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Catatan Pengisian:

OK : Berfungsi dan dalam kondisi baik

NO : Berfungsi tetapi kondisi tidak baik
NI : Not Installed / Tidak Terpasang
NA : Not Applicable / Tidak Ada

Type of Vehicle

Driver’s Name: Vehicle No: Day / Date:

Position: Unit: Time:
Departement: Destinations: Km / Hrs:

1. Walk around the vehicle and check for leaks of / 6. Check the operation of / Periksa Pengoperasiannya:
Berjalan keliling kendaraan dan periksa kebocoran Ok/No/NA/NI
dari: Indicators / Indikator
Water / Air Brake Light / Lampu Rem
Fuel / Bahan bakar kendaraan Backing Lights / Lampu Belakang
Oil / Oli Mesin Foot Brake / Rem Kaki
Coolants / Air Pendingin Emergency Break / Rem Tangan
Oil Cap / Katup Oil Reverse Alarm / Alarm Mundur
Katup & Pengunci Tangki Minyak Head Lights / Lampu Utama
2. Check / Periksa : 7. Check throughly / Periksa Secara menyeluruh:
Tire Pressure / Tekanan Ban Cab Lights / Lampu Cabin
Tire Condition / Kondisi Ban Air Conditioner / Alat Pendingin
Wheel Condition / Kondisi Pelek Akselerasi, Rem dan Kopling
3. Are the following in a clean condition? / Apakah Adjustment Seat / Pengatur Kursi
yang berikut ini dalam kondisi bersih? Horn / Klakson
Windows / Jendela Mirrors / Kaca Spion
Head Lights / Lampu Utama 8. Other safety equipment with the vehicle /
Indicators / Indikator Perlengkapan Keselamatan Kendaraan
Parking Lights / Lampu Mundur Seat Belts / Sabuk Pengaman
4. Check the under hood of / Periksa Bagian Mesin Reflective Triangles / Segitiga Pengaman
Kendaraan: Fire Extinguisher / APAR
Oil Level / Ketinggian Oli Wheel Changing Equip/Peralatan Ganti Ban
Water Level / Air Radiator Drive Right Installed/Drive Right Terpasang
Washer Water Level / Spare Tire / Ban Serep
Tinggi Air Pembersih Kaca 9. Check documentation / Periksa Kelengkapan
Power Steering Level/Tinggi Minyak Stir Dokumen:
Tension of Fan Belt/Ketegangan tali Kipas Expired date / Masa Berlaku
5. Check gauge properly / Periksa Alat Pengukuran: a. STNK
Fuel / Bahan Bakar b. Pajak
Oil Pressure / Tekanan Oli c. KIR
Temperature / Suhu d. Pas Bandara
Volt Meter / Volt Meter


Acknowledge by / Diketahui Oleh, Inspected by / Diperiksa Oleh,

_________________________ _______________ ________________________

Spv. Operation Inflight Security Vehicles Driver

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