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COURSE: IELTS Fighter Target 6.

Speaking 7 WORK

I. Part 1-style questions


1. What do you do?

At the moment, I am a student, but I also do some voluntary work at my university, from which I can gain a lot of
precious experience.

Voluntary work /ˈvɒləntri/: work without pay

To gain experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/

2. Do you have any career plan yet?

Yes I have, I would like to be self-employed one day because I am not fond of a nine-to-five job. I hope that I can
run a shop that sells clothes and accessories.

To be self-employed/ be your own boss: to have your own business

A nine-to-five job: a normal job that consists of an 8-hour working time a day

3. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years time?

10 years later I hope to have a well-paid job with many perks and good working conditions. Besides, it would be
great if I could get promoted. I hope to have job satisfaction then.

Well-paid job: a job with high salary

Perk /pɜːk/: an extra benefit you get from a job (phụ cấp/phúc lợi ngoài lương)

Working conditions: the hours, salary and other things that come with the job

To get promoted /prəˈməʊtid/: to be given a higher position

Job satisfaction /ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn/: the feeling of enjoying a job (sự hài lòng trong công việc)

II. Part 2-style questions


Describe the job you would most like to have. You should say:
- what this job would be
- which qualifications you would need
- whether it would be easy to find work and
explain why you would like to have this job most.

Everyone has their dream job, and I am no exception. Since I was a little boy, it has been my dream to work as a
human resources manager in a big company.
To prepare for my career, I have gained a bachelor in business administration, and I am about to do a master
degree in the field, in which I will specialize in human resources management to gain necessary knowledge and
Generally, working in human resources field is likely to be well paid. But it would be challenging for me to find work
because the position will require high level of qualifications and large amount of experience .
I really want to have the job because I am fond of working with other people, organizing people to work together
and leading them to boost the productivity.

Human resources (HR) /ˌhjuːmən rɪˈsɔːsɪz/: department in a company that deals with employing and training
people (nhân sự)
Business administration /ˈbɪznəs ədmɪnɪsˈtreɪʃn/: the study of how to manage a business (quản trị kinh doanh)
To do a bachelor/master... degree in...: lấy bằng cử nhân/thạc sỹ...về lĩnh vực gì
To specialise in /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/: chuyên sâu về lĩnh vực gì
Well-paid /ˌwel ˈpeɪd/: earning a good salary (lương cao)
Boost the productivity /buːst/ /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvəti/= increase work efficiency (tăng năng suất lao động)
II. Part 3-style questions


1. If there are a limited number of jobs available who should be given priority, young people or older people
with more experience?
I believe that it should be young workers. Although young people cannot possess a rich source of knowledge like
the elderly does, they are full of energy, then can motivate other coworkers to work harder, which could have a
good effect on the company. Additionally, recent years older workers tend to take early retirement, then job
vacancies are always available for young people.

To possess a rich source of knowledge: có vốn kiến thức sâu rộng

To take early retirement: to retire early 

A job vacancy: a job that is available for somebody to do

2. What are the disadvantages of working for someone else?

The first thing is people being an employee will be put under a lot of pressure. For instance, the workers will have
heavy workloads and always have to work to meet the deadlines, which is really stressful. In addition, working for
someone means you will have less time to relax and be with your family.

To put sb under pressure: gây áp lực cho ai

A heavy workload: a lot of work to do

To meet a deadline: to finish a job on time (hoàn thành đúng hạn)

3.What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?

There has been a tendency for people to start their own businesses. The “start-up” community is now more alive
than ever, even college students launch their start-up businesses. Even though there is a high failure rate of start-
up businesses, people still start to take risk and put their ideas into creation.

To start one's own business/ to launch one's start up business: thành lập công ty riêng

Start-up /ˈstɑːt ʌp/: a newly-established company (khởi nghiệp)


Part 1-style questions

1. Do you work or are you a student?

2. Do you enjoy your job?

3. What's the best thing about your job?


1. I’m a qualified doctor, but at the moment I’m studying English so that I can work in this country.

2. Yes, I really enjoy my job. Ever since I was a child I have always wanted to be a doctor; I’ve always wanted
to be able to help people.

3. The best thing about my job is that I can make a difference in people’s lives. It’s a great feeling to see
someone recover after an illness because my colleagues and I were able to help.

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