Zhang Max Yucheng 006183 Reception Autumn 20202021.doc - Zhang Max Yucheng 006183 Reception Autumn 20202021

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Reception End of Term One Report

2020 - 2021

Child’s Name: Max Yucheng Zhang

Class: RRK
Teacher: Ms R. Kelleher

Dulwich College Beijing

Early Years
Early Years End of Term One Report 2020/2021

Summary of Term 1 Achievements

Max is a very independent and confident young boy. He is able to say how he feels and ask for what
he needs using English words.

Max is able to hear and say the initial sounds in words. He has particularly enjoyed playing our
phonics games each day.

Max is able to recognise and say numbers to 10 and is beginning to recognise numbers beyond 10 in
English. He likes to write numbers and enjoys finding numbers around our classroom.

Max loves to role play in many areas of our learning environment. He loves to pretend he is
Ultraman. He is able to use some English words to explain what he is doing.

Next Steps

To follow one step instructions when asked to do so by an adult.

To practise tidying up after he has finished an activity.

To continue to learn single sounds in phonics and begin to sound words out.

To practise using a secure pencil grip in order to write his name and other words.

Max Yucheng Zhang Reception

Early Years End of Term One Report 2020/2021

Specialist Report

In this report you will see objectives and skills that have been taught in specialist lessons. These objectives are taken from
the National Curriculum of England and Wales.

Next to the objective or skill you will see a box labelled “progress”. These boxes show you the progress your child has
made against these strands since they joined in August.

The Early Years specialist teachers have used the following codes for each academic strand:

D: Developing. Working towards the expected level.

E: Expected. The expected progress for their year group.
A: Above expected. Above expected progress for their year group.

If you wish to discuss this report further please contact your class teacher who will be happy to organise a meeting for you
with your child’s Art, Music or PE teacher.

Physical Education

To move confidently in different ways. E

To work sensibly with others, taking turns and sharing. E

To follow simple instructions. E


Use a wide range of materials, including recycled materials, to make products. E

Safely use and explore a variety of tools. A

Use a range of techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas,
experiences and imagination.


Responds to direction from the teacher (eg stop/start) when playing or singing. E

Can beat a steady pulse on simple untuned percussion instruments. E

Use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. E

Class Teacher: Ms R. Kelleher

Date: December 2020

Head of Early Years:


Max Yucheng Zhang Reception

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