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Department of Education

Region III – Central Luzon

Schools Division of Pampanga
Sto. Tomas, Sasmuan, Pampanga

4th Summative Test in English 7

Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _____________

A. Write T if the sentence tells something true about literary writing and academic writing, and an F if it
does not. Write the correct answers on your answer sheet.
______ 1. Literary writing is often called creative writing due to its inspired, artistic, and entertaining
way of writing.
______ 2. Academic writing is rigid, procedural, purely to convey, knowledge, data, and information.
_______ 3. Literary writing is orderly and organized and follows a formula.
______ 4. Literary and academic writings have the same characteristics and indicators of the elements
in practice and in operation.
_______ 5. Both literary and academic writing are forms of communication that consist of source, content,
channel, audience, and context.

B. For number 6-10: Read the following and answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the
correct answer on your answer sheet.

6. What three words best describe academic writing?

A. talented, stylish, inspiring C. precise, clear, objective
B. decisive, divisive, derisive D. subjective, obscure, vague

7. What are the purposes of academic writing?

A. to settle, negotiate, and inform
B. to defend, challenge, and question
C. to inform, persuade, and argue a specific point
D. to guess, hypothesize, and make conclusions

8. Which type of academic writing would this topic sentence best go with: “My best friend's freckled
face always has a glowing, crooked smile.”
A. persuasive C. expository
B. narrative D. descriptive

9. Which of the following sentences is a narrative?

A. The human body has a higher percentage of water.
B. The best season is fall because of its gorgeous changes.
C. During the mornings, I walk my two dogs around the neighborhood.
D. Extracurricular activities are a great way to hone on students‟ talents.

10. Which type of academic writing is used in this sentence? "You should drink a glass of milk at
each meal to build healthy bones."
A. persuasive C. expository
B. narrative D. descriptive

Match the following features of academic writing with their meanings. Write the letter of the correct
answer on your answer sheet.

Column A Column B
_____ 11. Complexity A. It uses simple and precise words to provide readers with
accurate and up-to-date information.
_____ 12. Formality B. Nouns should be used more often than verbs in academic
_____ 13. Organization C. Introduction (with thesis), body paragraphs (with topic
sentences), and conclusion (for an essay)
_____ 14. Objectivity D. Avoid using colloquial language and expressions in academic
_____ 15. Precision E. It requires the use of a greater number of grammatical

C. Read and analyze the following situations. Then, write the letter of the correct answer on your
answer sheet.

16. When you are discussing a lesson with a classmate and she/he is saying something that you do
not agree with, you __________
a. interrupt your classmate to let him or her know you disagree.
b. try to think about something else until your classmate stops talking.
c. are aware of your own feelings but listens to what your classmate has to say before responding.

17. When someone else is speaking, you should __________ to show that you understand.
a. react in a negative way
b. always give comments
c. give non-verbal communication cues

18. When speaking to a group of people, it is important to __________.

a. be well-informed on the topic.
b. be unmindful of what he/she is saying.
c. present information in an illogical way.

19. When you do not fully understand the instructions given to you by your teacher, you __________.
a. assume you will figure it out on your own.
b. nod your head in agreement so you do not waste your teacher‟s time.
c. ask your teacher to repeat the instructions so you are clear on what you need to do.

20. When your teacher is giving instructions or information to your group, he or she should ask one
from the class __________ to make sure everyone is clear on the task at hand.
a. do it his/her own way
b. change the given instructions
c. to repeat back what he/she has said

21. Someone who works well in a group must do the following except:
a. interrupts gently.
b. creates conflict to make the discussion interesting.
c. provides inputs and seeks the ideas of others in the group.

22. Shantel Rose wants to make a request, she must:

a. asks everyone to help her.
b. figures out who is able to help her.
c. seeks help from whoever she meets first.

23. When dealing with someone on the telephone, one must:

a. be impolite and discourteous.
b. listen only when he/she wants and tries to interrupt.
c. say the name of the organization and her name when she answers the phone.

24. When dealing with a difficult person __________

a. remain calm.
b. ignore the person.
c. tell him/her you will not talk to him/her anymore.
25. If someone is angry, you should __________ to respond effectively.
a. get angry
b. keep calm
c. walk away

D. In each of the following, read items A, B, and C, then check the letter of the best way to apply
interpersonal communication style. Write the letters of your answers on your answer sheet.

26. _____ A. When conversing with others, I usually do most of the talking.
_____ B. When conversing with others, I usually let the other person do most of the talking.
_____ C. When conversing with others, I try to equalize my participation in the conversation.

27. _____ A. When I first meet someone, I wait for the other person to make the
introduction first.
_____ B. When I first meet someone, I introduce myself with a smile and offer a handshake.
_____ C. When I first meet someone, I hug the person.

28. _____ A. I usually "warm-up" new conversations with small talk.

_____ B. I usually avoid small talk and jump into more important matters.
_____ C. I usually avoid starting conversations.

29. _____ A. I make an effort to remember and use peoples' names.

_____ B. I don't pay attention to names as I tend to forget them.
_____ C. I only learn the names of important people.

30. _____ A. I frequently use courtesy words and phrases - "Please," "Thank
you," "You're welcome," "I'm sorry."
_____ B. I occasionally use these courtesy words and phrases.
_____ C. I never use these courtesy words and phrases.

31. _____ A. I tend to be serious and don't smile often while conversing.
_____ B. I smile all the time while conversing.
_____ C. I smile at appropriate times while conversing

32. _____ A. I make eye contact while conversing.

_____ B. I sometimes make eye contact while conversing.
_____ C. I never make eye contact while conversing.

33. _____ A. While conversing, I hold my head still at all times.

_____ B. While conversing, I nod my head at appropriate times.
_____ C. While conversing, I nod my head constantly.

34. _____ A. While conversing, I stand one-foot away from the person.
_____ B. While conversing, I stand two-three feet away from the person.
_____ C. While conversing, I stand five-six feet away from the person.

35. _____ A. I often stand while talking to a person who is sitting.

_____ B. I often sit while talking to a person who is sitting.
_____ C. I often lean down while talking to a person who is sitting

Read the following sentences and identify the figure of speech used.
36 The thief was as sly as a fox. __________________

37. Upon explanation, the concept was as clear as crystal to Rahul. ________________

38. The soldier jumped on the enemies like a hungry lion. _______________________

39. The camel is the ship of the desert. __________________________

40. The dentist had a severe toothache. ___________________________

41. Mr Sharma thought the sweets were calling him. ___________________________

42. It seemed that the sky was going to cry the entire night. _______________________

43. I would forgive you when pigs can fly. _____________________

44. Man proposes God disposes. _______________________

45. What a piece of work is, man! _________________________

46. Death touched Miss David with its icy fingers. ___________________

47. Sheldon is a walking dictionary. ______________________

48. The sausages tasted awfully good. _____________________

49. Sheena was as proud as a peacock. ___________________

50. It has been raining cats and dogs for hours. _____________________

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