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FORCES OF THE IMPERIUM ALASERBURN SUPPLEMENT by BRYAN ANSELL FORCES OF THE IMPERIUM Being details of the organisation, equipment and vehicles of the forces of the Emperor and his Lord Knights, Includes Infantry, Black Guard, Scouts, Law Officers & Merc - The structure of Inperial units tends to vary from planot to planet, particularily fon the Frontier Worlds, here nany of the armies.of the Lord Knights ere too-snall to justify full platoon sized units of all the epecialist arn, and vo compact plekoone are formed containing elonente of many troop typec, these very coneiderably in composition and are knewn as ‘Colonie! Platoons'. In this booklet we,set out organisations and equipment of both the ‘official’ units ‘of the Inner Worlds and larger Frontier forces, and the nore veried structure. of Colonial units. We ere also including additional rule information for using Imperial Forces vith 'Leserbuen' skirmish and ‘Imperial Commander’ mass-conbat rules. For use with LASERBURN & IMPERIAL COMMANDER (©) bryan Ansell and Tabletop Games January 1982 Illustrations by Tony Yates MPERIAL ASSAULT GROUP Major - Force Sword, Laser Pivtol, Personel force buble.| 2 x Lieutenants with Force Sword and Laser Pistol [ATTACHED * [ATTACHED® SCOUTS MERCENARIES FIRST ATTACK GROUP SECOND ATTACK GROUP ee Captain with Force Sword & Lager Pistol. 4 x Troopers with Grenede Launchers, Support Auterenger 1d Laser Piste 3 x Troopers with Bolters. N.C.0. vith Heavy Bolter -C.0. vith Bolter x Troopers with Balters. x Trooper vith Heavy * See notes folloving. The Imperial Trooper STAI One throw is made to determine the ‘status! of the entire complement of N.C. other ranks in each platoon. [oice score pico | STATUS Ray recruits Regulars Elite Troops Throw separately for EACH officer:- LASERBURN, IMPERIAL COMMANDER Status. Dice Throw Status Recruit 1-95 ‘Aa reat of the unit. Regular Elite 96-00 Hero Veteran Hero Equipment IPPERIAL LIGHT ARWOUR The otendard Inperial Armour is a complete suit of light armour. This includes on autoranger (@ll Imperial weaponry include aulorenger adaptor as standard), breathing apparatus, and « Jetpack. Sets of army surplus armour are found widely used by Fivilians es spacesuits. The radio fitted provides communication over 100 netres but not from room to room when indoors. ‘THE BOLT GUN 38 The Inperial Golt gun is of @ particularily compact and sturdy design, it is othervise standard in function. HEAVY BOL TCUN Again entirely standerd. Each conbat squad includes a trooper armed vith a heavy bolter. These nay he detached to form = separate Assault Support Squad which cooperates with the Company Support Squad in giving long range support. fire. IMPERIAL GRENADE LAUNCHER The Inperial Grenade Launcher is @ special version; a three shot repeater. Three magaz~ ines are corried:- 1) 3 x HE grenades 2) 3x Riot Cartridges 3) Specialist grenade oe required, typically Vortex, Smoke, Flare. The loads of these may be changed to suit specific missions. Troopers armed with grenade launchers are equipped vith a cupport autorangor. All grenade launchers in the attack group are ranged in to the autoranger displays of a single pre~ nominated conbat equad. RAPID FIRE SUPPORT BOLTER Standard weopon, capable of rapid fire vith a magezine holding 50 rounds. It io alsu capable of eingle shot, semi-automatic end fully automatic as vell as rapid fire settings. CONVERSION BEAM PROJECTOR, LASER PISTOL, FORCE SWORD, These are all standard veapons, detsils of vhich are given in the Laserburn rules. GRENADES Three grenades are carried by each trooper. These are eelected according to circunatanct Typically they are, ene smoke, ono flare and one HE. AMMUNITION One full reload is carried by each trooper. Ammunition type is selected according to cir- eunstance, but standard issue is Armour Piepcing Holts, SKILLS Where skills are yained, Urey will normally be either Weaponskill with the appropriste weapons, or lightning reactions. Heros may throw randomly. Officers vith veaponsmith skill may cerry customised weapons. aULOMED ICS ALL Inperiat officers and N.C.0.'s carry automedics. ATTACHED scouts There is an 8u% chance of a squad of scouts being attached to the Imperial platoon. Type Atkoched oar oy Handler Sq7ed Bike Squad Seout Vehicle ATTACHED HERCENARIES There is a 40% chance of @ unit of Mercenaries being attached to the Inperial Platoon. Si later section for details of orgenisation and equipment. ATTACHED BLACK GUARD There is a 30% chance of @ unil of Black Guardsmen being attached to the Inperial Platoon. If this is the case, there is a 30% chance of the Major of the unit alco being a menber of the Guard. IMPERIAL COMBAT SCOUTS Major - Laser Pistol Force Bubbl 2 x Lieutenants - Heavy Bolt Rifle, Force Svord, Laser Pistol. 2 x Troopers ~ Heavy Bolt Rifle, Force Svord, Laser Pistol. Force Sword, Personal DOG HANDLERS SCOUT BIKES SENIOR | Lieutenant - Bike, Heavy Bolter] fsquad | Foreo Sword, Loser Pistol. 4 x Scouts ~ Bike, Heavy Bolter, Force Sword, Laser Pistol. SEOO [NU anda w Sonute ar Sau) | aa denser saved: TTR |, [ER [ne Seeona Sauee a ond id Lieutenant - Grenade Launcher Force Sword, Laser Pistol 4 x Scouts ~ Grenade Launcher Force Sword, Laser Pistol. SECOND [N.c-0 and 4 x Troopers SQUAD _| All armed as First Squad. Officer - Converoion Beam, Force Sword, Leser Pistol. 4 x Troopers - Conversion Bean, Force Sword, Laser Pistol | SUPPORT ‘SQUAD ‘SCOUT VEHICLES SENIUR | Lieutenant - Scout Vehicle, Heavy VEHICLE | Bolter, Force Svord, Laser Pistol.| Trooper - Scout Vehicle, Heavy Bolter, Force Sword, Laser Pistol | ‘SECOND | N.C.0 & 1 x Trooper VEHICLE | arned_as Senior Vehicle. THIRD ure _| AS Second vehicle FOURTH VeHtete | 8S Second vehiclr. The Imperial Combat Scouts are primarily intended to serve ae forvard ecouts for the army, in thie capacity they are often attached to the infantry. They also eerve as for- ward observers for the ertillery and es @ moving strike force where required, STATUS Throw one dice (0100) to determine the otatuo of the entire complement of N.C.0.'s and aaa other ranke in each Platoon. Regular Elite Veterens Throw separately for FACH officer LASERBURN IMPERIAL COMMANDER Dice Score | Status 01-90 | As rest of the unit Hero Equipment No armour is worn other than a helmet with support autoranger and ewergency breathing pnw Standard imperial Heavy Bolt Rifle, Force Syord, Laser Pistol, Conversion Beem and Coeds Lolbohere: cos facund: Mah’ Poaey Jetpesior'ure elie bed Grenades, Skills, Ammunition and Weaponry are as per the infantry unite. OG HANDLERS, The ten deg handlere each operste in conjunction vith a cyborg dog. Via @ lens implanted Jin the dogs head they get a view on their oupport autoranger display with which they can target in using their grenade launcher or zero in ertillery fire, The movements of the 09 are controlled by coded verbel comends to sn implanted transmitter, cyoors pag Vovement is 30 metres per mové . Because of their small size, speed and ability to use low cover, deduct 20% vhen firing ‘at o cyborg dog st over 10m. range. Count as a running tarnet if the doa is moving over 15m, in @ moves Cyborg doys have a Combat Skill of 70+ They will be dicobled by any serious wound. If a dogs controller should die ar be KO'd*the dog vill renain stationary until it is fired upon, vherew.on it vill attack its assailent. THE BLACK GUARD SQUAD] 4 x Guards - Bolt Rifle, Force Sword. = IND | Lieutenant - 2 x laser Pistols] Force Sword. 4 x Guardo ~ Bolt Rifle, Force Si The Black Guard serve in detachments of just 15 men, These are attached to infantry or Colonial Units to provide a spearhead of ferocious Fighters. STATUS BLACK GUAROSHAN — Veteran ] OFFICER fcwper! sist [150 for 406 v1 x 10) Dice score | status Combat skii | 80 Cor 306 x8) = Initiative Lovel| 16 (or 406 +2) +e ero.» Extra: Lightn Specialist Skill] Lightning Reactions 7 ing Reactions Skill | + 91-00 Inquisition Agent see later section. 1 Soo page 5 of Lecerbur rules Equipment Ihe Guardenen are equipped as the equivelent infantry, except that each san cerrys @ Force Sword end officers have a pair of Laser Pistols, Vortex grenades are popular for maximum disruption effect in the attack. The Grenade Launchers of the Comand Squada of any infantry platoon that the Guard are Bttached to sill be Keyed into theit autorangere under most cizcunstances. 7 POWER ARMOUR PLATOON COMMAND | Major - Assault Pover Armour, 3 metre radigp ‘SQUAD Force Field. Coptain ~ Assault Power Armour, Personal Farce 3X N.C.0.'s - Pover Armour, Double Sarrelled rt Bolter. Tieutenant - Assault Pover Armour, Pereonal Force Bubble. 2x Troopers = Assault Power Armour 2 x Troopers - Pover Armour, Plasma Gun. N.C.0 — Assault Power Armour. 2 x Troopers - Assault Pover Armour « 2 x Troopers - Power Armour, Plasma Gu THERD ICOMBAT | As second squad. [SQUAD.. STATUS One throw is made to determine the status of the entire complement of N.C.0.'s end other ranks in each platoon. Throw separetely fur EACH officer LASERBURN Dice Score] Status 01-75 | Elite 76-95 |Veteran 96-00 INPERTAL COMMANDER Dice Score] Status 01-85 | As rest of| the unit. 96-00 Hero POWER ARMOUR The Imperial Power Armour incorporates en autorenger, a heavy duty jetpack and @ Pover Glove in the right hand. ASSAULT POWER ARMOUR In addition to the above, Imperial Assault Pover Armour incorporates an integral double- barrelled lacer in cach arm - these have the penstration and offect ofa Laser Rifle, but only the accuracy of @ Laser Pistol, a standard battery gives 25 shots to each berrell. The left arm incorporates @ double-barrelled Hand Flamer with 10 shots in each berrell. PLASMA GUN The Pleone Gun is Larger and nove poverful then the Sun Cys TE 8 a heavy weapon, but Se 2 bully that ut can enly be currdBd by Pover Armed ui bsceuwught Armoured troops the effect ie ao per the sun Gun, On, DaLeery and one Backppck gives 3 shale. hee of effect is tvice thet of the Sun Gun template. DOUBLE DARRELLED SUPPORT BOLTER Power and Dreadnought Armoured troops do not need a tripod or biped vhen Firing rapid fire support veapons, providing that thoy remain otationary for the entire moves their ormour is considered to brace then against the bulk and recoil of the weapon. Inperiel troops issued with ¢ multi-barcelled weapon are considered to have been adequately Leained in their use, and so do not suffer the 10% sccuracy penalty for a non-veaponanith using a customised veepon. Initiative los for carrying the double-barreled Support Bolter is 6. DREADNOUGHT ARMOUR PLATOON Tieutenant ~ Dreadnought Arsour- SECOND |h0.0, = Daeecrmacht Kewour 3's Troopers Dreadnought, Arsour: Suatus AlL Dreadnought troopers are veterans. Officers heve # 5% chance of being Heros. EQUIPHENT IMPERIAL DREADNOUCHT ARMOUR Inperiel Oreednouyfil Armwur incorporates the follovings- 1) SUPPORT AUTORANGER - Any member of the platoon may key in to the autoranger of any other menber to yive support missile fir ) AUTOMEDIC ) HEAVY DUTY JeTPaCK 4) MISSILE LAUNCHER A treble barrelled misaile launcher is mounted. All three berrella may be fired simultaneously at the sane target if desired. The tuo outer barrells are single shot, but tho contrel barrell hee on sutonstic reload facility for e single extra missile. This facility is used to cerry @ mininke in total wer situations. 5) HEAVY BOLTER - A double barrelled heavy bolter is incorporated in the right arm. This has the penetration and effect of a heavy bolter, but the accuracy of a Bolt Pistol. The magazine holds 15 shots per barfell, it is not possible to relnad in combat situations. 6) LASER - The Laser mounted on the left arm hae the penetration and effect of a heavy lever, but the accuracy of a Lacer Pistol. One standard battery Provides 50 shots. 7) POWER GLOVE The right hand incorporates a Pover Glove. AGENTS OF THE INQUISITION Many senior army officers, especially those of the Black Guard, are monbera of the Imperial Inquisition, their monbership aives them a position af privelege and paver, but no aparific physical advantages in conbat. The actual cutting edge of the Inquisition io provided by it egenta. Agente of the Inquisition fare enaverable only to their Inquistition Lord; vithin the contex of their current mission they have sbsolute authority. The training of an agent perraliels that of the Sentinels in ite thouroughness. ALL egents are Heros and add one to their dice rollo vhen determining skills. Agents often carry an assortment of special veaponry, incl~ ding cut dovn heavy weapons and miniaturised versions of standard weapons 83 appropriate. Personal force bubbles are universally worn. The agents do have an official uniform, this 1s worn for official duties, but agents vill dress appropriately for their current mission. Where attached to en infantry unit they will vear Imperial Armour, vhere attached to the Sentinels or Colonial Police they will wear the appropriate uniform, and If 50 or more men are present with a force, there is a 5% chance of an Imperial Agent being attached to that force in an'advisoryteapacity. LAW OFFICERS Sentinels The Law Officers of the Home Worlds are the Sentinels. These men are trained to an almost inhuman level of precision and dedication from childhood. After 15 years of hard training, they emerge from the Lev Acadamy ao perfect street-warriars; single minded uphalders af the lau. All Sentinels are Heros, but with slightly improve: skills: WEAPON SKILL 210 (or 60s x10) COMBAT SKILL 190 (or 406 x10) INITIATIVE LEVEL 23 (or 506 + 3) SKILLS D6 but add 2 to all throws choose skills as you feel appropriate. POINTS VALUE 1,000 (2) Sentinels vill not nornally be organised into units, but vill be present as individualls. There is a certain anount of friction between the Sentinels and the agents of the Inquisition. No Sentinel is prepared to stand by while an agent bends the law to suit his oun purposes, and co the agents often Find it necessary to keep’ ‘8 fairly lov profile while cerving in the Hone Worlds. THE COLONIAL POLICE The Colonial Police provide lav enforcement on the Frontier Worlds. They take the Sentinels es their model, but rarely acheive conparsble etendarda of training. STATUS Throw to determine the stetus of all Colonial Police in a given region. This table gives results for both Laserburn end Inperial Conmander rules. DIcr Score ~_ STATUS Raw Recruits Regulora Elite Veterans Heros. Equipment No armour is ueually worn, but in civil disorder end sone combat oituations Flak Jackets may be issued. The standard helmet incorporates an autoranger displey. 20% of Sentinels and Policemen are trained to use a cyborg dog. These are equipped with fr nippore atitsrenges"andan ‘npecial: Grehade Leimicher’ Inree magazines are carried:~ SE ae 2) 3 x Concussion Grenades 3) 3x K.0. Gas Grenades RIOT CARTRIDGES Riot cartridgco fire a burst of plestic pellets. Use the Plasme Gun template, it is divided inlo Uwe areas; close, medium and long. Close Range - Each target in the tonplote takes 06 hits. If ony are taken at clooe range, then targote at medium ‘and long range have been shielded, and cannol be hil. Medium Range- Each target in the template takes Dé-2 hits. Long Range - Each target in the template takes D6-3 hits. EFFECT - Penetration is as a Dun-Oum bullet, effect is as a standard laser. RIOT STICK Tho riot atick diepences an electric shock to ite victim if any ‘sort of blow makes contact. ‘Penetration’ is and ‘penetration’ vil until a 6 i¢ thrown on a D6. Head and body hits K.0. One atomic battery will provide indefinite energy; but the stick may be set to discharge its entire energy in one Dlov. if it hits it will count as a force blade vith +4U% penetration. This facility 4g rarely used under normal circunstances, #s theoretically Lav Officers and Sentinels are supposed to cause as little harm to civilians as necessary, even criminals. It is hovever very useful for bursting through valle and doors. RIOT SHIELD The riot shicld io @ force shield incorporating o riot cartridye diocherger. This is @ single shot veapon only. BOLT PISTOL ‘The Lov Officers Bolt Pistol incorporates two four shot magazines. It is possible to svitch back and forth from one to the other. The first holds standard shells, and the second 'tangle-shella Tengle Shells - These may be fired from any bolt gun. On impact they discharge a fast-setting epoxy web. Effect is as folloving:~ Area Effected Throv twice for location- effect on both. ‘Arm unusable, weapon, if carried, 18 now carried is naw useless. Legs stick together, no movement; fall over. Power and Oreadnought ermour is wut effected. Law Officers carry @ can of solvent in airsol form, which will instantly melt the web. AMMUNITION, One full reload is carried by each officer. Thran grenades will be issued in riot and war situations. Type as appropriate to circunstance. ORGANISATION There is no formal organisation. But officers will be formed into ad-hoc groups of five in combat situations. Throv a 06: All units with riot gear, one unit in five is a dog handler unit with grenade leunchers. 3or 4 | Standard equipnent, each unit consists of 4 officers with pistol, ume with grenade launchers Sor 6 | Standard equipment, one unit in three will be equipped with grenade launchers. Occasionaly (3% of the tine) Sentinels may be attached to Colonial Police units ax advisors. MERCENARIES Mercenary units are often used by Imperial Lord Knights, either attached to Inperiol infantry platoons, or as independant units. What follows are rules for creating mercenary unite randomly, you may prefer to simply gather together what suitable models you have, and form them into sensible sized units. Alternatively you may use this system to determine what Figures you buy. There are three types of unit; Fully organised uniform Lroups, Professiunal Adventurers and Spaceways Scum; adventurers, outcasts, space pirates end killers loosly bended to- gether to Find employment. ATTACHED HERCENARY GROUPS ‘These vill consist of Dé+1 squads each of which comprises D6+2 men and formed into a Bingle attack group. INOEPENDANT. MERCENARY GROUPS These vili consist of 406 (round doun fractions) atteck groups, possibly with attached uppart. groups. 12 FULLY ORGANISED UNIFORM TROOPS Throw one (D6+2) to determine the numberof men in each squad, each squad will contain the sane number status Throw to determine the atatue of the entire complement of ‘other renko' in each platoon. Regulero Elite Troops Veterans: Throw for EACH N.C.0, and OFFICER. LASERBURN IMPERIAL COMMANDER Statue Dice Score statue Recruit Regular Elite Veteran Hero 8 Equipment each squad. Dice for the type of equipment: in ‘ARMOUR EQUIPMENT® SETPACKS (010) Dice Score Nothing Jetpack Copp. Suord or Deg Handgun Pover Glove. * Throw 06 times on this table. If the same item c Folloving:- A.P. Ammunition, Oum-Dum Anmunition, Mi |r*. Throw 0100 Dice Score Dagger Sword Laser Needle: 16-30 31-45 | Mondagger 296-80 | Monoevord Bolter 81-90 | Force Dagger Slug G 91-00 _| Force Sword Hand F. ‘STANDARD WEAPONS Throw e D100 Taser Rifle Note 36-60 | Bolt Rifle 61-80 | Assault Rifle 81-90 | Autolaser SMG. SUPPORT WEAPONS Each conbet squad may have one menber arned with or command squad of each attack group may consist Fach attack group in the force may nave @ support Throw a D100 vi-08 ‘Grenade Launcher 09-16 Missile Louncher 17-20 Conversion Bean Projector 21-25 Heavy Bolt Gun 26-32 Heavy Laser 33-37 Support Laser 30-42 Support Golter a3-46 Heevy Hachine Gun 47-50 Double Berrelied Weapon (throw again for type) 51-00 No support squad, or no support weapons issued to the combat squad. josite) pains Autoranger Zé ~ omes up twice, instead select one of the Micre grenade launcher attachment. # Throw as Random Geners- tion Chart on page 21 of the Leserburn ules = 3 time ## Troops with grenade launchers or Missile 1au- ‘nchers are equipped with support autorangers. ‘aner Officers and N.C.0.'s may substitute 2 handgun and sword for the standard weapon. Officers and N.C.0.'6 of Laser and Assault Rifle unite may eubstitute Autolasers end 5.M,G.'s respectively. @ support weopon of some kind. The senior of men armed with # support weapon. squad armed with support weapons. POWER & DREADNOUGHT ARMOUR All Pover and Dreadnought armour comes equipped with eutoranger end high power jetpack. Throw a D6 to determine the weaponry carried [bice score [Type 1 to 3 | Heavy Weapon 4 to 6 | Integral Weaponry HEAWY WEAPONS (0100) Dice Score Type Sun Gun Pigema Gun Support Laser Support Bolter Double Berrelled Support. Laser Double Barrelled Support. Bolter Missile Launcher Pover Weapon. INTEGRAL WEAPONRY (D6+1) Dice Score Laser Heavy Laser (cut down) Bolter Heavy Bolter (cut doun) Grenade Launcher Missile Launcher Pover Glove Nothing. Throw for each weapon (D6) 1 to 3] Singled Barrelled 4 to 6 | Double Berrelled If Ure same weapon uccurs more than once, then it is installed on each arm. wolt-Visor sighting aid. Mind liner to power aysten Filter system Oxygen supply Exo skeleton power packs Blast visor MRIII flight pack Frontal protection shield Secondary shield 2 x ¥309 Loser guns Armour Pi 3 leg guards PROFESSIONAL ADVENTURERS Professional Adventurers are capeble fighters who have come together in groupa to better provide a service to their employer. They will commonly organise themselves into squsds equipped with the sane weaponry, for ecnvenience of ammunition eupply and service of equipment. The composition of a force of professional adventurers is determined in a similer vay to Uniformed Troope, vith the major exception that the number ef mon in esch squad, ‘and their respective equipment nd weaponry i8 determined seperately. STATUS One throv is made to determine the status of the entire complement of othor ranka:— Regulars Elite Troops Voterans OFFICERS AND There is @ 30% chance that al1“officere will be attsched Imporicl Officera, ethervies throw ao below. TASERBURW THPERTAL_COMANOER: Regular 5 ‘As rest of unit Elite Hero Veteran Imperial Officer Hero ‘Attached Inperial Officer Othervise determine weapons and equipment ae for Uniformed Troops, but treat each squad separately. However, there is no pre-delermined allocation uf support squads. Inoteed & proportion of the force is made up of specialist troops. Armed either with support veapons, or close combat equipment. Thro 8 06 for each squad, a 6 means it ie 2 epecialist quad. Throw again:— 1 tu 3 | Support weapons - throw as previous chert 4 to 6 | Close combat weapons = throw as belov. CLOSE COMBAT WEAPONS Throv twice on a D100 DICE SCORE ~ Ol-10 Foree Shield Force Sword Poser tia ach monber of the Close Conbat Riot Stick Squad vill carry four grenades, Hand Flomer type as sppropriate. Leoor Pistol SPACEWAYS SCUM The degenerates, homicidal maniacs and peychotice of interplanetery civilisation find @ useful role ad hired killers in the service of the Inperium. Though their excessec must be controlled within Une bounderiesof the tone Worlds, out on the frontier they can be unleschod; often to cause havoc behind enemy lines. On the battlefield, their notley selection of weapons end equipment is difficult to integrate vith Inperial tactics, and their best use is ae assault troops. To this end they are often doped up with Steam; to get then in end killing a fast andes frantically aa possible. tach attack group of Scum consists of 5010 nen (or wonen). Determine the equiprent of cach man seperately, then organise then into squads, of vhatever size you like, by conbining men of roughly similar weeponry. WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT Throw D6 times on the following chart [Dice sore [weapon] Blade Combat Equipment Nothing Hand guns Shoulder Weapons BLADES - Throw a DG Dice Score Dagger Svord Manodagger Monesward Foree Dagger Force Sword. COMBAT EWULPMENT - Throv @ 010 Lor 2 Foree Glove Sor 4 Shield HAND GUNS - Throw D, ‘SHOULDER WEAPONS — 06 5 or 6 Foree Shield — 709 Grenades (06) Dice Score | _ Type Dice Score a a. 1 [taser i Taser 2 Bolter 2 Bolter 3 Needier 3 Agoualt R.| HEAVY WEAPONS ~ throw a D10 ee sp eeele 3 eat Type 6 Slug Gun 3 Autolaser Vor 3 Missile Launcher a aeeeie. 4ors Heavy Leoor — 6 Support Laser « ; Support Bolter Usualy riot cartridges 8 Heavy Machine Gun goro Conversion Beam 7 ec sinus = Flak Light Body Armour. Light Armour + Use Uniformed Troops Power Armour* chart for these. 20% of the Scum have jetpacks 30% of the Scum have autorangera If any man should end up unarmed, give hime a force svord. In general, squads equipped vith mostly close combat veapons vill be high on ‘stean'. No moze than one shoulder or heavy vespon may be carried; excess armament mist be discarded. These desperados ere all of more or less reasonable competence when it cones to steying alive themselves while killing other peuple, Unouyh they leck any real creative spark or enthusiaoun, so we consider all the other ranks to be of requiar soldier status. Hovever, each squad will have @ leader, vho will be the nost quipped man from each squé gressive or dangerous individual present, so pick the and throw for his status: Verteran Hero Far too dangerous to be Moved to live - Substitute an Imperial Officer. TRANSPORT CORPS Inperial infantry platoons are not expected to provide their own drivers. This role is filled by the menbers of the Imperial Transport Corps. These are all regular soldiers, and equipped 26 a otandard Inperial infantry man. As long 9 they ere ‘Linked’ (within 16m) to the unit they fare trangporting they count as part of that unit, and are suD- ject to its morale status, Once separated they count as one-man units. All Imperial vehicles run on atomic batteries. 18 Glaive Troop Transporters GLAIVE TROO TRANSPORTER (APC: The standerd ‘Glaive’ troop transporter body is available vith four different propulsion units - Anti-grav, Wheeled, Tracked and Hover, the type most appr- opriate for plenatary conditions is provided. The Glaive carvies eight men plus a driver, though each five man combat squad is usually provided with its oun vehicle. ‘Armour is dreednough class. FIRING PORTS Tieipainle wre provided for Uw insleligti®G@eba-tucrete. pearomance The following are the performance details given in five cateqaries: Maximun Acceleration per Move This gives the number of metres per move that the vehicles speed may be increased by. It tekes one move to start the vehicle up. Maximun Oecceleration per Move Gives the number of metres per move that the vehicles ‘speed may be decreased by. Wneeled vehicles loose 3 m. Per move when crossing rough qround in addition to this ‘anount, Tue ny Cipcle This is expressed as © fraction uf Ube current move distance. Thus @ vheeled vehicle traveling at 30n per turn hes @ turning redius of 15m. Maximum Speed Thic ie given for Roade, Croce Country and Rough Cround. A vehicle exceeding its meximun speed for the terrain type stands w 508 chance of spinning out per turn, This also applies to Anti-grav units changing levels. ANTE-GRAV_UNITS These have different performance details depending how high they are flying. They may climb Sm. or descend 10m. per turn. They may not climb higher than 30m. ‘PERFORMANCE DETAILS Mex Docent. | ening Tox Speed rele [Road [eros Country [Rough Ground me [a z 12m ks = 50 - 20m a = 40 = Fa 100 1 | «| @ © is e : | S| & % 20m high 3m 6m 1 30 30 30 30m high 2m am 1 20 20 20 Scorpion Assault Lander The Scorpion is used to drop troops from space transports directly into action. It carries 12 men plus driver, Usually two combat squads are dropped together. Armour is dreadnought class. Four robo-turrete are fitted ao atendard on the underside, but additional turrets may be mounted either below or on the upper structure. Pover is provided by large anti-grav units, these are designed specificaly for maximum deceleration, so the Scorpion may deccelerate ao much as required, landing directly vhere- ever desired in one turn if the Inperial Comander wishes. Occupants mount and dismount vie the large ramp on the front of the vehicle, this nay be lovered on the landing turn, preparitory to the occupants descending on the folloving turn. 30 30m 2m 20m An Eu) Turning rediue ie tvice the current move distance. Maximum clinb ie 2kn per turn, but once iL twa descended the Scorpion may not clinb beyond 30m. 20 Partizan Scout Car The Partizan carries two scouts, no driver is provided by the transport corps in this vatwes. Armour ie Power Armour clase. Aoingie Rebo turret. ie fitted. PERFORMANCE DETAILS Wax Accn 12 Mex Deccn 18m Turning Circle Max Speed 60m. Imperial Scout Bike & Police Bike These combat bikes are treated for movement and firing ac jetcycles, with the folloving important exceptions. 1) They may nat take of f 2) Turning radius is < current move speed. 3) Cycle falls from sky! result is changed to 'spin out! 4) The Frontal armour on the scout bike counts as Pover Armour, The rider may not be hit by shots from the front. WEAPONRY. = The Police Bike Hounte a quadruple grenade launcher unit, barrelo may be fired all at once or singly. Normal load is rict shells, they may only be fired forvards. Reloading is only possible vhile the bike is stationary. The Scout Bike Mounte © quadruple mieeile louncher unit, barrelo moy be fired oll at once of singly. Load veries according to circunotances, but vortex, smoke and gas are popular for maximum disruption They may only be Tired forvards. Reloading is only possible while the bike 18 stationary Scythe Class Helicopters The Scythe carries six men plus pilot. Armour is Light Armour class, but a Force Field Generator ic carried, vith on/off adoptor for any weapon pode carried. The Scythe mey travel in whatever direction it chooses, up, down, sideways, whatever. PERFUKMANCE DETAILS Max Acen 12h Max Decen 30m Max Speed 1200 Turning Radiue 4, current move distance. In order to land the Seylhe must be travelling at not more than 12m in the forwards and 6m in the downwards or sideways directions. a WEAPON pops The Scythe fires its pods by means of a strafing run like a jetcycle, except thet it is carried out between 5 and 15m above the ground. Three pods ere available; Ivin Support Lasers, Conversion Beam Projector and [win Missile Leuncher. A pod may be fixed on each side of the helicopter. Ammunition and reload cé bility allovs three strafing runs. Reloading is not then possible until it returns te its base. Throw 2 x 06 (minimum score 4) far the number of turns the helicopter takes to reach ite base and reload. ROBO-TURRETS Roboturrets are un-manned weapon mounts which automatically respond to fire directed at the vehicle on which it is mounted, If a shot passes vithin 24m, of the vehicle, the roboturret will instantly end eutomatic- ally fire back. Calculate the shot as if the firer has a weapon skill of 150. The maximum rate of fire is aluays used. AMMUNITION Migeile units have three reloads, Slug Firing vespono have a hopper of 500 rounde. Bolt firing weapons heve hopper uf 200 rounde. Energy weapons ere plugged directly inte the vehicle's energy supply. VULNERABILITY Count each roboturrel as an uccupent of Lhe vehicle fer Lhe purpose of receiving Fire. Thus 1f an ‘occupant hit' result is obtained it may be one of the robo-turrets. They ere Light Armour Class. 22 UNIFORM COLOURS IMPERIAL INFANTRY. The 'Officiel' colours for all Imperial infantry is sand coloured armour and darkbrown yeapons and belts. However, individual Lord Knights often make up their oun minds as to what colours are most auitable, and local terrain conditions have a strong influence. NIT DIFFERENTIATION ‘The central rib of the Imperial helmet is coloured with the units platoon colour. It ie edged with red for infantry units blue for transpart corps and green for scouts. The shoulder peices of officers and N.C.U."s are edged in red. ‘BLACK GUARD Helmets ond shoulder peices ore black. SENTINELS The Sentinels uniform is blue with light blue helmets, gloves and padding, belts are ‘sand. COLONIAL POLICE ‘The Colonial Police wear a vhite uniform, vith mid-blue helmets, gloves end padding, belts are sand. VEHICLES, Official colours are send for military, blue or light blue for Police, but local colour= ing or Lord Knights preference usually governs actual colour schenes. SUPPORT WEAPONS - Rapid Fire support weapons are a sophisticated and rather bulky version of standard heavy veapons. The feature of these is en extra fire setting; AF (rapid fire). The mechanics of firing RF weapons are exectly the sane as for firing fully automatic, exoept that three times the nunber of chote are fired. Calculate the firing exactly os if firing fully automatic, but each tine a hit is scored, throw a Dé:~ lor 2 One hit scored 3or4 Two hits scored ) These hits vill be on the same 5 or 6 Three hite scored) area of the body. Because of their bulk RF vespons require some sort of support to be manageable when Fired, alternatives are as follovs:- 2) .A bipod.or tripod may be carried, counting as @ shoulder veepon for additional encum- berence. If carried detached it Counts as one action to afix. The firer mst kneel or lie dovn to use a tripod, lie dovn to use a bipod. 2) Military vehicles invariably feature pintie or swivel mounting points for heavy weapons, these are ideal and effortless in use. 3) A handy'vall er windovaill may be uoed. 4) The shoulder of a comrade may be used. Both men either kneeling or standing. Magazines far machine guna and support bolters are large and heavy, and extra magavines carried count as 3 handguns for encunberence purposes. So treat Firing RF support weapons exactly ae firing @ heavy veopon on FA, with the, above rules, and the folloving variationay Firing Rupid Fire Support Weapon -20 Firing Rapid Fire Support Weapon without rest ~au Using a pintle or swivel mount +20 23 MACHINE Guy SUPPORT LASER Sonewhat dated, but still in use by Wrrepid fire weapon using two standard those vho desire a simple, fixable batteries vhich give 100 pulses. mechaniam rather than the sophist- Capable of single shot, seni-autonatic, ication of a support Bolter or Laser. fully automatic or rapid fire settings. Cost 250 credits Availability. 20% fomt © S00 credits Availability 0% pan but GUN rapid fire support wespen holding a magezine of 50 rounds. Capable ofaingle shet, segimavtanat ie, fully automatic and rapid Fine settings. Cost 600 eredite Availebility 10% VEHICLE MOUNTED WEAPONS . Vehicle mounted support Bolters and:Meenine Guns may be Mopper Ted, vith a oupply of up to 200 and 500 rounds respectively. Support Lasers may be plugged inte the vehicle's energy supply. Randomly Encountered Imperial Troopers In skinmish ganes, small groups of Imperial Troopers will probsbly be encountered withoot them necessarily being part of @ formally organised unit, co y8u may wish to throw for their veopencys— Throv @ 0100 Officer with Laser pistol and Force Blade. Officer with lovor pitel, Fores ovord and Force Trooper vith Support. Bolber Irooper vith Conversion wean Projector. ‘Trooper vith grenade leuncher Trooper vith Heavy Bolter Tnpoper with Bolter Block Cuerd Officer Black Guardenan Scout with Heavy Bolter Scout Officer vith Hoavy Bolter Scout with Grenade Launcher and Bog Scout Officer with Grenade Leuneher end Dog Scout vith Conversion Dcom Projector Scout Officer with Conversion Been Projector Uniformed Mercenary Professional Adventurer Space Scum A TABLETOP GAMES PRODUCT

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