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Words connected with spending Collocations with do, get, go

money and make
1 Match to make sentences. Use the words in 4 Complete the table with do, get, go or
bold to help you. make, then choose words from the table to
1 They wouldn’t give me a refund on that complete the sentences below.
1        a fortune, a living, a loss, a profit,
2 When you use the cashpoint, you should a purchase
never    2        a bargain
3 I had to wait at the till because   
3        bankrupt
4 I usually pay all my bills   
4        business with
5 This shop gives you a 10% discount   
1 It was a terrible year last year and the company
a) they had run out of change. made a        of over €5,000.
b) if you pay in cash. 2 I think I should sell my idea – I could make
c) without the receipt. a        .
d) let anyone see your PIN. 3 You can get a        at that shop
e) by credit card. sometimes – they sell things very cheaply.
4 Some fast-food restaurants don’t allow you to sit
down unless you make a        .
Phrasal verbs 5 Because of the crisis, hundreds of small
2 Choose the two possible correct answers to businesses have gone        .
complete each sentence. 6 It’s been a pleasure doing        with you.
1 I’m not sure what to choose! I’m going to sleep
on it / decide on it tomorrow / pick on it. Unit round-up
2 Can you start / put / switch the heater on? It’s
cold in here. 5 Choose the correct words.
3 We’d better press / sleep / carry on with the
work or we won’t finish it in time.
Consumer advice
4 It isn’t nice to pick / start / press on people just
because they’re smaller than you.
Overspending can be a big problem. Here are
some tips to stop you getting into trouble.
3 Look at the phrasal verbs in bold and
choose the best meaning. € Get rid of your (1) credit card / cashpoint. It
can encourage you to spend more than you
can afford. When you only use (2) change / cash,
1 We’ve got the date for the party – now we need to
decide on a place to have it. you know exactly how much is in your pocket – and
a) choose b) book you can’t spend more than that!
2 Some boys were picking on a younger kid so I
told them to stop. € If you want to (3) do / make a big purchase,
wait a little while. (4) Sleep / Start on it and
then, in the morning, if you still want it, (5) press /
a) being horrible to b) choosing
carry on and buy it. But you might decide you
3 You can’t carry on spending money like this –
you’ll have none left. don’t need it, and you might have just saved
yourself a lot of money.
a) criticise b) continue
4 It’s a big decision. Sleep on it and we’ll talk
about it again.

(6) Put / Decide on an amount of money you
want to spend – and don’t spend a penny

a) wait a while b) forget about it

5 We wanted to stop for a rest but we pressed on
because it was getting dark.
€ Keep an eye out for (7) discounts / refunds in
the shops – you could (8) make / get a bargain.

a) became stressed b) kept going

6 ‘Why did you do that?’ ‘Don’t start on me. It
€ Always keep your (9) PINs / receipts and look
at them regularly. That way, you’ll be able to
see where your money is going and you can find
wasn’t my fault.’ ways to limit your spending.

a) choose b) criticise Make sure you have enough money for your
(10) tills / bills – you shouldn’t be shopping at
all if you can’t pay these.

Optimise B2 Optimise B2 Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.

This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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