Kerrisdale Neighbourhood Zoom Study

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LARC 444. Green Network Planning

Term Project. Zoom Study
Dr. Cynthia Girling

December 16, 2022

Kaysha Reeder
ID# 46122313

Site Introduction

The study site is located in the Kerrisdale

Neighbourhood with Vine and Marguerite St
bounding the west and east borders and 39th and
49th Ave bounding the south and north borders.
Study & Zoom Site Location
Study Site: Kerrisdale Neighbourhood,
Vancouver, BC

Zoom Site: 1 hectare block around Maple

St and 41st Ave

Zoom Site
Site-Wide Propositions As the lack in sustainable infrastructures and greenspace function and
connectivity were identified, we created propositions with the following key
Group Map elements:
First, multiple systems, including the urban forest, rainwater,
biodiversity, and active transportation should be considered. To do so, more
street trees should be added to increase the biodiversity of native species, as well
as bioswales for rainwater management. Moreover, adding mixed use buildings
will be beneficial to reduce the amount of single family housing and to generate
more land area for green spaces.
In order to increase the green space connectivity, the existing green
spaces were proposed to be connected with our additional green network that
goes west to east and by improving the existing Arbutus Greenway that is
lacking vegetation and proper maintenance. Moreover, we proposed to add
bioswales and street trees in the area that are lacking street trees, especially on
the west and north side of our site for improved micro connectivity of street
trees, which connects to the greenways as well.
Finally, to improve sustainable transportation, we recommend to add a
greenway that goes west to east to generate a green network where there are
heavy pedestrian traffic, and to incorporate a bikeway that connects the existing
two schools in our site to increase ‘AAA’ and active transportation.
While incorporating these strategies, rain gardens and
bioswales should be considered as well where space allows, which will
bring a multitude of benefits by increasing soil fertility. Also,
scheduled annual maintenance is recommended to manage invasive
Site-Wide Propositions
Policies & Guidelines The study site, Kerrisdale, is
located in the south west side of
Greenways/Buildings Planting Transport Water Overall, the site lacks
sustainable transportation as it only
has 4 bus routes and 1 AAA bike lane.
Community Targets - Residents should initiate - There should be a range of - Encourage greater use of - The community and the
Neighbourhood Greenways on shops and services[...], more pedestrian and cyclist routes in City should work together to With maximum of 12 minute walk
popular walking and biking street trees[…] ARKS and improve safety at keep the area clean[...], from the bus stop.
routes intersections improve water and energy
- Plant taller, bigger trees conservation. Also, canopy cover and
- New public buildings should around community centre on - Add a route for cyclists near
be well designed and well 42nd 41st (e.g. 40th or 42nd) - Create gardens on curbside
biodiversity is lacking in the site,
maintained[...] areas to filter storm-water which indicates the lack of green rain
before it goes into the sewage
system water management infrastructures.
Majority of the larger green
Solutions - Build greenway an east-west - Plant new street trees in - We will be including more - Use the Arbutus greenway
space can be found only near school
greenway on a popular route designated areas, particularly in bike lanes to discourage driving to incorporate functioning and canopy cover is concentrated on
the northwest of the site and increase biking and bioswales with annual
- Include mixed use buildings pedestrian safety. maintenance the south east residential area, should
so more land can be allocated - Include a 5-year unequal access to quality green space.
towards greenery management program to - Increase frequency of public - Work in tandem with the
maintain trees transit by creating bus “Planting” target to increase The one green way that is
frequency times of 4-5 min per water infiltration and
bus interval stormwater management
present in our site, the Arbutus
Greenway, is also unmaintained and
lacks biodiversity.
Proposition Design

In the zoom site, several grass areas were incorporated near the streets, especially where there were singular trees in a planting hole, to increase connectivity
and to provide rainwater filtration benefits and to provide more soil space for the trees. Moreover, 13 tree species were planted in the site to increase biodiversity,
including 4 species that are native. In the vacant lot on the north east side of the study site, a community garden was proposed to provide food to the local residents
before construction begins. More trees can be plated in the vacant lot as well depending on the design, and the whole vacant lot can be vegetated with grass and
shrubs as well as garden beds to provide habitat for wildlife as well. Bioswales were incorporated in sites where there were sufficiently wide public green spaces for
the purpose of rainwater management in a high traffic site, and the trees along with the bioswales will help create a greenway that incorporates the definition of a
linear and continuous open space that acts as wildlife corridors by connecting to other greenspace. Finally, a bikeway was proposed along maple street to connect the
existing schools and to promote sustainable transportation.
Tree Species Specifications & Precedent Study Examples
Tree Species Specification Bikeway

Information source: KPU plant database Location: Hurst Ave, Berkeley, California
Photo source: Bike East Bay
A mix of native and non native species were chosen to improve the Website:
biodiversity of the site. The form of the chosen species are mostly
vertical and has a relatively short mature height, which is suitable for Bikeway created by removing an on street parking space, showing that a protected bikeway
streets. However, the soil condition of the site must also be considered to can be created on a relatively narrow road. The bikeway is highlighted with bright green
see if the species are suitable for the site as they have different soil colour to improve visibility and thus the biker’s safety. Citizens also showed support even
moisture and shade tolerances. when acknowledging the loss in parking space and showed improvement in local business
Precedent Study Examples
Davie Village Community Garden Residential Bioswales and Bioretention Ponds in Oregon

Location: Corner of Davie St and 1157 Burrard in West End, Vancouver, BC Location: NE Siskiyou Green Street, Portland, Oregon
Photo source: Davie Village Community Garden Facebook Site Photo source: American Society of Landscape Architects
Website: Website:

This community garden is located in a vacant lot where residents can This bioswales is created on a curbside and is effective in capturing and filtering rainwater.
purchase garden beds to grow their own crops. Community gardens helps It is created out of grass, rocks, and other types of vegetation that can tolerate high moisture
with local food shortage issues, provides pollinator habitats, and the content. Moreover, the outlet on the curb and slopes in the biowales helps the water to move
permeable surfaces also supports rainwater filtration. into the system efficiently. Bioswales can be more efficient when incorporated with
bioretention ponds, which are depressed vegetated areas that capture rainwater runoff.
ARKS Community Vision. (2005). City of Vancouver.

ASLA 2007 Professional Awards. (n.d.).

Davie Village Community Garden. (n.d.). Facebook. Retrieved December 17, 2022, from

Plant search. (n.d.). KPU Plant Database. Retrieved December 15, 2022, from


Davie Village Community Garden. (n.d.). Facebook. Retrieved December 17, 2022, from

Sunday Streets Pop Up Protected Lane a Hit | Bike East Bay. (n.d.).

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