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Country: North Vietnam

Committee: Historical Committee Crisis

Topic: Responding to the Bays of Pigs Invasion in Cuba
During the cold war, the United States became more concerned about the growth of communism in
the Western Hemisphere. In 1959, Fidel Castro and his revolutionary troops ousted the pro-
Americanism ruler Fulgencio Batista and created a communist government. This heightened tensions
between the two countries. The United States of America administration began to devise measures to
destabilize Fidel Castro's communist rule and gain back control of Cuba. The CIA began preparing
Cuban exiles for a secret military invasion, which ended up backfiring and resulting in the cold war's
most humiliating failure, the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. The bay of Pig invasion turned out to be a
failure because the United States of America, to create a cover-up for their country, attempted to make
the invasion look as though it was carried out by foreign invaders by drastically reducing air support.
They also grossly miscalculated the strength of the Cuban military creating a massive disadvantage
for the United States of America.
Furthermore, during the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Soviet Union reacted immediately
to the problem by providing extreme military and economic aid to Fidel Castro’s communist regime
and began assisting him in building a powerful military force. Additionally, The Soviet Union
expressed its support for Fidel Castor’s communist regime in Cuba and criticized the actions of the
United States of America. Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the Soviet Union, gave a warning to the
US President, John F. Kennedy of the perils of nuclear war if the US continued to interfere in Cuban
Cuba under Fidel Castro had utilized severe means to consolidate control. In response to the invasion,
the Cuban military quickly crushed the invading exiles and captured a large number of prisoners. The
Cuban government also attempted to improve diplomatic relations with other socialist and communist
countries creating strong allies such as the Soviet Union. He recognized this as an opportunity to
consolidate power even further and crush any competing regimes. The failure of the invasion resulted
in the US negotiating the release of detainees and paying reparations, which had a huge impact on the
administration of the United States of America. This invasion was a massive embarrassment for the
US and its repercussions also involved a loss of trust in the government’s ability to manage foreign
policies and cold war tensions.
North Vietnam was engaged in a war with South Vietnam, where the US did not provide support for
North Vietnam. North Vietnam was led at the time by Ho Chi Minh, who had risen to power
following the country’s independence from France in 1945 and now North Vietnam is an established
communist republic. North Vietnam has gained support from the Soviet Union and China, both of
which have previously provided military and economic aid. North Vietnam did not have a direct role
in the Bay of Pigs invasion, but it is a Cuban ally with strong anti-imperialist and anti-American
As the delegate of North Vietnam, North Vietnam believes The United States of America should not
try to interfere in the internal affairs of a sovereign nation as the actions of the United States of
America are seen as an infringement on the right of the Cuban people to self-determination and an act
of aggression henceforth the best outcome would be for the United States of America to stay out of
Cuban affairs and to not support or organize any attempts to overthrow the Cuban government.
North Vietnam will continue to maintain a close relationship with Cuba and will provide military,
economical, and political support to Cuba in its efforts to resist US aggression and defends its
communist government.
Bibliography Editors. “Bay of
Pigs Invasion.” HISTORY, A&E Television Networks, 9 Nov. 2022, “Cold War.” Encyclopædia
Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Accessed
25 Jan. 2023. “Vietnam War.” Encyclopædia

Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica,
Accessed 25 Jan. 2023.

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