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Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is a plan of creating an idea through a combination of texts, images, and other elements that are placed
together artistically.
a. Design b. Art c. Layout d. Infographics
2. Which principle of design refers to something that needs to stand-out?
a. Emphasis b. Balance c. Alignment d. Hierarchy
3. It is the term used as the process of organizing and arranging these elements in a design as you plot it in a
a. Design b. Art c. Layout d. Infographics
4. Which principle of design which gives a visual weight for the design?
a. Emphasis b. Balance c. Alignment d. Hierarchy
5. Which of the principles of design where the elements of the design must work together and agree to its
meaning, theme, feeling, or mood?
a. Unity and harmony b. Balance c. Alignment d. Hierarchy
6. Which graph are used comparing sets of data?
a. Bar graph b. Line graph c. Pie graph d. Forest graph
7. These graphs are suitable in showing trends?
a. Bar graph b. Line graph c. Pie graph d. Forest graph
8. This is not used to make documents more appealing, but the use of graphical elements that will improve
how quickly and easily an idea or information is presented.
a. Infographics b. Design c. Art d. Layout
9. These applications and tools are word processors, spreadsheets, slides, and survey forms that work in
a. Online offices b. Online platforms c. Online applications d. Online editor
10. It is an application that allows the user to publish, edit, manipulate, organize, and delete web content.
a. Content Management System c. Online offices
b. Social media d. Online platforms
11. This can also be defined as digital services that enable collaboration between two or more different but
interdependent groups of users who interact through the internet.
a. Content Management System c. Online offices
b. Social media d. Online platforms
12. This online platform allows you to upload, download, organize, and store files on the online storage which
is called cloud instead of using offline storage like a computer desktop.
a. Infographics b. Presentation c. Cloud computing d. Video
13. It is a document in the world wide web.
a. HTML b. Webpage c. Website d. Browser
14. What is the file extension of an HTML file?
a. HTML b. Webpage c. Website d. Browser
15. It means individuals work together to produce/ create a well-defined content to achieve a common
business purpose.
a. Collaboration b. Teamwork c. Team management d. Partnership
16. An individual who has general accountability for the successful initiation, planning, design, execution,
monitoring, controlling, and closure of a project.
a. Project manager b. Data analyst c. Web designer d. Web developer
17. A person responsible for creating the appearance, layout, and elements of a website.
a. Project manager b. Data analyst c. Web designer d. Web developer
18. What phase of project management identifies the overview of the objectives of the project, needs, and the
a. Initiating b. Planning c. Executing d. Closing
19. This phase of project management happens when each phase is ended and when each entire project is
a. Initiating b. Planning c. Executing d. Closing
20. It is the process of publicly gathering, organizing, adding value, and openly sharing digital information
artifacts on a specific topic or area of audience interest.
a. Content development b. Content design c. Content creation d. Content curation
21. It is a way of expressing views, opinions, concerns information access and on establishing to all one’s
rights and responsibilities through any possible means or ways.
a. Advocacy b. Movement c. March d. Protest
22. It is a website dubbed as the “world’s platform for change” where anyone from the online community can
create a petition and ask others to sign it.
a. b. c. d. None of these


Basey, Samar
23. This element of a concept paper includes all the necessary information, data and details about your project.
a. Description b. Introduction c. Support d. Purpose
24. What is S in SMART?
a. Statistics b. Specific c. Smart d. Sensible
25. These are summaries of projects or issues that contemplate interests, experience and expertise that
commonly serves as a purpose of delivering an in-depth discussion of a certain topic that a person has a
strong position on.
a. Research paper b. Concept paper c. Reaction paper d. Position paper
26. Which of the following is an online platform website like Facebook that allows you to create personal
accounts, pages and groups?
a. Blogging platforms b. Microblogging c. Bloggers d. Social media
27. What do you call an episodic series of audio or text files streamed online?
a. Courseware b. Multimedia c. Podcast d. Vodcast
28. What do you call a multimedia content hosted by YouTube?
a. Online games b. Sound, music or audio c. Videos d. None of these
29. Which of the following is an online platform website like WordPress, Tumbler etc., and typically looks like
a. Bloggers b. Blogging Platform c. Microblogging d. Social media
30. The Yolanda People Finder was used to locate individuals during and after the storm was created by?
a. ABS-CBN b. GMA7 c. Google d. Microsoft
31. What made EDSA DOS protest successful?
a. A radio broadcast c. Text Brigades
b. Facebook Social campaign d. None of these
32. Which of the following radio station did Cardinal Sin use to call on the Filipino people to support the rally
against President Marcos?
a. ABAM b. DZMM c. DZRH d. Radyo Veritas
33. In what year did EDSA DOS take place?
a. 2001 b. 2002 c. 2003 d. 2004
34. What do you call an episodic series of video streamed online?
a. Videos b. Vodcast c. Vlog d. YouTube
35. Below is the various type of mandatory tags except:
a. <head> b. <font> c. <body> d. <html>
36. HTML webpage contains the ff: except
a. Tags b. Attributes c. Content d. Logic
37. In website designing, what does WYSIWYG mean?
38. What does the HTML stand for?
a. Hypertext Mark Language c. Hyper Technology Mark Logic
b. Hyper Transfer Mock-up Language d. Hypertext Markup Language
39. HTML element is composed of the ff; except:
a. Start tag b. Attributes c. Content d. End tag
40. Which is NOT TRUE about HTML?
a. It is a programming language
b. It is a standard markup language for creating web page
c. It describes the structure of a web page
d. It is a building block of a web page

Test II (10 PTS)

Write the whole HTML Structure with a regular tag and one regular tag with attribute.
Title: Second Quarter Exam
Text should look like this: Heading Text


Basey, Samar
1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. A
16. A
17. C
18. A
19. D
20. D
21. A
22. A
23. A
24. B
25. B
26. D
27. C
28. C
29. B
30. C
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. B
35. B
36. D
37. C
38. D
39. B
40. A
<title> 2nd quarter exam
<h1> Heading </>
<font color=”red> Text </font>


Basey, Samar

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