Gerund or Infinitive

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I hope there are What is a What is a As a food blogger,

magazines to read in infinitive? gerund? eating is an involved

the waiting room. An infinitive acting production for
is the word A gerund is a verb that’s
(adjective) “to” + a verb
’s root. Ther as a noun. By that, we mea
n that

are two way e the verb—the word that
s you can us
an infinitive: e describes the action tha
as a noun
that commun happening, like “biking,”
icates a “thinking,” “running,” or
single concep
t and as an “speaking”—becomes a
thing, a
adjective to
describe a concep t tha t can now be the
noun within object,
the sentence sentence’s subject, direct
Here are a fe . ct of a
w examples, indirect object, or the obje
with infinitive preposition.
s bolded.

How do you
create a geru
initives , inf As we mentione
an see unds, but
d above,
y o u c you create a ge
As ger rund by
ilar to the adding “ing” to
are sim ren’t exactly ere

the end of a
root verb. In ot
they a sentence wh her words, a
gerund is in the
In a s as a present
same. in it ive act ap participle form
f asily sw ill
in —but
the c a n e remember, a ve
rb in the
ou l st
noun, y nd and it wil present particip
le form isn’t
r u
in a ge ake sense. automatically a


w d o you us
infinitive nitive?
Infinitives a an infi eady covered
re a form o e alr oth
verb that a While w in uses for b is
llow the wo f th e m a
s, t h e r e
a group of rd or e form ar
words to b infinitiv initive gramm d
used as a n e m e in f c o v e r e
oun, adjec so n’t
e have three
or adverb. tive, that w , we explain
Every type low
yet. Be ey areas for ive
verb can b of k it
e put into th g infin es,
infinitive fo e n d e r s tandin f in it iv
rm, even u t in
ar: spli and
phrasal ve gramm infinitives,
rbs. e s.
passiv us infinitive
u o

con t in

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