Theo Encoded Synod

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Consultation Meeting Synthesis Template

STEP 1. What were their response to the questions? Frequency
Discerning the signs
(SEE) • Share a significan joyful experience of "walking together" in your parish
or community?
• I consider it as a joyful experience of "walking together" in parish as well in
our community by engaging in actvities like prayer vigil, recollections, seminars
and orientations.
• When I'm joining communion in the church.
• When I met my new friends.
• The joyful experience that I have is when I joined our parish choir when I
was in High school. We invite a lot of youth to join the choir in our community. In
joining our youth ministry out faith to God will Deepen.

• What can you contribute to strengthen and deepen our

communion (or walking together) in the parish or community?
• Personally, I can contribute my time and efforts in participating and
encouraging others to join any activities that will help hone the spiritual aspect of
every individual especially the youth.

• Accompany them,promote belonging in the parish community and lead

them to . We invite youth and young adults to deepen their friendship with Christ.

• I think its the engagement

• By helping other youth to be strengthen their faith to God. In that way we

built a new group of friends not just friends but sisters and brothers in God

• Who are the individuals or groups that are left out, excluded or
forgotten in our parish or community?
• I tink individuals or groups that are left out or excluded or forgotten in our
parsih or community are "beggars". When I say beggars, I don't specifically and
literally mean people who beg only for money, but also people who beg for time,
for love and acceptance.

• Within the community of believers there can never be room for a poverty
that the aid of the poor and to do so not merely out of their superfluous goods.

• I don't believe there are people who have been forgotten.

• For me I don't think there are people or individuals who forgotten by the
parish or community.

• Who are the individuals or groups/sectors that the Church
should listen to?
• I think individuals or groups that the Church should listen to are people
who are losing themselves and straying from the right path.
• The group of sacristans should listen to.
• The church should listen to all.
• Everyone should listen actively to get some life lesson.

• In what ways do we truly listen to each other?

• We do truly listen to each other especially to the unfortunate ones by
acknowledging their presence as pat of the community or parish.
• When you listen actively,you are fully engaged and immersed in what the
person is saying.
• When someone is in need
• Listen carefully and actively so that you will understand what others are
saying. - yes, the way we help other people in their missions.

• Do you feel or think that you are listened to in the parish or

community? If not, what are the reasons why the Church
does not listen to you?
• Yes, I think there is no reason for me to think that the parish or community
does not listen to me because in the first place I participate in church and
community activities as much as possible.
• Not ,because of the barriers
• Yes
• Yes, by giving the basic needs of the homeless people by the help of
christian family community

• Have we taken any serious, long term effort at reaching out
to members of other Christian communities? What facilitates
or hinders our reachingout to members of Christian communities?
• Yes. I think that the Church are taking serious efforts reaching out to
members of other Christian communities however, in this time of pandemic, the
efforts and actions are limited due to the Covid-19 virus.
• Yes. By giving some donations fo the homeless people by the help of
christian community
• Yes, because of those Christian members who are not supportive.
• Helping the homeless individual by giving some of their needs.

• What are the common areas of concern where we could work

together or collaborate with other Christian communities?
• Some of the common areas of concerns we must be able to identify is that
way on how to build a strong and binding relationship with other Christian
• Helping the homeless individual by giving some of their needs.
• Inside of the church
• When some of their words and actions affect you so much.


Listening to the word • What words or phrases touched or moved you personally and why?

• "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper
of God
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

• Like when you or they feel comfortable with your companion in the
• That is '' Gods always with me "
• All thing we're made through him, and without him nothing came to be
whatever has come to be.

• How is God speaking to you in this scripture passage?

• GOD is speaking to me in this passage by reminding me that He is the Lord
and He is in control of my life. That I just have to trust in Him whatever plans He
has instored fo my future.

• When the spirit of truth comes ,he will guides you into all the truth, for he
will not speak on his own authority,but whatever he hears he will speak and he
will declare to you things that are to come.
• It tells me the value of his words not for my sake but for all
• Like when you or they feel comfortable with your companion in the

• How do you feel?

• Whenever I am unsure of what tomorrow would bring, I always read this

passage and it calms my mind knowing that I have Him to guide my life forever.

• I feel so great
• I feel blessed
• I feel so blessed and great

for Mission
(ACT) • What are the problems, challenges and concerns raised by
our reflections that we need to address?

• The problems, challenges and concerns we need to address properly is to

have a plan to resolve issues that hinders people to be connected to the Church
and to the Lord. for instance, there should be recollection activities wherein
people can oarticipate for them to reflect on their actions and the purpose of the
life they are living as Christians.

• Community issues like this pandemic Covid -19

• I think its the engagement of all.
• The problem or challenges that we need to address is those people who
lost their job and there are family who is hungry.

• What are your suggestions on to address them?

• I personally suggest to focus on the engaging in activities that will help us

uplift our spiritual selves for us to have a meaningful and purpose-driven life.

• If covid -19 is spreading in our community ,stay safe by taking some simple
precautions such as physical distancing ,wearing a mask,keeping rooms well
ventilated,avoiding crowds ,cleaning your hands and coughing into a bent elbow
or tissue.Check local advice where you live and work.
• Let people be open in different aspect. With their concerns and problems.

• My suggestion is let our government help them to find a job so that there
are no family or individuals that will not suffer.
Consultation Meeting Synthesis Template
STEP 1. What were their response to the questions? Frequency
Discerning the
signs of the times SPEAKING OUT:
(SEE) • Do we courageously but charitably speak out or make ourselves
heard in our parsih or community?
• Yes, we should make ourselves heard if ever we have something to share
or suggest.

• Yes, because everyone, young and old has the right to express his or her
thoughts, opinions and views of others. It is essential to always be polite when
rejecting someone. We have the ability to reject a thought in relation to another
• Yes for our own sake and also for our voice to be heard.
• Yes, because like them our words that we need to speak is also an
important think that they need to hear. We have a different problems to speak
out that's why they need to have time to hear our opinions .

• How does the relationship with the local media work?

• Local media is a contributory tool to make these reaching out activities be
known to others.
• In today's World ,media has become as important as our daily
needs.Today's media plays an important role in shaping public opinion and
strengthening society.Democracy's sword arm is the media because of the media
we can build relationship with other people.
• Local media helps us to promote our voices and advate others.
• By using social media is very helpful in our current situation. We can post it
in public so that everyone will read our problems in our community and they will
lead to have an action to it .

• What are the current issues where the prophetic voice of the
Church is needed?
• The current issues that need the prophetic voice of the church is the issue
concerning our situation today fighting the pandemic.

• The current issues it appears alcoholism ,substance abuse ,domestic

violence .greediness,sexual immorality and promiscuity are commonly seen within
the church going population.It appears our public and Christian platforms are
silent when it comes to the issue of sin and immoral behaviour.

• To correct issue that needs prophetic voice of the church in this COVID-19.

• There are current issues that the advice of church is needed. Especially in
teenagers, they have an aciety, Depression, low of confidence a victim of bully and
it will cause them to suicidal thought. The teens needing the advice of the church.

• Are our liturgical celebrations, particularly the Eucharist,
community affairs or are they largely the "doing" of the priests?
• These liturgical celebrations are considered community affairs.
• Yes by going to church to have a thanks giving prayer.
• Yes
• Yes by going to church to have a thanks giving prayer.

• How can our liturgical celebrations form and build our small
Christian communites?

• These liturgical celebrtions help form and buid small Christian communities
by participating in the sacred through activities reflecting praise, thanksgiving,
remembrance, supplication or repentance. It forms a basis for establishing a
relationship with a divine agency, as well as with other participants in the liturgy.

• As a religious phenomenon ,liturgy represents a communal response to and

participation in the sacred through activities reflecting praise and thanksgiving

• By going to mass, thank god doing Eucharist.

• Attending Mass in our parish community.
• How can we worship the Lord as a family in our pandemic situation?
• During this time of pandemic, we have been fighting for our lives and the
only reason why until now we have survived is our faith in the Lord. So the best
thing that we can do as a family is by worshiping him through group prayers,
reaching out to the less fortunate and just showing kindness to the people around

• By praying always It is important .

• Worship our lord together inside our humble house.

• Do a prayer at home with your family and friends. You can also watch a live
mass because you and your family can not go out because of the pandemic.


• Does our presence make any difference in our community?
• Ofcourse. I believe that everyone's presence is important and vital in the
community and everyone can make a difference.

• Yes our presence matters.The more we are present in each moment the
better difference our presence makes.Our presence has the power to dictate the
outcome of any situation we face in life.And our presence is what determine how
the world views us.
• Yes
• For me it's a Yes, If they will Hear our side for the sake of our community.

• What are the significant community concerns, problems and

challenges thatwe need to address?

• The significant commuity concerns and concerns that we need to address is

poverty among those that are greatly affected by this pandemic.

• There's a lot of problem that we need to adress and the people who lost
their jobs and the homeless people
• Lack of education
• There's a lot of problem that we need to adress and one of it is this
pandemic issue

• What can we do to bring about unity and collaboration between the

Church and local government in our community?
• I suggest that we can seek the help of the government in terms of reaching
out to the people that were displaced during this crisis.

• Lets make a group to donate some basic needs of the homless people

• Create group supporting our advocacy connected to this.

• Lets make a group so that they will listen to our advocacy. It will also help
our church.


• Are you actively involved in the life of your parish?
(State your reason why you are not involved)
_______________ I was never asked to.
_______________ I did not know how to.
_______________ I really do not want to be involved in Church matters.
_______________ Others

• As much as possible, I want to be involved in any activities concerning the

church and the community.
• Yes
• yes by attending mass every sunday
By visiting church

• How can we involved the men and the youth to participate in the
life and mission of the Church?
• We can involve them by reaching out to them and by convincing them the
advantages of participating in these activities.

•Lets encourage everyone to participate to our mission of the church. They

will just not help other people but their faith to God will strengthen.

• telling them how great our god for us to serve them.

• Lets invite and encourage them to participate our mission of the church.
They will just not help other people but their faith to God will strengthen.
• How can we be more synodal in our parish or community?
• We can be more synodal in our parish or community by alloting our time
participating in liturgical activities.
• As catholics we need to create programs to serve people,not the other
way around .Young adult ministry is not in a great spot Lets work to creat real
• we need to listen to everyone.
• Worshiping God give thanks to him for all the blessings.

STEP 2: • What words or phrases touched or moved you personally and why?
• "This is my commandment: love each other just as I have loved you." JOHN
Listening to the 15:12
word of God • Don't be afraid to your challenges and problems, just believe and have
(JUDGE) faith to God.
• Don't be afraid just believe this phrase, touch or moved me because this
phrase makes me realizes that I have God.
• Don't be afraid to your challenges and problems, just believe and have
faith to God. Everything will be possible. Frequency

• How is God speaking to you in this scripture passage?

• Jesus loves us in an extraordinary, incredible way. It's up to us to take the
love we receive from Him, and find ways to bring that love and goodwill into our
• When I feel down because of my situation. I just pray and surrender all my
worries to God.
• God speak to me in scripture passage through to the circumstances I
• When I feel down because of my situation. I just pray and surrender to

• How do you feel?

• Having to share something for the community brings true joy and
happiness in our lives.
• I Feel so blessed
• I feel blessed.
• I Feel so blessed

(ACT) • What are the problems, challenges and concerns raised by our
reflections that we need to address?
• Issues regarding how can we reach our to people that were greatly affected
by this pandemic.
• Teen agers are under depression ,anxiety,suicide
• The Christian who become unfaithful.
• T een agers are under depression Ang they think for suicidal.

• What are your suggestions on to address them?

• I suggest that we conduct activities like community pantry for the less
fortunate and indigents in the community along with those greatly affected by the
• Surrender all your problem to God. No to suicide because it's not the
solution to our problem.Just pray and trust God everyday.
• I know people have their own beliefs so I will just respect that.
• Surrender all your problem to God. Don't ever think to suicide because it's
not the solution to our problem.
Consultation Meeting Synthesis Template
STEP 1. What were their response to the questions? Frequency
Discerning the signs
(SEE) • Preaching the kingdom of God is our common task. How do we involve each
other in preaching the kingdom?

• We can involve each other in preaching the kingdom by inviting them to

participate in any activities that the parish or the community will facilitate.

• lets have our unity together in praising God in his kingdom. Let's filled him
with love like how he loves and protect us.
• by encouraging each other.
• Lets have our unity together in praising God in his kingdom. Let's filled him
with love like how he loves and protect us.

• How do we together make the kingdom of God a reality in our world?

• We can make the kingdom of God in reality in our world by loving and
forgiving one another.
• Let's honor God through his home our church let's all worship him in his
own home with our heart.
• let us maintain unity. When we are together, the kingdom of god will be a
place of love and support. Lets seek the honor of god in all that we do and be
alight of broken world.
• Let's honor God through his home our church let's all worship him in his
own home with our heart.


• How are decisions made in the parish and school community?
• I think decisions that are made in the parish and school community are
based on the voices shared by the people concern and not only the sole
responsibility of the institution.
• it will all comes from the decision of the church members

• by deciding together as a church and come up with a decision of

• It will all comes from the decision of the church members

• Who are called upon to participate in the decision-making

processes of the parish and school community? Who should be
involved in Church and school decisions?
• I think someone that represents our ideas as one. Of course, as much as
possible everyone should participate and be involved in any activity concerning
the parish and school community.
• Priest, Nun and Church and school Members
• priest and church members.
• Priest, Nun and Church and school Members

• How can we involved more people in the decision-making processes of the

parish and school?
• We can possibly involved more people by convincing them and inviting
them to be more active in the parish and community.
• encourage them to participate the decision making.
• by letting them to participate.
• Encourage them to participate the decision making.


• How do we develop or foster the way of life of walking together, listening to
each other, consulting each other and working together, involving as many as
• We can develop walking and working together by sparing our time to
search for a more purpose-driven life through mingling with other people to know
more and to be acquainted more to different individuals outside our comfort

• Having time to each other. Make an activity that will give you bonding with
each and everyone.

• through having a strong bond and unity.

• Having time to each other. Make an activity that will give you bonding. For
me is that all of the youth have a strong faith to God and all of the people have a
free time to visit God.
• What formation programs can we offer to foster communion, participation
and mission?
• Facilitate programs for the youth
• Make or Plan an Church and School activities.
• church activities
• Make or Plan an Church and School activities.

• What is your dream for your community, parish or archdiocese?

• to be united
• For me is that all of the youth have a strong faith to God and all of the
people have a free time to visit God.
• to have unity
• For me is that all of the youth have a strong faith to God and all of the
people have a free time to visit God.


Listening to the word • What words or phrases touched or moved you personally and why?
• “But I say to you who listen: Love your enemies, do what is good to those
of God who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. -Luke

• God promises that we can gain wisdom and understanding when we listen
(JUDGE) to him. To listen to God ,we must first be open and willing to receive His word.His
words are alive and speak to us we read the bible and pray.

• If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of god that giveth to all men
liberally, and upbraldeth not, it shall be given him.
• If you think that challenges will destroy you, Just believe in him. In making
decision make sure that all of your members and group agree with it because it's
all for our community.

• How is God speaking to you in this scripture passage?

• In this scripture passage, God is making us realize that hatred should not
linger in our hearts, instead continue to do good because it will give you inner
peace and true happiness.
• in having a prayer, pray with all your heart and mind.
• by reading the scripture wholeheartedly it seems that Gods way of talking
to me.
• in having a prayer, pray with all your heart and mind.For me is that all of
the youth have a strong faith to God and all of the people have a free time to visit

• How do you feel?

• Honestly, forgiving is hard to do. But I always feel light hearted if I can
inspire others to be forgiving too. We must always remember that God has
forgiven us even if we do not deserve it, so who are we not to do the same. If we
treat people right, if we show them kindness we will have a peaceful and happy
life. And we will be blessed a thousand folds!

• I feel so great and so blessed

• I feel motivated and blessed
• I feel so great and so blessed

for Mission
(ACT) • What are the problems, challenges and concerns raised by our reflections
that we need to address?
• We need to make people realize the importance of showing kindness and
compassion most especially during this time of pandemic.
• Sometimes we seek for our want,that we just think we really need this?Is
this useful?that may cause of a problem and it become our habit.
• it is the feeling of not being to the church.
• When They are feel so alone and don't have friends. And not belong to the

• What are your suggestions on to address them?

• I suggest that we should conduct a recollection wherein we could tackle
the importance of having ab forgiving and kind heart.
• That we dont know what is important
• let them feel belong to the church, community and school.

• Make them feel that you loved them like your sisters and brothers.

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