Act 1

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Do You Truly Know Yourself?

Name: Delgado, Noemie L. Course/Year/ Section: BSBA 1-A

Direction: Answer the following questions about yourself as fully and precisely as
you can. Use a separate sheet if space is not enough.

1. Write the words and or adjectives that best describe you. Mention as many as you can

I believe I am affectionate, funny, gentle and generous to my loved ones. Loving to my
friends and family, I am also open my net and is always optimistic about things that good
improve me. I got much of confident and pleasant to converse with. A positive thinker but
I could also be sarcastic depends to whom I am talking with, sometimes moody and

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes yourself special?

I can really say that what makes me stand out from the rest was that i have a very strong
characteristic. When I say this it means that every time that problem comes through my
way I’ve got some ways to stay out of it and handle it smoothly very effectively. I don’t
really panic and I can say that i can work under pressure and despite all of the things
that are happening to me I’m always looking at the lessons behind those. I can handle
myself very well and I’m very independent with that I must conclude, I am indeed special
and beautiful.

3. How has yourself transformed itself?


I think through the pains and experiences that life gave me, made myself who i am today
and it came out to be so amazing and beautiful. There are some factors that my peers as
well as family contributed somehow on how i am being transformed as of the moment.
Through their teachings, advices and overwhelming support made it more clear that i am
becoming good woman. And that is how my self transformed itself, it became more
careful matured, genuine, and a bit wiser.
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4. How is yourself connected to your body?

Through my actions, on the decisions that I’ve been making make some sort of
connectivity to my body because from the perspective as well as a things that I come to
decide upon, my body follows and it did function just fine.

5. How is yourself related to other selves?

Maybe my self was connected to other self because we have this common needs as well
as wants. Personality and vibe could make some relevance towards others. Because man
has its mind as well as body that me, myself is related to other selves.

6. What will happen to yourself after you die?

My physical body would be vanished, but my soul would always remain. Since i believe
that soul is perfect.


Were you able to answer the questions above with ease? Why? Which questions did you
find easiest to answer? Which ones are difficult? Why?

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Yes definitely, all the questions were just fine and I did answer it smoothly. Maybe because I
understand myself very well. Well for me i find those questions of above easy since i already
know my strengths and weaknesses and me is a person so it become really easy for me. But
question number five somehow made me think twice and i find it some sort of difficult. I don't
know because I’m really interested to other people that’s why.
Questions Easy or Difficult to Why?

1. Easy I know myself.

2. Easy I am amazing that’s why.

3. Easy Because of life experience

4. Easy I just got to understand how I


5. Difficult I don’t care about others.

6 Easy It’s already known fact on our

society, so it’s very obvious.

Can one truly know the self? Do you want to know about self?

 Yes, I want to myself even more.

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