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3. 20 世紀的國際紛爭與危機 – 冷戰 (從 1945 年至 1970 年代中期) (新辦)

Knowledge-Enrichment Series: Seminar on ‘Key Topics of Contemporary World History’
3. International conflicts and crises in the 20th century – The Cold War (from 1945 to the mid
1970s) (New)

場次安排 Arrangement for Sessions

場次(編號) AA AB
Session (ID) (網上實時講座暨分享會) (現場講座暨分享會)
(Online Real-time Programme) (Live Programme)
日期: 2023 年 1 月 16 日 (星期一)
Date: 16 January 2023 (Monday)
時間: 下午 2 時 30 分至 5 時 30 分
Time: 2:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m.
地點: 透過 Zoom 軟件進行 北角城巿花園道 2 號顯理中學
7 樓 701 會議室
Venue: To be conducted via Zoom 701 Conference Room, 7/F,
Henrietta Secondary School, 2,
City Garden Road, North Point
參加者人數: 150 人 30 人
No. of participants: 150 participants 30 participants
活動流程 Rundown of the Activity
時間(下午) 項目 講者

Time (PM) Items Speaker

2:00-2:30  網上簽到 (僅適用於場次 AA)

Online Registration (Only
applicable for event AA)
2:15-2:30  簽到 (僅適用於場次 AB)
Registration (Only applicable for
event AB)
2:30-2:35 簡介 教育局課程發展處代表
Introduction Representatives from the Curriculum
Development Institute of Education
2:35-4:00 冷戰 (從 1945 年至 1970 年代中期) 彭淑敏博士
 冷戰的起因與主要發展 香港樹仁大學歷史學系助理教授暨
The Cold War (from 1945 to the mid Dr PANG Suk-man Agnes
1970s) Assistant Professor & Associate
 Causes and major developments Head, Department of History, Hong
Kong Shue Yan University
of the Cold War
4:00-5:15 人物研習:代表這個冷戰時期的歷
 邱吉爾 (1874-1965)
 胡志明 (1890-1969)
 毛澤東 (1893-1976)
Case study: Historical figures
representing this Cold War period
 Winston Churchill (1874- 1965)
 Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)
 Mao Zedong (1893-1976)
5:15-5:30 問與答 Q&A
Appendix 1
Reference: Transportation information to Henrietta Secondary School

Sketch Location of
Henrietta Secondary School

港鐵炮台山站 B 出口
Exit B, Fortress Hill Station

詳情請參閱以下網址 Please refer to the follow website for more details.

交通資訊 Transportation Information

由港鐵炮台山站步行 由港鐵炮台山站 B 出口步行到達顯理中學,全程大約 5-10 分鐘
至顯理中學 Walking from Exit B Fortress Hill to Henrietta Secondary School.
From Fortress Hill Station to The whole journey takes around 5-10 minutes
Henrietta Secondary School

備註 Remarks
1. 以上資訊如有更改,以有關機構公布及當時道路狀況為準。
The above information is subject to change in accordance with the announcement of relevant
organisations and the actual road traffic.

Appendix 2

(a) 參加者必須保持良好個人衞生及適當社交距離,並保持地方清潔。

(b) 為了減低感染新型冠狀病毒病的風險,參加者應在活動中佩戴口罩。

(c) 進入場地前,將量度參加者的體溫。有發燒或呼吸道症狀的參加者將不允許進入場地。

(d) 根據最新的相關安排(包括疫苗通行證),所有訪客須全面使用「安心出行」流動應

o 香港特別行政區政府。疫苗通行證。

Anti-epidemic Measures
(a) Participants must maintain good personal hygiene and appropriate social distancing, keep
places clean.

(b) To minimise the risk of inflection of Coronavirus disease, participants should wear surgical
masks throughout the programme.

(c) Body temperature of participants will be taken before entering the venue. Those with fever or
respiratory symptoms will not be allowed to enter the venue.

(d) In accordance to the latest arrangements concerned (including the Vaccine Pass), all visitors
entering the venue of the programme will be mandatory to use the “Leave Home Safe” app.
Please refer to the websites below for relevant details:

o The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Vaccine Pass.

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