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1. First act of kindness I did is that I woke up early and I took the initiative of cooking breakfast
rather than waiting for my mom to wake up and cook for us. This act really made me fulfilled
considering I just started the day and it somehow improved my mood and my mental state.
2. Next is when my brother arrived from work and I took the liberty of fixing his bed for him so that
he can sleep directly after his breakfast. Since my brother’s work shift is from 9 pm to 5 am, his
body clock undergoes an instant shift also which causes him to sleep during the day. After fixing
his bed I really think of myself being a thoughtful and caring brother which made me feel great
about myself too.
3. Submissions for activities and assignments was today and some of my friends haven’t done it
because of the project study, so what I did is that all the activities that I already did, I sent it to
my friends so that they will have an idea on how to do the activities given to us. This act really
gave the great feeling of helping and somehow really takes away the stress from doing all those
4. Since both my mother and father is working on some side-lines for extra income, they came
home very late, so what I did is that I cooked rice so when they come home bringing some other
food they can already eat. It really feels nice to be able to help my parents most especially in
doing house chores and it really is fulfilling when you get an appreciation from your parents
5. Last act of kindness I did was printing my sister’s modules, since she is always so busy and has a
lot of things to do, I decided to help her. I stayed up late printing three sets of class modules so
that my sister can sleep early and has less to do the next day. This really made me feel that I am
a brother who cares about my siblings, the next morning my sister saved a lot of time and a lot
of work because of what I did and it really made me feel great about myself.

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