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Contact No: |   (085) 300-1337   |   09125315725

NG 1
1 st Semester




The Technology for Teaching and Learning P1 is designed to

engage pre service students in the theories and principles of
designing, developing, utilizing, and evaluating teaching and
learning resources to improve instructions through the various
opportunities brought by different instructional media and
technology. It also provides the pre – service teachers with he
accumulated knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in creating
technology – enhanced instructional plans appropriate to their field
of specializations. This course also encourages students to
promote responsible use of technology and exhibit ethical behavior
in professional practices.

Course Outcomes

It is expected that after the finishing the course, the students


1. Develop skills and capabilities to acquire broad knowledge

on how to critically analyze and present information
using varied instructional resources;
2. Determine the benefits and limitations of various
instructional media utilized in the teaching – learning
3. Understand the nature of their learner’s in the future and
how instructional materials and the use of technology
help in the attainment of the learning goals;
4. Create, rich, learning environments that build their
students’ competencies and independence; and
5. Practice and advocate ethical use of technology in both
their personal and professional levels.

Course Contents

The pre service students who will take this course will have to
deal with only the fundamental competencies of
contextualizing the relationship of technology towards the
teaching and learning process, as this becomes the pre
requisite to the next level of the same course. The focus of
instruction is the most indispensable competencies that the
learners must acquire, as they anticipate challenges in the
learning delivery.
ICT and Conventional Learning Materials to Enhance
Teaching Learning
During the past few years, the world has witnessed a phenomenal growth in
communication technology, computer network and information technology.
Development of new broadband communication services and convergence of
telecommunication with computers have created numerous possibilities to
use a variety of new technology tools for teaching and learning system. The
integration of computers and communications offers unprecedented
opportunities to the education systems with its capacity to integrate, enhance
and interact with each other over a wide geographic distance in a meaningful
way to achieve the learning objectives.

The growth of these communication and computer systems, their ease of use,
the power and diversity of information transfer allow teachers and students to
have access to a world beyond the classroom [1]. It has the potential to
transform the nature and process of the learning environment and envision a
new learning culture. Interactivity, flexibility and convenience have become
the order of the day in the ICT supported environment. ICT opens up
opportunities for learning because it enables learners to access, extend,
transform and share ideas and information in multi-modal communication
styles and format. It helps the learner to share learning resources and spaces,
promote learner centered and collaborative learning principles and enhance
critical thinking, creative thinking and problem solving skills.

Not only mastering ICT skills, but also utilizing ICT to improve teaching and
learning is of utmost importance for teachers in performing their role of
creators of pedagogical environments. While literature provides some evidence
of the effectiveness of using ICT in technical considerations, little is known
about which learning strategies and pedagogical framework should be used
for education and training. How to construct these electronic teaching and
learning environments so that they are based on specific epistemologies or
knowledge bases? What will be the new vision and guiding principles of
teacher development for pedagogy technology integration? As we become
increasingly supported by ICT, teaching and learning will not be the same as
before. We will have to make use of the rich and exciting opportunities offered
by the new technologies in education to reach our new goal and vision. To
appreciate the integration of ICT in teaching and learning, we need to
understand the major paradigm shifts in education in recent years.

2.0 Paradigm Shifts

Education around the world is experiencing major paradigm shifts in
educational practices of teaching and learning under the umbrella of ICT
enabled learning environment. Whereas learning through facts, drill and
practices, rules and procedures was more adaptive in earlier days, learning
through projects and problems, inquiry and design, discovery and invention,
creativity and diversity, action and reflection is perhaps more fitting for the
present times. The major hallmark of this learning transition is from teacher
centered to learner focus paradigm. During the last three decades, the
changes in educational environment have been phenomenal. The model,
focus, role of the learner and technology has been changed drastically from
traditional instruction to virtual learning environment as depicted below.
Changes in Teaching-Learning Environment

Shifting the emphasis from teaching to learning can create a more

interactive and engaging learning environment for teachers and learners.
This new environment also involves a change in roles of both teachers
and learners. The role of the teachers will change from knowledge
transmitter to that of facilitator, knowledge navigator and sometime as
co-learner. The new role of teachers demands a new way of thinking and
understanding of the new vision of learning process. Learners will have
more responsibilities of their own learning as they seek out, find,
synthesize, and share their knowledge with others [2]. ICT provides
powerful tools to support the shift from teacher centered to learner
centered paradigm and new roles of teacher, learner, curricula and new
media. The major shifts have been described in a tabular form below.

Changes in Teachers' Roles

From To
Transmitter of Knowledge Guide & Facilitator of Knowledge
Controller of Learning Creator of Learning Environment
Always Expert Collaborator & Co-learner
Learning to use ICT Using ICT to Enhance Learning
Didactive/ Expository Interactive/Experiential/Exploratory

Changes in Learners' Roles

Fro To
Passive Learner Active Learner
Reproducer of Knowledge Producer of Knowledge
Dependent Learner Autonomous Learner
Solitary Learner Collaborative Learner
Solely Learning Content Learning to Learn/Think/Create &

Changes in Curricula &

Fro To
Memorizing Facts Inquiry Based
Artificial Teaching Exercises Authentic Learning
Rigid Delivery Open & Flexible Delivery
(Fixed Time & Space) (Any Time & Anywhere)
Single Path Progression Multi Path Progression

Changes in Media
Fro To
Single Sense Stimulation Multi Sensory Stimulation
Single Media Application Multimedia Application
Delivery of Information Exchange of Information
Monologue Communication Dialogue & Collaborative
Analogue Resources Digital Resources
All these changes taking place in learning and teaching demand a new
learning environment to effectively harness the power of ICT to improve
learning. ICT has the potential to transform the nature of education:
where, when, how and the way learning takes place. It will facilitate the
emergence of responsible knowledge society emphasizing lifelong learning
with meaningful and enjoyable learning experiences.

3.0 Creating New Cultures

The integration of ICT into the very idea of teaching and learning always
places pedagogy over technology. It is not the only concern to master ICT
skills, but rather it involves using ICT to improve teaching and learning.
The major emphasis of ICT infusion in pedagogy should be such that it
tends to improve learning, motivate and engage learners, promote
collaboration, foster enquiry and exploration, and create a new learner
centered learning culture.

It permits the move from reproductive model of teaching and learning to

an independent, autonomous learning model that promotes initiation,
creativity and critical thinking with independent research. Learners are
expected to collect, select, analyze, organize, extend, transform and
present knowledge using ICT in authentic and active learning paradigm.
Teachers are expected to create a new flexible and open learning
environment with interactive, experiential and multimedia based delivery
system. ICT should help teachers and learners to communicate and
collaborate without boundaries, make learners autonomous and allow
teachers to bring the whole world into classroom activities. It is
ultimately important to understand the roles of ICT in promoting
educational changes.

A basic principle is that the use of ICT changes the distribution and
ownership of information resources in the space of teaching and learning
and thus changes the relationship among educational participants [3].
While designing any innovative teaching and learning environment using
ICT, the teacher should always keep the learning at the center of all
activities, pedagogy should be at the heart and integration of pedagogy-
technology should be the central focus.

4.0 Pedagogical Practices using ICT

Mere learning ICT skills is not suffice, but using ICT to improve the
teaching and learning is the key for pedagogy-technology integration. But
the question is how we can combine these two.

Consider a scenario of a young teacher who has just started to use ICT
for his daily classroom activities of teaching and learning. To start with
he or she needs to prepare lesson plans and compile lesson materials for
the classroom lecture. To prepare such materials one has to go
through the act of drafting phase, editing phase, revising phase and
finally publishing the lesson plans and course contents. Word processor
can be a great help to accomplish this task in a professional and
productive way to avoid repetition, duplication of manual work and
concentrate on quality of the course materials.

The teachers also need to make lists of the name of the students for
monitoring and recording their academic performance and to analyze
and perform a statistical analysis to take some corrective measure if any,
in the lesson plan, delivery of instruction. Spreadsheets can be a good
choice for creating class lists, recording their performance and
executing statistical analysis upon them.

While delivering the class lectures, any innovative teacher needs to draw
diagrams, show pictures, animate some objects to explain critical
concepts, even play some video clipping of real time operation. All these
multimedia applications can assure very productive, interesting,
motivating, interactive and quality delivery of classroom instruction.
Presentation software like power point can be a good choice for teachers
for performing such tasks.

In spite of the best efforts of teachers there will be a number of learners

who will not be satisfied with the pace of instruction of the teachers.
There may be a fast learner, average learner and slow learner. In a
classroom environment it is impossible to satisfy all categories of
learners with their specific learning styles. It is in these situations,
teachers become helpless in a conventional teaching and learning

One way to solve such situations is to create interactive multimedia

based instructional materials where learner is given control to review the
topic at their own pace and in accordance to their individual interests,
needs and cognitive processes. As such, multimedia courseware can be
of great help to teachers to meet the challenges of such situation. With
availability of user friendly authoring tools, it is now possible to develop
multimedia courseware by any young teachers to support drill and
practice to master basic skills, simulate complicated situations, produce
individualized instruction with multimedia elements with built-in
evaluation questions and scores. Such multimedia courseware can
produce profound changes in the learning outcomes when it is being
used along with face-to-face instruction.

Learners always look for flexibility in time, space, place, content selection
and delivery of instructions. It was quite impossible to satisfy such
requirements in earlier times due to the non-availability of proper tools.
It is now feasible and possible to implement open & flexible learning
strategies using ICT as tools. Flexible access to content and learning
resources via network across conventional class rooms, homes and
community centers is the defining characteristic of what has come to be
known also as distributed learning. Learning anytime, anywhere with
synchronous and asynchronous communication across space, time and
pace is the key to web based instruction.

With the availability of online tools, it is now possible to create content

websites, online education to support and assist face to face instruction
in an innovative way. Communication with e-mail, searching for
information, locating a proper website is now the key to success.
Developing online and offline learning resources using various learning
management system software/tools will become one of the key
competencies of modern day teachers. Searching, locating and
categorizing knowledge and information via internet has open a new
vistas in implementation of flexible learning strategies.

As such starting from the productivity software to specialized

educational software, there are numerous examples of various
applications of the ICT tools in the teaching and learning system.
Therefore, preparation of teachers to face the challenges of an ICT
enriched teaching and learning environment is crucial. First teachers
need to be equipped with the fundamentals of ICT tools and sufficient
understanding on the integration of these tools in teaching and learning
and secondly efforts must be oriented towards changing mind set and
developing positive attitudes towards ICT application in teaching and
learning. Understanding the changing role of teachers from instructor to
facilitators, teacher lead instruction to learner-centered instruction is the
key for successful implementation of pedagogy-technology integration for
teacher development.

In designing learning materials using ICT productivity tools certain

pedagogical principles needs to be considered carefully. Mere ICT tools by
themselves do not make good pedagogy. The moot question is how
should the learning environment is designed using ICT as tools? What
pedagogical principles would take the advantages of the best practices
and unique environment afforded by this new ICT tools. These were the
central questions which needed to be addressed.

The use of ICT should satisfy the diverse needs of all kinds of learners
characterized by all kinds of socio-cultural conditions including the
diversity of multiple intelligences. Teachers should continue to learn
through their lives new ways of using technology for the growth of their
learners as well as the very systems of education. The critical question in
education is- in what ways ICT can enhance learning and teaching
practices. Broadly ICT tools help to open up opportunities for learning by
enabling four major key processes in transforming teaching and learning
as follows:

Access ideas and information from diverse sources through searching,

locating, selecting, and authenticating material in a wide range of
multimedia forms;

Extend ideas and information through processing, manipulating,

analyzing & publishing material in different multimedia forms;

Transform ideas and information into new or different forms through

synthesizing, modeling, simulating and creating material in many
multimedia styles and formats; and

Share ideas and information across local, national and international

networks by interacting electronically with others in actual and/or
delayed time.

Access, extend, transform and share represent key processes by

which students learn and become independent learners and self-starters.
Through the processes learners express their creativity and
imagination. These processes can be applied in all areas of learning and
in all levels of education.

There are three broad categories of educational software namely,

Generic tools for learning, Content-based resources and Interactive
instructional courseware. Starting from productivity tools to simulation
& modeling, there are various generic tools that help learners to access,
extend, transform and share information. Content-based resources help
learners to access a vast source of educational resources that effectively
can be integrated with the curriculum objectives. Interactive
instructional course wares are basically self-paced learning materials.
These programs are helpful to learners to control their learning at their
own place and convenience.

The integration of ICT with teaching and learning has produced some of
the significant positive gains in learners’ knowledge, skills and attitudes
by providing the following key advantages:

 Explore and represent information dynamically and in many forms

 Become socially aware and more confident
 Increase motivation
 Communicate effectively about complex processes
 Develop better understanding and broader view of processes and
 Greater problem solving and critical thinking skil
Distance Learning

What is Distance Learning?

Distance learning is an educational process where students receive

instruction through online classes, video recordings, video conferencing, or
any other audio/visual technology medium. It enables people to receive
education without having to be physically present in a classroom.

Properly designed distance learning programs can be a very convenient and

effective way to acquire more education. This may seem difficult without
students and teachers interacting in a classroom, but people enrolled in
distance learning programs can learn just as much away from a classroom as
in one.

Distance learning and education are interchangeable terms. Distance learning

is not a recent phenomenon. The origins of distance learning can be traced
back to the advent of the modern postal system and the mass production of
printed publications, which made it possible to spread information rapidly
throughout the world.

Why Distance Learning?

Distance learning has made education more accessible to larger groups of

people. It is a convenient way to obtain work experience while completing
college or other vocational training. Many organizations, such as the military,
large corporations, and government agencies rely on distance education to
train service members and employees. Education has also changed as
communication technology has revolutionized society.

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

The terms “synchronous” and “asynchronous” learning have become

ubiquitous in describing online learning although they similarly exist in in-
person learning environments. Synchronous learning refers to instructors and
students gathering at the same time and (virtual or physical) place and
interacting in “real-time”. Asynchronous learning refers to students accessing
materials at their own pace and interacting with each other over longer
Technology Tools in Collaborative Classroom Environment

What is technology as collaborative tool?

Collaborative technology refers to tools and systems designed to better
facilitate group work, both in-office and remote.

Collaboration is one of the most essential ingredients to fostering 21st

century skills and deeper learning in the classroom. The Harvard education
specialist Tony Wagner has argued that, because knowledge is now available
on every internet-connected device, the ability to collaborate has become far
more important for students than academic knowledge. Did you know that it
was a collaborative school computer club that brought together two minds
that would change the future of technology forever? Those two minds
were Bill Gates and Paul Allen, the founders of Microsoft. Collaboration
doesn’t just fuel social and emotional skills it fuels innovation.

1. GoogleApps

 The Google Drive apps enable students and teachers to

collaborate more effectively on papers, spreadsheets, and
presentations. The beauty of the Google Suite for Education is:
several people can contribute simultaneously, so it’s truly
designed for collaboration. There is a limit of 50 simultaneous
collaborators for Google Docs and Sheets, so there’s space for an
entire class. There is a limit of 200 total viewers and editors in
Google Docs and Sheets.

2. Kahoot

 Kahoot is a game-based classroom response system that gives

educators an engaging way to test the knowledge of their
students. Teachers and educators LOVE Kahoot...and we even
use it at our GoGuardian team meetings and Harry Potter trivia
contests (yes we are that nerdy). Kahoot can be used to boost
collaboration through encouraging students to be the leaders and
“quiz-makers”: to research, create, and present their own quizzes
to the class.

3. Flip Grid

 Flip Grid is a video discussion community for your classroom that

uses student voices to promote collaboration, discussion, and
engagement. With Flip Grid, you can type a question and create a
link for a “grid”. Students respond to the question in video format
(kids get to be the “talking heads”) and are added to the “grid” of
all the responses. Flip Grid is a great way to build the
communicational skills of your students, while facilitating
4. MindMeister

 MindMeister is a collaborative web-based tool that enables groups

to brainstorm on one “mind map” document during the early
phases of group work. Students can continue to use the
document for collaborating during the course of a project.
MindMeister teaches students to work as a team to manage and
plan projects effectively, and to break complex tasks down into
smaller, more manageable parts.

5. GoogleHangouts:

 Google Hangouts is a great way to bring remote groups of

students together to communicate and collaborate. With Google
Hangouts, inviting a guest speaker into the classroom has never
been easier Google Hangouts enables anyone from around the
world to “visit” a school.

Top 10 Internet Safety Rules & What

Not to Do Online
Here are the Top 10 Internet safety rules to follow to help you avoid getting
into trouble online (and offline).

1. Keep Personal Information Professional and Limited

Potential employers or customers don't need to know your personal

relationship status or your home address. They do need to know about your
expertise and professional background, and how to get in touch with you. You
wouldn't hand purely personal information out to strangers individually—
don't hand it out to millions of people online.

2. Keep Your Privacy Settings On

Marketers love to know all about you, and so do hackers. Both can learn a lot
from your browsing and social media usage. But you can take charge of your
information. As noted by Life hacker, both web browsers and mobile operating
systems have settings available to protect your privacy online. Major websites
like Facebook also have privacy-enhancing settings available. These settings
are sometimes (deliberately) hard to find because companies want your
personal information for its marketing value. Make sure you have enabled
these privacy safeguards, and keep them enabled.

3. Practice Safe Browsing

You wouldn't choose to walk through a dangerous neighbourhood—don't visit

dangerous neighbourhoods online. Cybercriminals use lurid content as bait.
They know people are sometimes tempted by dubious content and may let
their guard down when searching for it. The Internet's demimonde is filled
with hard-to-see pitfalls, where one careless click could expose personal data
or infect your device with malware. By resisting the urge, you don't even give
the hackers a chance.

4. Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure. Use a Secure VPN


When you go online in a public place, for example by using a public Wi-Fi
connection, PCMag notes you have no direct control over its security.
Corporate cybersecurity experts worry about "endpoints"—the places where a
private network connects to the outside world. Your vulnerable endpoint is
your local Internet connection. Make sure your device is secure, and when in
doubt, wait for a better time (i.e., until you're able to connect to a secure Wi-Fi
network) before providing information such as your bank account number.
To further improve your Internet browsing safety, use secure VPN connection
(virtual private network ). VPN enables you to have a secure connection
between your device and an Internet server that no one can monitor or access
the data that you’re exchanging.
5. Be Careful What You Download

A top goal of cybercriminals is to trick you into downloading malware—

programs or apps that carry malware or try to steal information. This malware
can be disguised as an app: anything from a popular game to something that
checks traffic or the weather. As PC World advises, don't download apps that
look suspicious or come from a site you don't trust.

6. Choose Strong Passwords

Passwords are one of the biggest weak spots in the whole Internet security
structure, but there's currently no way around them. And the problem with
passwords is that people tend to choose easy ones to remember (such as
"password" and "123456"), which are also easy for cyber thieves to guess.
Select strong passwords that are harder for cybercriminals to demystify.
Password manager software can help you to manage multiple passwords so
that you don't forget them. A strong password is one that is unique and
complex—at least 15 characters long, mixing letters, numbers and special

7. Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites

Any time you make a purchase online, you need to provide credit card or bank
account information—just what cybercriminals are most eager to get their
hands on. Only supply this information to sites that provide secure, encrypted
connections. As Boston University notes, you can identify secure sites by
looking for an address that starts with https: (the S stands for secure) rather
than simply http: They may also be marked by a padlock icon next to the
address bar.

8. Be Careful What You Post

The Internet does not have a delete key, as that young candidate in New
Hampshire found out. Any comment or image you post online may stay online
forever because removing the original (say, from Twitter) does not remove any
copies that other people made. There is no way for you to "take back" a
remark you wish you hadn't made, or get rid of that embarrassing selfie you
took at a party. Don't put anything online that you wouldn't want your mom
or a prospective employer to see.

9. Be Careful Who You Meet Online

People you meet online are not always who they claim to be. Indeed, they may
not even be real. As InfoWorld reports, fake social media profiles are a popular
way for hackers to cozy up to unwary Web users and pick their cyber pockets.
Be as cautious and sensible in your online social life as you are in your in-
person social life.

10. Keep Your Antivirus Program Up To Date

Internet security software cannot protect against every threat, but it will
detect and remove most malware—though you should make sure it's to date.
Be sure to stay current with your operating system's updates and updates to
applications you use. They provide a vital layer of security.

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