GECRPH - Module 3 Forum 1 - APOSTOL

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Readings in Philippine History

Module 3 Forum 1

Apostol, Verlyne Giechelle Ann S.


Give the relevance of Pigafetta’s account in Philippine History. Look

for other sources to prove your answer.

Antonio Pigafetta is a bright young man with a keen interest in his surroundings.
According to legend, Pigafetta's account of the Magellan expedition is the longest and
most thorough of the four main texts that have been identified. Pigafetta's description
of Philippine history thus revealed the state of the nation at the time. His diary is the
primary and most important source for information about the first contact between the
Spanish and the Filipinos. In fact, one of the most amazing accounts from the recent
decades is Pigafetta's description of Philippine history. He set the path for looking
back at the past and helping everyone, particularly the Filipino country, realize what
had transpired. Pigafetta has the distinction of having chronicled the first interaction
between Filipinos and Europeans, a crucial moment in Philippine history, in his
writings. The first records on the Samar and Cebu islands' languages and cultures
may be found in his work "Report on the First Voyage Around the World." Detailed
descriptions of the flora and fauna of the locations they visited, as well as maps and
glossaries of local terms.


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