Avila Ba3a Quiz#4

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Jannine B.




Quiz # 4

Good Governance and Social Responsibility

1. From the lesson, can you discourse the key concepts of integrity? How does it

Improve your personal life and your relationship with other people? (10pts)

Behaving in an honorable manner no matter who is watching is the act of

integrity. In all aspects of life, a person with integrity demonstrates a strong respect for
ethical principles. They carry out their responsibilities appropriately, carefully, and
responsibly as professionals. This can improve my personal life by following good
manners in every aspect. I can be a responsible human and at the same time respectful

Understanding, accepting, and choosing to live in accordance with one's

principles honesty, fairness, and decency are all parts of acting with integrity. Being
devoid of dishonesty and hypocrisy is a mark of a person with integrity, and they will
consistently exhibit good character.

2. How to measure the benefits of CSR? Explain it comprehensively in three (3)

Different situations. (10 pts)

At the highest level, such measurement enables businesses to select which

programs to support, boost the effectiveness of their CSR initiatives, and involve
stakeholders (and shareholders) in the work. When it comes to their ESGs
environmental, social, and governance goals companies these days are eager to point
to recent advancements.

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