Crim Law

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Padduyao, Shanna P.


I have learned a series of things throughout this semester in this subject. Some things
confusing, and others that are interesting. Honestly, I can say that I have learned quiet a lot in
this subject, however only a few information was retained. Firstly, I was able to learn the basics
of criminal law. Well, I would not say the “basics” since I got a hard time memorizing each one of
them during the exams but they were literally the foundation of the topic criminal law; its history
and stuff. I got to know that criminal law, as a subject and I think as a whole is a hard thing to
learn and master as there are many terms you need not only to memorize but to comprehend as
well. This information will probably be helpful in my chosen profession as in the future, I will be
dealing with criminals, violators of law and etc. and with the application of the law itself so it is
with utmost importance that I have knowledge with criminal law. I was also able to know how to
get a fair grade with our instructor, sir Marcos. During the first activity, I was able to get a high
score but it went down hill on the second one. I figured because I was lacking the crucial words
for the definition, and probably because I tried to define those I find easy to understand on my
own words. I learned after that that the activities given, especially when if it is only defining a
word can easily be answered because you can literally copy and paste it. What you will only
need to do is to find a credible source, which for me is the hard part. This is specially if the
information you are looking for is defined deeply in Reyes’ book of The Revised Penal Code
which would mean that I need to find another credible source that I will make me understand
more of what I am reading. This taught me that in my studies and in my future profession,
reading and comprehension is essential specially on information that will be applicable and will
affect not just yourself but other people as well. But what struck me the most during the prelims
is on ex post facto law. I remember reading it in the book but not really understanding what it
meant until the discussion. There are series of circumstances that defines an ex post facto law
but the most common example is when a law makes criminal an act that is committed even
before the passage of this law. This information will totally help me in my future profession as it
will help me identify acts that can be prosecuted or not.

During the midterms I realized after the checking of exams that reciting and getting plus
points is never an underrated way to get passing grades. I say underrated because in high
school, and even on my first year in college, I didn’t recite much and still got passing marks so I
never really relied on reciting to have a good mark until this subject. In saying so, this lesson
literally taught me to that in my studies, earning plus points, even if it is only just a point or two
will have an impact on my grade so earn as much points as possible. Another thing I learned
during this midterm is that having books of the same topic with different authors will make
researching easier compared to having just one and then relying on the internet to have the
other information you needed. I think this lesson is also applicable in my chosen field of work
because, well, in my future profession, the credibility of every information, as well as its source/s
is very crucial specially in terms of investigations. During the midterms what got me the most is
the stages of execution. This is because their definition is actually pretty simple to understand.
However, when these three mixed up, they get pretty confusing especially attempted and
frustrated. Another thing is that there are cases or crimes that do not have frustrated stage and
other that are consummated in an instant so its really confusing especially when a question is
given in situational form. Despite that, I think this information that I have learned will be
applicable when in my future profession as it will allow me to distinguish the right stages of
execution of a crime when investigating one.

During this finals, I did not really learn much. The reason probably is because its finals
and I can’t keep my focus knowing that I will be going home and I will be having a short
vacation this December. Honestly, I keep losing my focus on my studies during the finals
because my attention is on the fact that vacation is near. I know that this phase of me getting
distracted on things will repeat itself, but I can assure that in time, I will learn to master my
control over my focusing ability which I think will help me not just in having a fair mark in my
studies and in my future profession but in my life as a whole. In improving my focus on things, I
will be able to achieve my goal timely. Another reason probably is because we lack the time to
discuss more of the topic we should be discussing that’s why it disappoints me because it is
really a very interesting topic.

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