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Department of Education

Region I
Division 1 of Pangasinan
Bayambang National High School
Bayambang Pangasinan
Technology and Livelihood Education

Detailed Lesson Plan

Technology and Livelihood Education 9

Prepared by:
Ms. Cherrylyn S. Tamayo
Submitted to:
Ma’am Rowena M. Villanueva
Master Teacher I

Ma’am Jusi J. Gomez

Date of Submission
December 14, 2022
I. Objectives
At the of this discussion, students will be able to:
A. Asses all practices and methods about safety and hygienic in storing salad and dressing.
B. Identify the proper principles of safety and hygienic in storing salad and dressing, and;
C. Understand the step by step process of safety and hygienic in storing salad and dressing.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Safety and Hygienic in Storing Salad and Dressing
B. References: Technical-Vocational-Livelihood HOME ECONOMICS COOKERY MANUAL (pp. 117-118)
C. Teaching Materials: Laptop, Projector and Power Point Presentation of the lesson
III. Instructional Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings

“Good morning class?” “Good morning ma’am!”

“How are you today?” “We feel great ma’am!”

2. Prayer

“Who wants to lead the prayer?” “I want to lead the prayer!”

(Starts the prayer)
3. Checking of Attendance

“If I call your name, please say present and (Raise hand and say present)
raise your hands.”

4. Motivation
“Before we formally start our lesson for “Yes ma’am”
today, do you want to play games first?”
“Okay ma’am”
“I prepared two games for all of you, which
is guess the picture and arrange the
jumbled letter.”
“Okay ma’am”
“Each game contains five questions.
Whoever answer the question first will
have a price later.”

“For our first game. We have guessed the

picture. For your first picture.” (Raise hand)

(Answer the question)

(Raise hand)
“That’s correct, for the second picture.”

(Answer the question)

“Perfect, (Raise hand)

for the
(Answer the question)

(Raise hand)

“That’s right, for the fourth picture.”

(Answer the question)

“Amazing, and for the last picture.”

“Yes ma’am”

“Wow, (Raise hand)

everyone did an amazing job, now let’s
move on to our next game, which is “Refrigerator ma’am”
arrange the jumbled letters.”
(Raise hand)
“For your first jumbled letters.” “Ma’am sanitizer”


“Correct, next” “Detergent ma’am”

NRAESZITI (Raise hand)

“That’s right, next” “Ma’am that one is says dressing”

ETDETRNEG (Raise hand)

“Perfect, next word” “Ma’am I think it says hygiene”


“Amazing, and for the last” “Yes ma’am”

YGEIENH “Its all about the salad ma’am”

“Everyone did an amazing job, and for

those who wins, you may claim your price
after the class. Then class, did you enjoy “Ma’am I think its all about the hygiene for storing a
the game?” salad.”

“What did you notice or what did you

observe in the pictures and the jumbled (Listening)
words that I have given.”

“Very good, another answer from the


“Yes correct, all of your answer is right.

Our lesson for today is about the safety
and hygienic practices in storing a salad
and dressing” (Raise hand)

B. Lesson Proper (Define the word hygiene)

“Before we begin, I prepared some words here
that we might encountered during our
discussion, I want to know if all of you are
already familiar to these words. For the first the (Define the word dressing)
words, can someone define the word hygiene,
anyone from the class?” (Define the word sanitizer)
1. Unlocking of difficulties
a) Hygiene – is the practice of keeping
yourself and your surroundings clean, (Define the word storing)
in order to prevent illness or spread of
b) Dressing – a sauce of food, especially (Define the word humidity)
in salads.
c) Sanitizer – is a product that is used to
reduce or eliminate pathogenic agents,
such as bacteria.
d) Storing – a process to keep both (Listening)
cooked or raw materials or ingredients
stored in appropriate conditions for
future use.
(Raise hand)
e) Humidity – amount of water vapor in
the air.
2. Discussion

“Let’s begin, our lesson for today is all about

safety and hygienic practices in storing salads “Yes, ma’am)
and dressing.”
(Raise hand)
“Who already make a salad and dressing
before, everyone from the class?” “Green salads are plated in a cold plate. Garnish that
is tossed should be added at serving time.”
“Okay, all of you is already experience how to
make a salad and dressing, for our topic today
I will teach you the proper practices of storing a
salads and dressing, and the principles of (Listening)
washing the ingredients.”

“Who wants to read the first bullet?”

(Raise hand)

“Thank u very much. So, the salad is served on “Refrigerate salads before serving.”
cold plates. We need to avoid plating the salad
more than an hour or two, because the salad
might get soggy and it will not look fresh before
serving. Also, the garnish added at serving
time, you can serve it separately and let the (Raise hand)
customer put their own sauce.”
“Dressing is added immediately on the side or serves
it on the side.”
“Next is, would you please read it.”
(Raise hand)
“Yes, thank you. You can put it in the
“Ma’am, this is a sauce for the food, especially in
refrigerator before serving the salads as your
greens will stay crisp and fresh.”

“Next bullet is”

(Raise hand)
“Did anyone of you still remember the meaning
“Refrigerate salads until serving. Holding boxes
of the dressing? Anyone from the group?”
should have high humidity.”
“Correct, dressing is added to the body of
salad, to give added a flavor, tartness,
spiciness and moistness.” (Raise hand)

“For the next one, who wants to read?” “Do not add dressing to green salads until serving, or
they will sag.”

“Do not hold more than a few hours or the
salads will sag. Like what I said before the
quality of the greens will change and when we “Yes ma’am”
say humidity meaning amount of the water
vapor in the air, this is to retain the moist of the
“And for the last bullet, who wants to read?”

“As the dressing contain liquid seasoning, it will

affect the greens salad, if the dressing soaked
to the greens salad it will get saggy.”

“Everyone you still with me?”

“Yes ma’am”
“Now, let’s move on to our last topic for today,
which is the principles and practices of hygiene
in preparing salads and salad dressing.
Washing all salad vegetables and other “Yes ma’am”
ingredients is important to ensure food safety.”

“Washing is done in the following manner:”

“First, prepare a detergent in a bowl of tap
water. Dissolve very well 5g (litter) of powdered
or liquid detergent in 4L (1 gallon) of water.
Make sure there is no undissolved powder. We
don’t want any detergent left undissolved this
might cause illness in our health.” (Listening)

“Second, soak the vegetables in this solution

for about 1 minute. Ingredients that have to be
peeled should be washed too.” (Listening)
“Third, gently wash vegetables and pay special
attention to the steams and leaves. Because
this part is easy to remove.’

“Fourth, rinse the vegetables in tap water

several times to ensure that there is no (Listening)
remaining detergent or soap.”
“Fifth, the vegetables may further be sanitized
in a mild solution of potassium permanganate
or hypochlorite by soaking for about a minute,
then rising them. This reduces the moisture
content of that food product, and it improves “Thank you, ma’am”
shelf life.”

“Lastly, sixth, spin-dry the vegetables in a “No ma’am”

salad spinner, or dry by putting them on a
“Thank you, ma’am”
clean cloth or disposable paper. Make sure
that greens are dry when combining with the
dressing, because wet greens will prevent the
dressing from coating the leaves. This makes
the dressing very watery and tasteless and
reduces the crispness of the salad.”

“And that’s it for our lessons for today, I hope

everyone learn something today and will help
you for your future studies.”

“Any question from the class?”

“Let’s our class for today. Thank you so much

for actively participating students!”

3. Generalization
(Summary of the Lesson)

The main idea of this lesson is for us to always

be hygienic and be knowledgeable in preparing
the dressings and the vegetable we must
follow a strict time in preparing this food in
order to preserve its freshness.
IV. Evaluation
Short Quiz
Activity 1: Arrange step by step process of washing the vegetables.
__________ Spin-dry the vegetables in a salad spinner.
__________ Prepare a detergent in a bowl of tap water.
__________ Gently wash vegetables.
__________ Soak the vegetables in this solution for about 1 minute.
__________ Rinse the vegetables in tap water several times.
__________ The vegetables may further be sanitized in a mild solution of potassium permanganate or

Activity 2: Define the following.

Salads –
Dressing –
Storing –
Humidity –
V. Assignment.

Take a picture of yourself doing the step by step process and explain each step. Attach pictures with
explaination in a long bond of paper.

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