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Good morning class, especially to our professor Mrs. Redo Good morning po!

And I'm Regine Madla, I'm your teacher for today and I'm going to discuss the causes of language
change in English.

As we all know Language is always changing and evolving, and it’s not always for the better.
Sometimes, words lose their meaning or they can even change their meaning, even though they’ve
been around for decades. In some possibilities
, this is a sign of the times and in others, it is a sign of how technology is changing the way people
talk to each other. So now, here are the possible causes of language change in English.

First is Political Factor , who wants to read the first definition of political factor? The first definition

Okay, thank you!

When we say, political factor this Language change has some kind of political roots such as human
migration and invasion. So when people move to a country and learn a new language, they learn
their adopted language imperfectly. They then pass on these slight imperfections to their children
and the people in their social circle and eventually alter the language.

Okay , the second definition who wants to read?

For example, student writers today are encouraged to use gender-neutral and gender-inclusive
nouns and pronouns and to treat women and men in a parallel fashion. For example, a police officer
for policeman, firefighter for fireman, and humankind for mankind

Another cause of language change in English is

Social Factor

Can someone read the first definition?

Changes in politics, economics, and technology usually lead to social changes. So, Social changes
produce language changes. In other words, once society starts changing, then language change
produces special effects.

Typical variables include occupation, level of education, income, and type of residential dwelling,
with ranked levels within each variable. People with different levels of social status respond and
perceive things differently and vocabulary and phrases differently. So, For example, individuals who
are poor and who cannot afford an education or who grew up in a rural area where proper grammar
wasn't encouraged, their ways of speaking will not be as eloquent as those of higher standing.
Additionally, the words and phrases used by our parents or grandparents may ever be the same as
the words and phrases we are using right now.

Cultural Factor

So, the example of cultural factor, one cultural factor that can influence how people act is language.
If you speak English as your first language, you probably speak differently than someone who only
speaks Spanish. You may use different words or phrases to express the same ideas. But you'll
probably sound pretty similar.

Moral factor

It is the idea that the language changes based on what the majority of people believe is right or
wrong. For example, if people think abortion is morally wrong, that could lead to the language, and
all its words, changing to reflect that. Or if people believe it's a good thing to help others, that could
lead to the language changing to reflect that.

Technology Factor

The ever-changing technology is creating difficulty for English language users to keep track of new
vocabulary and expressions. In fact, Language itself changes slowly but the internet has speeded
up the process of those changes even more quickly. For example, some entirely new words like the
verb “to google, “Facebook”, Instagram, Titkok, and many other words that are not yet in the Oxford
English Dictionary, have come into popular use. However, not all these new words and slang being
used right now will survive forever. Also the people online show how brilliant they are by
manipulating the language of the internet which causes computer slang to develop even faster than
one can ever imagine (The text messaging language is something new the abbreviation such as
LOL, BFF, IMHO, and OMG (that's laugh out loud, best friends forever, in my humble opinion, and oh
my God) have recently been added to the Oxford Dictionary, legitimizing the terms used by millions
in texts, emails, and instant messages.

Do you understand?

So, those are the possible causes of language change in English

So now let's proceed to the effect of language change in English and it will be explain by Mr.

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