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Volume 8 / Issue 12 December 2019

to my Father
You never figured
the guile of this world.
But still served with
absolute devotion to all
you could.
You were always stumped
by the many things that
your children became
But did not fail to support
or celebrate their success
As a Husband, our Beloved Mother
said there could be no better.
Your innocuous Presence has been

With Much Love,

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | b


Dear Readers,
Given the pace of today’s times, we are same evening as a dance recital by Radhe.
often waiting for the weekend to get Sadhguru also took on the bristling energy
away from the pressing demands of our of New York City as he conducted a “Mystic
careers. That begs the question, are we Eye” program for 5000 participants.
in it because we are dedicated to our
This month’s Mahabharat series delves
craft or solely as a means to procure a
into the mechanics of Dharma as
living? In this month’s Lead Article, “No
Krishna, a god himself, and Yudhisthira,
Weekend, No Life?” Sadhguru dissects the
a proponent of godliness, are chastised
TGIF phenomenon. He says of our jobs, “If
for certain acts and decisions that are
what you are doing is not your life, please
often perceived to be out of character.
do not do it. What you are doing must be
Sadhguru examines this more closely and
your life. It is your life!”
reconciles the assumed conflict.
Kangana Ranaut, who was alongside
On the Path of the Divine is a series
Sadhguru in Kashi, gleaned some pearls
devoted to the stories, experiences, and
of wisdom from the Master during their
backgrounds of our Isha Brahmacharis
conversation that traversed the Ganga,
and Sanyasis, and what it means for them
the impact of molecular structure on
to walk this sacred path of brahmacharya.
water quality, and the pitfalls in today’s
In this edition, Swami Devabahu
water management methods.
recounts his spiritual evolution, from an
Sadhguru’s calendar was chockablock energetic teenager to a “Blessed Swami,”
with events last month, both in India and as Sadhguru himself once referred to
overseas. In Delhi, he addressed senior him. Swami shares many poignant
personnel of the armed forces and made experiences on the way, including a first-
an impactful speech at the India Economic hand account of Sadhguru during the
Summit. The capital city also witnessed Dhyanalinga consecration.
the massive Inner Engineering Completion
Chocolate Chip Cookies – that’s hard to
program where Sadhguru initiated eager
say no to, for children and adults alike!
participants into Shambhavi, as did
Just add a dash of the trusted Sanjeevini
Toronto, Canada, a few weeks later. The
multigrain powder to the mix and
FBN 30th Global Summit saw Sadhguru
indulge guilt-free in Sanjeevini Chocolate
in Udaipur offering advice about business
Chip Cookies, knowing that we have you
and beyond to international and Indian
covered with delectable yet wholesome
business families. The audiences at the Isha
recipes, month after month. Enjoy!
Institute of Inner-sciences were blessed
with a rare Darshan of Sadhguru on the The Editorial Team

Contact the Editorial Team:

Isha Forest Flower, Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri Foothills, Ishana Vihar Post, Coimbatore – 641114
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2 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019



Kangana Explores Ganga Part 60: Dharma – An Absolute

with Sadhguru 04 or Relative Truth? 08

IN CONVERSATION WITH THE MYSTIC Sadhguru’s Father, Dr. B. V. Vasudev

Kangana Explores Ganga with Sadhguru 4 Passes Away Aged 95 17
Toronto Blanketed in First Snow and
LEAD ARTICLE a Fresh Beginning 18
No Weekend, No Life? 6
MAHABHARAT Tears of Joy 19
Part 60: Dharma – An Absolute or Relative
Isha – Program & Event Highlights 20
Swami Devabahu 10 ISHA RECIPES
Sanjeevini Chocolate Chip Cookies 21
Veterans of the Armed Forces Host ZEN SPEAKS
Sadhguru at National Defence College 14 Dropping Everything 23
‘There Is No Planet B’ – Sadhguru at
India Economic Summit 14
Delhi Revels in Sadhguru’s Magic as
the ‘Wave of Bliss’ Reaches the Capital 15
FBN Global Summit – Navigating
Paradoxes: Unconventional Choices
for Business-Owning Families 15
Dance Performance by Radhe Jaggi
in Support of Cauvery Calling 16
Diwali Alit with Sparkle, Joy, and
Free Tools for Transformation! 16
New York Revels in Meditation,
Wisdom, and Bliss under the Mystic’s Eye 17

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 3

Kangana Explores Ganga IN CONVERSATION
with Sadhguru WITH THE MYSTIC

In the second excerpt from their recent conversation with Kangana Ranaut in Varanasi, Sadhguru delves
into the unique qualities of Ganga – historically, and to this day. He also explains how the molecular
structure and in turn the water quality changes depending on how you treat the water, and where today’s
water management goes wrong.

Ganga: Muddy, Not Filthy We’d go with our house help and actually get water
in mudkas1 from a waterfall and things like that. There
Kangana Ranaut: Sadhguru ji, Ganga looks amazing, are so many stories about Ganga water actually
like a huge force. But it’s also quite muddy; there is a curing mild skin illnesses and infections. People also
lot of filth in there. say that if you bottle this water, it doesn’t rot. Also,
Sadhguru: No, there is no filth – it’s just muddy. when we do pooja, we mix a few drops of Ganga
But you need to understand that most of the water into like a bucket full of regular tap water,
water that’s flowing in Ganga is coming from the and apparently that also becomes holy.
Himalayas. Because these mountains are largely Sadhguru: Not like that.
sedimentary in nature, Ganga carries an enormous
amount of silt. That is why the water is brown. Kangana Ranaut: So, is it true that it can cure
Because this river carries a maximum amount illnesses?
of silt, the Ganga basin became so fertile. On this Sadhguru: Yes, definitely.
alluvial soil, agriculture grew. Even today, in spite
If you do not know this, the East India Company
of all the problems we have, thirty-three percent of
carried only Ganga water in their ships, no other
India’s agriculture is in the Ganga basin.
water. Because, for the entire trip of one-and-a-half,
Kangana Ranaut: Because I come from the
Himalayas, growing up, we’ve had this spring water. 1
Earthen pot

4 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019

two months, the water would remain fresh. goes through let’s say fifty bends before it comes
Wherever Akbar traveled on his campaigns, he to your home and drops out. Some studies say if
always carried Ganga water for himself, and he was you take this water straight from the tap and drink
not a Hindu by belief. In those times, maybe they it, sixty percent of it is almost poisonous for your
didn’t know the science of it, but in the 1800s, a lot system. But if you take it and keep it in the right
of research was done on this. They found that there kind of vessel that is of a certain metallic structure
are some extraordinary levels of bacteriophages – for let’s say two hours, and then drink it, all that
microorganisms whose food is bacteria. They are [the poisonous property] would have undone itself.
eating up all the bacteria. Why this study came up Whether it is here, in the mountains, or near the
is, there were cholera outbreaks in the country. ocean – the same water will be different, depending
upon what it is put through, what kind of force
In Europe, when cholera outbreaks happened in
applies itself upon it. All this changes the structure
one village, and the water got contaminated, every
of the water.
village down the river would get it. But they found
that along Ganga, if one village or town got cholera, Water in the Spiritual Tradition
even when they threw cholera-infected dead bodies
into the river, down the river, no one got cholera. There is a huge culture of teerth here. Why do the
They were amazed, did some studies, and found richest people in the country go to a certain temple
that there are such levels of bacteriophages that and beg for two drops of water that the priest will
especially cholera bacteria got eaten by them. So, put in their hand? Because it’s teerth. Because it has
water becomes pure again – that’s one dimension been treated in a certain way. Whatever the deity,
of it. Another dimension is this: the many tributaries the memory of that energy is in the water, because
of Ganga are rivulets from the Himalayas. When water is capable of retaining memory. People want
they are flowing through the rocks with a certain to take in the memory of the Divine. There are any
force, something called implosion happens. number of stories of people in this country who
drank teerth from a certain temple, and their disease
How the Molecular Structure went away. Some people may be dismissive, but
Decides the Water Quality today modern science is clearly telling you what we
have been telling you forever: water has memory –
An Israeli company and a UK company have been treat it well. Food has memory – treat it well. If you
visiting us for the last three days, and they brought don’t treat it well, it will not treat you well. This is a
their implosion machines. I have been looking for simple way of saying it.
this for some time, and now, we are putting it into
agroforestry and other farming methods. Implosion Dams Damage the Water Quality
is churning the water in a certain way, which
These waters that flow through certain terrain also
changes the molecular structure of the water.
have memory. Along the way, so many aspects are
Because the molecular structure changes, the way
there in Himalayas. But today, you dam the water
the water behaves will change. This is why keeping
in two, three different places. There’s Tehri Dam –
it in a certain kind of pot, like a copper pot, treating
almost all the water that’s coming here, except
it in a certain way before drinking it – all this is
what’s coming from Nepal, has all been dammed.
mainly so that the molecular structure is suitable
I think almost forty percent of the water is coming
for your system.
from Nepal and Tibet and other regions – that part
If you do not understand what I am saying, forget is coming undammed. But now they want to dam
this is Ganga – just go and touch river water with those rivers too, because they want to generate
your two hands and see how it feels. In Kashi, even hydro-electricity and all that. But once you dam it,
the tap water is Ganga; so go somewhere else, stagnant water is very different from the water that
touch the tap water and see. Go near a waterfall is flowing through the mountains.
that is falling with some force and touch the
Unfortunately, we have done that. We should
water. You can actually feel with your hands that
have spared this one river, because at least in the
the texture of the water is different. Particularly
northern part of the country, Ganga is seen as the
near waterfalls, you will find that the water feels
very spirit of the nation.
almost a little silky, because the molecular structure
changes, depending upon what kind of situations To be continued.
the water goes through.
For example in Mumbai, the water is pumped
through lead pipes, or today PVC pipes. It forcefully

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 5

No Weekend, No Life?

Sadhguru juxtaposes today’s culture of living for the weekend with the unlimited dedication that his father
displayed as a physician in the Indian Railways.

Many years ago, when I was in the United States twenty-one or twenty-two – a young woman. This
for the first time, they took me to a restaurant was a very rich merchant family where naturally, by
called TGIF. I asked them what it stands for, and the time you were twelve, you were into business.
they said, “Thank God, It’s Friday.” They are living for Before she died, she told him, “You must become
the weekend. If you suffer the week and live for the a doctor,” because she felt, if some other kind of
weekend, that is a very measly life. How come you doctor had been there, he would have saved her life.
do not enjoy the week – only the weekend? Simply
So my father committed to become a doctor. And
because a whole lot of people are doing things that
at the age of twelve, when his father tried to force
do not mean a damn thing to them. They are only
him into business, he left his very wealthy family,
doing it because it is a way of earning a living.
and studied outside on the streets. He excelled
Sadhguru’s Father: An Epitome of academically and became a doctor. The first thing
he did was serve in the Mysore sanatorium for
Dedication tuberculosis. For three years, he worked in the
My father was a very ardent physician all his life. sanatorium for fifty rupees a month. He was that
He became a doctor because he lost his mother to kind of a doctor – totally dedicated. Later on, he
tuberculosis when he was four-and-a-half years served in the government. His idea of success was
of age. There are very touching stories of how he that you must become a doctor – if you are not a
used to go to see his mother. She would put a towel doctor, you are no good for anything. At least when
on his face and kiss him, because she was afraid it came to his children, this was the expectation. I
she would infect him. In those days, there was not did not want to disappoint him later, so when I was
much treatment. So they just built a house for her ten, I told him, “This is one thing that I’m not going
on a hillock, thinking that fresh air would cure her to be.”
tuberculosis. But she passed away at the age of

6 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019

Career Choices Based on Social weeks on end, survived in the forest, without any
outside support. I said, “I can live anywhere.” I did
Considerations? not know what I was looking for at that time. All I
All along, my father was always worried that I am knew was I would not sit behind a table and earn a
not getting trained for anything specific. After much living – that much was one hundred percent clear
struggle within himself when I said “no” to being a to me. What I would do, I did not know. I just knew
doctor, he said, “Okay, at least take up engineering.” one thing – I am here to live. Every living thing here
Then I said, “When I said I don’t want to be a doctor, if is here to live. Only human beings think they are
you told me ‘be a veterinary doctor, be an Ayurvedic here for some other purpose.
doctor, be a witch doctor’, something – I would
consider it. But if when I say ‘no’ to being doctor, Looking for Something More?
you say ‘engineer’ – yours is a social problem. It’s All other creatures know they are here to live. It is
not an existential issue.” So he said, “What will you just that, for them, living means eating, sleeping,
do? You’re not trained for anything.” I said, “If I’m reproducing, and dying – their life is complete. Once
not trained for anything, I can do whatever I want.” you come as a human being, you can eat as much
as you want, sleep as much as you want, you can
reproduce as much as you want – still, somehow
"If what you are doing is not your life, please life is not complete. The life within you is longing for
do not do it." something else. If that “something else” does not
happen, you feel incomplete.

Right now, the weekend people – those who live
I am not saying this with any disregard for him.
on the weekend – ingest spirits because there is
He was such a dedicated doctor, people literally
not enough spirit in them. I am so loaded with spirit
worshipped him wherever he went. I looked at his
it never occurred to me that I need any outside
profession with great respect, but not with regard.
infusion. Only those who lost their spirit have to
I respected it immensely because it made a huge
ingest spirits. They need a break – that is perfectly
difference for people, as I saw many times with my
fine. But it is very important that you do not make
own eyes. My mother would complain, because we
this distinction between work and life.
were always in those kind of stations where calls
would come anytime, even in the middle of the Nothing but Life
night, and he would just go away. Any number of
If what you are doing is not your life, please do not
times, he would be having his dinner, the phone
do it. What you are doing must be your life. It is your
would ring, and halfway through the meal, he
life. Most of you spend more time at work than with
would get up and go away.
your family. So why is this not life and that is life?
My mother would beg him, “Just three minutes; Work is also life. This is one dimension of life – that
finish your meal and go.” But he would say “no” and is another dimension of life. The requirements of
go away. And sometimes, he would come home at how to distribute time, how much of a break you
2:00 a.m. or 4:00 a.m. in the morning. That was the need, may be different for different people. If you
most impressive thing for me about him – this man are at home every weekend, maybe your family
was committed to whatever he was doing. enjoys it. In another family, they may not want you
to be home every weekend. It varies from person to
Is Making a Living the Primary person, from situation to situation.
It is very important to understand that from the
This kind of commitment is what made me very moment we are born until we fall dead, we are doing
proud of him. But at the same time, he talked to me only life, life, and life alone – nothing else but life.
in terms of how to make a living. “Become a doctor;
make a living.” I said, “I don’t want to make a living
like that.” Then he said, “Become an engineer; make
a living.” I said, “I don’t want to make a living like
that.” Then they said, “At least go to business, make
a living.” I said, “No.” I said, “Making a living is never
a concern for me.”
I traveled across the country on my motorcycle when
I was very young. I lived in the jungles by myself for

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 7


Dharma – An Absolute or Relative Truth?

Is dharma synonymous with truth? Is one’s dharma an absolute law or is it based on the situation at hand?
And how does inclusiveness factor in? Sadhguru offers profound insights into the oft-misunderstood key
subject of the Mahabharat.

Yudhishthira: Righteousness above he is made to look stupid, because the situations are
propelled by a predetermined force, and he does not
All Else understand where it is going. He is just trying to be a
Questioner: Sadhguru, you said that people righteous man, and he does not fit in properly. That
followed Yudhishthira because he is the king and he is all his problem is. He did not make crazy decisions;
is seen as the manifestation of godliness. But why are he made decisions that were honored in those days.
people still following him after he made some crazy Even today, if someone gives you something that is
decisions? And how come Krishna does not intervene, valuable to them, you will look at them with a certain
or how come he does not ask Krishna for advice? regard, respect, and reverence. Everyone looked at
Sadhguru: You think they are crazy decisions? That him with that same reverence, respect, and regard.
is a very bad judgment on Yudhishthira. Yudhishthira Because they had their own compulsions, they raged
is going by the law. He does not want to tell a lie; against him, but they knew he was right in many
he does not want to break the law. And he says, ways. He was trying to follow what is written in the
“I don’t even want to be a king.” There is nothing scriptures to whatever extent possible for him.
wrong with that. Had he always been aspiring to be Krishna’s Take on Dharma
a king at any cost, and then he did not want to do
it, you could say he is crazy or stupid. But if he says, Questioner: Sadhguru, when Duryodhana and
“I don’t even want to be the king. I just want to be Arjuna went to Krishna to request his alliance,
truthful,” is he not a great guy? Krishna sent his army, the group of people who relied
on him completely, to fight alongside Duryodhana,
There is nothing wrong with the man. But because the side which he knew for sure was going to be
he is trapped in the compulsions of a certain action, defeated. What is his dharma as a king?
8 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019
Sadhguru: The dharma of being practical. Dharma they still stand in your way, what will you do? You
can be seen as an ancient law, or it can be viewed will remove them. Krishna has no qualms about
according to the current situation. You need to stating the truth. You will also do that, but you do
understand this before you make judgments. Each not have the courage to admit it now.
of the characters exists within you, and depending Even in the most hopeless situation, Krishna
on the situation, it can be decided which one should personally makes a journey from King Virata’s city
be enhanced in you. The Duryodhana in you, the back to Hastinapur. In those days, to make such a
Arjuna in you, the Yudhishthira in you, the Karna in journey of four hundred, five hundred kilometers,
you, or the Krishna in you – which one should be you have to be super determined towards your
brought forth. So, do not make judgments. Someone purpose – otherwise, you cannot make it. When
who looks like a fool may come out as winner in Duryodhana clearly says he will not give even a
the end. Someone who looks evil may come out needlepoint worth of land and they are hopelessly
as divine in the end. Someone who seems to be determined to fight, still Krishna goes there, risking
righteous may come out as all wrong. It happens his life.
every day in our lives.
First of all, you must see what Krishna’s stake is in
the whole thing – he has nothing to lose, nothing to
gain. He has a prosperous kingdom of his own; he
could happily live there. When the Pandavas talk as
if Krishna is their property, Krishna reminds them,
“I love Duryodhana and his brothers as much as I
love you, but I am standing with you because you
are truthful, and only as long as you are truthful. I
am not standing with you because I hate them and
love you.”
Now your question is, “He is the one who is telling
them not to be truthful.” Truth is not a verbal thing;
truth is an existential thing. For example, in the last
few days, there was a series of bombings across the
world, but there were no fatalities. Ideally, they want
to bomb a place where there is maximum human
concentration, so they can cause maximum damage.
The Mahabharat program would be a great target
in that sense, because there is a high concentration
of human beings here. When such an opportunity
is there, if they ask, “Is the Adiyogi Alayam full of
people,” what should I tell them? The truth? The
ultimate truth is to act out of your inclusiveness.
The question is, are you acting out of your
inclusiveness, or are you acting out of your
exclusiveness? That is what Krishna’s dharma is
about. If your intention and action are towards a
Had Krishna been a simple man, they would have
larger wellbeing, Krishna is with you. If your intention
captured him. Getting killed was considered better
and action are towards your exclusive wellbeing, he
than getting captured by Duryodhana. But he takes
is not with you. That is the statement he is making.
the risk, goes there, and still sues for peace. Though
Whatever happens, he is constantly trying to push it
he knows they are hopelessly determined, he still
towards inclusiveness. If anyone comes in the way,
tries to do his best. But when all attempts to sue
he is willing to do whatever is needed.
for peace fail, he is willing to do what he has to do,
Whatever morality you may have, ultimately, when unwaveringly. Others also want to do that, but they
things come to a crux in your life, this is what lack the necessary determination to fulfill what
everyone will do. If someone stands in the way of needs to be done, because they are more concerned
your wellbeing, you will talk to them; you will try to about their own thoughts and emotions.
shake hands with them; you will try to restrict them;
To be continued.
you will do whatever you can. If nothing works and

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 9


Swami Devabahu
Divine Arms

In this series, each month, one of our Isha Brahmacharis or Sanyasis shares their individual background,
observations, and experiences of what it means for them to walk this sacred “Path of the Divine.”
Here, Swami Devabahu paints a picture of joy and devotion, as he recollects his journey from his first
reluctant encounter with Sadhguru, to the swiftly sparked fire of brahmacharya, and many memorable
moments with the Master to this day.

There were two things that were unusual about to welcome their Guru, who was coming to bless
me when I was growing up. One – since I was nine, them. “There were many who wanted him to bless
the word “guru” stirred something within me. No their houses, but he agreed to come to our house,”
matter in what context I heard the word, I paid one of the sons added excitedly. That was the first
attention to it. The gurus that I saw in television time I saw Sadhguru.
serials like Mahabharata and Ramayana influenced
me a lot, and I grew up believing that gurus of such First Prasadam
caliber don’t exist in our generation. Second – I Dressed in an angavastram, I saw Sadhguru park his
would often go and sit alone on top of a rock behind Tata Sierra car, which was loaded with suitcases. Vijji
Malaikovil temple in Trichy for up to 4 hours. I used Maa and Radhe were also with him. How can he be a
to simply sit there, without much thinking, and I guru? I thought, “He seems like an ordinary man with
would look at the road down below. a wife and daughter, and drives a car.” I had imagined
Otherwise, I had been leading a normal life of an a guru to be dressed in orange – ascetic and saint-like.
easygoing, rough, playful, and energetic teenager. So I stood there disinterested, away from the crowd
After clearing the Marine Radio Officer’s course, that had gathered to take his blessings. After a Pada
in the interim, I found a job in a rice mill as an Pooja by the family, others took turns to bow down
accountant. It was a family business run by the at Sadhguru’s feet. Upon insistence from the family, I
second generation of three sons. The father and too went and bowed down to Sadhguru. Since I was
three sons, and perhaps also a few others in the last to go, there was not much space around him,
the family, were Isha meditators. One day, they and I had no choice but to put my forehead on his
asked me to join a small function at their house feet. When I got up, I felt my forehead smeared with
the chandanam [sandalwood paste] that was offered
10 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019
to his feet during the Pada Pooja. Looking back, I felt In March, I did the BSP with Sadhguru. As soon as any
that was Sadhguru’s first prasadam for me, though process started, I would burst into dancing or crying
this meeting seemed inconsequential at the time. – it happened on each day, for most processes. The
first day the volunteers tried to make me sit in my
The Fire of Brahmacharya place, but after that they left me alone. I heard later
Whenever I had time, I used to enjoy sliding down that Sadhguru had told them to leave me to dance
piles of dried paddy. One day, when I was joyfully or do whatever I wished to. After the BSP, I took an
sliding down, one of the sons came around and appointment with Sadhguru, and asked him if I could
asked me if they could send me to the Isha Yoga come for the teachers’ training. “You leave teachers’
class. “It will settle your restlessness,” he said. Since training – I have some other work for you,” he said.
they took care of the class donation, paid for my Till now, I am wondering what that work is! Anyway,
time off, and lent me their motorbike to use during in that meeting I also asked him for brahmacharya.
those 13 days, I happily agreed to sit for the class. Initially he tried to discourage me, but finally nodded
And my life changed forever. “yes,” to my joy. Within a month, I moved to the
ashram and was initiated into brahmacharya the
As the class went on, I felt more and more exuberant,
next year, in 1998. The Initiation day was one of
and to express my utter joyfulness and energetic
the happiest days of my life – I had been waiting so
state, every day, I took to the mic and shared
much for it to happen.
my experience enthusiastically. On the last day,
something phenomenal happened, and after the Some Unforgettable Moments
Guru Pooja, uncontrollable tears were just rolling
down. Our teacher, who was also a brahmachari,
gave us each a flower before concluding the
class. When I went to receive the flower, I did full
shashtanga namaskaram to him, and he lifted me up
and embraced me. My tears overflowed and soaked
his white kurta. The participants, who had regarded
me as a spirited and vivacious youth so far, were
surprised to see me in that state.
The brahmachari’s energy, his way of being, had
made a deep impression on me, and I asked the
co-teacher, “What qualifications do I need to be
like him?” “You mean brahmacharya?” the co-teacher
asked. “Yes,” I said without knowing what he meant
by brahmacharya. “Willingness,” he said smilingly, Within a few months of moving into the ashram,
“that’s all.” Since then, the purpose of my life was to I was given the responsibility of purchasing items
take up brahmacharya. for the Dhyanalinga construction and other ashram
I gave myself totally to the practices. The kriya used to materials. I was given the Tata Mobile jeep to drive,
take me one and a quarter hours. But I became even and there were times when I drove up and down to
more efficient at my work than before, and therefore Coimbatore four times in a day. To save money, we
had even more time to slide down the paddy – to the would load and unload the truck full of heavy items
disappointment of the owner! Though this simple ourselves. None among us can forget the intensity
playfulness didn’t subside, nobody could miss the and the struggle with which the Dhyanalinga dome
profound change in me after the class. was built.

Within a month, I came to the ashram for Vijji Maa’s Dhyanalinga Consecration is one event that is so vivid
Aradhana Satsang that happened 11 days after her in my mind, it’s as if it happened yesterday. Before the
Mahasamadhi. I had only seen her twice in my life – final part of the consecration could be completed, for
once in the rice mill owner’s house, and another some fifteen days, we were in a state of limbo. Each
time on the Isha Yoga initiation day. Many people day, Sadhguru was looking at whether the situation
got up to share about Vijji Maa, and before the was suitable. Since we were not sure when it would
satsang concluded, Sadhguru said, “We may not be happen, we continued with our usual activities.
related by blood, but there is another kind of bond On 24 June 1999, I was out in Coimbatore to pick
between us. Please eat before you go.” Those words up purchased items. As I usually did, at around
penetrated me so deeply, and it strengthened my 5:15 p.m., I called the ashram to ask if anything
determination to walk the path even more. was needed. Maa Gambhiri picked up the phone
December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 11
and said, “It is very likely the consecration is going staring at him for a few moments. At that moment,
to happen tonight, and Sadhguru is meeting the we saw his hand making some gesture. Bharathi
brahmacharis at 6 p.m. Come if you can.” I was on Akka understood and indicated for me to carry him
D. B. Road, R. S. Puram, at the time. Since I could not back home. That’s when I jolted to my senses and
miss attending this meeting, I drove really fast, and rushed to lift him. While we were carrying him, his
within 35 minutes, I was back in the ashram. I parked eyes remained closed, and he was making some
the vehicle near Kaivalya Kutir and rushed to join the sounds. I felt he was in tremendous pain.
other brahmacharis under the Shivalaya tree. We helped him sit next to the driver’s seat, and I took
After a few minutes, Sadhguru walked in casually, the wheel. He rested his head on my shoulder as I
wearing his white kurta and jeans. “Today seems to drove him to the Shoonya Cottage. While we were
be a conducive day for the consecration,” he said. He lifting him to carry him inside, my shirt got stuck
then gave some instructions on how we needed to be around the gear rod. I had his shoulders in my both
inside the dome, and gave us each a jasmine flower. hands, so there was no way I could free a hand to
After about 30 minutes, Sadhguru got up from the release the shirt. I simply tore it off by force. When
Shivalaya stone, and walked away very slowly to we were inside, we headed toward his room, but
Shoonya Cottage. We all stood there watching him Sadhguru indicated for us to take him to the Shrine
disappear behind the leaning tree garden. It looked (that was used for various preparation processes), and
as if he had merged into the twilight. there we put him on the floor. As soon as we left him,
he started to roll around in pain. I just couldn’t bear to
Sadhguru had said he might have to merge himself
see him in that state, and with tears in my eyes, I left.
into the linga, as a last resort to complete the
consecration. Thinking about that possibility, some On the third day after the consecration, I was asked
of us were finding it hard to control our emotions. to bring Sadhguru to the Shivalaya stone. When I
But there was work to do, so we all dispersed to entered his room, I was so relieved to see him sitting
assume the responsibilities that were assigned to us in his chair. There was no one else in the room.
for the consecration process. A few of us knew that When I went near him, he lifted his hand and put
Sadhguru could collapse at some time during the it on my shoulder. His touch felt stronger than an
process and would need to be carried to his house. electric current, and I started to shake violently. He
I was assigned this responsibility. So I was to keep understood and lowered his hand. Then I lifted him
my vehicle ready outside the dome, and sit near by the waist, and brought him to his Sierra. As I took
Bharathi Akka to keep a close watch on Sadhguru. the driver’s seat and started the car, I was overjoyed
to see that Sadhguru was curiously observing every
Around 6 p.m., I saw Sadhguru coming out of
movement that I made while handling his car. This
Shoonya Cottage in his langot and a white shawl.
was perhaps the first time Sadhguru sat in the
He was walking with two brahmacharis who were
passenger seat of his own car.
holding fire torches on each side. Sadhguru first
went to Vijji Maa’s Samadhi stone and did some After that day, I went into silence. I saw him again
process. As soon as I saw him coming towards only after seven days, as he was leaving for a
the dome, I went in to be seated. It was fairly dark meeting in Salem. He was walking slowly, looking
inside, only the Avudaiyar and Linga were dimly lit. tired, and unbelievably older – his beard had turned
almost grey in just ten days. But he was ALIVE!
Sadhguru entered and jumped up onto the Avudaiyar
without any support. He then asked for water. I didn’t From Pancha Bhuta Aradhana to
see any vessel there and wondered what to do. In the
meantime, another brahmachari took water in his
hands from the Jalaseema and gave it to Sadhguru. In 2006, Sadhguru put me in working silence for the
Sadhguru applied the water on his chakras and started next four years. The day I came out of silence, I was
the process. He started from the top chakra, and after asked to join a meeting with Sadhguru to discuss the
locking each chakra, he pronounced the name audibly. logistics of the first ever Pancha Bhuta Aradhana. At
He almost toppled when he said “Anahata,” but got one point, Sadhguru asked Swami Nandikesha, “Who
back to his feet quickly. As he was locking the final will take care of this?” Swami pointed at me. “Will you
three chakras, he seemed to be in a lot of pain. Finally, be able to take care of it, Swami?” he asked me as if
after locking the last chakra, he just dropped down. he was not sure I could. I nodded and gave my best
to see that up to his last word, the instructions were
Though I was to reach out to him immediately, I felt
followed. After about three years of Dhyanalinga
empty and frozen in my place. There he was lying
activity, I moved to Akshaya (our kitchen) in 2013,
on the Avudaiyar with eyes closed, and I was simply
then to the Carpentry Department in 2015.

12 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019

In 2015, Maa Gambhiri asked me take care of the yatra, sometimes not the best way – but the cooking
cooking for Sadhguru’s group during the Kailash Yatra. part always went well. My Blessings to Swami and his
team.” Once again, I felt tears rolling down.
Sadhguru is a mother, father, friend – everything.
I can’t express in words how grateful I am to Him
for creating such a powerful consecrated space
for us to grow together. Each person here whom I
interact with in different situations – the sevadhars,
volunteers, residents, and brahmacharis  –
contributes to my growth.

The Last Breath

Two years ago, I went to Kayanta Sthanam
(crematorium) and spent a day there as a part of the
brahmacharis’ sadhana. I always had a subtle fear of
death, “How will I watch the dead bodies burn?” I
While in Braga, somebody told me that Sadhguru had
wondered on the way there. I don’t know how it
liked the cooking so far but wasn’t sure if the quality
happened, but my fear of death just disappeared
would remain as good when we trekked up the
after that day. I realized the only difference between
mountain over the next few days. “If I am alive for the
a living person and a dead person is the last breath –
next fifteen days, I will keep the quality the same, if
the last breath is over for the dead person. That’s
not better,” I promised within myself to Sadhguru. And
all! Since that day, I consciously breathe, joyfully
the entire cooking team worked very hard to make it
waiting for my last breath.
happen. On the last day of the yatra, I was overjoyed
to hear that Sadhguru had praised the quality of This is an excerpt of Swami’s sharing. Read the full article
the food in the closing session. He even sent me a on the Isha Blog.
message, “Many things have happened during this

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 13

Veterans of the Armed Forces
Host Sadhguru at National NEWS & EVENTS
Defence College

Delhi, 3 Oct 2019: The National Defence

College, which is the highest seat of
strategic learning for officers of the Indian
Armed Forces, hosted Sadhguru to mark
the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma
Gandhi. Sadhguru delivered a talk to over
one hundred senior armed forces officers
and civil servants from all over the world.
Following the poignant address, the
officers gathered for a customary photo op
with Sadhguru. Sadhguru left them with Sadhguru delivers heartfelt address to the officers of the
the message, “National Defence College – armed forces
an institution of great significance and
nations & braver women who chose to take on this most
eminence. It is my privilege & pleasure
challenging emotional role of being the wives of soldiers.
to be among the brave men of many
Blessings. - Sg.”

‘There Is No Planet B’ – Sadhguru at India

Economic Summit

40 countries. Sadhguru and Prakash

Javadekar, Minister of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change and Minister of
Information and Broadcasting discussed
ecology, Cauvery Calling, and Planet
Earth during the event. Addressing the
root cause of environmental challenges,
Sadhguru said, “We cannot control human
aspiration, but if we have sense, then we
could control human population. Reducing
human population should become a key
focus area for world leadership.” When
quizzed about how the private sector
and businesses can pitch in towards river
revitalization, Sadhguru said, “As the next
Sadhguru draws focus towards population explosion – step in Cauvery Calling, we are working
the real disaster towards converting at least 500 farmers
in taluks into agroforestry. If 54 industries
Delhi, 3–4 Oct 2019: The World Economic Forum's 33rd take up one taluk each, then this process
India Economic Summit held under the theme “Innovating can be significantly accelerated. Once
for India: Strengthening South Asia, Impacting the others see the economic benefit, this will
World” saw the convergence of over 800 leaders from become unstoppable.”

14 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019

Delhi Revels in Sadhguru’s Magic as the
‘Wave of Bliss’ Reaches the Capital

Completion program with Sadhguru,

a rare opportunity to be initiated
into Shambhavi Mahamudra by the
Master himself. The 2-day program
marked the culmination of months
of relentless labor by the Isha
volunteers. Meditators from across
North India welcomed Sadhguru to
the capital, ushering in the Wave of
Bliss, thereby sowing the seed for a
more joyful and peaceful Delhi! The
transformative weekend progressed
under Sadhguru’s watchful eye,
as the participants went through
the program with impassioned
Sadhguru enables transformation for an eclectic deference. The multicultural diversity
congregation of seekers of the participants faded into the
background as they united in their
Delhi, 5–6 Oct 2019: October began on a high for Delhi, journey towards self-transformation,
as it witnessed the extraordinary convergence of over with Sadhguru at the helm.
10,000 seekers from 51 countries for the Inner Engineering

FBN Global Summit –

Navigating Paradoxes:
Choices for Business-
Owning Families
Sadhguru offers profound insight into wealth
Udaipur, 16–19 Oct 2019: The Confederation of
and wellbeing
Indian Industry which hosted the FBN 30th Global
Summit 2019 saw Sadhguru alongside other
distinguished speakers and drew 400 participants and terrains. Sadhguru also stressed on the need
from 37 countries, comprising of international for business families to be joyful and successful,
and Indian families. Addressing the audience on especially in today’s times. He closed his address
“Discovering the essence of Indian spirituality,” with the advice that, “Capability and competence
Sadhguru said, “If a dimension beyond the physical are not hereditary. It’s important that family
becomes a reality in one’s life, then it is spirituality. businesses start looking at family as family and
Spirituality is not about looking up or down; it is business as business. Who runs family businesses
about turning inward.” He said that the foundations should be determined by the brains, not blood.”
of wealth must be transformed into wellbeing for While in Udaipur, Sadhguru also soaked in the
the world around us. Once we accomplish this, splendor of the Pichola Lake with the majestic
businesses will flourish through changing times Udaipur Lake Palace overlooking him.

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 15

Dance Performance by Radhe Jaggi in Support
of Cauvery Calling

enthralls with
before Darshan
with Sadhguru

Isha Institute of Inner-sciences (iii), 25 Oct Earlier in the evening, Radhe Jaggi mesmerized the
2019: Sadhguru says the word “Darshan” means audience with her Bharatanatyam artistic genius.
“to behold.” Blessed was the audience at the Her performance was part of a fundraising initiative
iii for they had the rare opportunity to bask in for Cauvery Calling, a first-of-its-kind campaign
Sadhguru’s presence and energy during this that aims to revitalize Cauvery River and transform
special Darshan. The Darshan with Sadhguru was the lives of 84 million people. Radhe’s stage show,
preceded by an aarti at the Abode of Yoga and replete with grace and agility, was akin to the
was followed by dinner. effortlessly meandering Cauvery.

Diwali Alit with Sparkle, Joy, and Free Tools for


26 Oct 2019: Sadhguru ushered

in the Festival of Lights with the
message, “We definitely need light
around us, because without light,
we are quite helpless. But the
most important thing is that light
arises within you.” He elaborated
that light signifies clarity, and in
the absence of clarity every simple
situation is bound to become an
entanglement. “With absolute clarity,
one’s liberation is total.” In an effort
Sadhguru delves into the spirit of Diwali by offering Inner
to bring inner clarity to the masses,
Engineering Online for free to all
Sadhguru offered a life-transforming
Diwali gift: Inner Engineering Online,
absolutely free on the day of Diwali around the world, as soon as the announcement started doing
and the days before and after Diwali. the rounds on social media. Over 740,000 people enrolled in a
Sadhguru’s gift was eagerly received span of just three days to start on their inward journey.

16 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019

New York Revels in Meditation, Wisdom, and
Bliss under the Mystic’s Eye

graces New
York City with
his powerful

Hulu Theater, New York, 3 Nov 2019: Spirituality had the participants rapt in attention as he
permeated New York City as 5000 eager “Mystic discussed a rational approach to life and the world,
Eye” participants made a beeline to bask in and then engaged them in deep meditation.
Sadhguru’s presence at Hulu Theater in Madison “Mysticism is a perceptional inquiry of experiencing
Square Garden. Sadhguru implored the attendees that which is existentially true. Intellectual inquiry
to explore life’s deepest questions whilst guiding is a psychological exercise – it could be unrelated to
them towards the possibility of a natural state the existential,” he said. The evening with Sadhguru
of freedom, love, and limitless joy. Addressing a concluded in true New York style with Sadhguru
packed auditorium for a full six hours, Sadhguru obliging to sign autographs for his zealous fans.

Sadhguru’s Father,
Dr. B. V. Vasudev
Passes Away Aged 95

Mysuru, 8 Nov 2019: Dr. B. V. Vasudev,

Sadhguru's father and an accomplished physician,
passed away due to age-related illness. His last
rites were performed at Chirashantidhama in
Gokulam, Mysuru, on 9 November, followed by the
Kalabhairava Karma ritual on 11 November at the
Isha Yoga Center. Sadhguru could not attend the
Kalabhairava Karma, as he was away in the US. In
what is yet another testimony to his unwavering
commitment to his engagements, Sadhguru set Sadhguru loses father, pens heartfelt tribute
aside his personal bereavement to be present for
Inner Engineering participants on initiation day.
the mega Inner Engineering Completion program
His father, a devout doctor in his time, inspired
in Toronto. He posted a message that although he
Sadhguru to pen a fitting tribute upon his passing
regrets being absent for his father’s Kalabhairava
(see front cover).
Karma, he had to honor his commitment to the

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 17

Toronto Blanketed in First Snow and
a Fresh Beginning

Toronto, 10–11 Nov 2019:

The first snow of the season
descended upon Toronto as
Sadhguru reached the city for
the mega Inner Engineering
Completion program. The
sophisticated and vivacious
inhabitants of the city turned
up in full fervor for the weekend
with Sadhguru. Not ones to
miss out on this once-in-a-
lifetime opportunity of being in
the presence of the Master and
going through a life-transforming
program, over 2500 Torontonians
flocked to the venue to go
through the program and reshape
Sadhguru forges new lease of life for 2500 seekers with themselves at Sadhguru’s hands.
Inner Engineering


18 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019

Tears of Joy

Who is the one in front of me

Is it him or her, is it we
Who is the one I’m hugging tight
Why am I crying so much
Why am I feeling so light
Why all this giggling with glee
I try to release but I can’t flee
Tears of joy and much much more
I can’t open my eyes
In myself I cannot store
The more I surrender
The more I cry
Some bitter sweetness
To stop it I cannot even try
Huge, Abundant and Flowing
I can’t hide it
It keeps on showing and growing
Who is it in front of me
Is it you or them?

- Mary, Isha volunteer, Lebanon

Bhava Spandana Program (BSP) is an advanced meditation program designed by Sadhguru that provides the
opportunity to go beyond the limitations of body and mind and experience higher levels of consciousness.

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 19


Date Program Place Contact

Isha Rejuvenation,
2–8 Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515464
Ayur Sampoorna
Dec 2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India
Isha Yoga Center,
3–6 83000 93555
Shoonya Intensive Velliangiri Foothills,
Dec 2019
Coimbatore – India
Isha Yoga Center,
4–7 Inner Engineering 94890 45164
Velliangiri Foothills,
Dec 2019 Retreat
Coimbatore – India
7–8 Isha Life Health Solutions, 70101 58845
Sunetra Eye Program
Dec 2019 Chennai – India
Isha Rejuvenation,
Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515466
8 Dec 2019 Holistic Cancer Clinic
Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India
8–28 Isha Life Health Solutions, 99626 00735
Hatha Yoga 21 Days
Dec 2019 Chennai – India
Isha Yoga Center,
Yantra Ceremony 84484 47708
11 Dec 2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
with Sadhguru
Coimbatore – India
Isha Yoga Center,
11 Dec 2019
Shivanga Sadhana Velliangiri Foothills, 83000 83111
Initiation (Gents) Coimbatore & local
23 Jan 2020)
centers – India
Isha Rejuvenation,
Joint and
14–20 Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515464
Dec 2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
Disorders Treatment Coimbatore – India
Guru Pooja Training – Isha Yoga Center,
17–20 83000 93555
Ashram (Tamil & Velliangiri Foothills,
Dec 2019
English) Coimbatore – India
Inner Engineering AM Jain College,
21–22 83000 37000
Completion with Meenambakkam,
Dec 2019
Sadhguru Chennai – India
Isha Rejuvenation,
21–23 Dec Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515647
Ayur Rasayana
2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India
Isha Rejuvenation,
24 Dec– Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515647
Yoga Marga
13 Jan 2020 Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India
Isha Yoga Center,
30 Dec– Inner Engineering 94890 45164
Velliangiri Foothills,
2 Jan 2020 Retreat
Coimbatore – India

Current at the time of print, however subject to change. For full program schedules and updates, please visit
20 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019
Sanjeevini Chocolate Chip Cookies


(Makes 20 cookies) 1. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius. Line a large
75 g butter (unsalted) baking pan with baking sheet, grease it lightly and
set it aside.
150 g jaggery/country sugar/organic cane sugar
2. Cream the butter with jaggery, vanilla essence,
100 g whole wheat flour
ginger powder, and baking soda.
100 g Sanjeevini1 powder (or any other
millet powder) 3. For the egg substitute, in a separate bowl, mix the
all-purpose flour, milk, vegetable oil, and baking
75 g chocolate chips powder to a smooth paste. Add to the creamed
2 tbsps. dry ginger powder mixture.
½ tsp. baking soda 4. Sift the whole wheat flour and Sanjeevini powder
through a fine mesh metal strainer. Mix both well.
A few drops vanilla essence
1 pinch of salt 5. Add the flour–powder mix and salt to the existing
mixture and combine it thoroughly.
6. Add the chocolate chips and fold them in carefully.
Egg substitute:
7. Take cookie-sized bits of dough and form balls,
2 tbsps. all-purpose flour
flatten them with the palm of your hand, and place
2 tbsps. milk them on the baking sheet.
½ tsp. vegetable oil 8. Bake the cookies at 180 degrees Celsius for about
½ tsp. baking powder 9 minutes. Take them out when they are golden
brown. Take care not to overbake them.
9. Let them cool on the baking pan for 20 minutes, then
transfer them to an air-tight cookie jar.

Sanjeevini is a nutritious multi-grain mix with millets,
grams, and spices available at

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 21


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22 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER December 2019


Courtesy Zen Speaks

Published by: B. RAJESH CHANDER on behalf of ISHA FOUNDATION

Published from 117/50, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004, TAMILNADU

Printed by: S. PRAKASH; at FINE DOTS, No.15, Boo Begum 3rd Street,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002, TAMILNADU. Editor: K. SEKAR

December 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 23

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Hearts and Heads.

Stones You can break

Yes, I have found a way

With the hammer strike
How to pierce open human

a | |ISHA
FLOWER December 2019

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