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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Siti Intan Chaerunnissa, a student of English
department Politeknik Negeri Bandung. Today, I would like to present about the big five tools
that I will used in conducting my further final project’s product named “Making an Informational
Book About Art Workshop Places in Bandung”.

I will spend about 10 minutes to present, and later we will come to question and answer session.
I hope this presentation will be beneficial for all of us, especially in finding inspirations for
conducting our final project’s product later using the big five tools.

This presentation will cover the explanation of each elements in big five tools and the
conclusion. But first of all, I will give you some explanations about the background of my further
final project’s product. You can ask me later when I have finished my presentation

Let’s begin with the background.
So, these three points is the background why I want to make an informational book about art
workshop places in Bandung.
- This time, the art space that is well-known by tourist is art galleries. In fact, there are also
art workshop places that is interesting to visit. But, art workshop places are still
- Then, why I choose Bandung? Februardi, Wibisono, & Purnamasari (2019) stated that
Bandung is a popular tourist destination in Indonesia and a gateway for tourists who visit
destinations around greater Bandung areas. Bandung is one favorite destination to visit by
tourist and Bandung has many potential tourism places that still unpopular, for example
art workshop places.
- When we try to find the information about art workshop places in Bandung, it will be
hard to fin because the lack of information about them. So, conducting an informational
book about art workshop places in Bandung will be the solutions for that problem.
- Now, let’s have a look at Big Five Tools.
Basically, the Big Five Tools by Bradh Philpot often used to help us to analyze texts.
Since my product for my final project is a book, this tool could be used to help me or all
of you who will make a book too in determining the characteristic of our book.
- The Big Five Tools consist of audience and purpose, content and theme, tone and mood,
stylistic device, and structure.

Let’s look now at audience and purpose
- The audience of my product is local people. Also, since the book will be written in
English, foreigner is targeted to be the audience of the book.
- My informational book will be written to provide the information about art workshop
places in Bandung.

Second elements of the big five tools is content and theme.
- The content referred to the events, people, and topics in the book. The content of my
informational book is about the art workshop places in Bandung.
- For the theme, the main idea of the book is art.

For the third elements, there is tone and mood.
- Tone can be related with the context of composition of the text. The informational book
be written in informative, attractive, and instructive moods. With hope, the book can
provide an informative text about the place and attract the local people also the foreigner
about the art workshop places. It will be consisting with instruction that related with the
- For the mood, the book will give the fascinated, interested, and enlighted mood for the
Now let’s move to the fourth elements, there is stylistic device. Stylistic device is about how the
writers conveys a message.
- In conducting the product later, I will use descriptive writing, informative writing, and
persuasive technique as the stylistic device.
- Descripting writing will be used for describe the place, with detail information that is
informative and persuasive technique to persuade the readers to come to the places that
recommend in the book.

Finally, we arrived on the last elements of big five tools that is structure. The structure of my
product later can be divided into 3 parts. There are front matter, body matter, and end matter.
- In front matter, it will consist of blank leaves, half title page, title page, copyright page,
acknowledgements, table of contents, and preface
- For the body matter, there will be an introduction, chapters and conclusion. The
introduction part will explain the brief about Bandung, Bandung’s tourism, and art
workshop places in Bandung. In plan, there will be at least five chapters in the book.
- The references and about the author will be included in the end matter.

So, I have present about the big five tools and begin with the background of my final project
later first. To sum up, my product of informational book about art workshop places in Bandung
later is made for provide the information about art workshop places in Bandung because there is
no that kind of book before and art workshop place is less-known by people. The big five tools
that consist of audience and purpose, content and theme, tone and mood, stylistic device, and
structure can help me to be a tool in determining the characteristic of the book. I hope it also can
beneficial for all of you. That’s all for my presentation today, thank you for your attention.

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