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Unit 1

Analytic Geometry

Stretching from Samar to Leyte with a total length of more than two kilometers, the San Juanico

Bridge has been serving as one of the main thoroughfares of economic and social development in the

country since its completion in 1973. Adding picturesque effect on the whole architecture, geometric

structures are subtly built to serve other purposes. The arch-shaped support on the main span of the

bridge helps maximize its strength to withstand mechanical resonance and aero elastic flutter brought

about by heavy vehicles and passing winds.

Lesson1.1.Introduction toConicSectionsandCircles

Learning Outcomes of the Lesson

At the end of the lesson, the student is able to:

(1) Illustrate the different types of conic sections: parabola, ellipse, circle, hyperbola, and degenerate
(2) Define a circle;
(3) Determine the standard form of equation of a circle;
(4) Graph a circle in a rectangular coordinate system; and
(5) Solve situational problems involving conic sections (circles).

Lesson Outline

(1) Introduction of the four conic sections, along with the degenerate conics
(2) Definition of a circle
(3) Derivation of the standard equation of a circle
(4) Graphing circles
(5) Solving situational problem involving circles.


We present the conic sections, a particular class of curves which sometimes appear in nature and
which have applications in other fields. In this lesson, we first illustrate how each of these curves is
obtained from the intersection of a plane and a cone, and then discuss the fifirst of their kind, circles. The
other conic sections will be covered in the next lessons.

An Overview of a Conic Section

We introduce the conic sections (or conics), a particular class of curves which often times appear in
nature and which have applications in other fields. One of the first shapes we learned, a circle, is a conic.
When you throw a ball, the trajectory it takes is a parabola. The orbit taken by each planet around the sun
is an ellipse. Properties of hyperbolas have been used in the design of certain telescopes and navigation
systems. We will discuss circles in this lesson, leaving parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas for subsequent
 Circle (Figure 1.1) - when the plane is horizontal
 Ellipse (Figure 1.1) - when the (tilted) plane intersects only one cone to form a bounded curve
 Parabola (Figure 1.2) - when the plane intersects only one cone to form an unbounded curve
 Hyperbola (Figure 1.3) - when the plane (not necessarily vertical) intersects both cones to form two
unbounded curves (each called a branch of the hyperbola)

Figure 1.1 Figure 1.2 Figure 1.3

We can draw these conic sections (also called conics) on a rectangular coordinate plane and find their
equations. To be able to do this, we will present equivalent definitions of these conic sections in
subsequent sections, and use these to find the equations.
There are other ways for a plane and the cones to intersect, to form what are referred to as degenerate
conics: a point, one line, and two lines. See Figures 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.

Figure 1.4 Figure 1.5 Figure 1.6

A circle may also be considered a special kind of ellipse (for the special case when the tilted plane is
Definition of Conic Section
horizontal). As we get to know more about a circle, we will also be able to distinguish more between these
two conics.

See Figure 1.7, with the point C(3, 1) shown. From the fifigure, the distance of A(-2, 1) from
C is AC = 5. By the distance formula, the distance of B(6, 5) from C is B√ ¿ ¿ = 5 There are other points P such
that P C = 5. The collection of all such points which are 5 units away from C, forms a circle.

Figure 1.7 Figure 1.8

Let C be a given point. The set of all points P having the same distance from C is called a
circle. The point C is called the center of the circle, and the common distance its radius.

The term radius is both used to refer to a segment from the center C to a point P on the circle, and
the length of this segment. See Figure 1.8, where a circle is drawn. It has center C (h, k) and radius r > 0. A
point P(x, y) is on the circle if and only if P C = r. For any such point then,
its coordinates should satisfy the following.

PC = r
√¿¿ = r

(x – h)2 + (y – k)2 = r
This is the standard equation of the circle with center C (h, k) and radius r. If the center is the origin, then
h = 0 and k = 0. The standard equation is then x2 + y2 = r2.
Identify the center and radius of the circle with the given equation in each item. Sketch its graph, and
indicate the center.
(1) x + y -6x = 7
2 2

(2) x + y - 14x + 2y = = 14
2 2

(3) 16x + 16y + 96x x 40y = 315

2 2

Solution. The first step is to rewrite each equation in standard form by completing the square in x and in y.
From the standard equation, we can determine the center and radius.

1. x2 - 6x + y2 = 7
x2 - 6x + 9 + y2 = 7 + 9
(x - 3)2 + y2 = 16
Center (3, 0), r = 4, Figure 1.10

2. x2 -14x + y2 + 2y = = 14
x2 - 14x + 49 + y2 + 2y + 1 = = 14 + 49 + 1
(x - 7)2 + (y + 1)2 = 36

Center (7, - 1), r = 6, Figure 1.11

3. 16x2 + 96x + 16y2 - 40y = 315

Center (-3, , r = 5.5, Figure 1.12.

Figure 1.10 Figure 1.11 Figure 1.12

In the standard equation (x - h)2 + (y - k)2 = r2 , both the two squared terms on the left side have
coefficient 1. This is the reason why in the preceding example, we divided by 16 at the last equation.

Exercises A
1. In each item, give the standard equation of the circle satisying the given conditions.
(a) center at the origin, contains (0, 3)
(b) center (1, 5), diameter 8
(c) circle A in Figure 1.15
(d) circle B in Figure 1.15
(e) circle C in Figure 1.15
(f) center (⇐ 2, ; 3), tangent to the y axis
(g) center (⇐ 2, ; 3), tangent to the x axis
(h) contains the point (-2,0) and ( 8,0), radius is 5

2. Identify the center and radius of the circle with the given equation in each item. Sketch its graph, and
indicate the center.
(a) x2 + y2 + 8y = 33
(b) 4x2 + 4y2 -16x + 40y + 67 = 0
(c) 4x2 + 12x + 4y2 + 16y - 11 = 0

3.A circular play area with radius 3 m is to be partitioned into two sections
using a straight fence as shown in Figure. How long should the fence be?

4. A Cartesian coordinate system was used to identify locations on a

circular track. As shown in Figure, the circular track contains the points A(- 2,
; 4), B(-2, 3), C(5, 2). Find the total length of the track.
Exercises B

Identify the center and radius of the circle with the given equation in each item. Sketch its graph, and
indicate the center.

1. x2 + y2 = 1/4
2. 5x2 + 5y2 = 125
3. (x + 4)2 + (y – ¾)2= 1
4. x2 - 4x + y2 - 4y y 8 = 0
5. x2 + y2 -14x + 12y = 36
6. x2 + 10x + y2 -16y y 11 = 0
7. 9x2 + 36x + 9y2 + 72y + 155 = 0
8. 9x2 + 9y2 -6x + 24y = 19
9. 16x2 + 80x + 16y2 - 112y + 247 = 0

Find the standard equation of the circle which satisfies the given conditions.
10. center at the origin, radius 5√3
11. center at (17, 5), radius 12
12. center at (-8, 4), contains (-4, 2)
13. center at (15, -7), tangent to the x-axis
14. center at (15, - 7), tangent to the y-axis
15. center at (15, -7), tangent to the line y = = 10
16. center at (15, - 7), tangent to the line x = 8
17. has a diameter with endpoints (3, 1) and (- 7, 6)
18. has a diameter with endpoints (9/2, 4) and (- 3/2, - 2)
19. concentric with x2 + 20x + y2 - 14y + 145 = 0, diameter 12
20. concentric with x2 - 2x + y2 - 2y y 23 = 0 and has 1/5 the area
21. concentric with x2 + 4x + y2 -6y + 9 = 0 and has the same circumference as x2 + 14x + y2 + 10y + 62 = 0
22. contains the points (3, 3), (7, 1), (0, 2)
23. contains the points (1, 4), (- 1, 2), (4, - 3)
24. center at (- 3, 2) and tangent to the line 2x x 3y = 1
25. center at (- 5, ; 1) and tangent to the line x + y + 10 = 0
26. has center with x-coordinate 4 and tangent to the line e x + 3y = 9 at (3,4)
27. A stadium is shaped as in Figure 1.23, where its left and right ends are circular arcs both with center at C.

What is the length of the stadium 50 m from one of the straight sides?

28. A waterway in a theme park has a semi-circular cross section with diameter 11 ft. The boats that are

going to be used in this water way have rectangular cross sections and are found to submerge 1 ft. into the

water. If the waterway is to be filled with water 4.5 ft. deep, what is the maximum possible width of the

Lesson 2: Parabolas

Learning Outcomes of the Lesson

At the end of the lesson, the student is able to:

(1) Define a parabola;
(2) Determine the standard form of equation of a parabola;
(3) Graph a parabola in a rectangular coordinate system; and
(4) Solve situational problems involving conic sections (parabolas).

Lesson Outline

(1) Definition of a parabola

(2) Derivation of the standard equation of a parabola
(3) Graphing parabolas
(4) Solving situational problems involving parabolas.


A parabola is one of the conic sections. We have already seen parabolas which open upward or
downward, as graphs of quadratic functions. Here, we will see parabolas opening to the left or right.
Applications of parabolas are presented at the end.

Definition and Equation of a Parabola

Consider the point F(0, 2) and the line l having equation y = - 2. What are the distances of A(4, 2)

from F and from l ? (The latter is taken as the distance of A from A l , the point on l closest to A). How

about the distances of B(-8, 8) from F and from l (from B l)?

Consider a parabola with focus F(0, c) and directrix l having equation y = =c. See Figure 1.26. The
focus and directrix are c units above and below, respectively, the origin. Let P(x, y) be a point on the

parabola so P F = P P l , where P l is the point on l closest to P. The point P has to be on the same side of
the directrix as the focus (if P was below, it would be closer to ` than it is from F).
x2 = =4cy.
We collect here the features of the graph of a parabola with standard equation x2 = 4cy or x2 = =4cy, where
c > 0.

(1) VERTEX: origin V (0, 0)

• If the parabola opens upward, the vertex is the lowest point. If the parabola opens downward, the
vertex is the highest point.

(2) DIRECTRIX: the line y = -c or y = c

• The directrix is c units below or above the vertex.

(3) FOCUS: F(0, c) or F(0, -c)

• The focus is c units above or below the vertex.

• Any point on the parabola has the same distance from the focus as it has from the directrix.

(4) AXIS OF SYMMETRY: x = 0 (the y-axis)

• This line divides the parabola into two parts which are mirror images of each other.

Example 1.2.1. Determine the focus and directrix of the parabola with the given equation. Sketch the graph,
and indicate the focus, directrix, vertex, and axis of symmetry.

(1) x2 = 12y (2) x2 = =6y


(1) The vertex is V (0, 0) and the parabola opens upward. From 4c =12, c = 3. The focus, c = 3 units
above the vertex, is F(0, 3). The directrix, 3 units below
the vertex, is y = -3. The axis of symmetry is x = 0.

(2) The vertex is V (0, 0) and the parabola opens downward. From 4c = 6, c = 3/2 .The focus, c = 32
units below the vertex, is F (0, -3/2). The directrix, 32units above the vertex, is y = 3/2 . The axis of symmetry
is x = 0.

More properties of parabolas

The parabolas we considered so far are “vertical” and have their vertices at the origin. Some
parabolas open instead horizontally (to the left or right), and some have vertices not at the origin. Their
standard equations and properties are given in the box. The corresponding computations are more
involved, but are similar to the one above, and so are not shown anymore. In all four cases below, we
assume that c > 0. The vertex is V (h, k), and it lies between the focus F and the directrix l. The focus F is c
units away from the vertex V , and the directrix is c units away from the vertex. Recall that, for any point on
the parabola, its distance from the focus is the same as its distance from the directrix.

(x-h)2 = 4c(y-k) (y-k)2 = 4c(x-h)

(x-h)2 = -4c(y-k) (y-k)2 = -4c(x-h)

Directrix l: horizontal Directrix l: vertical

axis of symmetry: x=h, vertical axis of symmetry: y=k, horizontal

Note the following observations:

• The equations are in terms of x - h and y - k: the vertex coordinates are subtracted from the
corresponding variable. Thus, replacing both h and k with 0 would yield the case where the vertex is the
origin. For instance, this replacement applied to (x-h)2 = 4c(y-k) (parabola opening upward) would yield
x2 = 4cy, the first standard equation we encountered (parabola opening upward, vertex at the origin).
• If the x-part is squared, the parabola is “vertical”; if the y-part is squared, the parabola is “horizontal.” In
a horizontal parabola, the focus is on the left or right of the vertex, and the directrix is vertical.
• If the coefficient of the linear (non-squared) part is positive, the parabola opens upward or to the right; if
negative, downward or to the left.
Example 1.2.3. Figure 1.27 shows the graph of parabola, with only its focus and vertex indicated. Find its
standard equation. What is its directrix and its axis of symmetry?

Solution. The vertex is V (5, -4) and the focus is F(3, -4). From these, we deduce the following: h = 5, k =-4, c
= 2 (the distance of the focus from the vertex). Since the parabola opens to the left, we use the template
(y - k)2 = 4c(x - h). Our equation is
(y+4)2 = -8 (x-5)
Its directrix is c = 2 units to the right of V , which is x = 7. Its axis is the horizontal line through V: y = -4

The standard equation (y + 4)2 = =8(x x 5) from the preceding example can be rewritten as

y2 + 8x + 8y - 24 = 0, an equation of the parabola in general form. If the equation is given in the general form
Ax2 +Cx + Dy +E = 0 (A and C are nonzero) or By2+Cx+Dy+E = 0 (B and C are nonzero), we can determine the
standard form by completing the square in both variables.

Example 1.2.4. Determine the vertex, focus, directrix, and axis of symmetry

of the parabola with the given equation. Sketch the parabola, and include these

points and lines.

Solution. (1) We complete the square on y, and move x to the other side.
y2 + 12y = 5x -16
y2 + 12y + 36 = 5x - 16 + 36 = 5x + 20
(y + 6)2 = 5(x + 4)

The parabola opens to the right. It has vertex V (-4, -6). From 4c = 5, we get c = 5/4 = 1.25. The focus is
c = 1.25 units to the right of V : F(-2.75, -6). The (vertical) directrix is c = 1.25 units to the left of V : x = -5.25.
The (horizontal) axis is through V: y = -6

(2) We complete the square on x, and move y to the other side.

5x2 + 30x = -24y + 51

5(x2 + 6x + 9) = -24y + 51 + 5(9)

5(x + 3)2 = -24y + 96 = -24(y - 4)

(x + 3)2 = - 24/ 5 (y -4)

In the last line, we divided by 5 for the squared part not to have any coefficient. The parabola opens
downward. It has vertex V ( -3, 4). From 4c = 24/5 , we get c = 6/5 = 1.2. The focus is c = 1.2 units below V :

F(-3, 2.8). The (horizontal) directrix is c = 1.2 units above V : y = 5.2. The (vertical) axis is through V : x = -3.


Determine the vertex, focus, directrix, and axis of symmetry of the parabola with the given equation.
Sketch the graph, and include these points and lines.
1. y2 = -36x

2. 5x2 = 100y

3. y2 + 4x - 14y = -53

4. y2 - 2x + 2y - 1 = 0

5. 2x2 - 12x + 28y = 38

6. (3x - 2)2 = 84y - 112

Find the standard equation of the parabola which satisfies the given conditions.
7. vertex (7, 11), focus (16, 11)
8. vertex (-10, -5), directrix y = -1
9. focus (-10, 23/2) , directrix y = -11/ 2
10. focus (-3/2, 3) directrix x = - 37/2
11. axis of symmetry y = 9, directrix x = 24, vertex on the line 3y - 5x = 7
12. vertex (0, 7), vertical axis of symmetry, through the point P(4, 5)
13. vertex (-3, 8), horizontal axis of symmetry, through the point P(-5, 12)
14. A satellite dish shaped like a paraboloid has its receiver located at the focus. How far is the receiver
from the vertex if the dish is 10 ft across and 3 ft deep at the center?

15. A flashlight shaped like a paraboloid has its light source at the focus located 1.5 cm from the base and is
10 cm wide at its opening. How deep is the flashlight at its center?

16. The ends of a rope are held in place at the top of two posts, 9 m apart and each one 8 m high. If the
rope assumes a parabolic shape and touches the ground midway between the two posts, how high is the
rope 2 m from one of the posts?

17. Radiation is focused to an unhealthy area in a patient’s body using a parabolic reflector, positioned in
such a way that the target area is at the focus. If the reflector is 30 cm wide and 15 cm deep at the center,
how far should the base of the reflector be from the target area?

18. A rectangular object 25 m wide is to pass under a parabolic arch that has a width of 32 m at the base
and a height of 24 m at the center. If the vertex of the parabola is at the top of the arch, what maximum
height should the rectangular object have?
Lesson 3 : Ellipses
Learning Outcomes of the Lesson

At the end of the lesson, the student is able to:

(1) Define an ellipse;
(2) Determine the standard form of equation of an ellipse;
(3) Graph an ellipse in a rectangular coordinate system; and
(4) Solve situational problems involving conic sections (ellipses).

Lesson Outlines

(1) Definition of an ellipse

(2) Derivation of the standard equation of an ellipse
(3) Graphing ellipses
(4) Solving situational problems involving ellipses.


Unlike circle and parabola, an ellipse is one of the conic sections that most students have not
encountered formally before. Its shape is a bounded curve which looks like a flattened circle. The orbits of
the planets in our solar system around the sun happen to be elliptical in shape. Also, just like parabolas,
ellipses have reflective properties that have been used in the construction of certain structures. These
applications and more will be encountered in this lesson.

Definition and Equation of an Ellipses

Consider the points F1(-3, 0) and F2(3, 0), as shown in Figure 1.36. What is the sum of the distances of A(4,
2.4) from F1 and from F2? How about the sum of the distances of B (and C(0, ;4)) from F1 and from F2?
AF1 + AF2 = 7.4 + 2.6 = 10
BF1 + BF2 = 3.8 + 6.2 = 10
CF1 + CF2 = 5 + 5 = 10
There are other points P such that P F1 + P F2 = 10. The collection of all such points forms a shape called an

Figure 2.36 Figure 1.37


Give the coordinates of the center, foci, vertices, and covertices of the ellipse with the given equation.
Sketch the graph, and include these points.

Find the standard equation of the ellipse which satisfies the given conditions.

7. foci (2 - √ 33, 8) and (2 + √ 33, 8), the sum of the distances of any point from the foci is 14

8. center (-3, -7), vertical major axis of length 20, minor axis of length 12

9. foci (-21, 10) and (3, 10), contains the point (-9, 15)

10. a vertex at (-3, -18) and a covertex at (-12, -7), major axis is either horizontal or vertical
11. a focus at (=9, 15) and a covertex at (1, 10), with vertical major axis

12. A 40-ft wide tunnel has the shape of a semi ellipse that is 5 ft high a distance of 2 ft from either end.
How high is the tunnel at its center?

13. The moon’s orbit is an ellipse with Earth as one focus. If the maximum distance from the moon to Earth
is 405 500 km and the minimum distance is 363 300 km, find the equation of the ellipse in a Cartesian
coordinate system where Earth is at the origin. Assume that the ellipse has horizontal major axis and that
the minimum distance is achieved when the moon is to the right of Earth. Use 100 km as one unit.

14. Two friends visit a whispering gallery (in the shape of a semi ellipsoid) where they stand 100 m apart to
be at the foci. If one of them is 6 m from the nearest wall, how high is the gallery at its center?

15. A jogging path is in the shape of an ellipse. If it is 120 ft long and 40 ft wide, what is the width of the
track 15 ft from either vertex?

16. Radiation is focused to an unhealthy area in a patient’s body using a semi elliptic reflector, positioned in
such a way that the target area is at one focus while the source of radiation is at the other. If the reflflector
is 100 cm wide and 30 cm high at the center, how far should the radiation source and the target area be
from the ends of the reflflector?

Lesson 4: Hyperbola

Learning Outcomes of the Lesson

At the end of the lesson, the student is able to:

(1) Define a hyperbola;
(2) Determine the standard form of equation of a hyperbola;
(3) Graph a hyperbola in a rectangular coordinate system; and
(4) Solve situational problems involving conic sections (hyperbolas).

Lesson Outlines
(1) Definition of a hyperbola.
(2) Derivation of the standard equation of a hyperbola.
(3) Graphing hyperbolas.
(4) Solving situational problems involving hyperbolas.


Just like ellipse, a hyperbola is one of the conic sections that most students have not encountered
formally before. Its graph consists of two unbounded branches which extend in opposite directions. It is a
misconception that each branch is a parabola. This is not true, as parabolas and hyperbolas have very
different features. An application of hyperbolas in basic location and navigation schemes are presented in
an example and some exercises.

Definition and Equation of Hyperbola

Consider the points F1(-5, 0) and F2(5, 0) as shown in Figure 1.42. What is the absolute value of the
difference of the distances of A(3.75, -3) from F1 and from F2? How about the absolute value of the
difference of the distances of B (-5, 16/3) from F1 and from F2?

There are other points P such that |P F1 - P F2| = 6. The collection of all such points forms a shape called a
hyperbola, which consists of two disjoint branches. For points P on the left branch, P F2 - P F1 = 6; for those
on the right branch, P F1 - P F2 = 6
Figure 1.42

Figure 1.43

Give the center, foci, vertices, and asymptotes of the hyperbola with the given equation. Sketch the graph
and the auxiliary rectangle, then include these points and lines.

Find the standard equation of the hyperbola which satisfies the given conditions.

7. foci (-7, -17) a(-7, 17), the absolute value of the difference of the distances of any point from the foci is 24

8. foci (-3, -2) and (15, -2), a vertex at (9, -2)

9. center (-10, -4), one corner of auxiliary rectangle at (-1, 12), with horizontal transverse axis

10. asymptotes y = 71/ 3 - 4/3x and y = 4/3x - 17/3 and a vertex at (17, 9)

11. asymptotes y = -5/12x + 19/3 and y = 5/12x + 29/3 and a focus at (-4, -5)

12. horizontal conjugate axis, one corner of auxiliary rectangle at (3, 8), and an asymptote 4x + 3y = 12

13. two corners of auxiliary rectangle at (2, 3) and (16, -1), and horizontal transverse axis.

14. Two radio stations are located 150 miles apart, where station A is west of station B. Radio signals are
being transmitted simultaneously by both stations, travelling at a rate of 0.2 miles/µsec. A plane travelling
at 60 miles above ground level has just passed by station B and is headed towards the other station. If the
signal from B arrives at the plane 480 µsec before the signal sent from A, determine the location of the

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