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Three-Wave and Four-Wave Interactions in the 4d Einstein

Gauss-Bonnet (EGB) and Lovelock Theories

Claudio Corianò,1 Mario Cretì,1, 2 Stefano Lionetti,1 and Matteo Maria Maglio3
Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Università del Salento
and INFN Sezione di Lecce, Via Arnesano 73100 Lecce, Italy
National Center for HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing
Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies,
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Via Barsanti 14, 73010 Arnesano, Lecce, Italy
Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP), University of Heidelberg
arXiv:2302.02103v1 [hep-th] 4 Feb 2023

Philosophenweg 16, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany

We derive the conformal constraints satisfied by classical vertices of a (Einstein) Gauss-Bonnet
theory around flat space, in general dimensions and at d = 4 (4d EGB). In 4d EGB they are obtained
by a singular limit of the integral of the Euler-Poincarè density. Our analysis exploits the relation
between this theory and the conformal anomaly action, which allows to uncover some interesting
features of the GB vertex at cubic and quartic level. If we introduce a conformal decomposition of
the metric, the resulting theory can be formulated in two different versions, which are regularization
dependent, a local one which is quartic in the dilaton field, and a nonlocal one, with a quadratic
dilaton. The nonlocal version is derived by a finite redefinition of the GB density with the inclusion
of a (d − 4)R2 correction, before performing the singular d → 4 limit. In the local version of the
theory, we show how the independent dynamics of the metric and of the dilaton are interwinded by a
classical trace identity. Three-gravitational wave interactions can be organised in a nontrivial way by
using directly the nonlocal 4d EGB version of the theory. This is possible thanks to the consistency
of such formulation - only up to 3-point functions - directly inherited from the conformal anomaly
(Riegert) action. The constraints satisfied by the vertices are classical, hierarchical Ward identities.
At quartic level, similar relations are derived, borrowing from the analysis of the counterterms of the
4T correlators of the conformal anomaly action, as defined by a perturbative expansion. For d 6= 4
these constraints hold also for Lovelock actions. They can be extended to higher order topological
invariants in such class of theories.

I. INTRODUCTION not that, in four dimensions, the theory is topological.

In string theory in d = 10 such quadratic corrections
get combined in the GB term only in the heterotic case
The search for modifications of Einstein’s theory of [1]. It was observed that they are deprived of double
General Relativity (GR) that may explain important poles, generated by the second functional derivative

phenomenological aspects of current cosmology, such of this term ( gE (2) )µνρσ , from the quadratic metric
as inflation and dark energy, follows several directions. fluctuations around flat space (∼ O(h2 )) [2].
One of them, traditionally, contemplates the inclusion We recall that topological contributions in the form of
of extra scalar fields into the theory. Such a role is either the Einstein-Hilbert (EH) action at d = 2
taken by a scalar that drives the metric inflation and

couples to all of matter present around the Planck VEH (g, d) ≡ µ dd x gR, (I.1)
scale, finally decaying into the spectrum of particles,
parents of the Standard Model ones. Another mod-
ification is the inclusion of a cosmological constant,  = d − 2, or the Gauss Bonnet action (GB) at d = 4,
which fits very well the CMB data within the ΛCDM define evanescent terms in the equations of motion of
model, but underscores a huge hierarchy problem. gravity. In d = 2 the EH action itself is metric inde-
An interesting class of modified cosmologies are those pendent.
that include higher powers of the curvature of space- Evanescent terms can be turned into dynamical con-
time, the Riemann tensor, but in a form in which no tributions by performing a singular limit on the corre-
dimensionful coupling is present in the action and ex- sponding coupling constant, which are dimensionless.
hibiting equations of motion of the second order, as This features is commonly present and held into ac-
for the Einstein-Hilbert (EH) action. count in the context of conformal anomaly actions,
A nice example of these is the Einstein Gauss-Bonnet but recently it has been reproposed in a purely clas-
(EGB) theory at finite GB coupling, which would be sical context [3]. In the case of d = 2, the theory is
ideal for the study of some of these phenomena, were it rendered dynamical by replacing the EH action by the
regulated action [4] that such behaviour can be classified as a strongly
R d coupled one, geometrically induced and with a dimen-
d x (VEH (g, d) − VEH (ḡ, d)) sional reduction of the field dynamics. It can be envi-
S2 = lim , (I.2)
d→2 d−2 sioned for every topological term of a general Lovelock
where one introduces a conformal decomposition of Lovelock’s theorem states that, at d = 4, the only
the metric gravitational action that generates second order equa-
tions of motion is the EH action, plus a cosmological
gµν = ḡµν e2φ (I.3) constant
in terms of a dilaton (Weyl) factor φ and a fiducial √
metric ḡ, with VEH (ḡ, d) being a subtraction that al- SEH = dd x g(MP2 R + 2Λ). (I.4)
lows a finite limit. The limiting procedure allows to
generate special forms of dilaton gravities, which are Its generalization to higher dimensions takes the form
closely related to conformal anomaly actions, and are [10]
of Horndeski type. The differences among the possi-
ble realizations of such actions are related to the ways n! [µ1
L(n) = δ · · · δνµnn ] Rµ1 µ2ν1 ν2 Rµ3 µ4ν3 ν4 · · ·
in which the subtractions are included in the regular- 2n/2 ν1
ization of such VEH (g, d)/ → 0/0 contributions as · · · Rµn−1 µνnn−1 νn , n = 0, 2, 4, . . . . (I.5)
 → 0.
The method, well-known both in the case of 2-D grav- n = 0 identifies the cosmological constant, n = 2
ity and of conformal anomaly actions [6–9], where the the EH action and n = 4 the GB density. Given
same procedure is applied to the counterterms in the the antisymmetrization present in its definition, this is
dimensional regularization (DR) of the theory, has re- nonzero only in specific dimensions. Once the indices
cently regained significant attention, for offering, pos- are contracted, the resulting density and its coordi-
sibly, a way to evade Lovelock’ s theorem [10] in a nate dependence can be extended to any dimension.
purely classical framework [3]. The reduction of the action to the topological dimen-
Eq. (I.2) identifies the ordinary Wess-Zumino (WZ) sion d = 4 for E (E4 ) is investigated by an embedding
form of the action. Different subtractions, defined ei- of the metric into the extra (d − 4) dimensions, a pro-
ther in d dimensions - as in (I.2) - or at d = 4, allow to cedure which is not unique [11]. The case n = 4, with
include or exclude extra - Weyl invariant - terms. It d = 4, defines the GB density
has been pointed out that this arbitrariness is a pos-

sible way to account for the difference between topo- VE (g, d) ≡µε dd x −g E, (I.6)
logical and non topological anomalies, or anomalies of
types A and B [5]. Both types of anomalies appear in
where µ is a renormalization scale and E is the inte-
the trace of correlation functions involving stress en-
grated Euler-Poincarè density
ergy tensors (T ), but the first are not associated with
the breaking of scale invariance. E = R2 − 4Rµν Rµν + Rµνρσ Rµνρσ , (I.7)
Similarly to the d = 2 case, in the case of the 4d GB
theory, the coupling gs (d) becomes singular as d → 4, whose inclusion modifies the EH action just by bound-
while the integral of the Euler-Poincarè density be- ary contributions, since in an ordinary EGB theory
comes topological, generating again a 0/0 contribu-
tions that requires a subtraction. The result is a fi- SEGB = SEH + gs VE , (I.8)
nite, non topological action, whose structure depends
on the subtraction [11]. the GB term is evanescent at d = 4. Its contribution
The d → 4 limit is purely geometrical, but involves to the gravitational equation of motion
additional scales, coming from the dependence of the 1


fields on the extra (d − 4) coordinates of the manifold, Rµν − gµν R + Λ0 gµν +gs (VE (d))µν = 0, (I.9)
and borrows its features from dimensional regulariza- κ 2
tion (DR) in flat Minkowski space. As a theory, it
is unrelated to the regularization of some quantum
corrections, as is the case of the conformal anomaly
action, derived by integrating out a conformal matter
sector. However, it is a well-defined variant that opens
the way to new interesting developments. It is clear

explicitly given by ferent possible inclusions of Weyl invariant terms. As
in the d = 2 case, in order to bring the dynamics of

δVE 1 µν VE down to d = 4 from d > 4, bypassing its evanes-
VEµν ≡ = −g g E4 − 2Rµαβγ Rαβγ
δgµν 2 cence, one can perform a similar singular rescaling of
 the coupling
µα ν µανβ µν
4R R α + 4R Rαβ − 2RR , (I.10)
gs µ
gs VE → gs (d)VE gs (d) ≡ (I.13)
vanishes at d = 4 if we use (I.7). In d > 4, VE is d−4
not a boundary term, and is indeed contemplated by in order to remodulate gs VE as a 0/0 contribution.
Lovelock’ s theorem as a possible modification of the Obviously, the definition of the 4d, (d = 4) singu-
EH action (see [12, 13]). We are going to investigate lar limit of the GB theory, requires a specific com-
the conformal constraints associated with this term in pactification, which depends on the underlying geom-
d dimensions, that have not been investigated before. etry and is, in general, affected by extra Kaluza-Klein
A similar singular limit can be performed at d = 6 for modes. We are essentially performing an infinite cou-
the topological invariant E6 , cubic in the curvature, pling limit (gs → gs (d)) on the GB term, as we ap-
extending the strategy discussed in this work. proach the dimension at which the GB contribution is
As we have already discussed in the introduction, topological. These variant theories should be seen as
such constraints are a natural consequence of the role classical modifications of the EH action that resolve
played by such terms in the context of conformal the evanescence of a certain topological term in spe-
anomaly actions in every even dimensions. cific even dimensions.
As mentioned, when expanded around a flat spacetime Compared to the ordinary Lovelock’s classification of
gµν = ηµν + κhµν , the operators of highest derivatives pure gravity actions yielding equations of motion of
( 2 ) of the GB action, contributing to the quadratic second order, this procedure is essentially new. As
term in the action (h 2 h), cancel out, showing that mentioned, it can be performed in any even dimen-
the theory is free of ghosts. We recall that at quadratic sion, starting with d = 2.
order, the contribution to an action containing the In this work we are going to provide the expression
Riemann tensor and its contractions, with arbitrary of the nonlocal EGB action expanded up to quartic
combinations, is affected by a propagator with double order (4-graviton vertex) in the fluctuations around
poles in the form a classical metric background. The result is derived
√ elaborating on various previous analysis of the confor-
dd g (Rµνρσ )2 + a1 (Rµν )2 + a2 R2 =

mal anomaly actions, adapted and simplified for 4d
EGB theories. Notice that the conformal Ward iden-

1 tities (CWIs) derived for the SW Z theory carry the
dd x g (a1 + 4)hµν 2 hµν + (a2 − 1)h 2 h +

4 same structure of the anomalous CWIs characterizing
O(h3 ) (I.11) the quantum anomaly action [17], where vertices of the
VE term defined in (I.6), obtained by differentiating
that vanish if a1 and a2 are chosen to reproduce the this functional, are constrained by the fundamental
Euler-Poincarè density. symmetries.
For general metric background, the analysis of the be- The main difference between a classical and a quan-
haviour of such actions can be performed starting from tum approach lays in the fact that the constraints ob-
a conformal decomposition tained by the procedure either apply to classical ver-
tices - for 4d EGB theories - or to quantum averages of
gµν = ḡµν e2φ (I.12) correlation functions, if the analysis is performed in a
quantum context. In this second case, the classical ac-
and eliminating the dilaton using its expression in tion in the functional integral So (χi , g), where the χi ’s
terms of the entire metric g. The theory becomes non- are generic conformal field, is decomposed in terms of
local if the dilaton is removed from the spectrum, as the two components ḡ and φ of (I.12), corresponding
suggested for the conformal anomaly action in [14]. to the fiducial metric and the dilaton field. A simi-
One relies on integrable conformal decompositions, lar decomposition can be introduced for the GB term,
such as the one discussed in [15], recently investigated with equations of motion that are constrained by the
in connection with the perturbative hierarchy of the "anomaly" of VE , defined below in (II.10), which is
conformal Ward identities for a specific 4-point func- Weyl variant for general d.
tion in [16]. Different nonlocal forms of such actions
are possible, which differ - rather nontrivially- by dif-

A. Singular rescalings and finite subtractions identities which are naturally satisfied by the Weyl-
variant part of a renormalized anomaly action, due
The singular rescaling of the coupling can be applied to the similarity between such action, which describes
to any topological term, such as E4 , E6 and so on. In the Weyl/conformal anomaly, and the 4d EGB theory.
practice, the method is sufficient in order to regulate We provide a description of such vertices up to quar-
the 0/0 limit of the d = 4 action, though the result, tic order in the fluctuations around a flat background.
as we have mentioned, depends on the geometry of The conformal constraints satisfied by the vertex de-
the compactification. In practical terms, the resulting rived from VE (g, d) are valid in d dimension due to the
actions are usually simplified, by neglecting the de- fact that Weyl variation of this term given by (II.10)
pendence of the metric on the extra coordinates while is exactly linear in (d − 4).
they reduced them to d = 4. This is a procedure that, At d = 4 the evanescence of the term, as already
even if not stated explicitly in the literature, is essen- pointed out, is removed by the inclusion of a subtrac-
tially based on dimensional reduction (DRed), in the tion, corresponding to a classical renormalization, and
form described in [11]. Conformal anomaly effective the conformal constraints remain valid once we replace
actions, to which 4d GB models are related, are de- VE (g, d) by the regulated vertex V̂E0 , which describes
rived by a similar procedure, applied to the GB (VE ) the WZ form of the action.
and the Weyl tensor squared (VC 2 ) counterterms. The Section 4 contains a first principle discussion of the
latter, in the case of a 4d EGB, is unnecessary. constraints on the equations of motion found once
The topological evanescence of the VE contribution is we perform a conformal decomposition, showing that
lifted by the procedure, but some ambiguities are en- they are a rigorous consequence of symmetry (II.1) .
countered, due to the non-unique choice of the back- The latter is broken by the subtraction term intro-
ground metric against which VE is calculated, which duced in the definition of V̂E0 . Also in this case, the
remains an indetermination of the method [11]. corresponding constraint, given in (IV.1), is naturally
The derivation of the geometric effective action de- borrowed from the case of the conformal anomaly ac-
pends on the specific choice of the fiducial metric and tions [11].
of the subtraction term, here identified in the form of
a Wess-Zumino action [18] via the conformal decom-
position, although other subtractions are possible. A II. THE LOCAL EGB THEORY AND THE
discussion of this point can be found in [11].
The regularization of the action that results from
(I.13) is not uniquely defined, since the DRed pro- The correctly regulated theory takes the form of a
cedure is naturally affected by an integration cutoff. Wess-Zumino (WZ) action, which depends on the reg-
The singular limit of the GB term is investigated by a ularization procedure and the treatment of the dila-
Weyl rescaling of this term in d 6= 4, which introduces tonic field (φ). The 0/0 regularization follows closely
a dilaton in the spectrum, and the  = d − 4 → 0 ex- the 2D case, where the Einstein-Hilbert term is also
pansion is performed afterwards, accompanied by the topological, and the limit is performed by redefining
DRed procedure. the coupling as α → α/(d − 2).
In general, dilaton effective actions may contain solu-
tions with the conformal factor that needs to be sta-
bilized around a certain scale f . Such a scale is the
B. Content of this work
conformal breaking scale. The scale (f ) is required in
order to redefine the dimensionless conformal factor
The goal of our work is to identify the constraints sat- of the metric g in the conformal decomposition (II.1).
isfied by the classical vertices of the theory, obtained The local shift symmetry, which allows to identify a
by removing the dilaton from the spectrum, and re- fiducial metric and the dilaton field, via the transfor-
sorting to a nonlocal description of the 4d GB theory. mation
The local version of such theory, which is given by
dilaton gravity, therefore, is replaced by a nonlocal φ → φ − σ, ḡµν → ḡµν e2σ (II.1)
theory when a finite (classical) renormalization of the
GB interaction, proportional to an R2 term, is added with σ = σ(x), is indeed broken by the regularization
to the usual GB action, which is allowed by the sin- of the Lagrangian in the 0/0 limit. This issue is not
gular limit . present in the nonlocal action, since φ can be elimi-
We identify the constraints satisfied by the vertices of nated in terms of the entire metric, but, as we have
such nonlocal action once its expression is expanded already mentioned, one needs to perform an additional
around flat space. These correspond to a set of Ward finite renormalization of the action [14] in order to re-

duce the equations of motion for φ to a linear form. that differs from (II.3) by Weyl invariant terms
A EGB theory is not uniquely defined in such a singu- SEGB = SE.H + SW Z . (II.9)
lar limit, due to several issues, related to the selection
of the background metric and to the regularization The different EGB actions that can be generated in
procedure that it is invoked. The VE (GB) term can the d → 4 limit are all associated with the treatement
be expanded around d = 4 in several ways. One pos- of the VE term, a procedure that should be completely
sibility is defined by the ordinary DR-like procedure defined in DR and with the choice of a specific fidu-
cial metric ḡ. This would correspond to the choice of
a specific scheme, as usually done in Minkowski space.
1 µ Note that contracting (I.10) with 2g µν gives the rela-
VE (g, 4) + VE0 (g, 4) + O(ε2 ) ,

VE (g, d) =
ε  tion
√ √
in terms of a single metric g, implicitly defining the δ
2gµν dd y −gE(y) =  gE(x), (II.10)
GB part of the EGB action in the form δgµν
1 which is at the core of (II.7), since the subtraction
VE0 = (VE (g, d) − VE (g, 4)) . (II.3)
 term VE (ḡ, d) is Weyl independent. Such subtraction
is essential in order to generate a 0/0 limit of the topo-
Note that the subtraction term VE (g, 4) obviously
logical term and obtain, henceforth, a finite action.
does not contribute to the dynamics, for being topo-
This Weyl variation is an exact property of the VE
logical, and amounts just to a constant being added
terms, therefore valid to all orders in . We will come
to the action, since
back to it in a next section, when discussing its impli-
√ cation in the context of Lovelock theory.
VE (4) = d4 x gE = 4πχ0 (M), (II.4)
(II.10) is identified using the scaling relation
where χ0 (M ) is the Euler-Poincarè characteristic of a √ √ (d−4)φ

manifold M . Therefore, the evanescence of the GB −gE = ḡe ¯ µ J¯µ (ḡ, φ)+
Ē + (d − 3)∇
contribution VE is related to the fact that at d = 4 its 
variation is zero, together with all the classical vertices (d − 3)(d − 4)K̄(ḡ, φ) , (II.11)
derived from its functional differentiation
δ n VE (4) where we have defined
VEµ1 ν1 ...µn νn = . (II.5)
δgµ1 ν1 . . . δgµn νn
J¯µ (ḡ, φ) = 8R̄µν ∇
¯ ν φ − 4R̄∇¯ µ φ+
The finiteness of the contributions generated by the 4(d − 2)(∇ ¯ µφ ¯ φ − ∇ ¯ µ∇
¯ ν φ∇
¯ νφ + ∇
¯ µ φ∇
¯ λ φ∇
¯ λ φ),
renormalized vertices 1/VEµ1 ν1 ...µn νn (d) is therefore (II.12)
related to the O() behaviour of (II.5) as  → 0, as we
will discuss next. This generates a finite EGB theory
of the form K̄(ḡ, φ) = 4R̄µν ∇¯ µ φ∇¯ ν φ − 2R̄∇
¯ λ φ∇
¯ λ φ+
4(d − 2) ¯ φ∇ ¯ λ φ∇¯ λ φ + (d − 1)(d − 2)(∇ ¯ λ φ∇
¯ λ φ)2 ,
SEGB = SEH + VE0 , (II.6)
that allows to perform the expansion in  of the form
where VE0 is bound to satisfy the constraint

δ 0 √

V = gE, (II.7) ¯ M J¯M +
δφ E VE (g, d) = dd x ḡ Ē + ∇

d √ √
as recognized in the conformal anomaly effective ac- ¯ ¯M
+  dd x ḡK. (II.14)

 d x ḡφ Ē + ∇M J
tion. Alternatively, the finite action could be defined
in the Wess-Zumino (WZ) form
The scheme dependence of the regularization comes
as a last step, when the integrals present in (II.35)
1 are reduced to d = 4 from general d dimensions. This
SW Z ≡ V̂E0 = lim VE (ḡe2φ , d) − VE (ḡ, d) (II.8)

d→4  can can be obtained by introducing a cutoff (L) in the

extra dimensions in the form A. The 4d EGB + R2 theory

We briefly summarize the steps that take to the non-

local action. One may proceed by introducing a finite
1 R
1 √ renormalization/extension of the topological term, in
d−4 VE (g, d) (Lµ) d4 x −g 4 Ē +
=  order to derive a different version of SW Z , which is
R √ h
¯ µ φ∇¯ ν φ) + quadratic in φ, rather than quartic. This is obtained
+ (Lµ) d4 x −g φ4 Ē − (4Gµν (∇
i by extending the topological term at O() in the form
2(∇λ φ∇λ φ)2 + 4 φ∇λ φ∇λ φ) , (II.15) [14]

where all the terms in the integrands are 4-

dimensional and L is a space cutoff in the d − 4 ex-
tra dimensions. L is the volume of the extra space.
Taking the  → 0 limit and the conformal separation R2
Eext = E4 +  , (II.17)
gµν = ḡµν e2φ for the fiducial metric, we finally derive 2(d − 1)2
the expressions
and the singular limit performed on the functional
V̂E0 (g, φ) ≡ SW Z= (VE (g, d) − VE (ḡ, d)) = √
 ṼE = dd x gEext . (II.18)
√ h
¯ µ φ∇
d4 x −g φ4 E − (4Gµν (∇ ¯ ν φ) + 2(∇λ φ∇λ φ)2 +
i The effective action is then defined similarly to (IV.1),
4 φ∇λ φ∇λ φ) . (II.16) with SW Z in (II.16) now redefined by the inclusion of
It is easy to show that the use of the regularization
in the form given above, by subtracting VE (ḡ, d) in S̃W Z = ṼE (ḡe2φ , d) − ṼE (ḡ, d) (II.19)
d dimensions - rather than at d = 4 - is eliminating 
some Weyl invariant terms [11]. The local action given induced by this additional finite modification of the
above is quartic in φ, and its structure depends on the action. A direct computation, using the rescaling for-
chosen fiducial metric. mula for R2
In summary, it is possible to define a consistent proce-
√ 2 √ φ

dure for the extraction of the effective action at d = 4, gR = ḡe R̄ − 2(d − 1) ¯ φ−
from the singular limit of a topological term. The
approach can be performed in d dimensions by a 1) 2 
rescaling of the topological density using (II.11), with ¯ λ φ∇
(d − 1)(d − 2)∇ ¯ λφ (II.20)
a metric which is d-dimensional. This implies, obvi-
ously, that the dilaton field carries dependence on the
gives, after an expansion at O()
extra dimensions. At the last stage, 2) we dimension-
ally reduce the fields, by allowing only the zero mode
4 √
d √
1 1 ¯ ¯
of φ to survive the compactification procedure, while d x gEext = d x ḡ Ē + ∇ · J +
the extra components of the metric are assumed to be

flat. The cutoff L in the size of the extra dimensions d4 x ḡφ Ē + ∇ ¯ · J¯
is introduced in order to guarantee the convergence
of the integral VE in the d → 4 limit. Finally, 3) we 4 √
subtract the same term expressed only in terns of the + d x ḡ K̄ + R̄ − 2(d − 1) ¯ φ−
2(d − 1)2
fiducial metric, performing the limit. 2 
As shown above, the subtraction can be performed (d − 1)(d − 2)∇ ¯ λ φ∇¯ λφ .
either as in (II.3) or as in (II.8), the difference be-
tween the two being given by Weyl invariant terms, (II.21)
described in [11]. The SW Z action, which identifies a
contribution that we have also called V̂E0 in (II.8), will The expression can be simplified by some integration
define our starting action. by parts and the omission of boundary terms. Explic-

itly, one uses Using the currents
¯ · J¯ = −8R̄µν ∇ ¯ µ φ∇
¯ ν φ + 4R̄∇
¯ µ φ∇¯ µ φ− √
φ∇ ¯ + 4√g∆4 φ(x),
J(x) = J(x) ¯
≡ ḡ Ē − ¯ R̄ ,
4(d − 2)∇ ¯ µ φ∇
¯ µ φ ¯ φ + 4(d − 2)∇ ¯ µ∇¯ ν φ∇¯ ν φ∇
¯ µφ 3
¯ µ∇
− 4(d − 2)(∇ ¯ µ φ)2 + b.t. (II.22) √ 2
J(x) ≡ g E − R (II.30)
and the quartic Green function of ∆4
¯µ ¯ν ¯ µφ = − 1 ∇
¯ ν φ∇
∇ ∇ φ∇ ¯ µ φ∇
¯ µ φ ¯ φ + b.t. (II.23) √
2 ( −g ∆4 )x D4 (x, y) = δ 4 (x, y). (II.31)

We can invert (II.30), obtaining

(where b.t. indicates the boundary terms). This gives Z
the modified relation 1 ¯
φ(x) = d4 y D4 (x, y)(J(y) − J(y)). (II.32)
The expression of φ in terms of the entire metric g is
√ √ what defines a conformal decomposition of the metric,
δφ dd x gEext =  g(Eext − R) (II.24) which in this case is integrable, in the sense that we
can express φ covariantly. S̃W Z can be obtained by
which can be used in (II.18) to give solving the equation

δ S̃W Z
= J, (II.33)
δ 1 √ 2 R
ṼE (gµν , d) = g E − R+ . clearly identified in the form
δφ  3 2(d − 1)2
¯ + 2φ(√g∆4 )φ .
S̃W Z = d4 x Jφ

Therefore from (II.19) we derive the Weyl variation (II.34)
δS W Z
√ 2
=α g E− R At this stage it is just matter of inserting the expres-
δφ 3 sion of φ given by (II.32) into this equation to obtain

2 ¯ ¯ the WZ action in the form
= α ḡ Ē − R̄ + 4∆4 φ . (II.26)
S̃W Z = Sanom (g) − Sanom (ḡ), (II.35)

Note that the redefinition of the GB density (E → with

Eext ) allows to re-obtain a rescaling of the combina- 1
tion E − 2/3 R as in d = 4, where ∆4 is the fourth Sanom (g) = d4 xd4 yJ(x)D4 (x, y)J(y), (II.36)
order self-adjoint operator. This is conformal invari- 8
ant and a similar expression for Sanom (ḡ). Using the ex-
2 1 plicit expression of φ, and including the contribution
∆4 = ∇2 +2 Rµν ∇µ ∇ν − R + (∇µ R)∇µ (II.27) from the rescaled C 2 term, we finally find the nonlocal
3 3
and covariant anomaly effective action as
and satisfies the relation
4 √
√ √ 1 2
¯ 4 χ,
−g ∆4 χ = −ḡ ∆ (II.28) Sanom (g) = d x −gx E − R
8 3 x

if χ is invariant (i.e. has scaling equal to zero) under b 2
d4 x0 −gx0 D4 (x, x0 ) E− R .
a Weyl transformation. This brings the action S̃W Z 2 3 x0
to the form (II.37)

2 ¯ 4φ .
S̃W Z = α d4 x −ḡ E − ¯ R φ + 2 φ∆
The elimination of φ can be performed quite directly.

III. CONSTRAINTS ON VE IN d vation of the conformal current

dd x g ∇µ ξν(K) VEµν = 0, (III.2)

The presence in 4d EGB of a topological term has im- and, analogously, we can write
portant implications concerning the structure of such

classical contributions. This point can be understood dd x g ∇µ (ξν VEµνµ1 ν1 ) = 0. (III.3)
more clearly by discussing the role of the term gs (d)VE
in the context of the conformal anomaly effective ac-
tion [11]. This action is naturally derived from a path The identity
integral, once we integrate out a conformal sector, and
one can show that the counterterm sector - that in this 2δµν δ λρ ξλ ∂ρ φ = 2δµν e2φ g λρ ξλ ∂ρ φ =
case involves also the square of the Weyl tensor - sep- 2δµν e2φ ξ λ ∂λ φ (III.4)
arately satisfies anomalous CWIs.
The derivation of such identities follows a direct pat- can be used in the covariant derivatives of (III.1) to
tern, that consists in writing down the conformal obtain
anomaly action in a background metric endowed with
conformal Killing (CKVs) vectors. In this section we ∂µ ξν − 2ξµ ∂ν φ + ∂ν ξµ − 2ξν ∂µ φ + 2δµν δ λρ ξλ ∂ρ φ =
illustrate the derivation of these constraints that de- 2
∂λ ξ λ e2φ δµν + 2δµν e2φ ξ λ ∂λ φ. (III.5)
fine, in the context of the 4d GB theory, the appli- d
cation of this method. This point can be understood
geometrically in the following way. This can be written in the form
In a local free falling frame of a curved spacetime (i.e.
in tangent space), we require that a certain action is ∂µ ξν − 2ξµ ∂ν φ + ∂ν ξµ − 2ξν ∂µ φ =
endowed with a conformal symmetry, enlarging the e2φ [∂µ (e−2φ ξν ) + ∂ν (e−2φ ξµ )] =
usual local Poincarè symmetry of Einstein’s theory. e2φ (δνλ ∂µ + δµλ ∂ν )ξ λ , (III.6)
Such conformal symmetry of each local frame can be
gauged in the form of a general metric that allows Substituting (III.4) and (III.6) in (III.5) we get (III.1)
CKVs. In the case of a conformal anomaly action, with the ordinary derivative replacing the covariant
the contribution coming from VE , as already men- ones
tioned, is paired with VC 2 . The latter is the only
effective counterterm needed in order to remove the 2
∂µ ξν + ∂ν ξµ = δµν (∂ · ξ) . (III.7)
singularity of the quantum corrections at d = 4. The d
CWIs of the complete effective action get splitted into
Writing explicitly the action of the covariant deriva-
three separate contributions: those derived from the
tive in (III.2) and taking the flat limit, then we obtain
renormalized quantum corrections and those associ-
the constraint
ated with VE and VC 2 . All the three contributions
satisfy separate conservation WIs and CWIs. Those Z  
d µνµ1 ν1 µνµ1 ν1
corresponding to the finite renormalized quantum cor- 0= d x ∂µ ξν VE + ξν ∂µ VE . (III.8)
rections, once we perform the flat spacetime limit, are
ordinary, while the other two hierarchies, related to We recall that ξν satisfies the conformal Killing equa-
VE and VC 2 , are anomalous. The constraints on these tion in flat space and by using (III.3), the equation
functionals come from their response once we perform above can be re-written in the form
a variation respect to the conformal factor φ. Z  
We detail the derivation of this point. d µνµ1 ν1 1  µνµ1 ν1
0= d x ξν ∂µ VE + ∂ · ξ δµν VE .
We recall that the CKVs are solutions of the equation d

If we use in this previous expression the conservation

2 and the trace identities for VEµνµ1 ν1 , that are explicitly
∇µ ξν + ∇ν ξµ = ∇λ ξ λ gµν . (III.1)
To derive the CWI’s in the flat limit, we need to re-
quire that the background metric allows CKVs that
leave the action invariant. We start from the conser-

given by - and we have for n ≥ 3
ν )
∂µ VEµνµ1 ν1 (x, x1 ) = δµ(µ1 δλ1 ∂ ν δ(x − x1 )− α ∂ 2 κα ∂
2xj d + xj −xj δ
∂xαj ∂xαj

2δ ν(µ1 δµν1 ) ∂λ δ(x − x1 ) VEλµ (x), VEµ1 ν1 ...µn νn (x1 , . . . , xn )+
µ1 ν1 µ
δµν VEµνµ1 ν1 (x, x1 ) = 2(d − 4) −g(x)E(x)
p X
(x1 )− 2 δ κµj xj α − δακ xj j
2δ(x − x1 )VEµ1 ν1 (x) (III.10) j=1
µ ν ...ν α...µn νn
VE 1 1 j (x1 , . . . , xj , . . . , xn )+
together with the explicit expression of the Killing vec- n  
(C) κ νj
tor ξν for the special conformal transformations, we 2 δ xj α − δ α xj
derive the relation j=1
µ ν ...µ α...µn νn
ξµ(C) κ = 2xκ xµ − x2 δµκ VE 1 1 j (x1 , . . . , xj , . . . , xn ) =
(III.11) Z 
∂ · ξ (C) κ = 2d xκ 2n+1 (d − 4) dd x xκ −g(x)
µ1 ν1 ...µn νn
where κ = 1, . . . , d. By using (III.11) in the integral
E(x) (x1 , . . . , xn ). (III.15)
(III.9), we derive the relation
The dilatation CWI is obtained by the choice of the
dd x 2xκ xν − x2 δνκ ∂µ VEµνµ1 ν1

CKV of the form

+2 xκ δµν VEµνµ1 ν1 (III.12) ξµ(D) (x) = xµ , ∂ · ξ (D) = d, (III.16)

and equation (III.9), in the general case becomes

that can be cast into the form
Z   Z 
0= d κ 2 κ
 (µ1 ν1 ) ν
d x 2x xν − x δν δµ δλ ∂ δ(x − x1 )− 0 = d x xµ ∂ν VEµνµ1 ν1 ...µn νn (x, x1 , . . . , xn )+

µνµ1 ν1 ...µn νn
2δ ν(µ1 ν1 ) λµ κ µ1 ν1
δµ ∂λ δ(x − x1 ) VE (x) − 4 x δ(x − x1 )VE (x) . δ V
µν E (x, x1 , . . . , x n ) . (III.17)

(III.13) Taking into account the conservation and trace iden-

tities satisfied by VEµ1 ν1 ...µn νn we obtain the final ex-
Integrating by parts, we obtain the expression
∂ ∂
2d xκ1 + 2xκ1 xµ1 µ + x21 VEµ1 ν1 +
 
∂x1 ∂x1κ X ∂  µ1 ν1 ...µn νn
n d + xα
j α VE (x1 , . . . , xn ) =
2 x1λ δ µ1 κ − xµ1 1 δλκ VEλν1 (x1 ) j=1
Z hp iµ1 ν1 ...µn νn
  2 (d − 4) dd x
−g(x) E(x) (x1 , . . . , xn ).
+ 2 x1λ δ ν1 κ − xν11 δλκ VEµ1 λ (x1 ) =
p µ1 ν1
4(d − 4) dx xκ −g(x)E(x) (x1 ) (III.14) This constraint is non trivial starting from n = 3. In
momentum space these equations are written as
which is the special CWIs satisfied by VEµ1 ν1 . This  
relation is, in this case, trivially satisfied just because X ∂
VEµ1 ν1 , in the flat limit, vanishes. Non trivial con-
d − pj α  VEµ1 ν1 ...µn νn (p1 , . . . , p̄n ) =

straints are generated when we consider the contribu- √ µ1 ν1 ...µn νn
tions - starting from the three graviton vertex onwards 2n (d − 4) −g E (p1 , . . . , p̄n ), (III.19)

and expanding the covariant derivative, we obtain the re-
! lation
X ∂2 ∂
α − 2pαj α VEµ1 ν1 ...µn νn (p1 , . . . , p̄n ) ∂ V µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (x , x , x , x ) =
∂pj ∂pjα ∂pj ∂pjκ ν1 E 1 2 3 4
δΓλν1 (x1 )

κµj ∂ κ ∂
− 2
+2 δ − δα µj δgµ2 ν2 (x2 ) g=δ
∂pj α ∂pj 
µ ν ...ν α...µn νn VEλν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ) + (23) + (24)
VE 1 1 j (pa , . . . , pj , . . . p̄n )
δ 2 Γµλν1 1 (x1 )
!  !
κνj ∂ κ ∂
+2 δ − δα νj − 4 VEλν1 (x1 , x4 )+
∂pj α ∂pj δgµ2 ν2 (x2 )δgµ3 ν3 (x3 )
µ1 ν1 ...µj α...µn νn 
VE (pa , . . . , pj , . . . p̄n )
(24) + (34) , (III.22)
= −2 (d − 4)
∂ µ1 ν1 ...µn νn where
−g E (p1 , . . . , pn ) ,
∂pnκ pn =p̄n  µ1
δΓλν1 (x1 )
(III.20) 1 µ1 (µi νi )
= δ δν1 ∂λ δx1 xi +
δgµi νi (xi ) g=δ 2
where p̄n = − i=1 pi for the conservation of the to-

µ1 (µi νi ) (µi νi ) µ1
tal momentum. These constraints are directly sat- δ δλ ∂ν1 δx1 xi − δλ δν1 ∂ δx1 xi
isfied in d 6= 4 dimensions and are therefore typi-
cal of Lovelock’s theories of gravity in generic dimen- δ 2 Γµλν1 1 (x1 )
sions. Notice that the equations above are modified =
δgµi νi (xi )δgµj νj (xj )
by an overall dimensionful factor both on their lhs and g=δ
rhs, for dimensional reasons, but leaving (III.20) un- 
δx1 xi µ1 (µi νi ) (µj νj )
altered. In the d → 4 limit the analysis of these equa- − δ δ δ δν1 ∂λ δx1 xj +
tions requires an accurate study of the degeneracy of 
such such structures, similarly to the one performed ν ) (µ
δ(µj δλj ∂ν1 δx1 xj − δλ j δνν1j ) ∂ δx1 xj +(ij), (III.23)
in [16].
In the context of anomaly actions, their reduction to
d → 4 requires the inclusion of a Weyl invariant sector, that in momentum space becomes
provided by the finite quantum corrections, missing
p1 ν1 VEµ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ) =
here. h
= 4 B µ1λν1µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 (p2 , p3 )VEλν1 µ4 ν4 (p1 + p2 + p3 , p̄4 )
+ (34) + (24)
+ 2 C µ1λν1µ2 ν2 (p2 )VEλν1 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (p1 + p2 , p3 , p̄4 )+
(23) + (24) , (III.24)

A. Conservation identity at d = 4 and trace
identities at d 6= 4 1
B µ1λν1µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 (p2 , p3 ) ≡ − δ µ1 (µ2 δ ν2 ) ×
ν ) (µ
× δ(µ3 δνν13 ) p3 λ + δ(µ3 δλ3 p3 ν1 − δλ 3 δνν13 ) p3  + (23),
The same vertex satisfies a hierarchy of of conservation (III.25)
identity at d = 4 in flat space, starting from a curved
background. Trace Ward identities, instead, are valid
for this vertex at d 6= 4, as we are going to show next.
Indeed, from

∇µ VEµν (x)g = 0, (III.21)

and As we are going to illustrate in a final section, in
that case we need to amend the action by Weyl
1 ν )
C µ1λν1µ2 ν2 (p2 ) ≡ δ µ1 (µ2 δνν12 ) p2 λ + δ µ1 (µ2 δλ2 p2 ν1 invariant contributions, that are necessary in order
2  to derive the exact expression of the hierarchy. This,

−δλ 2 δνν12 ) pµ2 1 , (III.26) in principle, requires an analysis of the 4T correlator,
correcting the predictions derived from the nonlocal
correspond, respectively, to the second and first func- actions, with extra Weyl-invariant terms. Such terms
tional derivatives of the Christoffel connection. can be identified by an approach that has been
A similar analysis can be performed for a trace iden- already discussed for a simpler correlator, the T T JJ
tity. In this case, we simply functionally differentiate [16]. While this is an important point that we hope to
the anomalous Weyl variation (II.10) multiple times discuss elsewhere, it is possible to obtain the correct
and transform the expression to momentum space, ob- hierarchies satisfied by the 4-point vertices of a 4d
taining GB theory by resorting directly to a previous analysis
of the counterterms of the same vertex. This study
δµ1 ν1 VEµ1 ν1 ...µn νn (p1 , . . . , pn ) = has been presented in [17].
√ µ2 ν2 ...µn νn
2n−1 (d − 4) −gE (p2 , . . . , pn )

− 2 VEµ2 ν2 ...µn νn (p1 + p2 , p3 , . . . , pn )+

VEµ2 ν2 ...µn νn (p2 , p1 + p3 , . . . , pn ) + · · · + A. The dilaton gravity action

VEµ2 ν2 ...µn νn (p2 , p3 , . . . , p1 + pn ) . (III.27)
Coming to the local dilaton-gravity form of the limit-
This constraint is satisfied by all the vertices extracted ing theory, the two fields can be treated as indepen-
from the E4 term, and remain valid once this contri- dent, but their equations will be linked by the con-
bution is included in a Lovelock action when d 6= 4. straints coming from the anomalous variation of the
Euler Poincarè density. For this reason, (II.16) de-
fines a dilaton gravity theory in which the trace of the
equations of motion of the gravity metric ḡ and that
of the conformal factor are related in the form

ACTION δ δ (W Z)
2ḡµν − SGB = −α ḡ Ē. (IV.1)
δḡµν δφ
The constraints derived in the previous sections, as
already mentioned, are obtained by performing the The derivation of this relation is discussed in [11] for
flat spacetime limit of the metric variations, without conformal anomaly actions. Note that the regulated
resorting to a conformal decomposition of the metric action (II.8) is, separately, a functional of ḡ and φ and
itself. one can use the relations
More general constraints are obtained if we, instead, δ δ √
perform a conformal decomposition and vary the fidu- 2gµν VE (g) = VE (g) =  gE, (IV.2)
δgµν δφ
cial metric and the conformal factor independently.
The separation is consistent with the fact that the
subtractions included in the definition of the WZ δ δ √
action introduce a conformal scale. This separation is 2ḡµν VE (ḡ) = 2gµν VE (ḡ), =  ḡ Ē (IV.3)
δḡµν δgµν
scale invariant, in the sense that the resulting action
is free of any dimensionful constant. These types (using ḡµν = gµν e−2φ ) and
of actions are typical of dilaton gravities and can
be modified by the addition of extra scale-invariant δ
potentials. VE (ḡ) = 0 (IV.4)
In this section we investigate the consistency of the
equations of motion, discussing their conservation in to obtain (IV.1).
the local version of the theory. The same consistency It is convenient to define the two tensors
will be missing once we move to the nonlocal theory,
obtained by eliminating the dilaton, using the Riegert 2 δSW Z
T µν = √ (IV.5)
decomposition (II.32). ḡ δḡµν

and From now to the rest we will omit the "bar" above all
the tensor, derivatives ecc., assuming that they are all
1 δSW Z
Tφ = √ . (IV.6) evaluated respect to the fiducial metric ḡ, treated as
ḡ δφ an independent field. The first variation gives

The relation can also be obtained by a direct compu- δ
∇λ φ SW Z = ∇λ φ E + 8Gµν ∇µ ∇ν φ+
tation using (II.16) δφ
8 φ∇µ φ∇µ φ + 16∇λ ∇µ φ∇λ φ∇µ φ

√ ¯ µ φ∇
¯ νφ
ḡTφ = g Ē + 8Ḡµν ∇

− 8Rµν ∇µ φ∇ν φ + 8( φ)2 − 8∇µ ∇µ φ∇µ ∇ν φ .
+ 8 ¯ φ∇ ¯ µ φ∇
¯ µ φ + 16∇¯ λ∇ ¯ µ φ∇
¯ λ φ∇
¯ µφ
− 8R̄µν ∇¯ µ φ∇
¯ ν φ + 8( ¯ φ)2 −
The second variation is given by
¯ ν φ ≡ √ḡḡµν T µν

¯ µ∇
8∇ ¯ ν φ∇¯ µ∇ (IV.7)
− 2gµλ ∇ν SW Z =
where the last equality follows from the trace of (I.10).

Rescalings in the conformal decomposition are typi- − 2gµλ ∇ν d4 x −g (φE)
cally of the form δgµν

− ∇λ φ 8Gµν ∇µ ∇ν φ + 8 φ∇µ φ∇µ φ+

Rµνρσ = e−4φ R̄µνρσ
2 ¯ µν −
− 8R̄µν ∆
¯ λ φ∇
¯ λ φ + 4(d − 2)∆ ¯ 2µν + 16∇λ ∇µ φ∇λ φ∇µ φ − 8Rµν ∇µ φ∇ν φ
¯ 2 + 8(d − 1)∆¯∇ ¯ λ φ∇¯ λφ + 2 µ ν
4∆ + 8( φ) − 8∇µ ∇µ φ∇ ∇ φ +

2d(d − 1)(∇¯ λ φ∇¯ λ φ)2 (IV.8) 8Rλµνρ ∇ν φ(∇µ ∇ρ φ − ∇ρ ∇µ φ). (IV.13)

and similar ones. They can be found in [11]. The Adding (IV.12) and (IV.13), recalling that
action is diffeomorphism invariant since φ transforms [∇µ , ∇ν ]φ = 0, we finally get
as a scalar under changes of coordinates. We can use  
δ δ
this invariance to derive the equation satisfied by the ∇λ φ − 2gµλ ∇ν SW Z = ∇λ φE−
stress energy tensor, by varying the action with re- δφ δgµν

spect to the fiducial metric. The Lie derivatives for δ
2gµλ ∇ν d4 x −g (φE). (IV.14)
the scalar field φ and the fiducial metric ḡµν are δgµν
¯ λφ
δξ φ = ξ λ ∇ The explicit form of the second term in the equation
¯ ν ξ λ + ḡνλ ∇
¯ µξλ . (IV.9) above is expressed by
δξ ḡµν = ḡµλ ∇

giving the variation − 2gµλ ∇ν d4 x −g (φE) = −∇λ φE−
4Rνµαβ φ∇µ Rλναβ − 2Rνµαβ φ∇λ Rνµαβ
d δ δ
δSW Z = d x δξ φ + δξ ḡµν SW Z
δφ δḡµν + 4∇µ ∇ν φ(∇ν Rλµ − ∇µ Rλν )−
¯ λ φ δ + (ḡµλ ∇ ¯ µξλ) δ
α µ ν µαβ ν
= dd x ξ λ ∇ ¯ ν ξ λ + ḡνλ ∇ SW Z 4(Rλµνα + Rλνµα )∇ ∇ ∇ φ + 4Rνµαβ Rλ ∇ φ
δφ δḡµν + 2φ[∇ λ , ∇ ν ]∇ ν
R + 2R λν φ∇ ν
R. (IV.15)
d λ ¯ δ ¯ δ
= d xξ ∇λ φ − 2ḡµλ ∇ν SW Z . (IV.10) The simplification of this expression requires some in-
δφ δḡµν
termediate steps. A lengthy but direct computation
The condition to be imposed to get the invariance un- shows that the Bianchi identity
der diffeomorphism for a generic functional such as
SW Z is Rµνρσ + Rµρσν + Rµσνρ = 0 (IV.16)

is still satisfied for a conformal decomposition.

∇¯ λ φ δ − 2ḡµλ ∇¯ν δ SW Z = 0. (IV.11)
δφ δḡµν Thanks to the above equation, using the symmetry

of the Riemann tensor and
1 √
[∇ν , ∇µ ]V ρ = Rρ σµν V σ , (IV.17) (3)
Snonl = −
d x R(1)
−g 2 (1)

+ (1)
it is quite easy to show (IV.11). A similar computation b0
(1) 1 1 µν (1) 1
4 (1)µν (1)
can be performed to derive (IV.1) from (II.16). d x ∂µ R R − η R ∂ν R
9 3
It is quite obvious that the singular procedure that Z
1 1 (1)
takes to a regulated 4d EGB action is consistent. This − d4 x b0 E(2) R +
analysis becomes rather nontrivial as the dilaton is 6
b0 1 √ (1) (1) b0
removed from the spectrum. As already mentioned, in
d4 x R(1) −g R + d4 x R(2) R(1)
that case the nonlocal action needs to be amended by 9 9
extra terms. This will occur at the level of the classical (V.5)
4-graviton vertex. The 3-graviton vertex, instead, can
be handled directly with the nonlocal action (II.37). where the suffixes (1), (2) denote the order of the ex-
Results of this analysis are given below. pansion in the fluctuations around flat space (gµν =
δµν + hµν ). From (V.5) we can extract the expres-
sions of the classical 3-wave gravitational interactions
in this effective theory by differentiating three times
V. 3- AND 4-WAVE INTERACTION IN THE with respect to hµν .

The nonlocal structure of the 4d EGB theory results A. 3-wave interactions in momentum space
from an iterative solution of the equations of motion
in which the dilaton is expressed in terms of the full The GB term in the equations of motion induces in-
original metric g, as shown in [19]. One can rewrite teractions of higher orders exhibiting specific features,
the nonlocal action in the form that we are going to identify in this and in the next
1R 4 √
h section. Obviously, cubic and quartic interactions in
Sanom (g, ϕ) ≡ − d x −g ( ϕ)2 − the nonlocal 4d EGB theory (V.5) share close similar-
 i ities with those identified in the nonlocal conformal
2 R − 3 Rg µν (∇µ ϕ)(∇ν ϕ) anomaly action. At cubic level, the most convenient
1 R 4 √ way to organize such contributions is to transform the
h i
+ d x −g E − 23 R ϕ, (V.1) expressions to momentum space. For this purpose, we
that can be varied with respect to φ, giving Z
(1)  (1) µ1 ν1
√ √ hE R
i d4 x e−ip·x Rµανβ (x) ≡ Rµανβ (p) h̃µ1 ν1 (p)
−g ∆4 ϕ = −g − . (V.2)
2 3 (V.6)
Three-wave interactions can be derived by expanding for the linear expansion of the Ricci tensor
perturbatively in the metric fluctuations in the form 1
n o
Rµανβ = −∂α ∂β hµν −∂µ ∂ν hαβ +∂α ∂ν hβµ +∂β ∂µ hαν ,
(0) (1) (2) 2
gµν = gµν + gµν + gµν + · · · ≡ (V.7)
ηµν + hµν + hµν + . . . (V.3a) which in momentum space becomes
(0) (1) (2)
ϕ=ϕ +ϕ +ϕ + ... (V.3b)  (1) µ1 ν1 1
Rµανβ (p) = δα(µ1 δ ν1)β pµ pν + δµ(µ1 δνν1 ) pα pβ −
The expansion above should be interpreted as a col- o
lection of terms generated by setting δβ (µ1 δµν1 ) pα pν − δα(µ1 δνν1 ) pβ pµ . (V.8)

gµν = δµν + κhµν (V.4) We will be needing the identities

(1) µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2
having reinstated the coupling expansion κ, with h Rµανβ R(1)µανβ

(p1 , p2 ) ≡
of mass-dimension one, and collecting all the higher  (1) µ1 ν1  (1)µανβ µ2 ν2
order terms in the functional expansion of (V.1) of Rµανβ (p1 ) R (p2 ) =
the order h2 , h3 and so on. A similar expansion holds
(p1 · p2 )2 η µ1 (µ2 η ν2 )ν1 − 2 (p1 · p2 ) p1(µ2 η ν2 )(ν1 p2µ1 ) +
for ϕ if we redefine ϕ(1) = κϕ̄(1) , ϕ(2) = κ2 ϕ̄(2) and so
on. At cubic level the vertex is given by pµ1 2 pν12 pµ2 1 pν21 (V.9)

 (1) (1)µν µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2  (1) µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2
(p1 ) R(1)µν

Rµν R (p1 , p2 ) ≡ Rµν (p2 ) =
1 2 µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2
p p p η − 2 p2(µ1 η ν1 )(ν2 p2µ2 ) +
4 1 2 2
1 2 µ2 ν2 µ1 ν1
p2 p1 p1 η − 2 p1(µ1 η ν1 )(ν2 p1µ2 ) +
1 2 2 µ1 (µ2 ν2 )ν1
p p η η +
4 1 2
1 1 (µ ν ) (µ ν )
(p1 · p2 )2 η µ1 ν1 η µ2 ν2 + p1 1 p21 p1 2 p22 +
4 2

(µ1 ν1 )(ν2 µ2 ) (µ ν )
(p1 · p2 ) p1 η p2 − η µ1 ν1 p1 2 p22 −

(µ1 ν )
η µ2 ν2 p1 p21 . (V.10)

We also use the relation

 (1) 2 µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2
(R ) (p1 , p2 ) ≡ FIG. 1 Mixing in three-point functions
 (1) µ1 ν1  (1) µ2 ν2
R (p1 ) R (p2 ) =
p21 p22 π µ1 ν1 (p1 ) π µ2 ν2 (p2 ), (V.11)

and re-express the third order classical vertices of the

GB action and its contribution (V.5) to the three-
point correlator in momentum space, in the form
S3µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 (p1 , p2 , p3 ) = α π µ1 ν1 (p1 )
3 prove the identity
h iµ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 o
E (p2 , p3 ) + (cyclic)
δα1 β1 S3α1 β1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 (p1 , p2 , p3 ) =

p3 =−(p1 +p2 )
− π µ1 ν1 (p1 ) Qµ2 ν2 (p1 , p2 , p3 ) π µ3 ν3 (p3 ) µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3
8α E (2)

(p2 , p3 ), (V.16)
16α µ1 ν1
+ (cyclic) + π (p1 ) π µ2 ν2 (p2 ) π µ3 ν3 (p3 )
27 together with the conservation identities
n o
p23 p1 · p2 + (cyclic) , (V.12)
p2µ2 Qµ2 ν2 (p1 , p2 , p3 ) = 0 (V.17a)
µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3
p2µ2 E (2)

where we have defined (p2 , p3 ) = 0. (V.17b)
pµ pν Double tracing (V.12) of the nonlocal theory one ob-
π µν (p) ≡ δ µν − , (V.13)
p2 tains

δα1 β1 δα3 β3 S3α1 β1 µ2 ν2 α3 β3 (p1 , p2 , p3 ) p3 =−(p1 +p2 ) =

µ2 ν2 α3 β3
Qµ2 ν2 (p1 , p2 , p3 ) ≡ p1µ [Rµν ]µ2 ν2 (p2 ) p3ν = 8α δα3 β3 E (2)

(p2 , p3 )
1 µ2 ν2
(µ ν ) = 16α Q (p1 , p2 , p3 ) p3 =−(p1 +p2 ) +
(p1 · p2 )(p2 · p3 ) δ µ2 ν2 + p22 p1 2 p32 −
8α p22 p21 + p1 · p2 π µ2 ν2 (p2 ).

(µ ν ) (µ ν )
o (V.18)
(p2 · p3 ) p1 2 p22 − (p1 · p2 ) p2 2 p32 . (V.14)
Notice that the expression above is purely polynomial
We have defined with since p22 π µ2 ν2 (p2 ) is a local term. Thus in the first line
 (2) µi νi µj νj  (1) µi νi µj νj of (V.12) we may substitute (V.16) and in the second
E = Rµανβ R(1)µανβ line use (V.18) to eliminate the Qµ2 ν2 terms and its
 (1) (1)µν µi νi µj νj  (1) 2 µi νi µj νj three cyclic permutations. The triple trace gives
− 4 Rµν R + R (V.15)
δα1 β1 δα2 β2 δα3 β3 S3α1 β1 α2 β2 α3 β3 (p1 , p2 , p3 ) p =−(p +p ) =

the second functional derivative of the topological den- 3 1 2
sity in flat space, after Fourier transform. One can  2 2
16α p1 p2 − (p1 · p2 ) . 2


We use these expressions to derive the structure of the
3-wave interaction in the form
1 µ1 ν1
S3µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 = π (p1 ) δα1 β1 S3α1 β1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 +
1 µ2 ν2
π (p2 ) δα2 β2 S3µ1 ν1 α2 β2 µ3 ν3
+ π µ3 ν3 (p3 ) δα3 β3 S3µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 α3 β3 −
1 µ1 ν1
π (p1 ) π µ3 ν3 (p3 ) δα1 β1 δα3 β3 S3α1 β1 µ2 ν2 α3 β3 −
1 µ2 ν2
π (p2 )π µ3 ν3 (p3 ) δα2 β2 δα3 β3 S3µ1 ν1 α2 β2 α3 β3 −
1 µ1 ν1
π (p1 )π µ2 ν2 (p2 )δα1 β1 δα2 β2 S3α1 β1 α2 β2 µ3 ν3 +
1 µ1 ν1
π (p1 )π2µ2 ν2 (p2 )π µ3 ν3 (p3 ) δα1 β1 δα2 β2 δα3 β3
FIG. 2 Mixing in four-point functions
S3α1 β1 α2 β2 α3 β3 . (V.20)

The nonlocal EGB theory has a structure that at tri-

linear level in the fluctuations, similarly to the case 1
of the nonlocal anomaly actions, can be depicted as S = lim [VE (g, d) − VE (g, 4)] =
d→4 (d − 4)
in Fig. 1. The vertex of the 3-wave is organized in Z Z 
1 d d−4 4
terms of longitudinal insertions of massless states on lim d xµ E4 − d x E4 . (VI.1)
d→4 (d − 4)
each of the weavy lines, in a sequence of single, double
and triple insertions. The dark blob at the center de-
Notice that the subtraction introduced above differs
notes the polynomial contributions coming from the
by Weyl invariant terms from (II.8) [5, 11] and it re-
functional derivatives of the Euler-Poincarè density.
produces, in the flat spacetime limit, the usual reg-
Each of the π µν projectors introduces a massless pole
ularization approach of DR with ḡ → δ, as applied,
in momentum space, identified from the expression
ordinarily, to momentum space. The subtraction is
1 µν needed in order to account for the 0/0 evanescent
π µν = π̂ µν = δ µν p2 − pµ pν

π̂ (V.21) contributions that, as we have already mentioned,
are present in the differentiation of VE with open in-
which induce nonlocal corrections on each of the exter- dices. The derivation of the conformal constraints,
nal gravitational metric fluctuations hµν . This picture in this case, can be adapted from [17], where it has
gets modifed when we move to the case of 4-wave in- been shown that these constraints can be directly ex-
teractions. In that case the nonlocal action and hence- tracted from the counterterms introduced to regulate
forth Fig. 2 does not provide the correct expression of the quantum corrections coming from a conformal sec-
the vertices, and one has to resort to a perturbative tor. One may organize the contribution to the 4-point
expansion. While the specific features of these vertices vertex (4-wave interaction) in terms of a sequence of
can always be obtained by the brute force expansion anomaly poles and of a traceless contribution ("0-
of the VE term around flat space to fourth order, there trace") derived from a consistent longitudinal/trans-
are some uncommon features that are typical of the verse decomposition of the 4-graviton interaction
expansion, as in the cubic case. The vertex can be
reshuffled in an interesting way around flat space, as S µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ) =
µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4
we are now going to show. Spole (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 )+
µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4
S0−trace (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ). (VI.2)

the expression of S0−trace is given below in (VI.4). It

is worth mentioning that the subtraction in (VI.1) is
necessary in order to have a finite functional varia-
tion with respect to the metric fluctuation in the limit
d → 4, as also pointed out in [20, 21]. This fact is
Also in this case, as for conformal anomaly actions, reflected in the presence of an evanescent 0/0 piece,
we perform a subtraction of the form due to Lovelock tensor identities, that can be elim-

inated once the subtraction (VI.1) is taken into ac- tives as
count. There is a difference in the handling expres-
sions such as (VI.1), due to this subtle behaviour, p1 β1 S4α1 β1 α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ) =
if we perform functional derivatives with respect to
= 4 B α1λ1 βα1 2 β2 α3 β3 (p2 , p3 )
the metric either with uncontracted or contracted in-
dices. For instance, a differentiation with respect to
S2λ1 β1 α4 β4 (p1 + p2 + p3 , p̄4 ) + (34) + (24)
the φ commutes with the limit in (VI.1), and indeed h
reproduces the anomaly contribution in (IV.2), but a + 2 C α1λ1 βα1 2 β2 (p2 )
differentiation with open indices, followed by the flat i
Minkowski limit g → δ, needs special care. If we in- S3λ1 β1 α3 β3 α4 β4 (p1 + p2 , p3 , p̄4 ) + (23) + (24) . (VI.5)
clude the subtraction given in (VI.1) we can follow
in the 4d EGB the same approach implemented in the We have defined the transverse traceless projector
case of a conformal anomaly action. In (VI.2) the zero
trace part has the property 1 µ ν  1
αβ = πα πβ + πβµ παν − π µν παβ , (VI.6)
µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 2 d−1
δµi νi S0−trace (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ) = 0,
i = 1, 2, 3, 4, (VI.3) and the tensor
pµ pν
1 pα
The explicit expression of S0−trace requires the inclu- Iαµν = 2 pµ δαν + pν δαµ − (δ µν + (d − 2) 2 .
sion of suitable projectors separating the tensorial in- p d−1 p
dices into transverse traceless, trace and longitudinal (VI.7)
sectors, introduced in the analysis of the CWIs for 4T
On the other hand, the pole part is then explicitly
correlators in momentum space. This contribution, in
given as
the context of the action functional (VI.1), and more
generally, of conformally anomaly actions, has been S µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 )poles =
shown to be necessary in order to generate consistent
π µ1 ν1 (p1 )
conservation WIs, as also discussed in [16]. We have = δα1 β1 S4α1 β1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 )+
S µ1 ν1 µ2 ν2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 )0−trace = π µ1 ν1 (p1 ) π µ2 ν2 (p2 )
(perm.) − δα1 β1 δα2 β2 ×
3 3

= Iαµ11 ν1 (p1 )Iαµ22 ν2 (p2 )Iαµ33 ν3 (p3 ) × S4α1 β1 α2 β2 µ3 ν3 µ4 ν4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ) + (perm.)
Iαµ44 ν4 (p4 ) p1β1 p2β2 p3β3 p4β4 π µ1 ν1 (p1 ) π µ2 ν2 (p2 ) π µ3 ν3 (p3 )
+ δα2 β2 δα1 β1 δα2 β2 δα3 β3
 3 3 3
+ Πµα11νβ11 (p1 )Iαµ22 ν2 (p2 )Iαµ33 ν3 (p3 ) S4α1 β1 α2 β2 α3 β3 µ4 ν4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ) + (perm.)
 π µ1 ν1 (p1 ) π µ2 ν2 (p2 ) π µ3 ν3 (p3 ) π µ4 ν4 (p4 )
Iαµ44 ν4 (p4 ) p2β2 p3β3 p4β4 + (perm.) − ×
3 3 3 3
 × δα1 β1 δα2 β2 δα3 β3 δα4 β4 S4α1 β1 α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ),
+ Πµα11νβ11 (p1 )Πµα22νβ22 (p2 )Iαµ33 ν3 (p3 ) (VI.8)

µ4 ν4 where the single trace is expressed in terms of the third
Iα4 (p4 ) p3β3 p4β4 + (perm.)
functional derivative

+ Πµα11νβ11 (p1 )Πµα22νβ22 (p2 )Πµα33νβ33 (p3 ) δα1 β1 S4α1 β1 α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 ) =
√ α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4
 8 −gE (p2 , p3 , p4 )
µ4 ν4
Iα4 (p4 ) p4β4 + (perm.) 
− 2 S3α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4 (p1 + p2 , p3 , p4 )+
S4α1 β1 α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4 (p1 , p2 , p3 , p̄4 ), (VI.4)
S3α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4 (p2 , p1 + p3 , p4 )+
where the contractions are expressed in terms of the 
contribution of the third and second functional deriva- S3α2 β2 α3 β3 α4 β4 (p2 , p3 , p1 + p4 ) , (VI.9)

and additional traces involve vertices of lower orders.

VII. CONCLUSIONS in reproducing the correct flat spacetime limit. The
constraints that we have derived are satisfied also in
the case of Lovelock actions. Indeed it is possible to
In this work we have investigated the nonlinear con- generalize them to those cases where topological in-
straints emerging in a nonlocal 4d EGB theory for the variants of higher orders, such as E6 , E8 and so on,
3- and 4-point classical interactions present in its fun- are present, extending the approach outlined in this
damental action. They are hierarchical and directly work. We hope to return to this point in a future
linked to to the topological properties of the vertex study.
VE and its subtracted expression V̂E0 , valid in d 6= 4 Acknowledgements
and d = 4 dimensions respectively. We thank Riccardo Tommasi for discussions. This
The analysis is essentially built on several previous work is partially supported by INFN within the In-
studies of conformal anomaly actions, that allow to iziativa Specifica QFT-HEP. The work of C. C. and
identify some nontrivial features of this specific 4d the- M. C. is funded by the European Union, Next Gener-
ory. Among these, the presence of bilinear mixing in ation EU, PNRR project "National Centre for HPC,
the graviton vertices and of extra, traceless contribu- Big Data and Quantum Computing", project code
tions, which are not predicted by the nonlocal action CN00000013 and by INFN iniziativa specifica QFT-
as we move to 4-wave interactions. The nonlocal ver- HEP. The work of M.C. is also supported by a PON
sion of such a theory, as pointed out, is derived by a fellowship DOT1312457-3. M. M. M. is supported
finite renormalization of the topological density, that by the European Research Council (ERC) under the
allows to remove the dilaton from the spectrum by ex- European Union as Horizon 2020 research and in-
pressing it in terms of the full metric. Three-wave in- novation program (grant agreement No818066) and
teractions are naturally derived from the nonlocal ac- by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German
tion, but the derivation of the hierarchical constraint Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence
satisfied by the four-wave interactions requires a dif- Strategy EXC-2181/1 - 390900948 (the Heidelberg
ferent approach, given the limitations of such actions STRUCTURES Cluster of Excellence).

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