Muslim Traditions

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Islamic Traditions in India and other Islamic countries, or majority Muslim countries – not

practiced today.

he Qur'an and the Sunnah are the two main sources of Islamic commercial laws.

The main practices that are prohibited are usury, ambiguity in contracts (gharar),
gambling and games of chance (maysir), fraud, bribery, the use of false weights and
measures, taking others’ property unlawfully, and transactions on prohibited (haram)

The Qur'an and the hadith have forbidden usury (riba) in the strongest terms. Riba refers to a
stipulated increase over and above the loan amount that a debtor agrees to pay to the creditor
in relation to a specific period of time.

The other prohibited practice is gharar, which enables a person to obtain another's property
unlawfully and may subsequently lead to disputes and disagreements between them.
Technically, bay al-gharar refers to a sale contract that is attractive to the purchaser in its
form but unknown and ambiguous in its substance.

The term, “maysir” applies to all activities in which a person wins or loses by mere chance. It
includes all kinds of gambling. Islam prohibits all agreements and contracts that involve
elements of chance (maysir). Any earnings from businesses involving haram or forbidden
things are sinful. Muslims are prohibited to own, use, produce, manufacturer, import, or
export prohibited (haram) goods or goods that contain haram elements.

The religious term haram, based on the Quran, is applied to:

 Actions, such as cursing, fornication, murder, and disrespecting your

 Policies, such as riba (usury, interest).
 Certain food and drink, such as pork and alcohol.
 Some ḥalāl objects, foods, or actions that are normally halal (permissible)
but under some conditions become haram. For example, halal food and
drinks during the day in Ramadan or a cow or another halal animal that is
not slaughtered in the Islamic way and in the name of Allah (God).
 Certain inaction, such as abandoning the salah.

In Islam, both gold adornments and silk cloths are prohibited for men to wear
. It is not permissible for a Muslim to import or export alcoholic beverages, or to work
in or own a place that sells these intoxicants. [24 Other intoxicants, such
as tobacco, paan

 Additionally, Islam prohibits excess beautifying that involves the altering of one's
physical appearance. Physical alterations that are considered haram such as tattoos,
shortening of teeth, cosmetic surgery etc

1. A Muslim women is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim man..

2. Muslim women are not allowed to disobey a husband. As long the husband has imaan,
good akhlaq and accordance with Islam law to be a husband then a woman is a must to
obey him.

3. Physical interaction between man and a woman is not permitted in Islam. U are not
allowed to interact (touch) any other man or woman except for your own spouses, this
scenario is applied for both the genders. (but some of muslim break the rules).

4.Islam does not allow women any kind of eye contact (long time) with men because this
contact is the first step to all the unethical feelings.

5. One of the prohibited acts in Islam is lesbianism.. “Lesbian” is a term most widely used
to describe lust and sexual desire between females.

6. Wearing strict and cleavage clothing.

7. Soft corner for na-mehrum In Islamic sharia legal terminology, a mahram is an

unmarriageable kin with whom sexual intercourse would be considered incestuous, a
punishable taboo. Current usage of the term covers a wider range of people and mostly
deals with the dress code practice of hijab. Anyone who a Muslim, including women, is
not allowed to marry is mahram, if they are of the opposite sex and have reached
puberty. A partial list of what is considered a mahram can be found in Surah 24, Ayah 31,
of the Quran.

8. Islam forbids a woman to wear any such thing which can divert the attention of men
towards her, stuff such as perfumes, makeup, jewels or very fancy clothes. if a woman
wearing perfume passes by, then she will divert all the attention towards herself. A
Muslim woman is not an object for exhibition but a symbol of respect.

9. Going out with uncoveread head (without hijab) this is the important but some of
muslim women didnt hear what Allah said in Quran to dress modestly and cover they
hair with hijab/khimar.

10. Muslim women is not allowed to do pray (salah), read Quran, perform umrah/hajj ,
fasting, and haraam to do s*xual intercourse during menstruation (haid).

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