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professional ime 1-—-Listen and choose the right answer :- We are open daily . We are open from 9 to7 Yes , it does . No , it doesn't . Was there a bank near school? Was there a bank near hospital? ‘a> Who invented the ice cream? Who invented the sandwich? 2- Listen and complete :- Waitress Are you ready to order 7 Man What's today's Waitress Man I'm in the Woman It looks 3 - Choose the correct answer froma,b,cord: 1. They had two .. ..of cherry pie . HBB votes i si: TEI pieces HE aves Marwa said “ Father washed the car by ... Ta jouer HE herser TE ousseives i hinser 3 ans of lemon does they have ? EE How aia TR oe mony I How ten BI) How mucn Kareem ate two ...of apple pie . shoes TB pieces cans HE aves 5 When did Grandpa Ali's... 2 a TE eres io [EE apen Did Adel ..... a cup of tea yesterday ? El 20 a: fe cnn We have coffee and milk , we don't have juice .. EB sone oe Eon My mother sliced the .. . HE croceries [BR pies TERRE vecetavies EI truits 4- Circle the odd one out and replace it with a correct one 1. loaves bottles cups glasses 2 ran want left took 3. soup juice salad milk 4. hear hair hand head 5. cherry lemon beach apple RO 2 eee Professiona] 5— Read the passage and answer the questions :- Grandpa Ali's is a new Italian restaurant in downtown Giza. It opened on May 5th. Who is Grandpa Ali? Is he the owner? No! The real Grandpa Ali is the owner's grandfather and the chef at the restaurant. Last Saturday, Laila Abdo and her friend Diana Smith had lunch at Grandpa Ali's. 4. Grandpa All is the owner's grandfather and the ( chef - doctor - farmer - teacher ) 2. Grandpa All's is a new Italian restaurant in ( Cairo — Giza - Tanta — Aswan ) 3. Who ate there last Saturday ? 7 — Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. apples - much — cookies — How - the ~ are ? 2. buy —They- themselves - groceries — by— didn't. 8 -Punctuate the following sentences : - aa does Nada drink any chicken soup no, she does not BO > eee Pprofessiona] hMesaeeN (. 1- Listen and choose the riaht answer :- [30 _| ‘What ore your hours: B: ) from 7:00 to 9:00. b) It's 7:00. ‘A: Where do you get a hair cut ? B: a) At the library. b) At the barber's shop. A > B: Spaghetti and meatballs. a) What's today's special? —b) What's the time now? 2- Listen and complete ali Bassim Ali Ali. ali Bassim Ali sorry. He isn't in right now. *m sorry I don't know. Can I leave a message? fe [Have a= [Are Who [a= [Where er ~your house?. from fe= | free. [a= [tar [ 1a Te=_[library d= [bank ean get a haircut at the .. = [a= [theater [p= Tp: [scheot [a= [barber's shop_ fa-_| factor >- | cor [d= [churn 7- = Montagu used bread and ._ for the first sandwich. fa-_| fis 'b- [pickle c- Tice cream [d- [meat 8. PS iavouri Sessa is [a- [tomato [e- Tice cream d- | spaghetti 4-Circle the aad, one out and replace it with a correct one 1. cloudy hot cold degree 2. Sunday Tonight Today Tomorrow 3. serious want sorry happy 4. sister brother teacher father ee professiona] 5— Read the passage and answer the questions :- Who invented ice cream? We don't know, but ice cream has a long history in the United States .In 1843, Nancy Johnson invented the first ice cream churn. The first ice cream factory opened in Baltimore in 1851. A man in St. Louis made the first ice cream cone in 1896. Ice cream is now one of America’s favourite desserts. 1. | Ice cream has a long history in the a. | United States pp Cairo Ie New York d. | Giza 2. | Nancy Johnson invented the first ice cream ......... a. | cone pp sandwich [e churn [e flavour 3. | When did the first ice cream factory open? 4. | Who invented the first ice cream cone ? 6 -Write a paragraph of SEVEN (7 ) sentences about Resturant - 7 — Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1- balls — have — Let’s —- some - meat . 8-—Punctuate the following sentences : - we went to the restaurant mother also wants him to be happy professiona] hicsmeN (| 1 —-Listen and choose the right answer :- | 30 _| 4. | What are your hours ? ‘a. We are open from 9 to7. 'b. We are open from 8 to 5 2. | Was there a school across from the theatre? a. Yes, there was . b.No, there wasn't. 3. [ Nancy Johnson: a Who invented the first sandwich ? ‘b. Who invented the first ice cream churn? 4. | No, there isn't a. ls there a library near your school? b. Is there a theatre beside your house? 2- Listen and complete :- ola + Did you ge to the theatre last week? Nagwa :@ ~ Ole : Whe did you go with? Nagwa Ole Nagwa ola Nagwa : oO. cee coe Ole ¢ Yes, be signed me an autograph, 3 - Choose the Correct answer from a. b.cord: 1 ~ May | have a bow! = [teh 2-1wanta a [arkoy ‘3=He wants a- a [ean Please, give me a = What is your favourite .. a= [spon B- [foor = [colour [subject 7=How much .. you want > = levenges - [Benanes = [woler = [apples 5 twas born i To 4 'Gircle the | one 2 out and fusigen it with a correct one 1. bought - thought - made - see 2. brother - bank - mother - sister 3. April - Monday - June - May 4. teacher - doctor - fan - farmer 5. walk - beside - above - behind = ARARA veeee Professiona] 5- Read the passage and answer the questions :- is face and hair. Adel got up early at 6:00 am. He washed He had breakfast with his family. They had cheese, eggs and beans. He goes to school on foot because his schoo! is near his house. His mother did the laundry and sliced fruit after lunch. He did his homework at 7:00 and goes to bed at 9:00 everyday. Al Choose the correct answer: 1- Adel has breakfast at a)playground —b) street. c)home —_d) school 2- He did his at 7:00. 2) homework) breakfast. —_¢) laundry di) slice 1- How does Adle go to school ? 2. What did his mother do ? Write an e-mail of FOUR( 4 ) sentences to your friend to tell him about your school. Your name is : 7 — Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. themselves - do - by - They - laundry - can. 2. she - time - What - back - will - be ? 8 - Punctuate the following sentences : - mother did the laundry Pprofessiona] Mima f 1 —Listen and choose the right answer :- 1- What does they serve? 2) Foods b) Haircuts. 22 How about a salad? 2) Here you are b) Sounds geod Bia) What does she wach? B) What does she buy? @> a) Ez your father the owner of the restaurant? ©) Xs Your Grandpa All the owner of the restaurant? = No. grandpa All iz The owner of the restaurant. 2- Listen ane ROM piate - Wesam How much does a icket cost? Ahmed :0.. ———— a 3 - Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord: Igoe to school in b- [en get up st si erctek 1 Te eye aye e ey si ay a = 4- Circle the odd one out and Teplace it with a correct one 1, April - May - June - Monday 2. Why - now - What - When 3. plane - bus - three - bike 4. morning - evening - night - week 5. doctor - teacher - school - nurse a professiona] 5—- Read the passage and answer the questions :- Yesterday was a holiday. | visited a film studio with my friends. We watched the actors rehearse. It was so cool. We talked to Ahmed El Sakka the film star. He’s really nice. There was a man taking a nap. We saw a woman putting on make up and wearing a wing. She’s an actress. It was a nice holiday. A) Choose the correct answer: 1- We went to the studio .... pa a) holiday b) yesterday c) tomorrow _— di) last week 2- We watched the actors aa a) homework —_b) autograph _—_c) food d) rehearse B) Answer the following questions: 1- What was the actress doing ? 2- Where did they go yesterday ? 6 -Write a paragraph of SEVEN (7 ) sentences about your school 7 — Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1, times - the museum - a year - visit - I - four. 2. There's - behind - bank - a post of fice - the. 8-—Punctuate the following sentences : - 1- salah went to a barbar's shop 2- thanks the cakes are delicious professiona] 1—Listen and choose the right answer :- | 30 _| A) Yes, she never drives a B) No, she never drives a sports car. 2- A) No, always. B) Yes, sometimes. 3- A) Do you ever wear a wig? B) Did they wear a wig? 4-A) Does he ever sign autographs? B) Do they ever sign autographs? 2- Listen and complete :- Receptionist :How can I help you? ‘Tourist :What's your hours? Receptionist : Tourist :@... Receptionist : Yes, we're open daily. Tourist 76. ? Receptionist Tourist : Does that include the mummy rooms? Receptionist 2 Qc neenne eee 3 - Choose the correct answer from a, b,cord: 4 — Where did the first ice cream factory a: | esh 4- Lam very tired , | want to «. or: [read ‘b- | nin @- [bank T2- | aibracy Te- | awseum 4 - Circle the odd one out and replace it with! a a correct one 1+ baker - bookstore - supermarket - checkout ) 2+ menu - waiter - bakery - customer 3- pizza - steak - pasta - address 4- children - pickles - adults - kids Professiona] 5- Read the passage and answer the questions :- Thank you for your nice e-mail Amira. I'm happy you like my films. Yes, | often sign autographs. It's my favourite thing to do. | like my hair too. But | sometimes wear a wig. I'm going to make my next film at the train station in Cairo. You can come Amira and watch. A) Choose the correct answer: 4- She ... . Signs autographs. a) sometimes b) hardly c) usually d) often 2- She sometimes wears a a) wig ‘b) dress c) makeup di) suntan B) Answer the following questions: 3- Can Amira come and watch the film? 4- Where's the next film? T- Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentences 1. of ten - you - How - read - a newspaper - do ? 2. there - a bridge - Was - the barber's - shop - above ? 8-Punctuate the following sentences : - it's delicious - we're open daily Pprofessiona] hl , ig 1- Listen and circle. 1- a) At school 2- a) To take the bus b) At the bank. b) To take the plane How many sisters do you have ? 4- a) Who invented the first ice cream b) How many brothers do you have? b) Who invented the first telephone 2: Listen and complete. Huda Is it the Egyptian (1) The receptionist Yes, it Gs) Huda (2 are you open? The receptionist = We are open @) Huda Thank you for help. The recepti: You are (4) B- Reading he correct answer from a, o 1 re your hours? b) What <)How d)Why 2-We open daily ajis bjare c)do d) did 3- It's thre for adults 2) dollar bja dollar c)dollars 4) dollar's 4- Iwill take a of apple pie a) cup b)glass clpiece d) bottle St delicious a) looks b)look ¢) looking d)to look 6 How bottles of water did she have? 2) much bjan ca d)many 7-1'm ready a) order bjordering ¢) to order djordered 8. I'm going to two glasses of orange juice a) do bjbe chas 4: Circle th rd and, then 1 1 wan a corn swim — eat - sky — play 2-summer ~ winter — rain - spring 3-herself ~ yourself - he ~ myseif 4-ironed ~ bought - washed ~ chop 5m ak -Salad -juice a Pprofessiona] Last weekend , All went to the amusament park . He had an orange juice. He went ona Hide . He saw a coiphin show . He ate cookies . He took some pictures. Me was very happy . His family was with him to keep an eye on him . His father does his best to make him happy . His mother also wants him ta he happy.He wanted to be @ doctor when he grows up. oypie 3-Where oid All go at the weekend? 4-What did Ali see? Bowne an email of four sentences : Write an email to your friend Mona about your school . Your name is Salma. 7 - Rearrange the following words to make orrect sentences : 1- Engin - us - have - with - ~ Seay - + tun - and. 2 - tomorrow - the - What's - for - homework? 8- Punctuate the following sentences: 1 - omnda s mother watcn V butere she seers Professiona] iii — 1- a) A cherry pie 2- a) They are five dollars b) A fried fish b) They are ten dollars 3- a) How many cups do you have ? 4- a) What do you eat ? b) How many glasses do you have? b) How do you eat it? - bis " Maha =: Good morning. Mother : Good morning. Maha a (2) | speak to Mona, please? Mother: She is not .. (2). right now. Maha: What time will she be (3) ? Mother: I'm sorry, |don’t 44), B- Reading 3- Choose the correct answer from a, b , ¢ or d: 1-— - do you iron your T. shirt? a) Who b) What <) How 4) Which 2- We go to school by - . a) myself b) himself ¢) ourselves 4) yourself 3- a)Am b) Are c) Have d) May 4- The car is , It costs a lot of money a) high b) expensive chcheap ¢) bad - Bill go yesterday? a) did b) do c)is d) was 6- My sister doesn't ...... see ON Make — up. a) wear b)talk ¢) drive 4) put 7- Does your sister wear a -- a) cart b)wig ¢) make — up d)nap 8- She went to the grocer’s to buy - - a) fruits b) groceries c)shirts 4) cars ni i 1-went — chopped ~ iron ~ bought 2-he - she ~ we - yourself 3-between — under - in — blue 4-eat ~ swim ~ fly — oranges Professiona] S- and an: ‘Over 30 million people visit New York every year. It is a beautiful city. There are thousand restaurants There are also many shops. You can see many nice buildings there Tours there are found everywhere. | was there years ago. | saw many tall buildings there . | made many friends there . The people there are very welcoming, AChoose the correct answer from a. b or ¢: 2-There are many buildings in New York a) uely b) bad cold d) nice 2-You can buy there from ..... 2) shops b) tours chhomes d) museums. B-Answer these questions: 3-Why do people go to New York? 4-What did the writer make when he was there ? C- Writing 6 - Write a paragraph of ( 7 ) sentences about Egypt : 7. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences : 1 - laundry - themselves - can - They - do - by 2 you - any - Do - pies - have - cherry? 8-Punctuate the following sentences: 1 - ali played chess but mona couldn t play 2 - can i help you carry this bag mon: Professiona] iii — 1-Listen and circle, 1-a) It is cold. 2-a) He is fine. b) It is hot. b) He is ill. 3- a)Do you think it will rain ? 4- a)How often do you go swimming ? b) Do you think it is cloudy? b) How do you swim ? - ni . Asmaa_—: Good morning. Amira. Amira: Good morning. Asmaa. Asmaa How is your ......... (2). now? Amira She is (2)... Asmaa | think that she had (3). Amira YOu wn. (4)... . right B- Reading 7 cd: 1-- - do you go to a cafe? a) Who b) What c) How d) How many 2- I take medicine —~ a day. a) two b) twice cyto d) too 3- Do you ~ bread? a) bake b) feed ¢) go d)play an — to rain. a) go b) gone c) going d)to go 5- Your brother --- —- you very much. a) loves b) colours c) starts djadds 6- How often __._.. .... She read a newspaper? a) has b)have c) do d)does 7- In the park, children — — birds. a) feed b) take c) bake d)visit 8- She .. . @ Newspaper once a month. a)isread b) read ) reading djreads is 1-April = May ~ June = Sunday 2-English — maths—underground ~ Arabic 3-hot - cold — warm — start 4-plane — bus — bike ~ three 5 jad - meat Re eS professiona] ‘&- Read the passage and answer the questions, There is a boy in our class at school. His aame is All, He follows us all the time and always bathers us. He takes our things without asking. Our teachers told us to be patient. it is not fair. We hate boys like him We should be honest and fair. TAN IBD even nevanr nnn: BOYS a) bad d) nice s)cute 9) fair De MNS ee for the class to be patient a} fair b} not fair dake } good Angwer these avestions:, C- Writing 6 - Write a paragraph of (7 ) sentences about the flu : 7 - Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences © 1 - visited - library - yesterday - We - Alexandra -Punctuste the following sentences, 1 - aii s family lives in cairo near the zoo 2- where did you go last friday ali BO > ee

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