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[Informed Consent for the Study on Experiences of the Students, Teachers and Principals in
the Implementation of the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education Program for the Province of
Negros Occidental]

[Name of Principal Investigator: Dr. Judy Ann O. Ferrater-Gimena]

[Name of Organization: University of Cebu]
[Name of Proposal: Experiences of the Students, Teachers and Principals in the
Implementation of the K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education Program for the Province of
Negros Occidental]

This Informed Consent Form has two parts:

 Information Sheet (to share information about the research with you)
 Certificate of Consent (for signatures if you agree to take part)

You will be given a copy of the full Informed Consent Form

PART I: Information Sheet

The University of Cebu is one of the successful grantees of the Discovery- Applied Research
and Extension for Trans/ Inter- Disciplinary Opportunities (DARE TO) Grant-in- Aid by the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the research project entitled: “The Region 7 and
Negros Island Region K to 12 Implementation Experience: A Proposed Learning Management
System” as per notice to proceed issued by CHED. In this project, the University of Cebu- Main
Campus is the lead institution, with Silliman University (Dumaguete City), Holy Name University
(Tagbilaran City) and University of San Jose Recoletos (Cebu City) as collaborating higher education
institutions. In line with this, we are inviting you to be an interviewee/participant of this investigation
and request you to spare few minutes of your time for a focus group discussion/interview at your
convenient time and place. However, you do not have to decide immediately whether or not you will
participate in this investigation since you are allowed to ask permission from school
authorities/parents/guardians or consult anyone in which you are comfortable with about the research.
If there are contents in the interview guide that you do not understand and find ambiguous then feel
free to contact and inform the researcher. Rest assured that all the answers/responses that you will
provide will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Purpose of the research

The implementation of K to 12 Enhanced Basic Education System in the Philippines has carved
various reactions among the important stakeholders such as the students, being the primary subject of
this program, as well as the principals and teachers, who are implementer of the program. This
investigation aims to explore the experiences of the principals, teachers, and students in schools that
offer Senior High School program in the Province of Negros Occidental .

Type of Research Intervention

This research involves focus group discussion/interview using online platform such as but not
limited to Zoom, Google meet, Videocall, etc.

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