Patriarchy and Female Subjugation

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Navraj Singh Mrs.Payal Datta

Army Public School

Ambala Cantt

Acknowledgement 03
Certificate 04
Objective 05
Introduction 06
Action Plan 07
Report 08-12

First and foremost, I am grateful to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of
blessings throughout my project work to complete the research successfully.
Secondly, I express my sincere gratitude towards my English teacher, Ms.Payal Datta
for her continuous support, patience and motivation. Her suggestions helped me all
the time in my project. It was a great privilege and honour to work and study under
her guidance.
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my mother for her love, prayers, caring
and all the sacrifices she made for educating me.

Navraj Singh

I thank my teacher for her continued

support in our efforts to contribute to the

his is to certify that the content of this
project entitled- “Project of English”
by Navraj Singh of class 12-‘A2’ is the
bona fide work of his submitted to
Army Public School, Ambala Cantt, for
consideration in partial fulfilment of
the requirement of CBSE, Delhi for the
award of Senior School Certificate in
The project was carried out by him
under my supervision in the academic
year 2022-23. On the basis of the
declaration made by him, I
recommend this project for
Certified By:

To learn how we can make
better use of the certain
amount of energy, time and
To just what makes us happy
and what is necessary.
To find the balance of
boundaries and prioritising
Helping the environment
because the less we consume
and buy, the less damage we do
to the environment.

"Patriarchy is the least noticed yet the most significant
structure of social inequality"
It is observed in the literature, the word “patriarchy”
was around before the current resurgence of the
women’s movement and women’s studies courses, the
concept has been recreated in the past two decades
to analyse the origins and conditions of men’s
oppression of women.
Patriarchy's defining elements are its male-dominated,
male-identified and male-centred character.
Patriarchy is a set of symbols and ideas that make up a
It is observed in the literature that the establishment
and practice of male dominance over women and
children, is a historic process formed by men and
women, with the patriarchal family serving as a basic
unit of organisation. A patriarchy is considered the
head of the household and within the family he controls
productive resources, labour force based on the notions
of superiority and inferiority and legitimised by
differences in gender and generation.

Action Plan

Selection of topic.
Approval by the teacher.
Listening and viewing to the
Making notes.
Researching more about the topic
and reading articles on the web.
Looking up authors and researchers
who wrote about Patriarchy
Converting the data into report.
Reflection and personal opinion.


As observed in the literature, the word “patriarchy” was around before the
current resurgence of the women’s movement and women’s studies
courses, the concept has been recreated in the past two decades to analyse
the origins and conditions of men’s oppression of women.

Originally used to describe the power of the father as head of household,

the term ‘patriarchy’ has been used within post 1960s feminism to refer to
the systematic organisation of male supremacy and female subordination.
The term has been defined as a system of male authority which oppresses
women through its social, political and economic institutions.

Feminists have argued that in any of the historical forms that patriarchal
society takes, whether it is feudal, capitalist or socialist, a sex gender
system and a system of economic discrimination operate simultaneously.
It is observed in the literature that the establishment and practice of male
dominance over women and children, is a historic process formed by men
and women, with the patriarchal family serving as a basic unit of



It is argued that the roles of men in the family are closely linked to the
attributes of masculinity . Studies on masculinity, mostly from the
developed countries have revealed about five important conclusions that
masculinity is not a biological category as much as a social construct
subject to change, revision and multiple representations; that masculinity
is not fixed, it is a relational, constantly shifting attribute defined in
relation to the feminine; that masculinity is a site of interconnection and
tension with other sources of social differentiation; that masculinity is both
lived and imagined desires; and that masculinity is not only socially
constructed and reconstructed, it is spatially grounded.


The evolution of patriarchy has remained a very dynamic historical process

where agriculture and land ownership made it strongly root-able, before
this, some of the nomadic hunter-gatherer societies were egalitarian.
However, as the different tribes started declaring war on each other,
dissimilar vulnerabilities engraved male domination. Women’s procreative
powers also attracted varied objective and subjective perceptions, though,
initially, there had been the general consensus on this matter throughout
the duration of the development of human civilisation capturing the
essence of social evolution; later this entrenched pattern of male
domination in society advanced its own interests and stopped women
executing a will, having a property, giving or registering a vote, freely
reaching a decision on safe abortion, and so on. These appeared as social
inequalities, though there were many, but they remained conspicuous and
drew criticism.



Culture representing particular ideas, customs, and social behaviour is a

dominant reason for gender inequalities, but ‘class’ has pushed gender
inequalities towards attaining the significant structure of social inequality
without making us take much cognizance of patriarchy. The culture
contributed to ordering society into sets based on perceived social status,
which was further strengthened by class. This resulted in two different
roles and relative statuses based on gender within the same family. In this
case, since the distribution remained unequal, it affected the economic
status of the family because of which women experienced constraints at
both social and economic levels and got used to deprivation which became
standard, usual and typical societal offering.
In the early stages of human togetherness, the earning potential of women
remained dormant. They were dependent on men for their financial
securities. They lost hold on resources and institutions necessary for self-
subsistence. In fact, today, in developed countries, women’s poverty rates
are considerably higher than the poverty rates for men. Since time
immemorial, patriarchy has not allowed social, cultural and economic
homogeneity to exist in any form. This includes the time in the past which
had been so long ago that women and men both have no knowledge or
memory of it, and even women, in general, have stopped blaming
patriarchy for the social inequality and the gender stratification.



Patriarchy disempowered women. When the great potential is sidelined

and excluded from decision-making, the family can’t be upgraded from
its existing social status, class, and circle. When a woman doesn’t
evolve, it puts a direct and severe impact on the upbringing of children.
They do not become focused individuals. They receive a poor
education, undergo substance abuse, and face unemployment and
marginalisation. Hence, they become the subject of social inequality.
There are many lives which are described as rags to riches stories. This
means that there is not always the unequal distribution of
opportunities between different groups in society, if you have it in you,
you can have what you want. Empowered women are very strong
reason for increasing the number of such stories. We hardly assign the
responsibility for serious deprivation to patriarchy, rather we do not
distinguish it this way.



Unless the state of being equal in status, rights and opportunities are
experienced by each and every member of the family, social
inequality would keep reshaping racial, gender and wealth
inequalities. When a group of one or more parents and their children
living together as a unit do not experience any male domination and
control over the other gender and consider both genders equally
capable, valued and deserving respect, the family breaks the circle of
belonging to social groups categorised as advantaged and
disadvantaged, on the contrary, the family simply lives what it means
to be together and deliver promises to togetherness.


After my research on this topic of Patriarchy and Female Subjugation,

i have understood about the dynamics of human male nature and
how it has been since the dawn of mankind, how different cultures
treat females and what their responsibilities are in comparison to the
males in the house.

It is important to understand how the brains of males and females

behave different in different situations and moods.

We should empower women in the areas where they are still lacking
and give them an equal opportunity as men get.

With all of this I understand that all human beings have their
responsibilities and we should not ignore them.

Patriarchy, the system, an it,Not a He,
a Them, or an Us

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