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Terangkan secara ringkas kesan peradaban manusia silam terhadap perkembangan sains dan

teknologi dunia moden pada hari ini (4 markah).

Globalization has been slowed down by the science and technology innovations from
the East. In the twenty-first century, science and technology have given us a significant boost
to our daily lives. They have improved the conversation's ease, content, and wit. This has
already provided us with significant encouragement on how to carry out our daily lives. 1980,
was the first decade with a significant change in science and technology. The technological
advancements included in this project include computer, mathematics, electronic and
photonic, as well as brand-new nanotechnologies.

As for the second, Islam serves as an example of how important this form of
knowledge is for societal development and societal morality. People can obtain accurate
information about important since it improves how we understand and communicate with
one another. Understanding various types of individuals and their roles in society as well as
learning about their cultures is vital. Success in all spheres, including the physical and
spiritual, is necessary for human advancement. By what we have accomplished, human
civilization has advanced. Humans advance in all facets of their lives through the process of
development. Individual, communities, groups, or society at large may profit from these
advancements. Computer and information technology, remote controls, imaging and space
future technologies, semiconductor and photonic technology, and most recently
nanotechnology have all contributed to these changes. Second, the Islamic culture serves as a
powerful illustration of the role that science plays in the advancement of society. The most
powerful culture or civilisation will be the one with the most knowledge, know-how, and
information. This information is valuable to people and can be used for good or ill. These
emerging technologies will have a significant impact on how we live and work.
2) Sejarah membukti kekuatan ketenteraan dan empayar ekonomi serta kuasa dunia banyak
bergantung kepada penguasaan sains dan teknologi" (PM Malaysia ke-8). Sekiranya anda
menjadi PM Malaysia, cadangkan halatuju sains dan teknologi Malaysia agar dapat mencapai
pembangunan ekonomi mampan serta mencapai taraf negara maju (6 markah).

If I am elected Prime Minister of Malaysia, one of the first steps I will take is to
execute the Science, Technology, and Environment Policy, which will serve as the
foundation for the country's ability to establish a dynamic industrial sector. Among the
methods put in place is the transfer of technology via an efficient process in order to boost the
country's productivity and promote S&T projects. Furthermore, the quantity of scientific
personnel or locally skilled workers is expanded in accordance with the required ratio.
Furthermore, the S&T strategy has been integrated with the national economic growth plan,
and scientific and independent services have been expanded. In reality, an S&T infrastructure
support center was formed as well. Design institutes, technical and information consultancies
are some examples. Furthermore, another approach being undertaken to ensure the success of
this programme is to increase computer skills through industrial education and research, as
well as to assess the effectiveness of S&T centers of excellence.

Furthermore, researchers can conduct study in agriculture, industry, and medicine.

Cabinet Powers' role in science and technology is critical in expanding into new industries
such as automobile technology, biotechnology, communications, information technology, and
others. Furthermore, this strategy promotes science and technology training and educational
at the high school and university levels.

The focus in the field of science and technology is performed out in a practical form
at the school level to raise awareness, encourage, and popularize science and technology in
schools. Students, for example, will participate in a tournament they design that will reveal
their aptitude and potential, such as building a rocket.

These many processes or roles must be carried out collaboratively by all levels of
society, including government, non-government, community, and individuals.
Simultaneously, policies that have been planned in accordance with the objectives and goals
of science, technology, and environmental policies in line with the country's development or
development to accomplish Vision 2020 are succeeding.

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