EAPP Script For Podcast Edited

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Given your answers for Parts One (Reading for Purpose) and Part Two (Criti-
cal Reading), what is your overall evaluation of the text? Think of this as
your group’s conclusion to your Output 1.
Mr. Leo’s twitter thread shows his bias towards poor students like him. What he
states on twitter are based on his observations and experiences as a UP student.
The overall theme of his twitter are his own feelings and the hardships he went
through in order to succeed. On the other hand, Mr. Leo is showing that the rich stu-
dents could finish school even  with honors without undergoing any hardships. How-
ever, his idea is not backed up with any data or research that would serve as proof
or evidence regarding the issue he brought up. Because of this, his statement is not
believable or valid even if there is some truth to what he said where students belong-
ing to the high socio-economic status have a big advantage however he did not go
in-depth in order to convince the reader.

2. What are your realizations or reactions (INSIGHT) on the issue presented

by your chosen text and the whole process of analyzing and evaluating it? Is it
relevant in the world today? How so?
Mr. Leo was able to explore and dive into one of the biggest and most important is-
sues of our society which is poverty and this has a big impact on students especially
during this time of the pandemic where online classes are being used. His statement
on twitter is proof of the existence of the digital divide brought about by poverty. If
only the author backed up his statements with reliable data and research, his twitter
thread could have been very believable and valid. For indeed, many of the Filipino
students experience difficulty keeping up and learning because they lack the needed
materials for online learning like gadgets and the internet. On the other hand, if you
are rich and well-off, you don’t have to worry about this kind of education. However,
like Leo, hopefully all students experiencing poverty should not give up and instead
continue fighting because we believe that one’s hard work will bear fruit. Just believe
in yourself and most of all in God. Moreover the government should also be able to
help these students and be able to address the issue of  poverty so that no student
will experience such obstacles in learning whether rich or poor.

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