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Jessica Reynolds

Reflections and Visions of the Future

Regarding yourself as a strong communicator will no longer have any weight, if you are

immersed in another geographic location, where you cannot speak the language of those around

you. Experiencing language barriers can have a humbling effect, but many qualities and

behaviors do not require translation. While learning Spanish out of necessity was impactful, the

deeper level of my experience is what I will detail here. Traveling to Costa Rica has impacted

my vision of the future and strengthened my view of the world and universe.

I see my future as an asset to the community within which I live. I envision myself to be a

source of acceptance and a resource when someone needs understanding and help. Before my

trip to Costa Rica, I envisioned my future at its fullest potential, and it involved my whole

family. I want to practice healthcare and serve a community with all that I have. I can see my

family bringing their talents with them as they serve in their own capacities as well. These ideas

are visions I hold for my future and are visions I held before departing. But while I was in Costa

Rica, I met a woman that has done all of this, and more. Her name is Gail, and she is the

embodiment of that selfless vision I could see for myself. To see her doing all that she can, and

sacrificing everything she has, has shown me a clearer picture of what that life looks like. My

future will undoubtedly be different than hers, but her selflessness is everything I want to radiate

because Gail’s light has been felt by a massive community.

As I continue my journey into another nursing position in hospice, I wondered if I was

stepping into something I would later regret. Hospice nursing can be emotionally taxing, and I

feel insecure about the comforts I can provide. After meeting the staff in that department, I did

feel better about the decision. But in Costa Rica, I found confirmation of this being the right path

through the words Gail had spoken to us on the first day we met her. I have and will be, a source
Jessica Reynolds

of comfort for people that transition from this mortal life. It is a phase of life that we all must

journey and to be a person that can help someone during that time is a position of honor. The

light that shines from within is a comfort to those that surround you.

My journey originates from a spiritually minded perspective and any knowledge that I

gain is a benefit for me throughout eternity. Even still, learning continues to affect my view of

the world and universe. I firmly believe that when I pass through mortality, what I have learned

will stay with me. Traveling has been useful in showing me the opportunities I have to brighten

those around me. With experience, I become more aware of the impressions that I can make as

an individual in the lives of others, and because community health was a focus, this past trip to

Costa Rica has especially reinforced this for me. I can impact those around me by sharing the

light that is within me. While it is important to understand how to assess the health trends of a

community, identify vulnerable populations, and understand the structure of healthcare

organizations within a country, it is more important to understand how to use the light within to

benefit those around me. Being truly engaged in doing good means that I am more capable of

making those necessary assessments, and all because I search with eyes that care. These concerns

come naturally when I care about the people that surround me. This type of care is only a

manifestation of that light that radiates from within.

Learning Spanish at an accelerated speed has an impact that just scrapes the top layer

when it is compared to the experiences gained from working and connecting to the people in

Costa Rica. The visions of the future, confirmation of being on the right path, and understanding

the source of proper assessments are the most meaningful levels of this experience I will take

with me. I am sure this experience will assist my attempts to be a light that shines, in an

oftentimes, dark world.

Jessica Reynolds

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