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Multiplication and division In this unit you will: ‘multiply ond divide mentally ‘¢ multiply ond divide numbers using waitten methods «ind multiples and factors of numbers including commen factors «ind prime, square and cube numbers ‘© multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 00 andl 1900 solve multiplication and clvision problems How many bananas ‘re there on the stall? can see more boxes ‘under the stall. How ‘mony bananas are there altogether? Tecan see 9x5 hares in each box. That ic 45 cherries. How many boxes of cherries re there? So how many cherries ‘xe there altogether? How mony pieces of rut are there altogether? Ey Wars ttes EG Muttiptication table facts Een recy 1 How quickly can you solve these multiplication and division calculations? a Bx4= i 63576 b 7x3= jo 3x6= © 5495 kK osx7= d 3x95 1 30-6- © s6= m 15 4= f 4x96 np 25:5= 9 30235 0 8xa= hosxB= p 8l-9= Time taken: 2. Use your knowledge of multiplication and division facts to answer these problems 2 Kholid scored 30 runsin 6 cricket match, osif scored six times as many runs. How many runs did Qasif score? b__Nulahos a collection of 80 stamps. Horriet has five times es many stamps. How many stamps does Harsiet have? Key words + inverse operations ‘+ multiplication and Givision facts ‘Aska partnerto time youos you solve the calculations. know that 6% 3 = 18. ‘Thishelps me to colculowe6 x 30. LoJsiNp pue uoneandnInW £ € sao con write 20 words in minute This means Tneed 10 Sue can write three times os many words in a minute as Jiao. ReRS ot! How many words can Sue writein @ minute? 4 Paul has acollection of 150 tay cars ie He divides the cars into five equal groups. How many cars are in each group? e Sommi has 240 counters. ‘She divides the counters into eight equal piles How many counters are in each pile? f Paulohas acollection of 20 seashells. Freddie has nine times as many seashells os Paulo, How many sea shalls does Freddie have? Nine times as many means x9. Sod Write a multiplication or division word problem with the answer 240, ssFormore practcs, oo to Fratice Book § page M4. © divisor ‘© multiplication and Play this game with a partner. division facts Take itin tums to ploy. Follow these steps (°] /elB) Begins You need a set of digit J cards 0-9 with on extra ‘© Choose three cards from the set of digit cards shown above Ocard. ‘and make 0 3-digit number. '¢ Try to moke @ number that you can divide by one or more of, the numbers 2,3,5and 8 @ Youscore: Divisors game | point ifyou can divide the number by 2 2 points if you can divide the number by 5 3 points if you can divide the number by 3 picked 3,4 and 5. points if you can divide the number by & ee Have aight turns eoch. Record your results in the table. haces es Player I name: Player 2 name: sol can divide itby 5.All ‘the digits edd to make ‘c multiple of 3 so Ican Number divide itby 3.1 cannot divide itby 20r8.1score total of 5 points. Total score Total score Write four 3-digit numbers that each score a total of 10 points. sFor more practice got Practice Book S pane 43 LUojsinip pue uoneondiainw & 3B Factors and multiples @ Factors and multiples puzzle \Wiite the numberson the cords below in the corect postions in dence ‘thatable. ‘You may need to move the numbers around, SOE) 88808 < o- I Only one number can go into each section! ‘© Work with a partner. Discuss where each number should go. ‘© There is more than one possible answer. Multiple of 3 | Factor of24 | Multipleofs | Factor of36 | common factor Even number (Odd number Multiple of 4 Factor of 120 a Write twa mare numbers in each section of the table. BYP Te mtd Explore Kay words ‘© muttiie BB Factor pairs and common factors « factor ‘¢ common multiple '¢ common factor Factors come in poirs. To find the factor pairs of a number, start with land the number itsel{ Then try 2, then 3, and so ‘on until there are no more possible numbers. ‘The diagram shows the | 6 factors of18.The factor pairs are opposite each other. 1 Investigate the factor pois for these numbers. Complete the table. The fist ones done for you. Number Factor pairs Factors Number of factors 2 Vand 20, 2 0nd (0, 4and 5S 1,2, 4, 6,10, 20 6 2 2 2B s 5 = 5 “ i » 5 3B Factors and multiples Worked example Ihave arcled all the Look at these lists of factors. ‘common factors of 18 ‘and 24 Factors of'8 |1@ODO 6 Factorsof 24 |1@D4 Os 12 24 2,3 and 6 appear in both lists. They are called common. factors. 2 Find the factors of each number. Circle the common factorsof each poir of numbers. Factors of 20 Start by finding all the Factors of 25 factor pairs for each 4 umber. Then arrange Factors of 15, the factors into order, smallastto largest. Factors of 8 Factors of 2 Factors of 26 Factors of 8 Factors of 26 Factors of 26 Factors of 42 Factors of 36 Factors of I ) Stretch zone What is different about the answer to question f? Con you explain the reason why? For more practice, goto Pracice Book 5, age 47 3C Using known facts to multiply (Discover: Key words BB cames of known facts ‘¢ multiples of 10 7 f¢ known facts ag Ploy this game with a partner. ade ie Each choose ¢ colour. You each need |2 counters in your © Take iv in twins to pick two of the numbers below. © Multiply the two numbers together. ‘© Write the multiplication and the answerin your notebook. © Cover each number that you use with a counter. You cannot use covered numbers again =e © Continue until you have covered all the numbers. then 8x 90 = 720. ‘© Your score isthe sum of the answers to your multiplications. ‘© The winneris the player with the highest total. 7 1 70 6 10 9 3 so ae 2 ey 6 80 a 2 30 i = 7 s = ° ra 40 ; 40 : 8 8 ° 3C Using known facts to mul 2 Play another game with your partner. Use two sets of digit carde with the even numbers 0-8. © Use your digit cards to make five different 2-digit numbers. Multiply each of your numbers by 25, using this strategy: multiply by 100 then divide by 4. ly Imade 23. Number: 28 x100=2800. Multiply by 25: Half of 2800 ~ 1400, holf of 400 = 700, 60 2825 = 700 Number: Multiply by 25: Number: Mutuply by 25: you prefer, you can halve and halve again Number first and then multiply by 100. Multiply by 25: Number: Multiply by 25: HE]> reeonmeajan tise ing tnumber ‘Look at the game on page SI. What is the highest possible total score in thisgame? |x For more practice, goto Practice Book 5. page 48. 3C Using known facts to mult BB Use what you already know 1 Play this ladder game with partner © Take turns to pick card from a set of digit cards 1-9. © Choose to multiply the number by either 19 or 2. © Write youranswer on. sticky note. © On each turn, stick your answer on a step of the ladder. Your answers must come in order, with the smallest number Ct the bottom and the largest number at the top. ‘= If you cannot place your answer, put it next to the bin, The player with the most numbers on the ladder wins. Key words ‘© multiples of 10 © known facts Use amental method to solve your calculations. picked 7. calculated 7x19, 1 know that 720140, s01 subtracted a7 to find 7x10= 133, tthe end of the game, vate all your numbers in ‘order on the ladder. vojsivp pue uoneandnin & Sea aru nce M07 2 Complete the table. The first cow is done for you. Tomultiply by 4, jumber Multiply by 4 Multiply by double and then double again. 9 [982-18 Bx 2-96 |9x39=27,27%2-54 Answer: 36 Answer: 54 8 Answer: Answer: Tomultiply by 6, 6 multiply by 3 Answer: Answer: ond then double. 2 Answer: Answer: 4 Answer: Answer: a Answer: Answer: - 6 Answer: Answer: 5 Answer: Answer: 2 Answer: Answer: Explain how to calculate IS x18 using mental methods. ‘sFor more practice gp to Practice Book 5 page 49, Eder Tat erate Mar cl) } Match doubles and halves 1 Match each numberwith 2. Match each number with itsdouble. itsholt a 182 m4 eS know that 164s double 82. Doubling 5 p> eB o EA ‘operations, so 82:must 7 zi es 2S behalfof 4. “© v8 » \@ > » Gs - 2 is oe co 2 ® ® ® > om - 2 & = » ® ® ® Write three odd 3-cigit numbers. Halve them. What do you notice? Why does this happen? 1s For mere practice go to Practice Book 5 page 50 Uuojsiip pue uoneandainw ¢ 3D Doubling and halving €§¥ Double and halve multiples of 10 and 100 Complete the table with the doubles and halves of mutiples of !Oand 100. Number Double Halve it! Double 24 is 48, s0 240 double 240 is 480. 360 720 540, 490 70 160 640 1400 2300 ‘know that double pon) 70s 40. _— 6Bis2less than 70 so double 63 will have ‘4900 double this difference. Double 68 is 136. 5200 Thishelpsme to work ‘out double 6800. 3500 6300 Stretch zone Explain your strategy for doubling and halving multiples of 10 te a partner. 1 For more practic, go to Practice Book 5, page 1. 3E Written methods for multiplying ‘Multiply large numbers Follow these steps tomoke two different multiplications. + Pickthroe cards from a set of digit cards 0-9. © Make a 3-digit number. # Pickanother card. ‘* Multiply your 3-digit number by the fourth number you picked. picked 5, 2and6, then Worked example picked 7.1 made the calculation 526 x7, Coleulavon:| 56 |x| 7 Estimate:| 500 x 7 = 3600 My workings: 526 x2 3682 ue Estimate your answer before you workit out Coteulation x Cateulation:| | Estimates Estimotes My workings: My workings: Lused mental methods to find the answer to 526 «7. 7 500 = 3500; 7 20 = MG; 76 = 42. 1added these together to get 3682. Show how to use a mental method for one of your calculations. 1s Formore practes, goto Practice Book 5 page 52 3E Written methods for multiplying Multiplication problems Solve these problems using o written method. Show your workingsin the table. Seer + The fistone is dane for you. Problem Answer I Sahil collects stamps ina | Estimate: 36 x 100 = 3600 stampalbum. His album ee pages Oneech | Workings: 36 x 90 page there are 98 stamps. How many stamps dees 90} 8 he havealtogether? 30 |z700} 240 [2940] 6 | so] 48 | sae} Answer: 2940 + 588 = 3628 2 Bethanyhas 28 bagsof | Estimate: shells. Each bag has 125 shells inside it. Howmany | Workings: shells does Bethany have altogether? Answer: 3. Thomas packs boxes Estimate: of biscuits. He packs 36 : packets of biscutsinto | Workings each box. He packs 72 boxes. How mony packets of biscuits does he pack in total? Answer: Een esac mutate) Problem TF Answer 4 Astore receives 285 crates | Estimate: of cola. In each crate thare ‘re 48 cans. How many cans are there altogether? co Answer Workings: 5 Sam delivers 28 boxes of | Estimate: books to library.In each box there are [35 books. How many books does Sam deliver? Workings: 6 Onc football, thereare20 | Estimate: white hexagonal panels ‘and 12 block pentagonal panels, How many hexagonol panels ore there altogether, ina bag of IS identical footballs? Workings: Answer: Write a similor word problem fore part 1s Formore practice, 90 to Practice Book S pane 58. uo}siyp pue uoneondiinn £ 3F Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 €B Muttipty by powers of 10 | Follow these steps five times to complete the table. © Pick two cards from a set of digit cares 0-9. Make a 2-cigit number with one decimal place. © Write your number in the frst column ofthe table, then complete the ron. Startnumber x10 | xlo0 x 1000 36 36 360 3600 2. Follow these steps five times to complete the table. © Pick three digit cards. Moke o 3-digit whole number. ‘© Write your number in the fist column of the table, then complete the row. Startnumber x10 x 100 x 1000 257 2570 | 25700 | 257000 Work with a partner. Together, write a rule for how to use a place-value grid to 0 multiply decimals and whole numbers by multiples of 10. 1s Formore practice goto Practice Book 5. page 54 Key words place-value grid decimal point decimal place power of 10 ‘picked 3 and 6 and made 26 Ipicked 7, 2and 5. Imade moke 257. B Divide by powers of 10 1 Follow these steps five times to.complete the table © Pick three cards from a set of digit cords 0-9. Makeo 3-digit ‘umber with one dacimal place. ‘© Write your numberin the first column of the table then complete the row. ‘Start number 0 +100 +1000 3.6 936 0.936 0.0936 2 Follow these steps five times to complete the table. complete the row. Start number +100 2574 27 ‘© Pick four digit cards. Make a 4-digit whole number, ‘© Write your number in the frst column of the table, then 1000 257% ssFormore practice, goto Practice Book S page SS. Work with o partner. Together, write a rule for how to use a place-value grid to divide decimal numbers and whole numbers by powers of 10. Key words place-value grid decimal point decimal place power of 10 Ipicked3, 6 and 9. Imade 93.6 Ipicked 7, 2,5 and 4. Imade make 2576 ojsinip pue woneandninw £ 3Gwi Remainders score points! Play this game with a partner. Follow the steps two times. ‘© Pick three cards each from a set of digit cards 0-9 Make a 3-digit umber © Pick another card each, © Divide your 3-digit number by the fourth number you picked. Estimate your answer fist. ‘© Youcan score points each tum. If your division has a remaindey, thats the number of points you score. PERL ‘The winner isthe player with the most points after two tums. Worked example ‘My workings: Cards picked:| 2 | 3 | 8 Jona] 5 56r3 Ee £ i283 in _ Fs Bq 25 ly division has a aoaeoe| 283 8 33 remainder of 3,50 [score Fc 29 3 points! Cards picked: Jona] ] Cards picked lond Caleulation, | Calculation: Estimate, Estimate: My workings: My workings: Can you change the order ofthe digits in any of your calculations to gain ‘more points? For example, 283 + 5 = 56 73, but 325 +8 = 40/5. Formore practice. goto Practice Book 5. page 56 Be Cini Division problems Solve these word problems. Ashley puts tins of beons in boxes. He has 2125 tins, Each box holds & tins. How many boxes does he need? Did you round your answer up or down: why? Beverly has a box of 120 books. ‘She puts the books on shelves. ‘She puts seven books on each shelf. How many sheives does she use?| Did you round your answer up or down: Why? Manni hos 1460 potatoes. He puts them in bags of eight. How many bags does he need?| Did you round your answer up or down? why? Rachel makes bracelets. She has 2218 beads. She puts 9 beads on each bracelet. How many bracelets can she make? Did you round your answer up or down? why? Key words ‘© round up ‘= round down Do you need to round ‘the answer up or down? E 5 3G Written methods for dividing Explore (continued), ‘ay Work with a partner 2 ‘My frst problems: 5 Make up some grouping problems. anh rai 986 songs. She saves: '* Give your problems to your partner to solve. Problem k them on her smartphone with 8 songs in each ploulist. How many playlists does she have?” Problem 2: Problem 3: ‘Write a general rule to explain when to round your answers up and when to round them down. 1 Formore practice, go to Practice Boake, page 57 B Discover prime numbers A prime numbers o number with two factors: Vond the number ise Al other numbers oe called composite numbers Erotosthenes was on oncient Grek mathematician He developed a method of finding prime numbers that we now call 4isacompasite number because ithas more than ‘two factors: 1,2 and 4. Sis a prime number bbacause it has only two theseve of Ertesthenes factors land. | Followtheseinstructions ona 00-square. A Portrait of Step |is done for you. Eratosthenes Step Drow acc around 2 Cross ut all the matiplosof 2inthe 10 square. Step 2: Draw a cicle oround 3.Cioss out allthemultples 3 TOE ER ee ‘Step 3: 4 is already crossed out, so draw a circle uJ B 15 7 '9 around 5Crossout all the multiples of. a oe f23 [325 [>«] 27 [pe 29 ‘Step 4: 6 is already crossed out, so draw a dircle a 33] 35) 37] 39) around 7. Cros ut all the multiples 7 apex |S )pe 7 Pe] a9 Youore eft with al the prime numbers between s1}5e]53[3< 3556) 57 | 52 Fand 100. él 63 | 65) 67] 69| 912 complete this sentence aibelralelosibel77 bel r9 A prime numbers is, 81134] 63] 34] 851 54) 67 | Bd] 89 | ca toap><] o7 pe] 99 close was your estimate? ‘inte the prime numbers between 0 and 20. Estimate how many prime ‘numbers there are between 100 and |20. Find out the actual number. How Do you think lisa prime number? Expioin your answer. Lvojsinp pue uoneandainn ctu icd Complete the table below. We call factors that ae ‘ore prime numbers Number | Factors Prime orcomposite | ¢ prime factors. 1 Allcomposite numbers ‘are the product of prime | factors. For example, 28isthe 22 product of 2x2x7 so its prime factors are 2,2 1.2.36 Composite ae Remember: every prime umber is the product of 265 ‘wo prime factors: and the number itself. 13,515 Lig Slelalslaiae)a)5) =|5\ele|viaulelwln|— Areal prime numbers odd? Ave all odd numbers prime? sFormore precice, goto Practice Book 5 page 59. EL ES TET Rat) ers BBe square and cube patterns 1 Lookt this parton Key words ‘© square numbers ‘= cube numbers () —_—_—— Colour the next shape in the pattern. to thetenth shape. a ‘Complete the table to show the number of coloured small ‘squares in each shape of the patter. zx Use squored poper to continue the pattem up Boeewien| | [2 [2]*]s]6 Number ofsquares| | | 4 | 9 | 6 | 4 What do you notice about oll the shopes you have made? ‘These numbers ore called squore numbers. We write square, numbers using a superscript. 3 squared is3x3=90r3?= 9. 2 Look at this pattern of cubes. Use cubes to continue the pattern. b Compleernerable wshowne ZD ‘number of cubes in each shape. ‘We write cube numbers using @ superscript 2eubed s2x 2x 20r2". Shape | Numberof | Number of | Number of | Total number of cubes: number | cubeshigh cubeswide | cubesdeep | (cubenumbers) Il 1 ' 1 IxtePet 2x2x20r2=8 sFormore practice, oo Practice Book page 60 Renanqeemniananmnnentoes_ | Write all the squore numbers and all the cube numbers between 10 and 100. Uuo}siajp pue uonesndniny ¢ 31 Square and cube numbers ‘Square and cube problems | ilin the missing numbersin this pattern Do yousee a pattern in the answers? Con you Ee 2=9-4~ ‘describe what you sae? © @-P- | | a 5a _| =| 2 Continue the patter for all the square numbers to 10 e 7 = 1 3 White a sentence to describe the pattern in your answers. “4 What happens with cube aumbers Fill in the missing numbers. b 32 | . © ees | | d 5-4 | | 5 Wiite a sentence to describe the pattern in your answers. 6 What pattern do you think you wil see in the ‘answers to these calculations? O88 26-8, ‘Test your prediction. Were you correct? 31 Square and cube numbers 7. How many squores are there on a chess board? think there ore 64. tis 8 squares high and. squares wide. think there ore 65. 6é little squares and one big square all around theedge. ‘They are both wrong. How many squares can ‘you find? Show your ‘workings ed Discuss with @ partner a quick way to find all the squares. ESM rast) ing to solve problems (Discover, ey words & Recipes in proportion proportion scaling problem Heres a recipe for making squash dahl. i Serves 4 The original cecpe onion serves 4,0 to find the 2eleves of garlic Ingredients for 8 1double the amounts! 2315p curry powder Vetsp chill lakes ‘400g squash 300g lentils 250g tomatoes, | 2litres vagetable stock Servewith two naan breads. Write the ingredients to serve each number of peoplein the table below. 2people 8 people 1opeople Find a recipe for your favourite dish. Write @ similar scaling problem. Giveit to {@ partner to salve. 1 For more practice, goto Practes Book's page 62 3J Multiplying and dividing to solve problems Multiply and divide in real life Use your knowledge of calculating to solve these problams. | Chicken should be cooked for 20 minutes for every 500g, plus ‘an additional 20 minutes. For how long should you cook a large chicken with a mass of 25kg? ‘Show your workings. rrexvo soc ce = Ree tines ateawa podaploctusaian! nae 2 When you spend $10.00 in a supermarket you get afree packet of stickers. Thare are 6 stickers in @ packet. How much, do you need to spend to collect 100 stickers? 3 Tomake lemonade, you need four lomons for every 400ml of lemonade. How mony lemons do you need to buy 10 make Biites of lemonede? 4 Lemons cost I cents each. How ‘much will you spend on lemon? “To make concrete, you need | part cement, 2 parts sand and 4 parts aggregate. Write a scaling problem based on this ratio. 1 Formore practice, got Practice dook 5 page 65 uo}sinip pue wereoniinw & EMU lt tee lal Re uted) @ can multiply Conmest ed Peery Population problems Cu QO Workina group eee nena | Wiite three problems about the eee populations of three towns. At — eer test one problem must involve piss multiplication and at least one problem mustinvolve division. ‘Town A: Population 10625, Problem: The population of town is 5324.The population increases by half every 5 years. What will the population be in 0 years? ‘Town 8: Population 4752 Problem: ‘The population of my town is 5689. On average, five people vein each rob em, home. Approximately how mony homes are therein the town. ‘Town C: Population 15128 2. Swap your problems with another group and colve each ‘ther’ problems. Write a two-step word problem about one of the towns that involves both e ‘muluplicotion and division. Write the vecabulary ‘you know too. 1 Themind map below shows the topics you have worked on in this unit. ‘+ Write some examples next to each boxin the mind mop to show what you know. ‘Square and Multiplication andl cube numbers ‘vision ‘Multiply ond divide ] / by powers of 10 { Written strategies ‘Show your workings. 2 Inalarge dining hall, there are 24 rows of 9 square tobles. 2 people can sit along each side of each table. How many people can sitin the hall altogether?

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