Hanifa Parent Interview Report

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Spare Time -Eumind Group 2

Interview Report
By Hanifa Syeda

Anjum Hameed, 46

As a teenager she lived as a part of a nuclear family of 6, her parents and 3

older siblings. She was brought up and spent a majority of her youth in the
bustling Alfred street, Richmond Town situated Bangalore, karnataka. She
recalls having a lot of spare time, around 3-4 hours every afternoon/evening
which she would spend playing with the neighborhood kids as there was a huge
age gap between her and her siblings.

Her days were very long.

Once back from school and
after the completion of
homework she had a lot of
time to play around with her
cats then went to bed early. was
very athletic and played a lot of
badminton. She also adored table-top games like; chess, marbles, super mario
and ludo. She also states that her parents provided her with an allowance of a
100/- which would have a higher status during her teenage years, she recalls
spending most of it on chocolates and street food.

She mentions further into the conversation about how she feels the
assisination of Rajiv Gandhi (prime minister) had affected India's sports
reputation and how shocked she was upon hearing the news, As she really
admired him as a good prime minister who made a lot of changes to the
developing India.

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