PARENTS by Laws 2

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We, the parents and teachers of the (name of school ________________________), invoking the aid
and guidance of God, the Almighty, have organized ourselves into an association with the principle of
volunteerism in order to attain our common goals, promote the general welfare and secure unto
ourselves at all times efficient and honest participation, support and cooperation in socio-educational
affairs, subscribing and upholding the constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, all its laws and its
duly constituted authorities, do hereby ordain and promulgate this constitution and by-laws.



Section 1. NAME The organization shall be known as (name of schoo )__________________lParents-

Teachers Association herein

referred as _____________ PTA.

Section 2. DOMICILE The principal office of the association shall be at (name of school and

Section 3. SEAL The seal of the association shall be in such form and design as the Board of Directors
may prescribed.


Declaration of Principles

Section 1. We believe that _____ PTA is the coordinating body of the parents and teachers of
Section 2. We believe that the growth, progress and welfare of our children/students of this educational
institution depend upon the unity, cooperation and active participation and harmonious relationship of
the parents, teachers and school administration.

Section 3. The organization shall promote volunteerism and altruism in all its functions and affairs.

Article iii


Section 1. The__________ PTA shall have jurisdiction to undertake high school related activities in and
outside the campus and as agreed upon with the school administration.

Article iV


Section 1. To promote and work for the interest and welfare of the students who are enrolled in the
_________________-- School including the educational, social and physical well-being of all.

Section 2. To provide venue whereby parents and teachers could air their grievances and opinions.

Section 3. To promote harmonious relationship with the school administration and the community.

Section 4. To bring to the attention of the school administration every perceived violation of school rules
and regulations that may be committed by the students or teachers for appropriate disciplinary action.

Section 5. The CRSHS PTA may assist in the promotion and supervision of the activities that the school
may undertake.

SECTION 6. To provide a forum for the discussion of issues and their solutions related to the total school
program and to ensure the full cooperation of parents in the efficient implementation of such program.
SECTION 7. To provide mechanisms to ensure proper coordination with the members of the community.

SECTION 8. Shall adhere to all existing policies and implementing guidelines issued or hereinafter may be
issued by the department of education.

SECTION 9. To serve as a support group and as a significant partner of the school whose relationship
shall be defined by cooperative and open dialogue to promote the welfare of the students.

Article v


SECTION 1. Membership in________ -PTA is limited to parents, or in their absence the guardian of duly
enrolled students, and teachers.

SECTION 2. A guardian is hereby defined as any of the following:

A. An individual authorized by the biological parent/s to whom the care and custody of the
student has been entrusted;

B. A relative of the student within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity provided that
said relative has the care and custody over the child;

C. An individual appointed by a competent court as the legal guardian of the student;

D. In case of an orphan, the individual/institution who has the care and custody of the

SECTION 3. A member-teacher refers to homeroom advisers, subject teachers, and non-teaching

Section 4. Rights and privileges of members. Every member shall have the following rights and

1. To exercise the right to vote on all matters relating to the affairs of the organization.

2. Be periodically informed of the financial status of the organization, including relevant

information affecting the members thereof.

3. To be eligible to any elective and appointive position of the organization, provided not to
extend the term limit, if ever.

4. To examine all records or books of the organization during business hours.

Section 5. Duties of members. A member shall have the following duties:

1. To obey and comply with the constitution and by-laws of the organization, and other rules
and regulations as may be promulgated by the board of directors

2. To pay annual membership fee for every parent regardless of the number of children
enrolled and other reasonable assessments for every student that the board of directors and the school
authorities may prescribe in consultation with the general assembly such as but not limited to:

PTA membership fee - p 200.00

School ID (for freshmen only) - 50.00

Test paper - 50.00

School paper - English - 75.00

- Filipino - 75.00

School Association - 150.00

Laboratory Fees - 50.00

Miscellaneous Fees - 100.00

Total - 750.00
3. To extend assistance and full cooperation in all undertakings and activities of the school,
especially the Brigada Eskwela or school maintenance week which is scheduled every month of May. All
parents are required to support said program by way of sharing skills / expertise, in kind donations,
thereby making the school ready for the opening of classes.

4. To safeguard the general interest of its members.

5. To attend all meetings that may be called for by the executive board.

Article VI

homeroom pta OFFICERS

Section 1. Within fifteen (15) days from the start of the school year the homeroom adviser and the
parents/guardians shall organize the homeroom PTA with the approval of the School Head.

SECTION 2. The homeroom adviser shall have direct supervision over the conduct of election of the
homeroom PTA officers, which election shall be by viva voce.

SECTION 3. The homeroom PTA officers, namely: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and
auditor, business manager PIO and two (2) peace officers shall be elected from among the parent-
members by a majority of those present during the election.

SECTION 4. In case of a tie among two (2) or more candidates, a run-off election shall be
immediately held only among the candidates involved in the tie until the tie is resolved. If the tie can not
be resolved through a run-off election, the same shall be done by drawing of lots.

SECTION 5. The homeroom PTA officers shall cause the turn-over of any project they have
completed to the School Administrator.

SECTION 6. The homeroom PTA officers shall furnish a list of proposed and completed projects to
the Board of Directors for confirmation.



SECTION 1. The election of the members of the Board of Directors (BOD) of the school PTA from
among the elected homeroom presidents and homeroom advisers shall be held within thirty (30) days
from the start of the school year.

SECTION 2. The election of the executive officers of the school PTA from among the BOD members
shall be on the same day of their election to the BOD.

SECTION 3. The Board Of Directors (BOD) shall be composed of fifteen (15) members who shall elect
from among themselves the association’s executive officers; namely: president, vice-president,
secretary, treasurer, auditor, business manager, PIO and two (2) peace officers, who shall oversee the
day-to-day activities of the association.

SECTION 4. Parent-members shall comprise two-thirds (2/3) and teacher-members one-third (1/3)
of the Board of Directors.

SECTION 5. A teacher-member cannot hold any position in the PTA except as a member of the
Board of Directors or as secretary.

SECTION 6. The School Head shall not serve as a member of the Board of Directors but as adviser to
the PTA.

SECTION 7. The term of office of the Board Of Directors and its officers shall be one (1) year from
the date of election or until a new set of BOD has been elected and qualified.

SECTION 8. In case of vacancy in the Board Of Directors as a result of expulsion, resignation or

death, the vacancy shall be filled,for the unexpired term of the office, by a majority vote of the Board of
Directors from among the presidents of homeroom PTA’s in a special meeting called for such purpose.
SECTION 9. The immediate past president shall automatically become an ex-officio member,
provided he /she has a child enrolled during the school year.

SECTION10. Powers and duties of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have the
following duties and powers:

a. They shall have the general charge in the formulation and implementation of policies,
rules and guidelines of the organization.

b. They shall create committees as exigency arises.

c. They shall formulate, promulgate and approved plans, programs and adopt resolution
toward the attainment of the principles and objectives of the organization.

d. They shall acquire, receive, hold and administer properties in the name of

e. To coordinate with school officials in all _________PTA activities.

f. The BOD shall turn-over any completed project initiated by the general PTA to the School

SECTION 11. The president. The president shall have the following duties and powers:

a. Shall coordinate with school officials in all CRSHS PTA activities.

b. Shall exercise general supervision and control in the management of the affairs of the

c. Shall preside at all meetings of the officers, Board Of Directors and general assembly.

d. Shall be primarily responsible for the implementation of the policies, plans and programs
adopted by the Board Of Directors.

e. Shall be the official spokesman and representative of the ________-PTA on matters

requiring coordination with school officials.

f. Shall sign contracts, documents, and other papers as may be authorized by the Board Of

g. Shall represent the organization in all its official functions and activities.

h. Shall exercise such powers and performs such duties inherent to his position as may be
delegated by the board.
SECTION 12. The Vice President. The Vice President shall have the following duties and powers.

a. Shall automatically succeed in case of permanent vacancy in the office of the president.

b. Shall take the place of the president in case of temporary absence and performs the
powers and duties inherent to the office of the president.

c. Shall exercise such powers and performs such duties inherent to his position as may be
delegated by the president and/or the Board of Directors.

SECTION 13. The Secretary. The Secretary shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Shall coordinate all activities of the organization with officers.

b. Shall give or cause to be given all notices and announcements required to update the
members of all activities of the organization

c. Shall act as the official keeper of all documents, minutes and other records.

d. Shall sign/countersign contracts, documents and other papers as may be authorized by

the board and affix seal to any instrument requiring the same.

e. Shall maintain the member’s register and in-charge of the bulletin board at the principal
office of the organization.

f. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the president
of the board.

SECTION 14. The Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have the following duties and responsibilities.

a. Shall collect, receive and issue receipts for all money, contributions and donations to the

b. Shall be the custodian of all properties, funds and accounts of the organization and keep
records pertaining there to.

c. Shall be at all times have a true, correct and detailed statement of his / her receipts and
expenditures and of the assets of the organization.

d. Shall control and handle all funds of the organization, and shall deposit same in a
reputable bank designated by the board.

e. Shall make disbursements only in amounts and in cases duly appropriated and provided
for by the board, which shall always bear the approval of the president.

f. Shall submit to the president and the board of directors quarterly reports of the
properties, funds, accounts and financial standing of the organization duly certified by the auditor, or
such time as may be required by the president or the board.
g. Shall cause the turn-over of all financial records, inventories, official receipts and other
pertinent documents during the transition of officers.

h. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the president
or the board.

SECTION 15. The Auditor. The Auditor shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Shall make a detailed and periodic audit of all the properties, funds and accounts of the
organization and at thesame time make appropriate suggestions and recommendations to the board.

b. Shall submit audit report to the board after the examination and validation of the
treasurer’s report.

c. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the president
or the board.

SECTION 16. The Public Information Officer. The Public Information Officer shall have the following
duties and responsibilities:

a. Shall take charge in disseminating information concerning plans, programs and activities
of the organization.

b. Shall be responsible for the preparation of press releases.

c. Shall be responsible in fostering good relationship with the school administration.

d. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the president
of the board.

SECTION 17. The Business Manager. The Business Manager shall have the following duties and

a. Shall discharge the function of transacting business for the CRSHS-PTA.

b. Shall make canvass on purchases for the CRSHS-PTA.

c. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the president
or the board.

SECTION18. The Peace Officer. The Peace Officer shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Shall secure peaceful and orderly deliberations during meetings and conferences of the
officers and members of the organization.
b. Shall moderate peaceful negotiations on conflicts from among the officers and members
of the organization.

c. Shall conduct investigation and submit report on any matters involving the security,
immorality and misconduct of

the officer/s and member/s of the organization as directed by the president or by the



SECTION 1. To ensure smooth inter-fraternal relationship and efficiency in handling specific project
activities of the organization

and in order to realize the objective of the constitution, the following seven (7) standing
committees are hereby created. Each committee shall be composed of least three (3) members – the
chairman and two (2) members to

discharge its function effectively. The chairman of the board has the power to appoint the
chairman and members of each committee. these committees are the following:

A. Committee on Finance - responsible to the sourcing out fund needed for the
implementation of approved project/s and program/s.Shall monitor allocations / disbursement of funds
within budget limits.

B. Committee on Programs and Projects - responsible for the adoption and

implementation of programs, projects and activities that will promote and protect the general welfare of
the members.

c. Audit Committee - shall be responsible for the monitoring and supervision of

implemented projects in accordance to its approved plans and specifications and with-in the time

d. Election Committee – (please refer to article x).

e. Grievance Committee - shall investigate internal association disputes.It shall assist in
the presentation and settlements of the organization’s grievance with school administration subject to
pertinent provisions of existing civil service laws.

f. Ways And Means Committee – to source-out solutions, resources and logistics in any
project as called for.

g. Committee On External And Community Affairs – shall be responsible in coordinating

with LGU’s, NGO’s and other institutions for the benefit of the school.

SECTION 2. The heads of the committees shall preferably come from the Board Of Directors,
homeroom presidents and homeroom advisers.



SECTION 1. The general assembly shall be composed of all parents of enrolled students, Board of
Directors and officers of the PTA, school head, homeroom advisers, subject-teachers, and non-teaching
personnel of School.

SECTION 2. The general assembly shall be convened by the PTA Board of Directors immediately
after the PTA has been organized.

SECTION 3. The general assembly shall be convened as may be necessary but in no case less than
twice a year. The board shall coordinate with the school head as to time, venue and other details of the
general assembly.

SECTION 4. The general assembly may invite or consult with other members of the community such
as local government official and civic organizations to solicit their support or active participation in the
school activities.
SECTION 5. The General Assembly Meeting shall be held annually on the 4th Saturday after the
opening of classes;

SECTION 6. Special General Assembly Meeting shall be called upon resolution passed by the Board
of Directors or upon written request signed by at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors or by
Majority of the parents;

SECTION 7. The PTA officers and Board of Directors shall have a regular monthly meeting every last
Sunday of the month;

SECTION 8. Majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.



SECTION 1. At the start of every school year, the school head shall immediately create and convene
a six (6) Member Election

Committee (ELECOM) for the homeroom and school PTA’s by designating the following:

A. Two (2) teachers one of whom shall be the chairperson and the latter shall vote only in
case of a tie; and

B. Four (4) parent-members

SECTION 2. The ELECOM shall have over-all supervision over the conduct of the elections of the
homeroom PTA’s and direct supervision over the conduct of elections of the BOD of the school PTA and

SECTION 3. The ELECOM may promulgate and issue additional guidelines relative to the conduct of
elections that are not inconsistent with this and other existing guidelines or which may hereafter be
Article XI


SECTION 1. Cognizant of the need of the organization for adequate funds to sustain its operations,
the PTA may collect voluntary financial contributions from members and outside sources to enable it to
fund and sustain its operation and theimplementation of its programs and projects exclusively for the
benefit of the students and the school. The PTA’s programs and projects shall be in line with the School
Improvement Plan (SIP).

SECTION 2. The collections of funds by the PTA shall be subject to the following conditions:

A. The contributions should be reasonable amount as may be determined by the Board Of


B. Non-payment of contributions by the parent-member shall not be a basis for non-

admission or non-issuance of clearance(s) to the child / student.

C. The contributions shall be collected by the PTA treasurer on a per parent-member basis
regardless of the number of their children in school.

D. No collection of PTA contributions shall be done during the enrollment period, and

E. No teacher or any school personnel shall be involved in such collection activities.

SECTION 3. All collections of contributions or proceeds of fund raising activities shall be deposited in
a refutable banking institution as determined by the Board Of Directors.

SECTION 4. The PTA treasurer or a duly authorized representative shall undertake the collection and
shall issue receipts/acknowledgement receipts.

SECTION 5. In no case shall any school official or personnel be entrusted with the safekeeping and
disbursement of collections made by the PTA.

SECTION 6. All disbursements of funds shall be in accordance with generally accepted accounting
and auditing rules and regulations.
SECTION 7. All disbursements shall be accompanied by appropriate resolutions indicating thereof
the purposes for which such disbursements are made.

SECTION 8. No cash advances shall be allowed without valid liquidation of previous cash advances.

SECTION 9. The books of accounts and other financial records of the PTA shall be made available for
inspection by the school head and / or the division PTA affairs committee at any time.

SECTION10. An annual financial statement signed jointly by the PTA president, treasurer and auditor
shall be submitted to the school head not later than thirty (30) days after the last day of classes. Such
financial statement shall be audited by an external and independent auditor, posted in the PTA bulletin
board, and presented to the general assembly during the next school year.

SECTION 11. The pta shall submit to the school head not later than November 30, a mid-school year
financial statement report ending October 30 duly audited and signed by the members of the PTA’s
audit committee.



Section 1. Any official of the Pta and Board Of Directors may be impeached by a vote of 2/3 of the
general assembly called for such purpose by the president or majority of the board on the following
grounds, to wit:

1. Disloyal acts against the constitution.

2. Malicious attacks against the organization and its officers and members.

3. Misappropriation of organization funds.

4. Negligence of duties and responsibilities.

5. Willful violation of this constitution and by-laws or rules, regulations, measures,
resolutions and decisions of the organization.

6. Three (3) successive unexcused absences.

Section 2. The following procedures shall govern impeachment proceedings:

1. Impeachment proceedings shall be initiated by a formal petition or resolution signed by at

least 5% of all bonafide

members of the organization addressed to the president. a confirmation of impeachment

shall require a majority vote

of all members. in all cases, the officer subject to impeachment shall be given the
opportunity to be heard.

2. The president shall convene a general membership meeting to consider the impeachment
of an elective officer or group of officers.

3. In case the president is the object of the impeachment, he/she shall convene the general
assembly within ten (10)

days from receipt of the formal petition. The general assembly shall designate any
member, not an officer, to preside the impeachment proceedings.

4. Officer/s against whom impeachment proceedings had been filed shall be given
opportunity to defend themselves before any impeachment vote is finally taken.

5. A majority vote of bonafide members present constituting a quorum shall be sufficient to

give due course on impeachment proceedings.

6. The decision of the general membership in the impeachment proceedings shall be final
and executory.
Article XIIi

Amendments and ratification

Section 1. Any amendment to or revision of this constitution and by-laws may be proposed by the
board of directors upon a vote of 2/3 of its members.

SECTION 2. Any amendment hereof which may be adopted by the board shall be ratified by a vote
of 2/3 of general membership within thirty (30) days after its adoption.

SECTION 3. No amendment/s to this constitution may be proposed within the period of two (2)
years after its ratification except section 5.2 of article v.

SECTION 4. Copies, thereof must be distributed to members at least three (3) days prior to the date
of the assembly wherein such amendments shall be submitted for approval.



Section 1. This constitution and by-laws shall take effect immediately upon ratification and adoption
by 2/3 of the general membership of the organization.



After the ratification and adoption of this constitution and by-laws, the incumbent officers and board
of directors shall hold office until their successors shall have been duly elected, proclaimed and
ON date _______________________AT ______________________ venue

Certified correct:


General PTA Secretary

Attested by:


General PTA President

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