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So this video about the General Principles of Obligations has shown me well

obviously the general principles, such as the difference between the terms

damages and damage, obligation and rights, real and personal obligations,

moreso obligations that arise from the law and obligations but is not considered a

law. Learning about the difference between damages and damage I learned one

can ask for damages and damage but one would prefer damages as, damages is

the reparation one receives for receiving harm from another. One can also ask

for damage by being annoying or a fool and getting beat up for it which is why

asking for damages trumps asking for damage any day. Next is the difference

between obligations and rights, obligation is the thing a person with rights can

order you to do and rights is something that you as a consumer can use to

request an obligation be completed. For example, one might claim the right to

have children and decide on their education. The obligation would be to bring

them up properly, as good citizens, introduce them into the culture of their

society, and teach them right from wrong. Lastly is the difference between real

and personal obligations, an example of real obligation is this reflection paper I’m

doing right now as this paper is a thing to be delivered as a requirement for my

grades. And personal obligation is when said obligation can be completed by to

do or not to do, an example would of both in respective order is to water the

plants your boss told you too and not stepping on the grass on said boss’ garden.

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