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Unit 3 Latin America

1. What is the major religion of Latin America?

 Catholicism.
2. Why do most Latin American practice this religion?
 Because was settled by Catholic Spain and Portugal
3. What is the main climate of the largest country in South America?
 Tropical wet and dry.
4. What is Spanish, the dominant language of post Latin America?
 because Latin America was settled by Spain, Spanish speaking peoples,
who then become the ruling class.
5. Are some of the most popular areas in Latin America?
 Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Peru

Chapter 9 From the Andes to the Amazon

1. Where are the Sierra Madre and Andes mountains located?

 Sierra Madre in Mexico. Andes in South America
2. In what mountain range did the Inca live?
 Andes
3. What are llanos?
 Large grassy, treeless plains used for grazing and farming.
4. Do you think it would be a good idea for Brazilian farmers to move to the
 Yes, because the savanna have flattering a mother rainfall, The
maintenance suitable for farming.
5. What are the three major river system in South America?
 Orinoco, Amazon, Paraná
6. What are the countries of Central America and the Caribbean last dependent on
river system than the South America?
 Because they are surrounded by water. What are the three types of
resources found in Latin America?
7. What are the three major islands groups in the Caribbean Islands?
 Bahamas.
 Greater antillas.
 Lesser Antilles.
8. What are the three types of resources found in Latin America?
 Mineral such gold and silver
 Energy resources such as oil and natural gas.
 Add the cultural and forest resources social
9. What country generates the most either electric power and why?
 Brazil because its many rivers
10. How does the global price of oil affect the economy of Mexico?
 If the price of oil declines on the global market economy through Mexico
into recession or debt.
11. What are two of Latin Americans Climates
 Hot and humid like Amazon. Dry and desert. And tropical, wet and dry.
12. What two types of vegetation are produced by tropical climate zones found in
Central America, the Caribbean and the South America?
 Rainforest and savannas.
Section 3 Human Environment interaction
1. What are the three most urbanized countries in South America?
 Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela.
2. Why do people move to cities?
 Better jobs, schools and medical care.
3. What are two advantages of tourism? Increase local employment and more
money is introduced into local economy.
4. What are two disadvantages of tourism? Congestion and pollution.

Chapter 10 Human geography of Latin America.

Section1: Mexico Colonialism and independence.
1. The conflict between which groups has affected Mexico's development?
 Native people settle from Spain.
2. How was life changed by the Spanish conquest?
 The rich fabric of native life was torn apart.
3. How my Mexico be different if the Spanish had never conquered it?
 May have been exclusively Native American culture.
4. Mexico is built on top of the rings of what culture?
 Aztec
5. What are Jose Roscoe and Diego Rivera important to Mexico's culture?
 They painted the history of Mexico in murals.
6. What is the influence of Mexico's ancient culture still visible?
 The name “Mexico” comes from Aztec word.
 The large mestizo population.
 Art is a blend of European and Native American influences.
 architecture.
7. Why are Mexicans moving to cities?
 Job opportunities
8. What is the most important part of Mexico economy today?
 manufacturing
9. What was NAFTA designed to do?
 Breakdown many economic barriers among the three countries.
 Create jobs.
 Bring greater prosperity.
10. What are three challenges Mexico faces?
 Safety, emigration, work, and school.
11. Why do Mexicans emigrate to the United States?
 Find work.
12. Why are you so location important to Mexico?
 Your workers the education to get good jobs in an industrialized society.
Section 2: Central America and the Caribbean.
1. Where did African influence in the Caribbean come from?
 Were brought by force by slave traders to replace Taino natives.
2. Who were the European powers in the Caribbean, and how did most of them earn their
 Spanish, French, British, Dutch and Danish made their wealth in sugar trade.
3. What countries have influence and shape music in Central America and the Caribbean?
4. What is an informal economy?
 Jobs outside official channels without benefits or protection for workers.

5. Why might reggae be popular in the Caribbean?

 Ragged addresses social and religious issues.
Section 3: Spanish speaking South America.
1. What Uncivilization was located in the Andes mountains of Peru?
 Inca
2. What is one lasting legacy of the Inca?
 Quechua language
3. How did colonialism affect the development of government in South America?
 Colonialism creates strong militaries and weak governments, undermined by
social divisions.
4. What is a cultural mosaic?
 Society with different cultures living near each other but keeping their separate
5. What sorts of music are popular in South America?
 Popular, folk, Street and classical.
6. What are the literature, music and arts and crafts of South America importer?
 They express the different peoples and cultures that make up South America.
7. What makes the religion able to produce a wide variety of products?
 A unique combination of resources, landform, climate and vegetation.
8. What country is South America's greatest economy success story?
 Chile.
9. Is the literacy rate in South America higher or lower than the other parts of Latin
 Higher.
10. What indications are there that the literacy rate is high in South America?
 South America supports college, university and technical schools, and there are
many daily newspapers and books published.
11. What is a high literacy rate important to a country?
 A highly Tracy rate means more people are educated and can get better jobs.
Section 4: Brazil
1. What resource was Portugal's source of wealth in Brazil?
 Sugar
2. Why did the patterns of settlement occur along the coast?
 The interior was difficult to settle because it was heavily forested.

3. What three influences have shaped the culture of Brazil?

 Portuguese
 Native American
 African.
4. What are the primary language and religion of Brazil?
 Portuguese. Catholic.
5. What has made Brazil an industrial power?
 Natural resources, rivers, reserves of oil and natural gas, vast area ,people.
6. What is an important part of the economy in the Western interior?
 Agriculture, Because grasslands provide rich farmland.
7. Which city is the Cultural Center of Brazil?
 Rio de Janeiro.
8. Why are drug abuse and crime so high in Rio Janeiro?
 High poverty level and large income gap.
9. How does poverty contribute to drug abuse on high crime rates?
 When people feel desperate, they often turn to drugs and crime.
10. What is the main purpose of festivals and holidays?
 Celebration.
11. What special kind of significance do holidays often have?
 Religious
12. Which of the holiday show does not have its origin in religion?
 Chinese New Year

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