ME34ME1402 Dynamics of MachineryPractice Problems II

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National Institute Technology Jamshedpur

Mechanical Engineering Department

Program: B.Tech. (Hons.) in Mechanical Engineering, Semester: IV, Session: Spring 2019-20,
Course: ME1402 Dynamics of Machinery, Instructor: Dr. A. K. Mandal
Practice Problems II: Kinematic Analysis

1. In Fig. 1, the rod OB slides through the collar pivoted to the rotating link at A. If CA has an
angular velocity ω = 3rad/s for an interval of motion, calculate the angular velocity of OB when
θ = 45◦ .

Figure 1:

2. In Fig. 2, angular oscillation of the slotted link is achieved by the crank OA, which rotates
clockwise at the steady speed N = 120rev/min. Determine an expression for the angular velocity
β̇ of the slotted link in terms of θ.

Figure 2:

3. In Fig. 3, crank CB oscillates about C through a limited arc, causing crank OA to oscillate about
O. When the linkage passes the position shown with CB horizontal and OA vertical, the angular
velocity of CB is 2 rad /s counterclockwise. For this instant, determine the angular velocities of
OA and AB.

4. In Fig. 4, arm OB of the linkage has a clockwise angular velocity of 10 rad /sec in the position

Figure 3:

shown where θ = 45◦ . Determine the velocity of A, the velocity of D, and the angular velocity of
link AB for the position shown.

Figure 4:

5. The mechanism of Fig. 5 is now shown in a different position, with the crank OA 30◦ below the
horizontal as illustrated. Determine the angular velocity ω of link AB and the velocity of roller

Figure 5:

6. In Fig. 3, crank CB has a constant counterclockwise angular velocity of 2 rad /s in the position
shown during a short interval of its motion. Determine the angular acceleration of links AB and
OA for this position. Solve by using vector algebra.

7. In the system of Fig. 5, crank OA is rotating at a counterclockwise angular rate of 9rad/s, and

this rate is decreasing at 5rad/s2 . Determine the angular acceleration αAB of link AB for the
position shown.

8. In Fig. 6, at the instant represented, the disk with the radial slot is rotating about O with
a counterclockwise angular velocity of 4rad/sec which is decreasing at the rate of 10rad/sec2 .
The motion of slider A is separately controlled, and at this instant, r = 6in., ṙ = 5in./sec, and
r̈ = 81in./sec2 . Determine the absolute velocity and acceleration of A for this position.

Figure 6:

9. In Fig. 7, the pin A of the hinged link AC is confined to move in the rotating slot of link OD.
The angular velocity of OD is ω = 2rad/s clockwise and is constant for the interval of motion
concerned. For the position where θ = 45◦ with AC horizontal, determine the velocity of pin A
and the velocity of A relative to the rotating slot in OD. Also determine the angular acceleration
of AC and the acceleration of A relative to the rotating slot in arm OD.

Figure 7:

10. In Fig. 8, the circular disk rotates about its z-axis with an angular velocity ω = 2rad/s. A point
P located on the rim has a velocity given by v = −0.8i − 0.6j m/s. Determine the coordinates of
P and the radius r of the disk.

11. In Fig. 9, roller B of the linkage has a velocity of 0.75m/s to the right as the angle θ passes 60◦
and bar AB also makes an angle of 60◦ with the horizontal. Locate the instantaneous center of

Figure 8:

zero velocity for bar AB and determine its angular velocity ωAB .

Figure 9:

12. In Fig. 10, the figure illustrates a commonly used quick-return mechanism which produces a slow
cutting stroke of the tool (attached to D) and a rapid return stroke. If the driving crank OA is
turning at the constant rate θ̇ = 3rad/s, determine the magnitude of the velocity of point B for
the instant when θ = 30◦ .

13. In Fig. 11, bar OA rotates about the fixed pivot O with constant angular velocity β̇ = 0.8rad/s.
Pin A is fixed to bar OA and is engaged in the slot of member BD, which rotates about a fixed axis
through point B. Determine and plot over the range 0 ≤ β ≤ 360◦ the angular velocity and angular
acceleration of BD and the velocity and acceleration of pin A relative to member BD. State the
magnitude and direction of the acceleration of pin A relative to member BD for β = 180◦ .

14. In the slotted-lever quick-return mechanism shown in Fig. 12, the crank O2 A rotates at a constant
speed of 30rev/min.(CCW). For the position shown, determine the velocity and acceleration of
the ram(i.e., of the point C). Given O2 A = 12cm, O2 O4 = 30cm, O4 B = 60cm, and BC=15cm.
The line of movement of C is 30cm above the point O2 .

15. In the slider-crank mechanism shown in Fig. 13, the crank O2 A rotates at a constant speed of
1000rpm in the clockwise direction. Determine the velocity and acceleration of the slider when
θ2 = 45◦ , given that the crank length O2 A = 6cm and the connecting-rod length AB=16cm.

Figure 10:

Figure 11:

Figure 12:

Figure 13:

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