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Cycling nowadays is becoming more and more common.

However, many people fail to take into account

the importance of wearing proper protective gear when riding a bike. So, today I would like to talk about
the cycling safety in particular.

To begin with, I would like to introduce some statistical data regarding cycling safety. I front of me I have
a bar graph which summarizes results of a survey which took place in England. The participants were
grouped into three major categories: female, male and children cyclists, respectively. The people were
asked whether or not they wear helmets when riding a bicycle. Just briefly looking at the graph I can tell
that the majority responded negatively as the ones who wear them make up only a small fraction of the
total in each category. However, the percentages of cyclists who wear this type of protective gear seem
to be trending upward, especially in the female category. This trend seems to imply that people in
England have become more cautious about their safety when riding a bike and I find this interesting.

However, there are some significant differences among the surveyed groups of cyclists as women seem
to wear helmets more often compared to men and children. I believe that different attitudes might be
related to this unequal distribution as females, in general, are more cautious while males and children
might neglect their personal safety when riding a bicycle.

Anyway, talking about cycling safety situation in England, I would also like to mention how it is in
Lithuania. So, where I have live people also don’t seem to be bothered to put on protective gear when
cycling, as far as I am concerned. This would make Lithuanian cycling safety situation similar to that in

Well, why am I even talking about cycling safety. Sometimes, for example in case of severe accident,
wearing a helmet and not wearing one could mean the difference between life and death and could
save you a lot of trouble. Generally speaking, it is better to be safe than sorry. Also, so as not to get into
an accident, cyclist in Lithuania have to wear reflective gear if I am not mistaken. And talking about the
benefits of cycling, for one, it is cheaper because you don’t need to buy fuel and it is faster, at least in
bigger cities where traffic jams are common.

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