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Waste Management: Colegio de San Francisco Javier, Rizal Z.D.

The Philippine Government aims to increase people’s knowledge and awareness of the
environment and associated challenges, to develop the necessary skills and expertise to address
the challenges, and for foster attitudes, motivations and commitment to take responsible actions.
The following are the Environmental Policy existing in the Philippines.
 Republic Act 9003: January 26, 2001
An act providing for an ecological solid waste management program, creating the necessary
institutional mechanisms and incentives, declaring certain acts prohibited and providing
penalties, appropriating funds thereof, and for other purposes.
 Republic Act No. 9152
An act to promote environmental awareness through environmental education and for other
purposes. This act is known as the “National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of
 Republic Act No. 9275: March 22, 2004
This is an act providing for a comprehensive water quality management and for the other
 Republic Act No. 9147
An act providing for the conservation and protection of wildlife resources and their habitats,
appropriating funds therefor and other purposes.

Solid Waste Management is one of the various ecological challenges in the Philippines. It
is how the people control to solve challenges concerning solid wastes. There have been several
ordinances from different barangays, municipalities, cities, and provinces that aim to address this
matter. Efforts of Local Government Units are overwhelming but it must be a joint effort of the
LGUs, institutions and its community that can actually make it work.

Environmental education has been a key concern of every school. This is anchored on
call of the Sustainable Development Goals which uphold that long- term and continuous progress
may only be ensured if our generation will be able to fulfill our needs without compromising the
resources of the future.
In response to this call on action, various institutions advocated the 3Rs- reduce, reuse
and recycle. These simple but high impact actions have proved their contributions in altering the
effects of human activities on the planet’s surface by significantly decreasing improper disposed
wastes and increasing the useful period of non-biodegradable products.
Moreover, recycling or even the simple collection of recycled and salable wastes has
been an avenue for emerging organizations to generate funds for environmental programs while
providing concrete experiences on proper waste management.
Hence, an initiative waste collection and segregation mechanism has been a long
practiced in both high school and college level students whereas, CBME Department and Club
Officers have conducted several community Clean-Up Drive Services inside and outside school
campus as per approved on the annual plan of actions in 2022-2023 with the following goals and
 To promote a clean and healthy environment as well as other people.
 To encourage waste reduction, recycling, and reuse, as well as to raise public awareness
about waste management and environmental concerns.
 To enhance the community’s outdoor recreational activities.
 To aid in the reduction of greenhouse gases and the fight against climate change, as well
as to improve the quality of the natural environment.
 To focus one’s thought on the well-being of future generations.

Segregating is a process in separating biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.

Biodegradable is a type of waste which can be broken down in a reasonable amount of time. On
the other hand, Non-biodegradable refers to the materials that do not break down naturally or
take an inordinate amount of time to do so. When thrown away, these materials cannot be
dissolved by the bacteria, fungi and living organisms in the air, moisture climate in soil.

Biodegradable Non-Biodegradable
Recyclable Residual Hazardous
Food waste Cardboard/carton Styrofoam Busted lamps batteries
Yard waste Newspaper/magazines Plastic wrappers CDs
Wet tissue Tin cans, aluminum Straws Spray canisters paint
Wet paper Mineral bottles Disposable utensils can
Etc…. Etc…. Rubbers etc… Etc…

For composting, biodegradable waste is placed in a certain tank or hole for a certain time to let it
decompose with the help of decomposers like yeasts, molds or worms. After decomposition, the
decomposed waste can now be used as a fertilizer for plants.

Recycle is one of the most useful and helpful way of waste management. Non-biodegradable
waste can be recycled by creating helpful and useful things out of it like plastic bottles can be
made as classroom decorations while used magazines can be made into beautiful book
organizers. Recycling can also be a source of income in the community, can really reduce
pollution, save natural resources and conserve energy in the households.

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