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I. Put the verbs in brackets in correct future tenses (future simple, present simple or be going to)
1. Sonia looks like she (fall) ……………………….. asleep any minute.
2. When they (realize) ……………………….. that they have to improve their customer service?
3. I can’t come to the beach this weekend, I’m afraid, as we (visit) ……………………….. my grandparents.
4. After Ali (return) ……………………….. to his country next month, he (start) ……………………….. working at the
Ministry of Agriculture.
5. As soon as you (arrive) ……………………….. at the hotel, you (be shown) ……………………….. to your room
and (be given) ……………………….. time to un pack.
6. I (look) ……………………….. after the neighbours’ kids tomorrow morning so I can’t come bowling.
7. The strike has been going on for over two months now. The strikes (not / return) ……………………….. to work
until they (get) ……………………….. a raise and the benefits they are demanding.
8. A: Let’s make something easy for dinner. Got any ideas? - B: I (make) ………………………..some rice. Why
don’t you make some salad?
9. A: What’s a all the paint for? You (paint) ……………………….. your house? – B: No, we (paint)
……………………….. my mother’s house.
10. I’m sorry about losing that book. I (buy) ……………………….. you another one next week.
11. Have you decided what you (do) ………………………..this weekend? - Yes, we (have) ……………………….. a
quiet day on Saturday and then on Sunday we (take) a bus up into the mountain and do some walking.
12. What time the train (leave) ……………………….. on Saturday?
II. Supply the correct form of the word in brackets POLAR TRAVEL
The Scott Polar Research Institute (SPRI) was established in 1920 as a place for polar explorers and researchers. It
is named after Captain Scott, the leader of the legendary and ill-fated expedition to the South Pole that took place
between 1910 and 1913. Scott recognized the importance of the new medium of photography for purposes of
generating ………………….(public)1 and appointed a professional photographer to accompany his voyage to those
icy and inhospitable regions.
This photographer’s…………………….(atmosphere)2 images of the expedition form a ………………….(signify)3 part
of the institute’s collection of archive material, and remind us of the…………..…….(hero)4 demanded of the early
polar explorers.
In the past, while some polar expeditions were ……………….(true)5 scientific, others were driven by pure
…………………. (compete)6 instinct. Nowadays, the principal reason for setting foot at the poles is scientific research.
ice and air are very precise indicators of levels of climate change, which is why, during coffee breaks at the Scott
polar research institute today, the ……………….(likely)7 is that you will find groups of ………….…….(academy)8,
rather than explorers, exchanging ideas. Everyone admires those ………………….(courage)9 early pioneers, but
today the main purpose of travel to those frozen, ………..……….(spoil)10 regions, the last wilderness on earth, is
environmental science.
III. Find a word that can go with all three sentences:
1. The ………………………..of the conflict are to be found in the events of the previous decade.
It was almost impossible to dig up all the ………………………..of the old apple trees.
People in many parts of the world are now cut off from their peasant ……………………..due to mass migration to
2. There is a danger of explosion if ……………………… allowed to build up inside the cylinder.
Something needs to be done to reduce the……………………….. imposed by management on members of staff
as it is affecting their performance.
After breaking her ankle, Karen was warned by the doctor not to put any ………………………..on it.
3. The road was clear, and the speedometer ……………..140 kph as the driver put his foot down hard on the
It only……………………….. me much later, when we were safely back on the beach, just how serious the
situation had been when the boat overturned.
Alison stood up suddenly and ………………………..her head hard on the low shelf behind her chair..
IV. Rewrite the following sentences using the word given in the box:
do, have, make, take, lose
1. I can’t understand his behaviour. SENSE
His behaviour……………………………………………………………………………………….
2. She’s finding it difficult to get all her work done on time. PROBLEMS
3. He didn’t say anything about his new job when I last spoke to him. REFERENCE
4. If you don’t look after your belongings, you will lose them. CARE
If you don’t…………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. Last year, the industry was damaged by problems in the world economy. DAMAGE
Problems in the world economy………………………………………………………………………
6. Jim suddenly became angry and started shouting. TEMPER
7. There is a reason why I’m annoyed. REASON
8. She ignored the warnings from her friends. NOTICE
V. Choose the correct word
1. I had to chew / eat / swallow my pride and apologize to Janet for overreacting to her criticism.
2. I like to date men with a great feel / sense / touch of humor.
3. In some cultures, it's considered very rude to say / speak / talk your mind.
4. It's good to get / put / set others first, but not at the expense of your own well-being.
5. Most people who work as comedians have very outgoing / tendency / upcoming personalities.
6. My husband forgives other people very easily; he's not one to bear / hurt / swallow a grudge.
7. You need to develop a fatter / harder / thicker skin; you can't let every little comment upset you.
8. Before giving a presentation, always adjust / move / change the focus on the projector so that everyone can
read what is on the screen.
9. The changes companies make to their cars are often very microscopic / superficial / minute and may not
change the basic structure of the cars at all.
10. Although most cars can travel much faster, the maximum / highest / biggest speed limit in the UK is 70 mph.
11. In special places / times / circumstances, a person who is found guilty of murder may receive no punishment at
all from the court.
12. The results of the government inquiry displayed / revealed / explained that there had been no deliberate
attempt by the company to deceive investors.
13. One important aspect of marketing is to create a positive image / picture / style of a company or product.
14. Today, people are probably more familiar with drama / acting / play on the television and radio rather than in the
15. Police could not understand why the arrested man had murdered his neighbour since he appeared to have no
objective / motive / purpose.
16. The first two weeks of the course are designed to orientate / instruct / introduce new students and to allow
them to settle into university life.
17. The instructions from air traffic control were not fully total / explicit / complete, and as a result the pilot made an
error and crashed.
18. A large number of people became ill after receiving blood transfusions polluted / poisoned / contaminated with
the AIDS virus.
19. Joining a newsgroup allows computer users to make touch / approach / contact with other people who share a
similar interest.
20. If you have time, I would really appreciate / respect / value some help with this assignment.
Jacqueline Wilson has written dozens of novels, nearly all of them for children, and her fans give her a rock-star
………….(acceptance, welcome, entertainment, admission)1 whenever she visits a bookshop to sign copies of her
Her success as a novelist has been ………….(built, formed, assembled, compiled)2 on often painful stories about
young teenagers, which are written with humour and a strong ………….(persuasion, opinion, conviction, sincerity)3
that children are smart. Girls in particular adore her books because she …………….(advocates, legitimizes, credits,
grants)4 all their feelings, even the bad ones, about being teenagers, without ever moralising. But, perhaps because
of her disturbing subject………….(theme, topic, meaning, matter)5, she often meets resistance from adults. Unlike
some of her peers, she does not have a ……….(backing, favour, following, status)6 among adults. It’s all the
more…………….(memorable, remarkable, noticeable, considerable)7 , therefore, that sales of her books have
……………….(mounted, gained, topped, headed)8 20 million.
The book that finally made her ………….(celebrity, title, respect, name)9 , after years as a little-known writer, was The
Story of Tracy Beaker, ………….(produced, launched, demonstrated, appeared)10 in 1991. It was quickly
………….(fixed on, taken up, marked down, seen through)11 by a TV company and is now a popular series. This
………….(headway, progress, breakthrough, advance)12 for Jacqueline Wilson came when she ………….(mixed
together, made up, teamed up, fitted together)13 with illustrator Nick Sharratt for the first time, and he played an
important role in defining a ‘look’ for all her ………….(subsequent, arising, consecutive, resulting) 14 novels. This ‘look’
reflects a flair …………….(for, of, with, at)15 being childlike without being childish, and Jacqueline Wilson’s winning
formula continues to delight her readers.
VII. Fill in the blank with a suitable word: THE BIRTH OF THE T-SHIRT
The T-shirt or at least the T-shirt as we know it, was born in the theatre. When Tennessee William’s play A streetcar
named Desire opened in New York in December 1947, a young actor ………….……………(1) Marlon Brando went
………….……………(2) stage wearing a ………….……………(3) of blue jeans and a bright, white, capped-sleeve T-
shirt. It was the first time the T-shirt ………….……………(4) been seen publicly as anything ………….……………(5)
an item of underwear and it set a fashion trend that was to last through ………….……………(6) the end of the
The idea for the T-shirt came ………….……………(7) Brando himself. He had worn one at rehearsals for the play.
The director was ………….……………(8) impressed by the look that was created that he asked Brando to wear the
shirt in the play itself. Brando may have seen the shirt being advertised by the American company Sears Roebuck.
They had decided to market the shirt ………….……………(9) a fashionable garment in its ………….……………(10)
right, rather than just something to be worn ………….…………(11) warmth beneath a denim workshirt
……….……………(12) an army uniform.
It was Brando, however, ………….……………(13) popularized it, especially with ………….……………(14) release of
the film version of Streetcar in 1951. A short leather jacket completed the look that was to be adopted
………….……………(15) teenage rebels in many countries for decades afterwards.
VIII. Rewrite the following sentences as directed:
1. It was several decades ago that a man first walked on the moon. (SINCE)
2. The guide says that it will take us exactly two weeks to cross the desert. (CROSSED)
The guide says that we …………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Some trees have been cut down, and as a result our garden is no longer private. (LOSS)
Cutting down some trees ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4. Nick’s cooking soon impressed his friends. (REPUTATION)
Among his friends, Nick soon gained ………………………………………………………………………….
5. Someone has suggested changing the company logo. (FORWARD)
A suggestion has ……….……………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Friends often remark on how much Clara resembles her sister. (TAKES)
Friends often remark on the extent to…………………………………………………………………………..
7. I had to check all the reports before leaving the office. (UNTIL)
I had to stay in the office.. ………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. I haven't spoken to Adam since we graduated. (LAST)
The ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
9. Mr Swift did not stop working until he was seventy. (WHEN)
Mr Swift …………………………………………………………………………………………………..…working.
10. Debbie went to Mykonos every summer when she was younger. (USED)
Debbie used…………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….
11. Lauren had never ridden a motorcycle before. (FIRST)
It was the……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

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