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100 Fantasy Biomes 3


Created By:
Dave Woodrum
100 Fantasy Biomes 3
This list provides a hundred different locations for a big fantasy map. Included in each entry is name of
location (which indicates biome/location type) as well as a descriptor that could be a lead in for an
interesting encounter, adventure hook, source of treasure, community to visit, etc.

1 Ashapua Rainforest (inhabited by numerous fairies) 51 Marsh of Fazizon (animate thorny vines that drip purple venom)
2 Ashcastle Flower Meadows (mischievious brownies) 52 Meadow of Vicaluna (guarded tombs filled with riches and horrid ghasts)
3 Banderlamin Valley (coven of six eyed hags that ride of hideous boars) 53 Moatipala Scrub (rumored stones that in the creation of magic items)
4 Banglade Valley (basilisk infestation) 54 Molarkin Pass (regular caravans loaded down with hides and pelts)
5 Barramorle Forest (whispered sightings of a legendary blue-gray unicorn) 55 Molingon Bog (crypt full of ghouls rumored to be wearing valuable jewelry)
6 Barrowobava Valley (manticore's den located in a deep ridge wall cave) 56 Moongleam Tundra (ooze infested cavern that runs for miles below ground)
7 Basin of Banderhorn (regularly patrolled by a band of warring hobgoblins) 57 Mountains of Ducihar (giant floating crystal making a weird moaning noise)
8 Bayou of Taintmalden (partially flooded jasper mine) 58 Muck of Warwilden (tribes of lizardfolk who mostly hunt for fish and small game)
9 Beach of Mozofang (small fairy sized dragonkin that roost in palm trees) 59 Mystic Woods of Inokira (large flowering plants with magical qualities)
10 Belljade Mountains (roost of a great white pegasus with golden wings) 60 Nalwos Island Chain (dotted with small fishing colonies and pirate settlements)
11 Bladehaven Mesa (ancient city with the ruins of a once famed arena) 61 Oakmount Passage (deep cavern that travels for miles underground)
12 Blizzardrock Taiga (ruled by a ruthless barbarian king who seeks to expand power) 62 Pantassle Gorge (boulders rich with veins of blue quartz)
13 Boreal Forest of Brownsap (venom treacle moss and bluish gray skinned trolls) 63 Pondigi Bog (acid spraying toadstools and fiendish marsh raiders)
14 Boulder Hills of Vonhawig (culinary herb bushes) 64 Prakmarsh Trail (ruby mine in a difficult to reach ridge wall)
15 Briar Lands of Kraquan (rare vine plants used to make expensive scented oils) 65 Ridge of Latchlarke (wild horses and rumors of a zebra striped unicorn)
16 Bunokas Wetland (lost settlement now the home of rodents and a giant toad) 66 Rocky Valley of Elopira (tar pits and overgrown lizards)
17 Burnivalin Crevice (haunted by ghost of an evil sorceress) 67 Salt Marsh of Hershalle (priceless beryl deposits in a submerged cave)
18 Canyon of Hiltcackle (tall boulders with rich peridot veins) 68 Salt Marsh of Sazfruc (abode of a powerful naga)
19 Chainiroka Fungal Forest (blight infested trees and foul smelling stinkhorns) 69 Sazlink Valley (flooded cavern with deep underground lake)
20 Chaparral of Durlmoon (abandoned garnite mine infested with giant spiders) 70 Shackleokaxa Jungle (overgrown carnivorous birds with bright colorful feathers)
21 Coast of Ghaxizo (lost ancient relics located at the base of a reef) 71 Spurabara Plains (peridot mine guarded by a pair of iron golems)
22 Daleemisa Savanna (small orcish mining camp located near a rocky hillside) 72 Taiga of Nezalimos (goat like humanoids armed with sharp axes)
23 Deneqazi Swamp (massive underground dungeon that is partially flooded) 73 Taiga of Wortaxo (ruined villages along a the edges of a large lake)
24 Desert of Dezgreen (wandering ogres armed with great bejeweled scimitars) 74 Tanbrownie Falls (water fey that enjoy playing pranks on others)
25 Dreaded Beach of Reddac (thorny palms and giant aggressive crabs) 75 Tatiago Ice Wastes (banshee of a murdered winter witch)
26 Drenchwilte Ridge (abode of an exiled baroness who murdered her brothers) 76 Terrible Valley of Idusa (abode of an ogre mage and his pet manticore)
27 Dunafaunta Flooded Wastes (towering stinkhorns and ponds of venomous fish) 77 Thorny Forest of Marestrong (trees twisted into hideous looking shapes)
28 Dunsand Oasis (lost city of Shanshiba, which is located atop a plateau) 78 Torcellar Boglands (roost of a giant vulture with one glowing eye)
29 Dunstrong Desert (iron mine overrun with jackal men) 79 Torchofolda Ravine (merchant crossroads and a small but famous inn)
30 Dussa Jungle (bioluminescent flowers) 80 Tornstallen Hills (weird floating crystals that change color and humming pitch)
31 Ensilken Coast (seaside cave containing hidden pirate treasure) 81 Tundra of Borchape (shimmering boulders that emit freezing energy)
32 Faltorn Boulder Valley (ruined tower infested with rodents and scavenger birds) 82 Turnlink Pass (coven of good witches who worn travelers of dangers ahead)
33 Fields of Gonaqedi (ruled by a baron who is believed to be a doppleganger) 83 Tyrpale Bog (hut of a fang mawed hag)
34 Finchazab Wasteland (abandoned granite quarry infested with giant scorpions) 84 Uzblizzard Wastes (hostile settlements ruled by bandit kings)
35 Finchokrew Valley (numerous wild horses, many of which are solid white) 85 Valley of Hanohoz (lair of a powerful wind elementalist)
36 Fissure of Zullitano (mysterious energy that radiates from the fissure's base) 86 Valley of Vagirava (cave inhabited by an exceptionally aggressive chimera)
37 Flower Meadows of Wensabarva (small lake inhabited by riddle loving nixies) 87 Valsong Bay (Town of Gullbin: favored by merchant caravans and passing ships)
38 Forest of Mulekami (ooze monster infested cave located on a ridge wall) 88 Vazvalk Valley (abandoned merchant trail and goblin infested caves)
39 Foul Savanna of Rosonina (giant centipedes and malformed two headed lions) 89 Venwilche Marsh (ghost of a murdered witch)
40 Gallant Hills of Gadusuri (roaming groups of red maned centaur hunters) 90 Volcanic Ruins of Stittenbroshe (numerous mineral deposits)
41 Hills of Walmalkia (wild trees that produce sleep inducing pears) 91 Volcano of Yenopiro (emerald deposits in nearby caves filled with lava hazards)
42 Hornfort Passage (mischievious fairy folk that throw stones at greedy travelers) 92 Wastes of Prakapak (animate cactus monsters and a lightning breathing dragon)
43 Iceoqino Dunes (towering crystalline formations that shock those that touch them) 93 Wastes of Sicklelake (mineral rich cavern infested with giant insects)
44 Jungle of Konapax (evoker's lair guarded by gorilla shaped stone golems) 94 Wastes of Tattera (lost city rumored to still hold endless treasures)
45 Jurflame Savanna (lair of a band of orcish raiders) 95 Wolfeza Plains (clouds of mold spores that can cause temporary blindness)
46 Lake Beach of Heripri (parasite ridden ponds and a vicious sea hag) 96 Woodland of Viconte (weird yellow-green furred monkeys that sing)
47 Lasboar Crossroads (brightly colored tillandsia growing on the trees and boulders) 97 Xacomesta Plains (small farming settlements that are protected by a couatl)
48 Linbara Plains (abandoned castle believed to hold powerful magic treasures) 98 Yenbar Plains (strange telepathic plant life that lure travelers into their presence)
49 Lorstone Forest (metal eating lichens and acid spraying toadstools) 99 Zeatew Scrub (salt pits that are often mined by cooperative hobgoblin clans)
50 Lost Valley of Chomuka (overgrown ants, weird structures, and roaring dinosaurs) 100 Zesbramble Gully (packs of large carnivorous lizards that move about swiftly)

100 Fantasy Biomes 3

Created By: David L. Woodrum Jr.
Copyright 2021, Fishwife Games

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