Module 16 Assessment Review

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Module 16 Assessment (Elian Rivera 10-6) 9/25/20

Review Vocabulary, terms, and people

1. Which of the following authors wrote about put it on life in the scarlet letter?
• Nathaniel Hawthorne

2. Which document express the complaints of supporters of women's rights?

• Declaration Of Sentiments

3. As a leader of the common school movement who worked to improve free public
• Horace Mann
Comprehension and Critical Thinking
Lesson 1
a) What political party was founded by nativist and what policies did it support?
• The know nothing party, members wanted to keep Catholics and immigrants out
of public office and wanted to make it hard for immigrants to become citizens.

b) What factors cause US cities to grow so fast?

• The Industrial Revolution led to the creation of many new jobs in cities which
drew immigrants and migrants to the cities.

c) Do you think that the benefits of city life or wait its drawbacks? Explain
• In the cities, people found entertainment and an enriched cultural life such as
through libraries, theaters, and sports. Many people lived close to their jobs.
However, there were many downsides. Cities were crowded, housing conditions
were poor, and there were poor public services and health and safety problems.

Lesson 2
a) Who were some important trust in the list on what ideas did they promote?
• Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and Henry David Thoreau. They believed
that people could transcend material things in life and that people should
depend on themselves and their own insights instead of on authorities
b) In what ways were transcendently and romantics similar and different?
• Both movements were influenced by spirituality and simple life.
Transcendentalists ideas were more utopist and experimental while
Romanticism was more influenced by nature and American values.

c) Which movement appeals to you more - American transcendentalist or romanticism

• Those who agree with Romanticism would choose it because they were inspired
by ideas about simple life, nature and spirituality. Those who agree with
transcendentalists would state that people should disregard institutions and rely
on their own beliefs.
Lesson 3
a) What important before movements became popular in the early 1800s?
• The Second Great Awakening was a Christian movement towards a revival of
religion. The Temperance Movement asked people to stop drinking hard liquor
and exercise self control. There were also calls for reform of prisons and

b) Why did education become an important topic for reformers in the 1800s ?
• Education was important because only the wealthy were able to educate their
children. Some in the United States realized that in order to have a more
intelligent and effective population, they should spend more money on
educating those with financial difficulty.

c) Which reform movement do you think had the greatest effect on the United States?
• There are some to choose from: temperance movement, prison reform, and
education reforms. The education reforms may have been most powerful since
they also improved education opportunities for women, the poor, African
Americans and people with special needs, but the other reform movements had
big impacts as well.
Lesson 4
a) What caused some Americans to support the abolition movement?
• Some fought for abolition on religious grounds. Others wanted to send African
Americans out to new lands to colonize them.

b) How did northerners and southerners use the economy to support the reason for
opposing abolition?
• Southerners wanted slavery to continue so they would not lose their agricultural
labor force. Northerners who wanted slavery to continue were afraid the freed
slaves would come and take their jobs.

c) Which of the methods used by leaders of the abolition movement do you think was
most successful? why?
• They used many methods such as appealing to the American value of liberty,
going to speaking tours, writing pamphlets and articles, forming societies, and
arranging hiding places and transportation for escaped slaves. All of these
methods helped the cause in different ways.
Lesson 5
a) What led many women to question their place in American society?
• Women began to question their rights after seeing the abolitionist movement
gain a foothold in America.

b) Why did female factory workers like Charlotte Woodward support the women's rights
• The women working in factories wanted a 10 hour work day, as did men.
They also wanted the same pay as men.

c) Do you think the women’s movement was successful by 1860? explain your answer
• They established a lot such as writing the Declaration of Sentiments and
forming societies but more work was ahead to achieve suffrage and other

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