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1. A: Where do you come from? Andrea: Well, I have two tickets music concert.

B: I … Thailand. come from Would

you like to come with me?
2. A: is Mrs. Gray from United States? Josh : I’m sorry, I … go with you because I have
B: No, She ........., She is from Chicago. is not another job...can

3. He = His 17. A: How …. money do you have?

She = .....Her B: I have $ 5 for shopping. ...much

4. Richard: Hello, are you Brian? 18. Hi Brian, Who’s your favorite singer?
Brian : Yes, I am and what is your name? The underlined word has synonym meaning
Richard: Sorry, how do you …. that? with…fancied
Brian : B-R-I-A-N. spell
19. Jane : Hi, Susan. Do play guitar?
5. My brother is a university student. ...... name is Susan: Yes, I …. Do
Carlos. His
20. A: Would you like to …. out on Saturday?
6. Sheila: Hi, Bruno. Where … you work? B: Of course... go
Bruno: Hello, Sheila. I work … Siloam, at 21. Brother >< Sister
Nephew >< ….Niece
7. A: What …. He do?
B: He goes to school everyday.... Does 22. I have two …, their names are Sheila and
8. Doctor <> Hospital
Teacher <> …. school 23. Wife  Wives
Child  ….Children
9. I have …. at 7.30 pm...dinner
24. Brian: Hello James. How many sister do you have?
10. What …. your father? James: I have …..
My Father is an
25. David: is your father working at Kennedy
11. C: How …. is the cake? Hospital?
W: What do you mean? Mike : No, My father …. Working at Kennedy
C: I mean the price of the cake. Hospital
W: Oh, it is $ 10. ...much but My father has been working …. a
school...isn’t, at
12. There is no price tag. The underlined words has a
synonym meaning with …. value 26. There are three famous athlete in My country.
The underlined word has synonym meaning with
13. Much >< Little …well-known
Expensive >< ….cheap
27. I have …. at 12.30 pm...lunch
14. 4. A: Excuse me, How much …. those orange?
B: Those are $5/kilo. Are 28. A: Do you like to play badminton?
B: No, I …. like to play not
15. I like the wool one better. The italic word is based
word 29. A: What time do you get up in the morning?
of ….good B: I get up …. 5.30 every morning.

16. Andrea: Hi Josh, how are you? 30. A: How well do you …. tennis?
Josh : I’m fine. What about you? B: Not very well, I

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