thought about its value.

Despite their disappointment, John, Sarah, and Michael were still happy to have had the experience of finding the treasure and exploring the
cave. They realized that the value of their adventure was not in the treasure that they found, but in the memories that they had made and the
friendship that they had strengthened. They returned home with a new appreciation for the simple things in life and the importance of enjoying
the journey, not just the destination.

This story demonstrates the importance of cherishing experiences and the memories that we make, rather than just focusing on material wealth.
The friends learned a valuable lesson about the true meaning of adventure and the power of friendship.

• Alba Danedy Cervantes Martinez • Alexa Joana Viveros Cortes • Francisco Romero Mestiza
• Itayetzi Flores Jacobo • Ana Cristina Pozadas Higinio • Alexandra Benavidez Baez

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