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Graduate School
Santiago City, Philippines

Second Semester School Year 2021-2022

Program Information

Program : Master of Arts in Nursing

Government Recognition : By virtue of CMO N0.32, s. 2001
Date of Approval : May 6, 2004

Course Information

Course Number : N 822

Descriptive Title : Biostatistics with Computer Application
Units : Three (3)
Course Description : This course deals with the study of the division of statistics, the descriptive and inferential Statistics
and their application to other fields of sciences. Descriptive Statistics includes the measures of central tendency, variability, skewness
and kurtosis. Inferential Statistics includes the testing of hypothesis, simple analysis of variance, and analysis of enumeration data,
regression and correlation. It also gives graduate students competence in basic computer technology by generating descriptive
statistics and performing statistical analysis using MS EXCEL.

ULS Vision

The University of La Salette Inc., a Catholic institution founded by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, forms RECONCILERS
“so that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

ULS Mission

The University of La Salette, Inc. is a premier institution of choice providing accessible, quality, and transformative education for integral
human development
particularly the poor.
Graduate School Objectives

The Graduate School strives to develop and form research-oriented students, practitioners and professionals who are well-prepared
and mature Christians responsive to the demands of their chosen professions and/or specialized training so that they may contribute to
the welfare of the community and the progress of their professions.

The University of La Salette Graduate School aims to

1. provide an advanced and specialized program through continuous upgrading of curricula about academic standards and industry

2. provide an ambiance that foster innovative creations, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills;

3. develop empowered, value-driven and socially responsible professionals for the global and technology-based environment;

4. develop and enhance the capabilities of students and faculty possessing originality and ingenuity to conduct pioneering research
in their field of specialization, and through their research and other activities, meet the needs of their community and society at
large, and;

5. initiate the transfer of research output of student and faculty to help improve the life of the community.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

Having finished their academic degree at the University of La Salette, the learners should be able to:

1. TRANSFORMATIVE LEADER. Take active leadership role in their respective community and organization by championing the
Salettinian ideals based on institution’s philosophy of education, vision, mission and core values.

2. RECONCILER. Keep the vision, mission and core values of their Alma Mater as they continue to communicate their Salettinian
identity and culture through active involvements in the evangelizing ministry of reconciliation in their local Christian communities,
work-places and in social organizations.

3. CRITICAL THINKER. Engage themselves in critical reflection and communicative discourses on uncritically assimilated
assumptions, beliefs, value-system and diverse perspectives that need to be collaboratively addressed for an emancipatory and
integral process of human growth and community building.

4. RESEARCH-ORIENTED. Keep abreast with current developments and trends in all relevant technical/professional knowledge
areas for successful adaptation to a changing and complex world through continuing engagement in research projects sponsored
by any agencies or institutions the goal of which is to contribute to the humanization of the world in general, and to the reconciling
effects on their relationships with God, with fellow human beings, with society and with nature.

5. ICT PROFICIENT. Demonstrate contemporary skills applications as they offer innovative solutions in work situations through the
employment of new technology and new ways of communication.

6. INDUSTRY COMPETENT. Demonstrate their readiness in the arena of and qualification for employment through the established
link between theoretical aspect of the curriculum and its practical dimension as a result of their on-the-job trainings, exposures,
internship, immersion programs and linkages with relevant industries or workplaces.

7. HOLISTIC PERSON. Demonstrate through their attitude, behavior and engagement a synthesis of faith and lived experience, of
faith and science, of cognitive, affective and behavioral aspects of learning, of cultural and global concerns, and a marriage
between the message of Salettinian identity, communicated through curricular and co-curricular programs, and the Salettinian
culture anchored on the institution’s core values of faith, reconciliation, integrity, excellence and solidarity.

I. Educational Objectives and Its Relationship to Institutional Learning Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. establish in-depth proficiency in engineering management fields relevant to local, national x x
and international industry;
2. develop competitive skills in problem solving techniques, interdisciplinary teamwork and x x
critical analysis of engineering management problems;
3. develop a profound understanding of environmental, societal, global economic and x x
technological aspects to meet the changing needs of knowledge - based economy by adapting
and responding to changes; and

4. provide experience in integrating technical and management aspects in real life engineering x x
project or problem.
II. Program Outcomes and Its Relationship to Institutional Outcomes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The program prepares the students to: x x x
1.assess economic, social, and environmental requirements, needs and constraints to a system and its
impact to society;
2. manage and administer technical engineering projects, budgets and existing set ups effectively; x x
3. utilize research for finding solutions to problems necessary for the practice of engineering x x x x
4. apply behavioral principles connected with awareness, community, productivity, organizational x x x x x
change, and leadership keeping in mind the nature of business strategy and economic analysis; and
5. animate both the core values and core competencies of the University of La Salette, Inc as they perform x x x x x x x
their role in field of endeavor.

III. Course Learning Outcomes and its Relationship to Program Outcomes

This course is designed to help develop skills that will enable graduate student exhibit an understanding of basic concepts of data analysis
and statistical inference in medical and health sciences and to become both a user and a consumer of basic statistical techniques that are
commonly used in biological and medical research. By the end of this course graduate student should be able to:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Select from, use and interpret results of, descriptive statistical methods effectively x x
2. demonstrate an understanding of the distinction between descriptive and x x
inferential statistics and their applications
3. exhibit understanding of fundamental concepts in sampling, populations, x x
probability, and sampling distributions
4. acquired necessary skills to identify the relevant statistical issues in practical x x
problems in medical/health settings and to propose and implement an
appropriate statistical design and/or analysis methodology
5. Communicate the results of statistical analyses accurately and effectively; x x
6. Read and learn new statistical procedures independently x x x

IV. Course Outline

Topic Selected Readings
I.ORIENTATION N822 Course syllabus
1 Course Orientation Student Manual For ULS Graduate Students
2. ULS Vision Mission ULSCLMS- Guide
3. Core values of ULS
4. Program outcomes
II.OVERVIEW OF STATISTICS Writing Descriptive-Statistics- How to Do It A Research Guide retrieved
1. Definition of Statistics from.
2. Application of Statistics
3 .Descriptive and Inferential Statistics How to interpret margin of Error in a Poll.( September 15,
4. Population and Sample 2017).
5. Sources of Data interpret-the-margin-of-error-in-a-poll.
6. Qualitative and Quantitative Data
7 .Scales of Measurement
III. DESCRIBING POPULATION AND SAMPLE DATA Statistical Language - Measures of Central Tendency. (June 3, 2013).retriieved
1. Tabular and Graphical Descriptions from.
2 .Numerical Measures
2.1. Parameter and Statistics +measures+of+central+tendency
2.2. Measures of Central Tendency Weeks
3. Worksheets on Numerical Measures Exploratory Comparison of Two Actual of sample skewness and kurtosis, Volume 10, Number 3, p482-495
Data Sets Laboratory Activity: Generating Tables and Graphs Computer
Laboratory Activity: Measures of Variability (including Coefficient of DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS USING EXCEL AND STATA
Variation) (Excel 2003 and Stata 10.0+).
4. Measures of Relative Standing Retri
5. Measure of Skewness
IV. PROBABILITY AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS Areas Under the Normal Curve. Retrieved from.
1. Basic Probability Concepts
2. Discrete Probability Distributions: Binomial and Poisson _2017_long.pdf
3. Normal Probability Distribution
Table: Areas under the Normal Curve. Retrived from
V. TEST OF HYPOTHESIS Heinzen, Thomas and Nolan, Susan A. Step by Step Solutions: T-tests:
1. Tests of mean, variance and proportion for a single population Paired/Dependent and Independent. accessed ( February 7, 2020_. Retrived
2. Tests of the difference between 2 means, ratio of 2 variances and from https://rstudio-pubs-
difference of 2 proportions for two populations
3.Interpretation of p – value
4. Correlation analysis
4.1 Pearson product moment correlation coefficient Rumsey, Deborah. How to Interpret a Correlation Coefficient r.
4.2.Testing the significance of the correlation
POST-ANOVA TEST Kim, Hae-Young.Analysis of variance (ANOVA) comparing means of
more than two groups. (2014, January 20)

V. Teaching Methods and Strategies

To achieve the objectives of this course, the following techniques and methodologies shall be used:

Lecture Collaborative and cooperative approach Problem Solving

Discussion individual Research and Presentation

VI. Course References

Websites/ Non-print Resources With Author

Rosenthal, J. (2014, March 24). Statistics and Data interpretation for Social Work. Retrieve from

Thron, C. (2014, December 24). Persistent Confusion about Hypothesis Testing in the Social Sciences. Retrieve from

Real Statistics using Excel: Measures of Central Tendency

Descriptive Statistics using Excel.

Suggested Readings and References:

I. Books

Gonzales, J. and Nocon, R. (2018). Essential Statistics. Quezon City: Maxcor publishing House.
Sternstein, M. (2013) Barron’s AP Statistics.(7th ed.). New York: Barron’s Educational Series, Inc.

Rumsey, Deborah. How to Interpret a Correlation Coefficient r.

Castellan, Catherine M. (2016), Quantitative and Qualitative Research: A View for Clarity, Vol. 2, No. 2 p1-14,

Alacaci, C. (2019), Inferential Statistics: Understanding Expert Knowledge and its Implications for Statistics Education Volume 12, Number 2,

Cox, Nicholas J. (2018), Speaking Stata: The limits of sample skewness and kurtosis, Volume 10, Number 3, p482-495. http://www.stata-

Statistical Language: Measures Of Central tendency. Retrieved from

VII. Course Requirements

Problem sets
Research Project

VIII. Assessment Tools

Rubrics For Research Project

A. Preliminary Project

Output (1-2 points) (3-4 points) (5 points)

Statement of the The general objective/s of the research The general objective/s of the The general objective/s of the
problem(General Objective) is/are not stated research is/ are not clearly stated research is/ are clearly stated
Statement of the problem( The specific objective/s of the research The specific objective/s is/ are not The specific objective/s is/ are
specific objective) is/ are not stated clearly stated clearly stated

Questionnaire Most questions do not jive with the Some questions do not jive with All questions do not jive with the
objectives of the research; there are at the objectives of the research; objectives of the research; there
Part 1 least 5 multiple-type or yes/no there are at least 5 multiple-type are at least 5 multiple-type or
questions or yes/no questions yes/no questions

Questionnaire Statements are not appropriate for a Statements in the Likert scale Statements in the Likert scale
Likert scale; there are at least three show mixed theme/idea; there measure only one theme/idea;
Likert Scale questions are at least three statements there are at least three

Overall presentation The format for constructing the The format for constructing the The format for constructing the
questionnaire and the statements of the questionnaire and the statements questionnaire and the statements
problem is not followed; questionnaire of the problem is followed; of the problem is followed;
is generally dull questionnaire is generally questionnaire is artistically and
unappealing and not neatly neatly crafted.

Promptness Submits the output one or more weeks Submits the output the following Submits the output on time.
after the deadline meeting after the deadline

Total points: 30

B. Midterm project

Part of Midterm project (1-2 points) (3-4 points) (5 points)

Introduction and Relevance of the topic is not justified; Relevance of the topic is not well Relevance of the topic is justified;
importance of the study reasons for choosing the topic are justified; reasons for choosing the reasons for choosing the topic are
vaguely stated; little benefits; and no topic are vaguely stated; little clearly stated; little benefits; and
beneficiary of research is identified. benefits; and no beneficiary of beneficiaries of research are
research is identified. identified.
Statement of the problem General purpose/s is/are not General purpose/s is/are not well- General purpose/s is/are
emphasized; specific objectives are not emphasized; specific objectives emphasized; specific objectives
clear and more than two are not doable; are not clear and more than two are n clear and more than two
format for writing statement of the are not doable; format for writing are doable; format for writing
problem is not followed. statement of the problem is not statement of the problem is
followed. followed.

Population and sample Target population is identified, but its Target population is identified, Target population is identified,
exact number and sources of data are but its exact number and sources with its exact number and sources
not included; number of samples is not of data are not included; number of data are included; number of
computed; formula and margin of error of samples is not computed samples is computed; formula
used are not mentioned. correctly; formula and margin of and margin of error used are not
error used are not mentioned. mentioned.

Sampling and data Sampling and data gathering techniques Sampling and data gathering Sampling and data gathering
gathering techniques used are not explained, and the techniques used are explained, techniques used are explained,
advantages of using the techniques are but the advantages of using the and the advantages of using the
not mentioned. techniques are not mentioned. techniques are mentioned.

Research design Research design is not appropriate for Research design is appropriate for Research design is appropriate for
the study; groups to be compared/ the study; groups to be the study; groups to be
variables to be correlated are not compared/ variables to be compared/ variables to be
identified. correlated are not identified. correlated are identified.

Setting The place/ days/ time of doing the The place/ days/ time of doing The place/ days/ time of doing
research is not indicated the research are not all indicated the research is indicated

Table of the summary of The table shows incomplete and wrong The table shows incomplete The table shows complete entries
research procedures entries (questions, hypothesis, data entries (questions, hypothesis, (questions, hypothesis, data
gathered, respondents, and statistics data gathered, respondents, and gathered, respondents, and
used in analyzing the data) statistics used in analyzing the statistics used in analyzing the
data) data)

Copy of Questionnaire Most questions do not jive with general some questions do not jive with Questions jive with general and
and specific objectives; there is only one general and specific objectives; specific objectives; there is only
type of questions( multiple-type, yes/no, there is only one type of one type of questions( multiple-
Likert scale,…) no description of questions( multiple-type, yes/no, type, yes/no, Likert scale,…) no
questionnaire Likert scale,…) no description of description of questionnaire

Total points: 50

C. Final Project

Criteria (1-2 points) (3-4 points) (5 points)

Relevance of the topic Relevance of the topic is not justified; Relevance of the topic is not well Relevance of the topic is justified;
reasons for choosing the topic are justified; reasons for choosing the reasons for choosing the topic are
vaguely stated; little benefits; and no topic are vaguely stated; little clearly stated; little benefits; and
beneficiary of research is identified. benefits; and no beneficiary of beneficiaries of research are
research is identified. identified.

Statement of the problem Most of the statements of the problem Some of the statements of the All of the statements of the
are not answered problem are not answered problem are not answered

Hypothesis tested and level There is no hypothesis tested Only one hypothesis tested; null At least two hypothesis tested;
of significance and alternative hypotheses are null and alternative hypotheses
correct and relevant to the topic; are correct and relevant to the
level of significance used is topic; level of significance used is
stated; some steps in hypothesis stated; some steps in hypothesis
testing are incorrect testing are correct

Methods/ procedure Number of samples is inadequate for Number of samples is inadequate Number of samples is inadequate
the research design; sampling for the research design; sampling for the research design; sampling
techniques used are not justified/ there techniques used are not justified/ techniques used are not justified/
is no evidence of random selection; there is no evidence of random there is no evidence of random
instrument is not described; most selection; instrument is selection; instrument is
entries in the table of summary of described; some entries in the described; entries in the table of
research procedure are not correct
table of summary of research summary of research procedure
procedure are not correct are correct

Presentation of results Graphs and table are not properly Graphs and table are not properly Graphs and table are not properly
presented and are not labeled correctly; presented and are not labeled presented and are not labeled
results are not arranged according to correctly; results are not arranged correctly; results are not arranged
the objectives according to the objectives according to the objectives

Appropriateness of Most statistical tests/tools used are Some statistical tests/tools used Statistical tests/tools used are
statistical tests/ tools used inappropriate to the topic; printouts are are inappropriate to the topic; appropriate to the topic;
not generated/formulas used and some printouts are not properly printouts are generated/formulas
solutions are incorrect generated/formulas used and used and solutions are correct
solutions are incorrect

Clarity of findings and Most statements of findings are unclear Some statements of findings are All statements of findings are
conclusions and not drawn from results; some unclear and not drawn from clear and drawn from results; All
objectives/ questions have no findings; results; some objectives/ objectives/ questions have
conclusions are vague and not questions have no findings; findings; conclusions are clear and
consistent with the results and findings conclusions are clear but some consistent with the results and
of the study are not consistent with he results findings of the study
and findings of the study

Recommendations Recommendations are unattainable and Only one concrete and attainable At least two concrete and
not clearly stated; addresses are recommendations are clearly attainable recommendations are
identified. stated; addresses are identified. clearly stated; addresses are

Overall quality of Objectives of the research are not Some objectives of the research All general and specific objectives
presentation realized; statements are not clear with are not realized; some statements of the research are realized;
many grammatical errors; overall are not clear with many statements are clear with many
presentation is dull and not appealing; grammatical errors; overall grammatical errors; overall
some parts are misplaced; format is not presentation is not so clear and presentation is clear and
followed. less appealing; some parts are appealing; all parts are in proper
misplaced; format is followed. places; format is followed.
Promptness Submits the output one or more weeks Submits the output the following Submits the output on time.
after the deadline meeting after the deadline

Total points: 50

IX. Grading System

The standard grade structure of the Graduate School shall be as follows:

Class Participation 30 %
Course Requirements* 35 %
Examination (Average of Midterm and Final) 35 %
TOTAL 100 %

X. Attendance Policy

Regular attendance in all classes is one of the most important obligations of students. They are expected to attend all scheduled
class exercises and activities. The rules on attendance as stipulated in the Graduate School Manual, Article V, Section 5 states that “a
student shall automatically be marked “Failure Due to Absences” or “FDA” from his/her class when the number of hours lost by absence
reaches 20 percent of the total number of hours required in the course. Time lost by late enrolment shall be considered as time lost by
absence. Student absent from class is responsible for all the work given by the professor on the day of absence”.

XI. Consultation Schedules and Platforms

Faculty Name Schedule Room
Melissa B. Bacena 8:00-9:00 MWF
2:00 - 4:00 Tuesday

XII. About the Instructor

Name of Instructor : Melissa B. Bacena, MAED, MOM

Academic Rank :
Telephone Number :09175183323
E-mail address :

XIII. Revision and Approval Notation

Last Revision by : Melissa B.Bacena, MAED, MOM

Term : First Semester, Sy 2021-2022

Last Updated by: Melissa B. Bacena, MAED,MOM Endorsed by:


Dean, Graduate School
Date: September 14, 2021 Date: _________________

Approved by:


Vice President for Academics
Date: __________________

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