0 Obama Targeted Killings

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Deborah Dupré

Human Rights Examiner

Obama targeted killings lawsuit spotlights American civilians

September 2nd, 2010 4:14 pm ET

Rights Groups File Challenge To Targeted Killing By U.S. (Photo: CCR)

"An extrajudicial killing policy under which names are added to CIA and military 'kill lists' through a secret executive process and stay there for months at a time is plainly not limited to imminent
threats." - Center for Constitutional Rights


Targets on Obama's high-tech kill-list in the "war on terror" hope that the American Civil Liberties Union and Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) lawsuit challenging government's asserted authority for "targeted
killings” of U.S. citizens far from armed conflict zones will shed light directly on them, innocent American Targeted Individuals (TIs) and TIs in other countries, each struggling to survive the covert operation already
operational. There is widespread belief that already, voiceless, faceless targets are dying or have been covertly killed according to TI support group communications.

"That the government adds people to kill lists after a bureaucratic process and leaves them on the lists for months at a time flies in the face of the Constitution and international law," stated Vince Warren, Executive
Director of CCR. (CCR, Rights Groups File Challenge To Targeted Killing By U.S., Sept. 1, 2010)

Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU said, “A program that authorizes killing U.S. citizens, without judicial oversight, due process or disclosed standards is unconstitutional, unlawful and un-American.”

Until this landmark CCR, ACLU lawsuit filing, innocent civilians on the hit-list had been publicly unrecognized by major organizations, health workers and media, despite evidence that targets are being covertly
persecuted, tortured, and used for non-consensual experimentation. Hundreds of consistent reports by credible targets globally indicate that the secret operation has been and is fully operational. (See: Dupre, D.
APA's CIA torture complicity. Is American ready for the whole truth?, Examiner, August 14, 2010)

Those shocking TI reports reflect that targeted killings are being conducted in-community, in-home, in a new type of torture detainee center, the invisible prison. Ammunition from new secret weaponry applied to
targets to torture and kill them is equally invisible, as invisible as microwaves.

Such invisible ammunition injury has been evidenced in James Walbert's first court case in Wichita Kansas in which the judge ruled that the perpetrator must halt the covert weapon attacks on Walbert. Now Walbert
holds additional proof of the secret program in which he has been placed, a secretly and forcibly brain implant and other implants. His doctors report that these implants are acting as slow-kill devices. Walbert now
heads to federal court since the assaults have not halted, police have not protected him - and he wants the implanted devices removed.

Since the 2001 September 11 attacks and Bush's so-called "war on terror," there was a soar in number of Targeted Individuals reporting covert assaults by black operatives, thugs, extremist cells, "stalkers." Some TIs
are reporting assaults with remotely applied, military grade, lethal weaponry. These reports have been from both overseas and U.S. self-identified targets. In early August, Sharon Weinberger explained the reason for
the escalated reports:

"After the attacks of September 11, the Pentagon began a shift away from its late Cold War–era 'two-war strategy,' premised on maintaining the ability to conduct two major military operations simultaneously, and
began to focus instead on irregular warfare against individuals and groups." (Emphasis added; Sharon Weinberger, Black Ops: Secret Military Technology in the Age of Terrorism, August 3, 2010)

Weinberger furthers, "The head of U.S. Special Operations Command talks about 'high-tech manhunting,' while Air Force officials describe plans to compress the 'kill chain.'"

Lawsuit says don't kill

CCR reported yesterday:

"The authority contemplated by the Obama administration is far broader than what the Constitution and international law allow, the groups charge. Outside of armed conflict, both the Constitution and international
law prohibit targeted killing except as a last resort to protect against concrete, specific, and imminent threats of death or serious physical injury.

"An extrajudicial killing policy under which names are added to CIA and military 'kill lists' through a secret executive process and stay there for months at a time is plainly not limited to imminent

“The United States cannot simply execute people, including its own citizens, anywhere in the world based on its own say-so,” said Warren.

“The law prohibits the government from killing without trial or conviction other than in the face of an imminent threat that leaves no time for deliberation or due process."

CCR and ACLU charge that targeting individuals for execution who are suspected of terrorism but not convicted or charged – "without oversight, judicial process or disclosed standards for placement on kill lists – also
poses the risk that the government will erroneously target the wrong people."

The corporate government's view appears to be that it is targeting the right people: anyone, anywhere who objects to it.

Bill Taylor, LPI recently commented that it is “the greatest” American civilians, in their homes and communities, who are being targeted. They are being remotely neutralized through black operatives using applied
military grade, electronic weaponry under guise of the “war on terror.” (Also see: Dupre, D. Obama targeted individual assassination program includes Americans, Examiner, April 8, 2010)

Invisible prisons, silent deaths

“We don’t sentence people to prison on the basis of secret criteria, and we certainly shouldn’t sentence them to death that way. It is not enough for the executive branch to say ‘trust us’ – we have seen that backfire
in the past and we should learn from those mistakes,” stated Romero.
TI survivors disagree that the operation is only contemplated, that is, not happening. Survivors agree that already, they have been sentenced to a life of hell based on secret criteria. They furthermore allege being
imprisoned, tortured in the new type of detention center with invisible walls, within their communities, where their freedom has been curtailed, their voice suppressed, and where daily, they are under 24-7 surveillance,
often assaulted with directed energy weapons by unknowns in organized groups that police allow to freely operate as in the Walbert case.

James Walbert, Wichita Kansas resident proved in court that he has been subjected to assaults by such weaponry. These assaults result in either a fast-kill or a slow-kill. (See: Part I: Secretly forced brain implants:
Explosive court case)

"In recent years, the U.S. government has detained many men as terrorists, only for courts or the government itself to discover later that the evidence was wrong or unreliable," according to CCR.

Surviving TIs plead to know why they are targeted when never charged. Some have been falsely imprisoned soon after exposing high-level corruption. One of many of these is Attorney, now FIP Richard Fine, still in
Los Angeles County jail.

Thousands of innocent American Targeted Individuals and TIs in other countries, many of whom are government/corporate whistleblowers, are reporting intensive persecution including sophisticated harassment,
intimidation, death threats and assaults by hit-squads. Some of these victims of the US hit-squads did not survive according to survival support groups.

In the article, Collateral Damage USA: Extremist cells target 350,000 US civilians, the author reports:

"Hundreds of thousands of Americans could be suffering direct effects of a well-hidden form of terrorism sweeping America involving interconnected extremist cells keeping targets under covert surveillance and
assaulting them with psychological warfare tactics and military grade directed energy weapons' (DEWs) invisible ammunition. New FOI documents reveal that the number of Americans targeted by such cells in the
campaign of terror could exceed 350,000."

According to yesterday's legal complaint, the government has not disclosed standards it uses to authorize premeditated and deliberate killing of U.S. citizens far from any battlefield. ACLU and CCR argue that
Americans are entitled to know standards used for these life and death decisions.

After years of intensive research, former attorney Paul Baird of Surveillance Issues (www.surveillanceissues.com) says he knows what standards are used for targeted torture and killings.

Surveillance and Attacks on Dissent

CCR represents demonstrators wrongfully arrested and movements that have been infiltrated and spied on. It highlights that for decades, the U.S. government has unlawfully kept under surveillance and attempted to
expand Executive powers to monitor and intimidate activists. Cointelpro, the U.S. counter-intelligence agency program now operating under a new name, has neutralized groups such as the Black Panthers in the
1960’s and 70’s to the Central America Solidarity Movement in the 80’s to groups who criticized the Bush administration and today's administration. Individuals have been and are targeted for assaults and murder
including Martin Luther King Jr. and journalists.

Compounding surveillance issues is that some TIs are secretly, forcibly implanted with RFIDs that not only track but also receive information for targeted torture. Taylor's investigations have revealed that 10% of his
300-400 TI cases are implanted. His assets have told him probably all of his cases involving TIs have been implanted, mostly unwillingly and unknowingly.

Paul Baird recently stated to the Examiner that covert operatives working for government agencies (CIA, NSA, MI6, Mossad etc.) provide "a protective barrier from criticism for members of secret societies, political
parties, media mafia outlets, other organised crime families etc. - for example anyone working with the agencies' more corrupt elements to make profit from drugs, war, theft of intellectual property etc."

Pedophile, fraud, slavery networks and other sophisticated and organized atrocities are also protected according to Baird who said:

"Protection takes the form of covert surveillance and harassment. Victims are whistleblowers, dissidents, writers and campaigners whose knowledge and/or comments present a threat to powerful criminals.
Neurophone voices, mind - reading technologies, directed energy weapons , psychotronic attacks and more can be satellite delivered and thereby hidden. Victims are disbelieved by many."

Baird explained that, given the right satellite equipment, the brain itself is a transmitter and receiver and "these are all that are needed these days."

"Computers that process over 300 trillion calculations per second are utilised, giving each unit more information processing power than 65 million people (10 times the world's population)."

Like Dr J. Mengele's 'work,' Baird said that "targeted individuals are either: 1. Experimented on.(Mind control); 2. Enslaved (mentally) to steal ideas, guage opinions etc); or 3. Exterminated. Sometimes all three.

"Survivors are victims of discreditation, eugenics and oppression. They are effectively silenced."

Today's Gulf operation includes examples of hit-squads at work. Blackwater has followed and threatened scientists who file reports contradicting government/BP reports.

A filmmakers and others exposing the crime against humanity in the Gulf Coast region are being followed and intimidated, even with late night house-calls such as Matt Smith of Project Gulf Impact. Such terroristic
actions are common place against hundreds of reporting Targeted Individuals.

The list of these TIs lengthens daily. Not one of these individuals on the secret list would disagree with words of Jim Miles in his article, Perpetual Fraud:

"The big lie is simple, that there really is a global war on terror. The truth is more realistically that there is a global war of terror."

Copyright © 2010 Deborah Dupre. All rights reserved. This article cannot be copied, posted, republished without author permission.

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and
Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupre
welcomes emails: info@DeborahDupre.com See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.

Learn more: For more information on today's case involving targeted individual killings, including fact sheets and legal papers, visit: www.aclu.org/targetedkillings and ccrjustice.org/targetedkillings.

The Center for Constitutional Rights is dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who
represented civil rights movements in the South, CCR is a non-profit legal and educational organization committed to the creative use of law as a positive force for social change.

Also see related articles by this Examiner:

Collateral Damage USA: Extremist cells target 350,000 US civilians

Let's kill all the good guys

Part I: Secretly forced brain implants: Explosive court case

Secretly forced brain implant Pt II: MRI scan image and reports of Target, James Walbert

Secretly forced brain implants Pt III: Ex-SS, FBI contractor defends targets

Secretly forced brain implants Pt IV: Intel expert on the doctors, children, military research

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