Handout 10

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1. Simple Curve
2. Compound Curve
3. Reverse Curve
4. Spiral Curve


• Simple Curve – a circular arc extending from one tangent to the next.
• Point of Curvature (PC) – point where the curve leaves the back tangent (first tangent).
• Point of Tangency (PT) – point where the curve joins the forward tangent (second tangent).
• Intersection Angle (I) – angle of intersection of tangents.
• Vertex or Point of Intersection (V or PI) – intersection of back tangent and forward tangent.
• Tangent Distance/Line (T) – distance from vertex to the PC or PT.
• Chord Distance (C) / Long Chord – Line connecting PC and PT.
• External Distance (E) – distance form the vertex to the curve.
• Middle Ordinate (M) – line joining the middle of the curve and the middle of the chord.


T = R tan (I/2)

C = 2R Sin(I/2)

M = R [1 – Cos (I/2)]

E = R [Sec (I/2) – 1]

D = 1145.916/R

L = RI (π/180°)

L = I (20/D)

Deflection Angle = Central Angle /2


1. A simple curve connects two tangents AB and BC with bearing N 84° E and S 65° E, respectively. If the
stationing of the vertex is 4+362 and the stationing of PC is 4+285, determine the following:
a.) Radius of the curve
b.) The external distance
c.) The middle ordinate
d.) Chord Distance
e.) The length of the curve

2. A simple curve has a central angle of 38 degrees and a degree of curve of 5 degrees. Find the following:
a.) The external distance
b.) The middle ordinate
c.) If the stationing of the PC is at 11+025, compute the stationing of a point on the curve which intersects with
the line making a deflection angle of 6 degrees with the tangent passing through the PC.

3. It is required to layout a simple curve by deflection angles. The curve is to connect two tangents with an
intersection angle of 32° and a radius of 240 m. If the transit is set up at the P.C. which is at station 5+767.2,
what is the stationing of the P.T.

4. A 5° curve intersects a property line CD, at point D. The back tangent intersects the property line at point C
which is 105.720 m from the PC which is at station 0+612.690. The angle that the property line CD makes with
the back tangent is 110°50’.
a) Determine the distance CD.
b) Determine the stationing at CD.

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