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Healthy Habit Countdown Thing

We all know that we’re supposed to drink more water,

get more sleep, take time away from our screens, do
exercise, etcetera.

If you want to start having a bit of a healthier lifestyle,

knowing where to start could be kind of confusing,
thankfully, someone thought about it and made this
healthy habit countdown thing as a quick guide for a
daily health routine.
9,000 steps

Ask Google how many steps you should take in a day

and it will reply that ten thousand, that's because there's
the belief that ten thousand steps is the goal to follow,
but a rumor has it that the “10,000” figure stemmed
from a marketing campaign for a pedometer in Japan.

Aiming for a step count that works for you is more

important. Some might find it easier to get out and about
than others, but as long as you’re doing your best to keep
moving then that’s all that matters. For this time we're
going to aim for 9,000 steps a day.
8 hours of sleep

It's widely accepted that the average adult should aim

for around 8 hours of sleep a night. Science says 6 to 8
hours, but regularly sleeping less than 6 hours can put
you at risk of illness.

Getting enough sleep is one of the best things you can

do for your health; It can help control your appetite,
maintain your immune system and help your memory as
7 glasses of water

Most people know that staying hydrated is important.

Drinking 7 glasses of water a day can help relieve fatigue
and increase energy levels, it can also aid in weight loss (if
that's your goal), flush out toxins and improve the
appearance of your skin.

Finally, staying hydrated is just another way of giving

your immune system a helping hand, something that we
can benefit from.
6 minutes of meditation

Meditation isn't for everyone, but even just 6 minutes

a day to check yourself in can have its benefits. For some,
it's a great way to relieve stress and for others it can help
lower their levels of anxiety, but it's worth noting that
everyone is different.

Finding peace in 6 minutes can also increase your

confidence and create a sense of importance to your
emotional health. It's worth trying, it could become your
go ~ to place to stay calm.
5 portions of fruit and vegetables

It's been drummed into our heads for as long as we can

remember. Eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a
day can provide extraordinary health benefits.

They are a source of vitamins and minerals and an

excellent source of dietary fiber, which can ultimately
lead to a reduction in the risk of bowel cancer. Better
still, they can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke,
and even some other cancers.
4 breaks

Regardless of your lifestyle, it's important to give

yourself some downtime. While everyone likes to think
they can go Mach 1 all day, it's important that you take
some time off.

So, it's important to take a break four times a day to

stretch your legs, get some fresh air, play a game on your
phone, read a few pages of a book or just sit down, don't
underestimate how much better it could make you feel.
3 meals and healthy snacks

Eating three healthy, balanced meals a day is

fundamental. Even if you don't necessarily feel like
eating, giving your body breakfast, lunch, and dinner
each day, along with three healthy snacks, is a great way
to get used to making healthy choices.

By fueling your body properly and regularly, you give

yourself the best possible chance to get into a healthy
2 hours of no phone before bed

Tied into the idea that you should aim for 8 hours of
sleep a night, taking two hours away from your phone
before you go to bed. Studies show that using screens
before bed can prevent your brain from producing
melatonin, which means it may take longer for you to
switch off and actually fall asleep.

Prolonged sleep disruption can ultimately impact your

body clock, so aiming to be phone ~ free for a few hours
before bed can ultimately benefit your health.
1 session of exercise

Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga in your living room or

some running, getting one session of exercise is essential.

Obviously, you should take rest days as over exercising

can end up having a negative impact on your health, but
aiming for one session of exercise three to four times a
week is a good habit to get into.

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