Spotlight 7 Part 1

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arter Summe Dp roo at the pictures and tell your partner what the people are doing. e.g. On the first picture the children are flying kite. @ a. Read the texts and fill in the table. b. Tell your partner | Dear friend! My name is David and Ive in Manchester, about the children’s | Enslond. Ths year my parents summer holidays and I spent the summer in with help of the table. ‘My name is Brenda. | live in New York, USA. My mum and I lve in a small appartment. Spain. We tool the plane to Spain, it was the fist time for ime to fly. We lived in a big hotel summer holidays we spent in Scotland. We went to Loch Ness § and visited an old costle in 8 Edinburgh. | hoped to see the 5 monster Nessie, but lcidn’t. My dad likes wailing so we walked through the Highlands. The ® Match the words to the correct pictures and complete the crossword. shea find a hidden message. aD *holiddy? @OOECLO Ss See | | Ye Tense Revision ( etsimte Use We use the past simple: 4 '0r actions which happened at a definite or stated time in the past; that is, we know when they happened. Thoy graduated four years ago. (men aid they ‘graduate? Four years ago. We ‘know tho time.) *) for actions which happened repeatedly in the past but don't happen any moro. In this case ‘we can use adverbs of frequency (always, often, usually, etc.). He often played Jootbal with his dad when he was five. (But he deosn't pay Jootball wih his dad any more.) @ 10" scons wrien happened immediately one after the other in the past. Thoy cooked the ‘mea! fist. Then thoy ate wit tre trends. 4 12101 avout people who are no tonger atv. Princess Diana visited a lot of schools. _ Time expressions Time expressions used with the past simple include: yesterday, last night\weekimonth year/Monday, etc. two days/weeks/months/yeers ago, then, when, in 1992, etc. © & Verbs ending in -e take only -d. dance - danced @e Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the y ‘and take -led. try- tried &® Verbs ending in a vowel + y, take -ed. play - played, stay - stayed y Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant and take -ed. plan- planned but open - opened @ Verbs ending in 1, double the | and take -ed. travel - travelled, quarrel - quarrelled ® Write the past simple of the verbs in the list in the correct box. Jaugh, study, travel, pray, stop, close, cry, rob, call, love, tidy, dance, miss, drop, phone, enjoy, try, lve, refer, look, cary +d +ed laughed +ed 3) Make sentences using the prompts below as in the example. 1. Olivia's room is clean now. (clean it/an hour ago) She cleaned it an hour ago. Helen isn't watching TV. (tum it off/half an hour ago) Steve doesn't go to the gym any more. (stop/six months ago) ‘Mary is eating the cake. (bake i/haif an hour ago) Kim is having a party today. (arrange it/two weeks ago) Rob doesn't live here any more. (move/three days ago) Peter's house is tidy. (tidy itftwo hours ago) 2 e Noose Tense Revision _ Ve Iotinitve Past Past Participle infinitive ——Past Past Participle | be was been leave ten tet | bear bore bom(e) | lend lent lent boat beat beaten fet lot lot become became become lie rd ‘ain begn began begun Hight it bite bit bitten lose lost lost blow blew blown | make made made | break broke broken ‘mean meant meant bring brought brought meet met met build built built pay paid paid burn burt (burned) but (burned) pat put put burt bunt borat read read read buy bought bought ride rode ridden can could (baen able to) ring ‘ang ung catch ‘caught caught rise ‘080 ‘ison choose chose chosen run ‘an run ‘come came come say said said cost cost cost see saw seen eat cut cut soll sod sod deal dealt dealt << sort pis , 3 au oy sew sewed sewn bri ee oe shake shook shaken raw crew drawn sane hone. fone ‘dream Greamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed) | Shoot thot shot sie crank rurte show showed shown | ave drove riven shut shut shut cat ate eaten sing sang sung fait felt fate at oa = eas e bia sloop slopt slept 7 smell smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled) feol folt fot i fuck ae speak spoke spoken spel spelt (spelled) spelt (spelled) a found fund spend spent spent | wy flew flown spill spt tpt forbid forbade forbidden spol spoilt (spoiled) spoilt (spoiled) forget torgot forgotten spread spread spread forgive forgave forgiven stand ‘stood stood freeze froze frozen steal stole stolen = ne oon song song a rm nae strike struck struck a swear snore swom sis - Pe sweep swept swept hang hung (hanged) hung (hanged) | Swim swam swum ave had ad Loot teed ee take took taken teach taugnt taught hide hie hiddon io bey os bet me i tell told told hold held hela think thought thought hurt hurt hurt throw throw thrown keep kept kept Understand understood understood mw ad Reon: wake woke woken lay laid laid wear wore worn ead ‘ea lea win won won lean learnt earned) learnt (earned) | write wrote wtten Tense Revision (@ Pur the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple. What use of the past simple does each sentence show. Mother ...cleaned... (clean) the windows twice last week. (definite/stated time) They (not/go) on holiday to Spain last year. Tina (not/sing) in the school concert yesterday. Paul otten .. (fight) with his brother when they were young Mother Teresa (help) the poor people of India Her sister (bake) this beautiful ‘cake on Monday. (Sam/enjoy) his trip to. Wales last weekend? John his knee. @ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. (fall) and (burt) Lesley 1) ...bought.... (buy) her house two months, ago. It is a beautiful cottage in the countryside. However, when Lesley 2) “ (decide) to buy it, it 3) alot of work. First, she 4) (Gecorate) al the rooms. Then, she 5) 2 - (plan) lots of flowers in the garden. ater that, she 6) (make) new curtains for all the windows. When it was ready, she 7) .. (move) in. That was last week. Now, Lesley is very happy. “ (need) Claude Monet 1) ...wva6... (be) a famous artist. He 2) (paint) lots of beautiful pictures in his Iietime. He often 3) -.- (take) his paints and a canvas into the countryside, He 4) (ove) to paint trees and rivers during the different seasons of the year. Monet 5) (create) a new kind of art called impressionism. He 6) (die) in 1926, but many people stil visit museums and galleries to look at his pictures. & PEPER erar Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple. What 1) ....did you do... (you/do) last summer? 12) (work) in a fast food restaurant. What kind of work 3) .. semene (YOUISO)? i) (take) orders from customers 5) . " (you/eam) much money? Yes, DUNG) oon .». (S@Nd) Most of i What 7) {you/spend) it on? 18) (go) on holiday to the Greek islands. 9)... snuseune (yOuMhave) a good time? Yes, it 10) .» (be) wonderful! ‘ou have just come back from a holiday. Your friend is asking you some questions. Look at the prompts and ask and answer questions. where / go? SA: Where did you go? ‘SB: | went to Spain. who / go with? have / a good time? stay / at a camp-site? the weather / good? what / do every day? eat /at restaurants? (90//the beach? 10 Listen and read. Highlight the words that you do not know. Edinburgh is the worlds festival city. celebrated during the months of July and August. Hundreds of thousands of people visit the Scottish ere are twelve festivals throughout the year, half of which are capital during the summer. Here are some of the events they can enjoy. ‘This is the original Edinburgh festival which began in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and opera singers from all over the world perform to huge audiences. You need tickets for most events which take place in theatres around the city This festival is modern and has been celebrated for around ten years. It is a fantastic opportunity to see some of the citys best visual art in art galleries and museums. Most events are free and include events such as fashion shows and art exhibitions. |The Edinburgh Festival Ringe This is the largest arts festival in the world with thousands of shows which take place across the city. Anyone can perform in the festival and over 20,000 artists take part, so there is always a huge variety of acts to choose from. Go to the Royal Mile, one of Edinburghs main streets, to watch performers such as magicians, acrobats and comedians for free. However, it can get very busy as thousands of tourists and local people fill the city streets to enjoy the shows. _ The Edinburgh International Book Festival The largest book festival in the world began in 1983 and takes place every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the centre of Edinburgh. There are over 700 events for children and adults who love books. You can meet many authors, talk to them, ask them to sign a book or listen to them talk about their stories. Children can listen to stories and watch illustrators draw pictures of the stories. “8B Music lovers come to this festival to enjoy music shows around the city. One of the highlights of this musical festival is the street carnival which is free to all. Artists perform street theatre, dance and circus shows in amazing costumes and everyone can enjoy the music and join in the dancing. Whe Royal Henburgh Military Tattoo This show'is 65 years old and takes place every evening during the festival outside Edinburgh Castle. You can listen to pipers and drummers in military bands, watch traditional Scottish dancing and enjoy a firework display in the Edinburgh night sky. More than 200,000 people buy tickets to watch the show live and around 100 million people watch it on TV all over the world. Preparation (Tach the vocabulary with the correct definition and write af next to the numbers 1 -6. Check Jazzand blues @. a special day or days with fun things to see and do to take place b. tosing, dance, act or do something else with people watching you a tattoo ¢. (for an event) to happen: to be organised to perform d. related to soldiers and the army a festival e. two styles of music military f. a show by soldiers with music and marching your understanding Grier festival would these people like to go to? Match the festivals to the speakers and write af next to the numbers 16 | ike looking at pictures at exhibitions and I'm interested in clothes. | like reading graphic novels and listening to stories. love comedy, but | don't want to buy a ticket fora show. Military Tattoo | love watching plays and listening to opera music, d. Jazz and Blues | want to watch @ show with traditional Scottish music and dancing e. Fringe I want to watch come theatre in the ‘street and dance. fo onal ° (13) Fin the gaps with the correct verb phrase from the box. take part buy includes join in visit take place —_listen to 4. Youcan_____six festivals during the summer in Edinburgh. 2 Most events at the Intemational Festival in theatres. 3. The Edinburgh Art Festival fashion shows and art exhibitions, 4, Thousands of performers In the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. 5. Youcan stories at the Book Festival 6. tthe Jazz and Blues Festival you can. the camival celebrations. 7. Youneed to 4 ticket to go to the Miltary Tattoo Festival at the castle. Check your understanding au Complete the people nouns with the correct ending: -er, -or, -ian or -ist. 1 act 7 magic__ 2 art_ & music 3. auth__ 9 perform __ 4. comed__ 40. sing__ 5. danc__ 11, tour__ 6. illustrat__ Discussion (25) which of Edinburgh's summer festivals would you most like to see? Why? Project. Find a festival that you would like to attende and tell about it in the class, Add pictures and describe the festival. The plan will help you. Tewhere the festival takes place Pi cture S fe when what activities are presented on the festival gywhy you would like to attend it. Lifestyles A city mouse or a country mouse? Are you a city mouse or a country mouse? Look at the pros and cons and discuss it with your partner. @® dontmind & ve e.g. Convenient public transport is very important to me. | don't mind importanttome ® can't stand constant noise and | can't stand feeling isolated. | think I'm a city mouse! Qvria of the adjectives do you associate with a city-lifestyle and a country-lifestyle? esafe © polluted * peaceful crowded ebig @ stressful exciting helpful @ relaxing @ busy ehealthy noisy © fast expensive elonely —@clean © dangerous boring Reading @ Read the text and try to explane the words in bold su My life in a city My family and [live in a city. I ike it, because I can always go somewhere like a shopping center or a cinema with my friends. Everything is close at hand. My usual day goes like this: Iwake up at 7 o'clock and go to the bathroom Thave a shower, wash my face and brush teeth. After that I get dressed and go to have breakfast. Then I catch the bus to school where Ihave lessons until 17 o'clock. Hike studying because at school we have good facilities like the computer room and the swimming pool. Also, Ima cheerleader, so most of all [like our school gym. I come home very quick and do my homewo: My life in a country But this summer is different. We are swapping houses with my cousin Jimmy. So we are guests in his home on a farm. His farm is huge. There is a big house, a farmyard, big fields and a small lake, While we are living on the farm we should get up at 5 o'clock. My mum is cooking breakfast We are eating and getting ready for the day. After that we are going to the farmyard to milk the cows in the bam and feed the chicken. Its a very Gifficult job, so I usually feel tired by the end of the day. I miss my hometown and Im getting homesick. I also feel isolated. Fresh air and beautiful landscapes are lovely, but I miss hustle All family has dinner together. I watch some series, read a book or play phone games after. At 22 o'clock I go to bed. Orca the text again and mark the statements true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS). 1. The author likes living in a city because it is very comfortable. 2. The author's cousin lives in Brooklyn. 3. The author has lessons until 16 o'clock. 4. The author's cousin feels isolated. 5. The farm is very big. 6. The author enjoys living in the coutryside. 7. The author's family misses the city. e.: Find examples of she present simple and the (present continious in the text b. In pairs, ask and answer questions about the tent. A. When does the é ithor usually wake up? 3: The auth 7 o'clock. Writing Write an e-mail to your English penfriend. Write about: where vou live, your daily routin, what you are doing this week © Grammar e@.. Look at the table, then write as in e a. Fill in: never, usually, sometimes. the example. Charlie | Karen live in Manchester? x v seldom have a pet? | yo x — 251 speak Spanish? Kv sor often play football? v x | osx work at hospital? | x OX | soo: always 4 Does Charlie livein Manchester? b. Use adverbs of frequency and the prompts No, He lives in London, to ask and answer. 2 2 Yes, fe hasialcog) How often do you 2 : 2 * vacuum your bedroom? r i. ore is Spanish * cook dinner for the family No, She plays tennis. Sree jeaiirieoes? 7 , © get up early No, She works in an office b. Look at the table and complete a0, Put the words in the correct order. the sentences. 1 you/today/beactYthe/going/to/are? 1 Karen fivesin Manchester = — a 2 tomorrow/Stevelfishing/not/is/going 3 Charlie Spani eet football 3 Peter/chess/are/David/playing/and/now 5 Cherlie and Karen ote hee 4 Samanthawhatfis/eatinginow? @ Use the prompts to make questions and 5 tonight/Sallyhhaving/is/a/party answer them about yourself. m 1 your father/work in an office? @acsver the questions about yourself. Does your father workin an office? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. He isa teacher, 1 Ate youmaking a sandwich? No, I'mnot. I'm reading a book. youdwant to be a doctor? ae 2 2 Is your mother preparing di rr? 3 your friend/study at university? 3 tAteVol gag abet ihe 4 your parents/travel a jot? 4 Ave you learning to play the piano? 5 your mother/work long hours? 5 Is your sister having a birthday party or 6 youMwerk part-time? Saturday? 7 your teacher/aive lots of tests? 6 Are you studying hard these days? 7 Is your father going to London tomorrow? Grammar @ keaa John's diary. Ask and answer 7 & Why questions as in the example. 5 tyourpack) your suitcase? Because I Monday | Tuesday (travel) to Rome tomorrow. 10am attend drama class _ have quitar lesson 8 A: What time (the film/start)? 1pm go to the bank B: it (start) at 7 o'clock. 3pm e play chess with Jack 9 A: Do you like basketball? 5pm B: Yes, but! (prefer) footbal 8pm_ watch pall game meet Karen for dinner, 19 A: Jane looks very fit B: Yes. She 1 ate itn Cela a (exercise) a lot at the moment A: Is John attending drama class on Tuesday at 10am? B: No, he isn’t Heis attending drama class on @io0 at the pictures. What are they Monday at 2 goftofoank/Tuesday/1 pm? 3 play/chess/with Jack/Monday/3 pm? RSaUGN cea 4 watch/football game/on/Tuesday/8 pm? * buy flowers « try ona 5 meeU/Xaren/for dinner/Monday/8 pm? doing? (3) Put the verbs in brackets into the presen simple or the present continious. 1 A: Where's Paul? B: In his room. He (do) his homework 2 A: What time (you/start) work every morning? B o'clock 3 A: Where (you/go)? BI (go) to the supermarket 4 A: Howoften (you/drink) tea? B: Twice a day. What (Peter/do)? B: He (have) a shower at the moment © A: Tomis very busy B: Yes. He (work) very hard these days > Better safe than sorry @reaa the text and match the words in bold to their definitions. Living in a big city can be really many dangers that await us. One of them is burglars. ‘Weve prepared a few useful tips for you to stay safe, BS 1. Always look through your peephole befor openin the door. 2. Keep your mobile phone switched on. Definitions 1. tuned on - _ 2. give to someone 3. connect or fix smth in position - 4. identification - 5. machine that signals danger - ng 6. a small hole to look through - _ 3. If somebody knocks at the door, always check: their ID property. 4. Never leave your keys next to doors or windows. 5. Install an alarm system in your apartment. 6, Remember: Ifa burglar breaks in, dontt ty to fight. ‘This can end badly. Hand over your valuables and call the police. Grammar Spelling rules 1. K Gossmunersy npuxararosuuux z06anaaers I fluent — fluently, complete — completely, special — specially 2. -y wa xonue mpuzerenemmx: = CX—> 1+ > sleepy — sleeplly, happy — happily, easy — easily 8. le wa voune mpuaararemsnsx: => simple — simply, gentle — gently, terrible — terribly ly, dramntio — dramatically 4, le ma womne mpuanraresmntx: basic — basically, tragic — tragi Hexmovenne! adjective = adver Find adverbs in the text and complete the rule. adjective +___ = adverb @® Write the adverbs in the correct column: good, simple, basic, bad, careful, happy, hard, fast, lazy, immediate, angry, possible, energetic, early, heavy, horrible, gentle, careless, late, lucky, low. +4y Kr itd carefully opua napewia coamaaaer ¢ GopNOL upmararemnoro: hard, fast early, late, high, tou, straight, for~ ‘ecletives (eaxost) — adverbs (kam?) | edpcven nonon?) — verb (ne?) art work (mascesas padoma) — | high mountain — to jump high $ ‘ ee Sl — 6 oe straight bait — to go stig an Saty'led — to get ap arly Shriares — to Eve iar alate visitor — to ge to bed lite J} Hexauovennet Tpminrareanuoe mapemie ofpasonanst oF pasmucx xopuol good (xopounl) — well (xopoute) © Grammar @= in the gaps with the correct words. polite/politely 1. He is a very —_______ man. 2. He speaks very happy/happily 8, She is smiling —__________. 4, She looks very careful/carefully 5. He drives very —____ 6. He is a very omart/emartly 7. She usually wears —__ 8, She always dresses very " fluent /fluently 9. They are 10. They don’t speak Italian —____ a easy/easily 11. He solved all the problems —_ = 12. The exam was quite driver. dresses. in French. ‘Some verbs do not have continuous tenses. ‘These include: ® eres of he senses: see, hear, feel, taste, smell. €.g. This cake tastes detcious. UND) Mnepneen totter ene | Verbs of perception: know, remember, forget, recognise, understand, notice, realise, seem, ‘sound, think, etc. eg. don't know his name. @) Verbs which express likes and disiikes: love, like, hate, dislike, enjoy, etc. 6.9. Shiley loves jazz music. § other verbs: include, matter, need, belong, cost, prefer, mean, own, appear, believe, want, have (=possess), etc. €.g. That jacket costs a lot of money. (NOT het socket ie-cocting-«-iototmoney.) Ov. the verbs in the correct form and the adjectives from the list below to complete the sentences. Verbs: seem, taste, remain, appear, get, be, smell, feel, look. Adjectives: ‘nice, strange, fluent, silent, dark, delicious, satisfied, nervous, mart. She seems nervous. Do you know why? 1. In winter it —___________ very early. 2, Tina asked her son to tell her the truth but he ————__________. 8. My colleague for twenty years. 4. She 5. They —__ and ‘they have enough free time. 6. Can I have another piece of cake? It 7. The roses are very beautiful and they in Spanish. She lived in Spain in her beautiful designer clothes. with their life because they like their job 8, It ___________________ to me that he doesn’t want to invite his best friend to his birthday party. e Correct the mistakes, as in the example. carefully He drives very tarefil. 1, She always dresses very smart. 2. It is raining heavy toda 3. This material is felling soft. 4. We have an English lesson now. 5. How much is your bag weighing? 6. Is he often late to school? ae 7. What colour eyes have they? 8. What type of build has he got? 9, Is he keen of sport? 10. She looks strangely in these clothes. © Phrasal verbs (run) @Qr« run+prepositions to fill in | @ the blanks. into Jive by chance) ~: a ql out of <— E F (no more lef) after (chase) 1. "Long time no sec! Im so glad Iran _ 2, On our way home we ran gas. 3. A police officer is running __ _a burglar. Now make up sentences using the phrasal verb run. Grammar Should — monanbusrit rnaron. Ox xe menserca. [epex HUM 4 mocne Hero He cramures to. Should ynorpeSxseres, wro6ut nave corer. Qcompiere the sentences using should and the following verbs: apologise, eat, tke, help, remember, wear, put, see. J should see an optician because I can't sce very well. 1. You (rat) to say “please” and “thank you”. 2. He on his jumper if he is cold. 3, She a hat when she is on the beach. 4. It five times a day because it is very little. 5. We our grandparents. 6. You (ns) you push someone. nat T™Y off their shoes when they enter someone's e Read and give advice using the phrases: be so forgetful, eat so much fast food, go out with her friends, revise for the exam, be so stubborn, go to bed right now, warn, your teacher, call for a mechanic, work so hard. Susan is bored. ‘She should go out with her friends. 1. Tom is very sleepy. a 2. Your brothor is ill. Pig 3, Our washing machine broke down You yesterday. 4. She looks very tired. She 5. I didn’t do my homework yesterd Yoru 6. Anne is putting on weight. She Zeon 7. Eddy is taking his exam tomorrow. He : 8. Paul often forgets about very He important things. 9. They don’t want to listen to anyone. They é 5 Hanging out ‘Take a look at the mind-map. Read the word combinations and translate them. Complete the mind-map with your own ideas. r do the gardening hang outat the shopping centre eat outdoors rent a DVD readabook | ¢ ee play computer | chatwith friends | ~—— | surf the Net play board games LO NS go sunbathing go surfing play beach volleyball @ Match these activities to the columns. on a warm day ona rainy day on a hot day Hanging out e Read the text and pay attention to the words in bold. J enjoy living in a city because there are a lot of places and free time activities you can choose from. I'm an active person, so [ like doing sports. I'm keen on playing volleyball or jogging on warm and hot days. But, when it’s cold and rainy, I prefer staying at home. There are also a lot of things to do. | can surf the Net, chat with my friends or play computer games. But my favourite thing to do ona rainy day is to rent a DVD and watch a movie or play board games with my family. I'm crazy about it. Writing Q wii a short article (50-70 words) about your free time activities. Weiter @ where itis o vharyou an deere ___ eee e why you like it @ how you feel there Writing an article Catchy title (make up an interesting title for your article) Invoduction (make a short introduction for your article) Main body (give the main information) Conclusion (tell what you think about the topic) Buying an underground ticket English in Use Quan the pictures to the ways of trevelling. 1) by wain 2) by bus 3) by motorcycle 4) by plane 5) by tube (the underground) 6) by bike 7) by taxi 8) by car 9) by boat 10) by ship 11) on foot @©keead the phrases ana divide them in two columns. © Next, please. © Where to? © Single or return? © Return to Barbican, please. © That's £6.00. © Which line do | take, please? * You're welcome. Buying an underground ticket English in Use Tickets vee Ae IIS (only one way to (for children elder 5) the destination Aiea gee (to the destination and back) @ Read the dialogues and say where each person wants to go? Dialogue 1 TS: Next, please P: Two tickets, please. ‘TS: Where to? P: Covent Garden TS: Single or return? P: Single, please. Totternan TS: Thats £ 6.00 Court Read Dial of 1% Cannon Street TS: Nest, please. (~ P: Two tickets, retum to St. Paul's, please ‘TS: Thats £ 12.00. P: Here you are. Which line do I take, please? Westminster TS: Take the Circle line ® - Cirele line P: Thanks a lot. TS: Youre welcome. @ Now, in pairs, make similar dialogues, between a ticket seller and a passenger. You are living from Oxford Circus to: ¢ St. Paul's (2 adults) © Charing Cross (2 adults & 1 child) © Progress Check 1 Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. ID surfthe install bustle beach volleyball high qual alarm system 1, When it's rainy, I stay at home and . 2, Always checka stranger's... befor letting them in. 3, People in the country Iead .. lifestyle. 4. Atweekends my friends and I usually play ..... . because it's very hot outside. 5. really miss the hustle and of London. 6. On the farm I feel 7. To be safer at home we've installed an ...... 8. In the county there is a high rate of .. 9. We should lights in the garden. .. outside @r= the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. 1. The river.. (ow) very fast today. 2. You... sow (always, to complain)! 8. Tissnsnsneen (walk) to school every day: Tess (take, not) the bus. 4, Robert is a vegetarian. He 5. susanaeaeenuennee (YOU, COOK) your own dinner every day? 6. Holidays abroad (become) popular .. (be) in the bathroom. (shave). 9. My sister « every weekend, @ (valk) quickly because Im cold. (\o take) part in the competitions ® Use the prompts to give the correct advice, using cither should or shouldat. A: Im afraid won't pass my test well. B: (worry so much) Az Ive got a bad toothache. B: (visit/a dentist) . A: Im tired of playing computer games. B: (read/a book) A: Look! Its raining again! B: (take/umbrella) ... A: [have an important meeting tomorrow: B: (go to bed/early) mpletc the dialogucs with the phrascs from the box. : I need to train more. joining a gym? 2. A: I've gota terrible headache! visit a doctor. 3. A: My friend is always late! B: buy an alarm clock? ‘m sorry, I'm really tired. .. go home? . (cat, not) meat i) Vocabulary Bookwarms Iron Man was a superhero from Marvel Comics. At first glance he is and ordinary man ina suit. He is 2 famous businessman with neat appearance but he is a brilliant inventor and extraordinary scientist. One day he was captured by terrorists who wanted him to build a bomb for them. Using his imagination and knowledge of psychology, he tricked the terrorists and built the first Iron man costume. He was extremely intelligent and managed to escape. His obsession with technology and order helped him build new Iron Man costumes to lead investigations and solve mysterious cases to save the world. He didn't use to wear a cape as typical superheroes do but he still was a faithful superhero who inspired his teammates to fight. He had saved the world several times but died during the fight with @ Do you know this character? Who was he? Where was he from? Read the text and explane the words in bold. ‘Then match the underlined adjectives to their synonyms. wellknown unusual amazing clever ordinary — loyal Qe the undertined adjectives to describe your favourite characters. @ tron Manis a character from comics. What other literature genres do you know? Match the genres to their definitions. Comedy — &. Mystery b. Legend th. Humorous story @ Adventure 4. Drama 4. Fairytale 4. Biography @ Suspense k. Science fiction & Myth d. Novel 2 strange supervillian Tanos. DEFINITIONS 1) A long printed story about imaginary characters and events 2) A book that is intentionally funny 8) Asad St0rY seen 4) Abook that describes strange events ... 5) Avery old story from ancient times about famous events or people ... 6) A book that describes life of a famous person 7) A book (usually) writen for children that involves imaginary creatures and magic 8) An ancient story about mystycal creatures or events - 9) Books about an imagined future, especially about space travel or other planets .... 10) A story about an unusual, exciting, sometimes dangerous tip ... 11) A story with funny characters or situations 12) A book that makes you feel excited or nervous .... Grammar We use the past simple: © for actions which happened at a definite oF stated time in the past; that is, we know wher they happened. — They graduated - four years ago. (Wren oid they ( graduate? Four yearsago We ‘kmow the time) — | ©) for actions which happened repeatedly in the past but don’t happen any more. In this case ‘we can use adverbs of frequency (always, often, usually, etc.) He onen played football with his dad whon ho wae five. (But he doesn't play fooibal wih his dad ary mow.) “© for actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past. Than thoy ato roa et wih tet tends Sn et nen ee ee Qe sentences using the prompts below as in the example. Thay cooked tho Prncess Diana visited a lot of school. Time Expressions ‘Time oxprossions used with the past simple inchide: yesterday, last night/week/month/year/Monday, etc, two daye'weoks!monthe/yeare ago, then, when, in 1992, etc. © ® Verbs ending in -e take only -d. dance - danced ® Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the y and take -led. try - tried Verbs ending in a vowel + y, take -ed. play - played, stay - stayed “} Verbs ending in one stressed vowel between two consonants, double the last consonant and take -ed. lan - planned but open - opened > Verbs ending in +, double the | and take -ed. travel - travelled, quarrel - quarrelled (D) Write the past simple of the verbs in the correct box. Jaugh, study, travel, pray, stop, close, cry, rob, call, love, tidy, dance, miss, drop, phone, enjoy, tty, lve, reler, look, camry +ed +d laughed = ied double consonant ted 1. Olivia's room is clean now. (clean itlan hour ago) She cleaned it an hour ago. 2 Helen isn't watching TV. (turn it off/half an hour ago) ‘Steve doesn't go to the gym any more. (stopisix months ago) Mary is eating the cake. (bake it/half an hour ago) Kim is having a party today, (arrange it/two weeks ago) Rob doesn't live here any more. (move/three days ago) Peter's house is tidy. (tidy itftwo hours ago) oe Noon Grammar @ru the verbs in brackets into the past simple. @ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. 1A: Somy Mum, but |. dropped... (drop) the glass on ‘the floor. B: Never mind. Just be careful next time. Bow 2 (youlwatch) the (survive). n-ne (NOt/play) tennis yesterday. B: I know. She's playing today instead. Kn @ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. What use of the past simple does cach sentence show? 6 Ask and answer questions to the text. 1. Mother ...cleaned... (clean) the windows twice last week. (definite/etated time) 1 Ferdinand Magellan / be / a Portuguese sailor? «= (nOWgo) on holiday «SA: Was Ferdinand Magellan a Portuguese sailor? SB: Yeo, he was. the Emperor of Spain / give him / fifteen ships? SA: Did the Emperor of Spain give him fifteen ships? ‘$8: No, he didn't. He gave him five ships. they / leave / Spain / 16197 the journey / be / long and dangerous? ‘Magellan / discover / the Pacific Ocean? Magellan / die / with soldiers / in battle? a Spanish sailor / complete / voyage? the remaining ship / reach / Spain / 1523 © Grammar * We use used fo or the past simple to describe past habits and states which don't happen/exist any more. | worked/used to work as a cleaner. (past habit) I dicin't have/didn't use to have long hair. (state) * Weuse the past simple for an action which happened ata specific time in the past. We went to the beach last Saturday. NOT: We weed-te-ge to the beach /ast Saturday. (Dr picture shows what Pauline used to be like five years ago. Listen and fill in the missing words, then make sentences, as in the example. THEN Now short lass orange hair i. OND ‘a vense® fee, cortect I eyes ast gathes: & any gn okK® is: nor SO ) nails: ore Pauline used to have short 4 ‘orange hair, but now she's Tipped jeans ) got long brown har brightly coloured T-shirts Now, tell about yourself. What did you use to be like 5 years ago? hair: eyes clothes: } habits ® We use as soon as, when, after, until and then to introduce time and show a sequence of events. The phone rang as soon as he came home. Now let's summarize the text about Tron Man. Join the sentences with the words in bold. 1) He built Iron Man costume. He escaped .... from the terrorists. (as soon as) 2) Tony Stark used to be an ordinary buisnessman. He was captured by terrorists. (until) 3) Tony decided to escape. He found out that the terrorists wanted hirm to build a bomb. (when) 4) He made more Iron Man costumes. He became a superhero. (then) 5) Iron Man had saved the world many times. He died ina fight with Tanos. (after) Bier, Write a short story of your favourite character. English Every Day @: Listen, repeat. Try to translate the e} Make up a dialogue with the phrases from phrases. ex. | a. Make notes. © You'll never guess what Notes: happened to me. © place where the story © What is it? happened: © You look a little upset. @ time: © | had quite a shock. © what happened: @ What on earth was it? © Oh my goodness! © what was going on: © What was going on? © Oh dear! b. Read the dialogue and fill in with the phrases from a. A: Hi, Emma. B: Hil How are you? ‘A: Not so good B: ? You look scared, ‘A: | was going home. The street was empty and it was really dark. Suddenly, | heard a noise B: es A; Itwas my first question, 100. So | looked around, There was somebody on the comer of the street. B: ! Sure you had! | would have been shocked, too! ? A: Well, I was standing there. | couldn't move. | was so afraid! And that someone was a man and he was comming closer and closer. B ! What happened next? A: The man came up to me, looked at me and said: "= Are you alright, miss? " He walked me home end wasn't really scary! He appeared to be my new neighbor. B: Thanks god you are fine! Progress Check 2 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. 1. My favourite genre is because [like stories that take place in the future or in space. 2. 1like they are funny and usually have a happy ending. 3. Am) exciting story about a hero whe docs dangerous because isan things. 4. Loften read so Tcan find out more about famous people 5. Ilike reading about crimes or strange events, so Tread 6. My mom often watches on TV because they are very emotional 7. Lusually feel worried when I watch because I don't know what will happen nest. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. ral amatials Inde famous compass imagmation mtellgent sev solve plore glance 1.J. Rowling is a writer. 2. Like my new flat. Iés very 3. At first he is a regular man. 4, We need to take with a to not get lost in the forest. 5. It's Jane's notebook. There are her onit. @& 6. Tony Stark had saved the world times. 7, Everyone, ! The birthday boy is here! Its a surprise party. 8. Dustin is so ! He has good marks at school. 9. Sherlock Holmes crimes. 10. Jules Verne had a great 11. Lets going out. the house befor ) Complete the dialogue using the verbs in the past simple tense. Kim: What {you do) last night, Lisa? Lisa: I went to the cinema. ‘Kim: What film (you see)? Lisa: Shrek. Kim: Who ( you go) with? Lisa: Pete and Zoe. Kim: (you enjoy) it? Lisa: Well, the special effects were brilliant, but the story wasnt very good. Kim: What time (it finish)? Lisa: At ten o'dock. Kim: What (you do) after the film? Lisa: We went for a pizza AI Progress Check 2 4 Read the story and complete it with the verbs in the past simple. “The legend of Lake Naroch Many years ago there very well and play the psaltery She dive) a girl called Nara. She (can) sing love) a young man and (vant) to marry him. One day she was sitting near a large beautiful lake when a rich man (see) her. He (want) to marry her. As Nara. (like) Nara so much that he (have) a fiancé (KeHwx) she {not want) to marry the rich man. But the rich man. (be) very stubborn (ynpawbid), and his servants (kill) Naras fiancé and (take) Nara to the rich man's palace. The gitl (be) so unhappy that when everybody was sleeping, she and (cun) away. When the rich man (set) fire to the palace, (learn) about it, he (send) his servants (cnyru) after Nara. As she (can not) run away from them, Nara (dive) into the lake and (die). From that time the lake was named Lake Naroch. ‘Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. When did the story happen? 2, Where did the rich man see Nara? 8. What did he do to marry Nara? 4, Where was Nara taken? 5. What did she do to escape? 6. How was the lake named after Nara’s death? 8 Suramarize the story using the words: as soon as, thea, when, until, after. @ Choose the correct response. eg. Thad quite a shock. D ‘Was anyone hurt? Youll never guess what happened to me. Wall, you dont see that every day, de you! ‘There was a snake in the fountain. You look a little upset. A What? Tell me! B No, you certainly dont. C Oh my goodness! D Really? Why? E Luckily, no. F Well, I had quite a shock. Medule 3 1) Match the hobbies to the pictures. sewing writing stories skateboarding collicting stamps playing chess boxing Profiles ice-skating knitting _ painting fencing football songwriting 2 ) Which of those hobbics are not populat with teenagers nowadays? Sewing is not popular with teenagers nowadays but my granny used to sew when she was my age. 3) What qualities do you need to do these hobbics? artistic, creative, daring, fit, patient, athletic, siciable, curious, imaginative, determined. You need to be fit to box. 28 Some teenagers spend much time on their hobbies and achieve much. Read about one of them and answer the questions. Thea, explane the words in bold. 1. Whatis Lara's hobby? 2. How did she start sewing? 3, What does Lara do to create her designs? 4. What is Lara afraid of? 5. Who does she want to be in the future? Fashion is my passion Hi! My name is Lara and Ill be in charge of a fashion empire cone day! My hobby is sewing, I like designing my own clothes. In the beginning I used to take old clothes apart and then staple pieces back together. I always pay a lot of attention to details. To create something interesting and trendy I often watch fashion shows and study their latest collections. I piece together some | fashionable details and show my designs to family and friends to ask for their opinion. Sometimes my friends try out my clothes so I could better understand what to change. Tm not atraid of hard work and I've already won a few awards for my designs, so Im determined to succeed! It scares me that some people may be jealous of my works, but Thope that Ill set up my own designer company one day! Grammar Relative Clauses axon? The bof [who ix iting by the window] ts my friend. aneht? tn Mazrivane, {kotSpuit caper y oxanal, wom apyr. Realtive Pronouns (oTHocuTenbHbIe MecTouMeHHA) Who/that, which/that, whose mpxcoenumswt onpenenurensHoe mpugatounoe mpe_zo%Keuue K riapHoMy. — roropui, noma neat ronopune o Goma) The girl |who/that is looking at us| is my sister. Who/that — nonnemamee » onpeneamrensnom npHgaTowOM npeqtomenn, 10 otomy ero weapon onyeruTs, The man [Whether we Saw yesterday] works as a doctor, —* The man {we ‘saw yesterday] works as a doctor. Who/that ue saanetca noxsemanmm B ompeneamrexsHom mpujaTouKoM pen: AOeHMH, NOsTOMY ero MOXHO OUYCTHTS. — sp np» i BS The book [which/that is Tying on the tabie) is yours. Which/that — nognemamee » onpeqemmTersHOM UpHqaTOUHOM mpeqOxeHHH, ostomy ero Hexb3a onycTuTs. Grammar © ee ms rpeGuseren TENBUBIX NPHIATATEEABIX. This is my classmate. His brother studies at university. —> This is my classmate copa) Where, when/that, why/that woryr mpucooxumars ompexenumernnnie mpuasrou- uBe mpeqrowenua K MAapHoMy, — "ae, Korga mm ronopum 0 Kaxom-xxG0 GaecTe) This is the town where | was born. Where wexsax onycrute. — Korqa, Korga mur rosopum 0 This is the year when/that my brother went to school. —» This is the year my brother went to school. When/that ne apasetca noqiemammm 8 ONpeqesMTeERbHOM UpHA@TOWHOM Upez- AOKEHHM, TOVTOMY eTO MOXHO ONYCTHTH. Hhy/tha> — nowery, sora wax rovopuw 0 Gipwrame> ‘The reason why/that he can’t go to the country is that he has to revise for his exam. —* The reason he can't go to the country is that he has to revise for his exam. Why/that ue apasetca no.iexamuM B onpexenuTexbHOM MpWARTOWHOM NDEI somenin, NDOTOMY e70 NoscHo OnyeraeE O6parnte sHManne, wr0 who, which, when u why » Goxmumms- crpe caywaes MomMo samemuTh ua that, a whose u where same- BUT HexBsA. Who, which, when, why u that voxuo onycruts, ecam OHM He ARIMOTCH NOATERAMMM B MPUAATOUHOM NpesTO%KeHUH, a whose 1 where onycrars Henson. @« in the correct relative pronoun or adverb: who, which, whose, where, when or why. 1. Is that the hotel ________ you stay every summer? 2. This is the reason ___ I was late yesterday. 3. Is this the woman ________ husband works abroad? 4. This is the house roof was blown off by the strong wind last month. 5. That was the year _. our family moved to Moscow. 6. The car ________ is near our house is my uncle's. 7. Is this your colleague — knows five languages? 8. I'm writing a letter to my friend ________ lives in Mexico. 9. I can show you the place — I like walking. I don’t like swimming in the ocean is that I’m 10. The reason afraid of sharks. 11. This is the year ________ my sister graduated from university. 12, The book ______ I bought yesterday is very interesting. Grammar Circle relative clause and cross out relative pronouns or adverbs if possible to omit them, as in the example. The question \Dhtth we discussed yesterday is very interesting. This is the question doesn’t have any answer] 1. The town where was is very 2. This is the hook which T bought yesterday. 3, The old castle which is located on the mountain is really unusual. 4. A microbiologist is a scientist who studies microorganisms and their effects ‘on people. 5, The microbiologists who we met at the conference are from Denmark. 6. A cheetah is a large, wild, cat-like animal which can run very fast. 7. The cheetah which we saw at the circus yesterday looked quite friendly. 8, A receptionist is a person whose job is to deal with guests and clients and so on. 9, The last time when I went to the planetarium was two years ago. 10. The reason why he is so sleepy now is that he didn’t sleep last night at all. & Match the numbers to the letters and write sentences using relative pronouns or adverbs: who, which, whose, where, when or why. ©) There are several souvenir shops where people can buy hand-made souvenirs. hat a i 2, A barometer is an instrument 3. 1799 is the year 4. __ This restaurant is the place __ 5. —— An astronomer is a scientist 6. __ An octopus is a sea creature 7. —— The last time 8. __ This is the reason ASYM a i 10. __ A speedometer is an instrument 11. —_ A secretary is @ person a) you can eat the most delicious Thai food. b) he didn’t tell us the truth then. ¢) people can buy hand-made souvenirs. 4) studies stars, planets and other objects in space. e) eight tentacles help it to catch food. 1) shows how fast the vehicle is moving. g) we visited the Louvre. h) measures the air pressure. i) Alexander Pushkin was born. j) 1 visited my grandparents’ was last Sunday. k) job is to do office work. 1) does research connected with physics. ‘Thomas Endrews Emma Johnes Andy Swan Whe's whe? Anna Brown it Build Age Hair Height Face Special Features slim, thin, skinny, well-built, plump, fat, hoavily built baby, child, young, teenager, in histher twenties / in his/her thirties, middle-aged, old, elderly short, spiky, straight, shoulder-length, long, blond(e), red, brown, fair, dark grey, curly, wavy, bald, pigtails short, of medium height, tall cute, pretty, ugly, round, thin dark tan, scar, beard, moustache, freckies 6 Study the words in the table and describe people from the picture. Fill in the ID cards. ‘Name ‘Emma Johnes ‘Name Thomas Endrews Age ‘Age Height Height Build Build Face Face Hair Hair Special Special features features Name ‘Andy Swan ‘Name “Anna Brown Age ‘Age Height Height Build Build Face Face Hair Hair Special Special features features Profiles Medule 3 2 ) Now, use the ID cards to write the descriptions of these people. Example: This is Mary Doe. She is a teenager. Mary is a girl who is short, She has got long, curly hair. She is plump. Her face is thin and cute, She is wearing glasses, 4) 8 ) Whois who? Listen and write the names Alex, Chris, Joanna, Laura and Sam for people 1 - 5. = 3 Peter - Grammar -ed/ -ing participles to excite exciting eoanooame sas0anooanrtosi, Saxoamuoaruuls, soodyuesrenneid, | padocmnot, 036uxdenNDiE Yoxexamexount V, (Past Participle) « V, (Present Participle) soryr Guim uenomoowamr » Ka: Mecrbe upmstaraTeanunix. Kaxou? ‘The film is exciting. Imo wyecmeyem? ‘The children are excited. (emu xmo ‘They were amazed (ssyznenss She’ was, terrified /Lartified (aompace- na, nanyeana) at their behaviour. ‘The child is frightened (wanyean) of wyecmeyomt Padocnnoe gosinenue,) (uae Kaxou? Saxcammeanuwut.) is bored (ecywanuuil). His job is boring (cxyunan). She is tired (vemaaaa), Her work is tiring (ymomumeasnaa). ‘They are interested in history. is an subject. We'were disappointed (pesouaposana). | ‘The results, were disappointing’ (pas0- He was she (rompacén) when he | waposwsaouue. weaaacnni), heard the news. ‘The nows was shocking (sosaymumens- iyacacunie). ‘The book was amazing (usysumexonan). Their behaviour was torrlging/horrify: ing (acymruas, yoxacarougum). the dark. ‘This film is frightening (xcymud). Circle the correct words. Our trip to Novgorod was fascinatingy fascinated. 1. He isn’t satisfying/satisfied with his job. 2. Are you interesting/interested in passing Cambridge exams? 3. She thinks that cold rainy weather is very depressing/depressed. 4, Are you always tiring/tired after work? 5. The news was horrifying/horrified. 6. The girl was frightening/frightened of the dog. 7. Everyone was amazing/amazed when they saw him. 8. Our friend always tells us funny stories. He is very amusing/amused. Fill in the correct form of the verbs in bold. surprise 1. was at the number of people who came to the exhibition. 2. It is how much money they spend on clothes. terrify scene in the film. to answer their questions. 8. That was the most 4. His little daughter was too excite 5. I don’t think it’s a very 6. The children are very thrill 7. The end of the film was really 8. They were annoy 9. His behaviour was very 10. We were idea. about going to the circus. whon they saw their favourite actors. when he was late again. @ Grammar Order of Adjectives Korga MbI XOTHN HcHOABIORATb HecKOMDKO MpmareTeAbHBIX MOApaA, oKM OBB Ho CTaBATCH B CaeMyIOMeM MOpAAKe: Kax Mot pian, cHAtaTa CTaRsTCS MpHAararerbUMe, BAIPHOKAIOMMe HaMIe MHe- nue (beautiful, lovely, pretty, wonderful, cute, etc.), a savem mpusararebHBIe, Aa- WIIMe OGSEKTHBHBIe XAPAKTepHCTHKN MpemMeTA, B OMpeAeTeHHON TOpAKe. ‘Kax mpasi0, UpM ONMcaHME MBI cTOMsyeM He OonbIIe TPEX NPHAArATeABHEX. Put the adjectives in the correct position. @ silk/long/purple/nice dress a nice long purple silk dress 1. a cotton/new/white T-shirt 2. a big/wooden/antique clock 3. a pair of leathor/French/black shoes 4. green/gorgeous/big eyes 5. a leather/rectangular /brown purse 6. 2 metel/triangular/small frame — 1. tomato/delicious/hot soup 8. a brown/cld/large armchair 9. @ woollen new /lovely/grey searf a. Match the shapes a-d to the adjectives. round soo. rectangular wu. Square H =S A O b. Find the objects that match descriptions 1-3, then describe the other objects. bnefcase ca > OD 1 It’s a small triangular brown object. It's made of wood and metal. We hang clothes on it. 2 It's a small round yellow object. It's made of woo! and rubber. We play tennis with it 3 It's a small rectangular black object. I's made of leather. We keep our money In t. Writing Write a short paragraph about your favourite book character. Write: @ name, © appearance, © character, © what is special about hisn/ her. Reading The persen | admire The person I admire is Elon Musk. He is a very successful man. He is an engineer, entrepreneur and investor. He believes that we need to colonize other planets to secure the future of humanity from numerous risks. And he is not just a dreamer but a man of action. He founded SpaceX company, which already succeeded in reducing the cost of space flights. SpaceX works on new space technologies based on laws of the Universe. ‘Musk is a rich man now. But he did not inherit the fortune or win the lottery. He earned the money by developing innovative businesses. In youth he founded a software company called Zip2 with his brother. Later he sold it and became a cofounder of company. Now we know it as PayPal. After that Elon Musk started a career in Tesla Inc. which is famous for producing electro cars. Who can be more inspiring, than a person literally shaping our future? Elon Musk makes the science fiction come true. He copes with difficulties and moves forward. Elon Musk inspires me to never give ‘up on my dreams to achieve my goals. Most people have pretty down to earth life goals. Elon Musk stands out because he is a strategic thinker and he is concemed about the future of the whole mankind. Iam very excited about all his projects. I hope eventually his plans will come true. ©» you know the person on the picture? © Complete the sentences with the Who is he: a famous scientist? inventor? correct prepositions. Make up actor? politician? What do you know your own sentences. about him? Listen, read and find out. 1) She gave saw dancing afier she broke her arm. 6 a) Find the prepositions that follow these 2) Give it vHTts mine! words in the text. Make up sentences » a Biv old toys and . clothes every year. with these phrases. Writing ®@ famous @ work e cope Write about a person you admire. . Article Plan elose control @ give preter b) Explain the words in bold. Para © Killin the spidergram. rname, dte/ place of birth, profession, . Main Bods (return smth) Para (give smth for free) ‘early years Para Teter years Conchsion Para (stop doing smth) the reason T admire hinyher Progress Check 3 6 Fill in the correct word. © determined ¢ curious » daring © patient eathletic imaginative 1) Heis very 2) Writers should be very because he gocs to gym three times a week. .. to make up their stories. 8) Anna can deal with everything, She is so ....... 4) Firefighters are very’. They have a very dangerous job! 5) She always asks so many questions. She is really 6) Be wee. .... | Well be there in an hour. ay Underline the correct item. 1) Grandpa is the old man with the spiky/skinny grey hair. 2) Melissa is the girl with dark appearance/tan. 3) Tonny and Julian are both well-build/well-built. ) Anna has a cute face with brown, wavy eyes/hair. i 5) My older sister has pretty pigtails/face. 6) My brother has long/small hair. 7) My brother is really tall and has a moustache/hair. ! 8) My father has freckles/beard on his face. 9) My hair is shoulder-Jength/big, 10) You have green eyes and big/curly hair. ‘Complete the sentences using the correct relative pronoun or relative adverb. 1) Tam talking about the girl has long brown hair and green eyes. 2) This is the skate - park 8) He tied to explain .. 4) The girl .. 5) 2001 was the year we played in the chess tournament. people come to skateboard. he did such a thing. ... hair is curly is my elder sister. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the word. 1) This book is really ... ... - (bore) 2) Tm really in you for breaking the vase. (disappoint) 3) The film was really wsssesesenensene « (interest) .. after work. (tire) 4) My mom is always .. 5) Tam... of clowns. (scare) Put the adjectives into the correct Fill in the ID card and the picture. order to complete the phrases. Desribe the person. 1) French good middle-aged Name Thomas Swan a(n)... writer Ree 2) German young _ interesting Haas a(n) ... _ student Build 3) famous Greek athletic an. cores cteterens serene TURMED Face 4) tall American determined Hair a(n) ... .. actor ‘Special features 5) talented old Spanish Character al)... -- artist 6) German nice _ intelligent a(n). . scientist Complete the sentences using back, away or up. 1) We need to get these books ... after we read them. 2) Putt into the give... box. We'll give it to charity. 3) He gave ... smoking last year 6 Put the following dialogue into the correct order. e.g. Is your mom a teacher? That must be very rewarding. J - Yes, she loves sewing, thats her hobby. ~ She certainly is! Also she'd sewn a few dresses for me. Look! ~ Sewing! Thats so cool, She must be very talanted. - Does she have much time for hobbies? - Yes, she is a high-school teacher. Itis rewarding, but also very hard work! AS Ai

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